A DNA test proved that Claire was Victoria and Cole's daughter. Jordan kidnapped Claire from the hospital. Tucker finalized his deal to buy Glissade from Ashley. Jack and Kyle plotted to nail Tucker for corporate fraud. Michael and Lauren surprised one another with romantic Christmas Eve proposals.

Claire's DNA test results show she is Cole and Victoria's daughter
Monday, December 18, 2023
by Anne Carpenter
Tucker was sitting at the Athletic Club bar when Audra entered. Tucker called out to Audra and quipped that he almost did not recognize her without her lover boy following behind at her heels. Audra rolled her eyes and replied, "You know, I'll admit I underestimated Kyle, but I know better now." Tucker acknowledged that it did not seem possible to underestimate Kyle. Audra explained that Kyle believed Tucker was setting him up to take the fall for Tucker's schemes to undermine Jabot. Audra asked Tucker if Kyle's suspicions had merit. Tucker replied that Kyle's assumptions were wrong, though Kyle would likely rush to tell Jack the whole story.
Audra grew quiet and distracted as she contemplated Kyle's predicament. Tucker summoned Audra's attention, insisting that she should remember that their goal was to ascend to the top, no matter what. Audra reiterated Kyle's fears that part of Tucker's plan meant he would be set up to take the blame and be left with nothing. Audra noted that Kyle had decided to back out after Tucker had revealed his plan. Tucker scoffed that Audra had allowed "this kid" to get under her skin. Audra berated Tucker for assuming that Kyle was nave.
Audra asked Tucker if he planned the same fate for her. Tucker explained that he and Audra were a team, whereas Kyle was an Abbott. Tucker apologized for acting as if he did not appreciate and value his relationship with Audra. Audra replied that Tucker's words were often meaningless. Tucker replied, "I respect very few people in this world, but I respect you. I trust no one except you. You know me. You call me out. You make this fun." Tucker praised Audra's intellect and said that he loved the way her eyes lit up whenever they were about to "go in for a kill."
Audra, unconvinced, asked Tucker why he had never communicated his feelings. Tucker claimed that he thought they had shared an unspoken understanding based on their deep emotional connection. Audra was taken aback when Tucker said he was "doing it all for" her. Tucker noted that Devon would get Chancellor-Winters and that Audra would get Jabot. Audra cried, "Don't lie about this. You're going after Jabot for revenge, not because you want to show me what a magnanimous guy you are."
Audra admitted that Tucker's dubious claims had lessened her trust in him. Tucker suggested that Kyle had messed with Audra's head. Audra grew frustrated and told Tucker that his insinuations were insults. Tucker apologized and extended his hand in friendship. Audra clasped hands with Tucker. Tucker smiled, encouraged Audra to smile back, and said he could not imagine where he would be without her. Audra quipped that she might instead choose to slap Tucker.
Tucker's attention was suddenly drawn to a tone from his phone. Tucker paused, read a sent message, and exclaimed, "Ha! Champagne for everyone!" Tucker announced to Audra that he had become owner of the greatest cosmetics company in the world. Audra's mood brightened, and she noted that they had not yet developed a single product. Tucker noted that with Kyle's assistance, he and Audra would set the industry on fire.
Diane and Kyle met for breakfast at Society. Diane asked Kyle where things stood with Tucker. Kyle seemed pleased to report that everything was going according to plan, explaining that Tucker's goal was to negatively impact Jabot's profits and launch a personal attack against Ashley, Jack, and others, as well. Diane appeared shocked when Kyle reported that Tucker had not yet decided whether she or Billy would be chosen to "take the fall." Diane, miffed, cried, "Tucker wants me to take the fall?"
Kyle revealed that Tucker expected him to get his hands on Jabot's new fragrance before it was released, so Glissade could analyze the product and replicate it. Jack would then, Kyle noted, launch a search to determine who had leaked the formula and instead find the planted evidence to implicate either Diane or Billy. Diane replied, "It takes a special kind of perversity to force a son to blame his own mother." Kyle said he believed Tucker's true intention was to put the blame on him. Diane told Kyle he should confess everything to Jack immediately.
Kyle explained that Tucker expected him to steal a real product from Jabot. Fearing Jack's reaction to the plan, Kyle said, "It's better to ask for forgiveness than permission." Diane informed Kyle that Ashley's transfer of Glissade to Tucker would be finalized by the end of the day. Kyle, sounding triumphant, proclaimed that with Jack on board, Tucker would not stand a chance.
Jack was home, sorting through the morning mail, when Billy entered and asked if everyone else had already left. Jack told Billy that Diane and Kyle had gone out to have breakfast. Jack was taken aback when Billy announced that he was leaving Jabot and joining Chancellor-Winters. Jack insisted that Billy belonged at Jabot. Billy explained that the constant battle to stay ahead of Tucker's interference had brought on rushes of adrenaline, as well as much bluffing and scenarios requiring him to win at all costs. Jack nodded and replied, "Too much like a gambler's high." Billy acknowledged that he constantly felt pressure to avoid a losing streak.
Jack asked Billy about the difference between working for Jabot and Chancellor-Winters. Billy replied, "You. This is my moment to move on." Billy admitted he had longed to become like Jack, though he felt his efforts would never impress his brother. Billy expressed doubt that he could ever live up to such a high standard. Billy noted that stepping away from Jabot would alleviate the pressure, allow him to work alongside his mother and Chance, and give him the freedom to grow without constantly competing with Jack and failing. Billy clarified that he did not consider himself a victim, nor did he blame Jack. Jack replied, "Sure sounds like I am the problem."
Billy explained that he felt comfortable walking away because he had made a rational decision to do so and not because he had self-combusted. Billy told Jack that he felt great about having a new job, being in a relationship with an amazing woman, and having earned his children's respect, all of which he could not risk losing. Jack acknowledged that Billy deserved a safer environment. Billy requested that Jack ask Kyle to tone down celebrating after learning of Billy's departure. Jack exhaled in frustration. Billy took note and asked Jack if perhaps Kyle might not immediately step in as co-CEO. Jack winced.
Kyle and Diane entered through the front door. Diane cheerily said, "Well, looks like the gang's all here." Jack hung his head low. Billy, addressing Kyle and Diane, said, "Jack will fill you in." After Billy left, Jack announced to Kyle and Diane that Billy was leaving Jabot. Jack blamed himself for Billy's departure, explaining that Billy always felt that success was akin to a competition he was challenged to win. Kyle said he understood, though he did not feel the same way as Billy did while working alongside his dad. Just as Kyle was about discuss taking over Billy's position, Jack requested to speak to Diane alone. After Kyle left, Jack informed Diane that he was not sure about promoting Kyle to step in as co-CEO.
At the Newman ranch, Nikki gazed at a bottle of vodka sitting on the bar counter. Victoria called out from the entryway, and Nikki rushed to zip her purse, where she had concealed a flask of vodka. Victoria and Cole entered the room and asked Nikki how she was. Nikki explained that she had been focused on Victoria and Cole as they awaited the results of Claire's DNA test.
Michael arrived and explained that Claire had pleaded guilty by reason of insanity. Michael added that if the judge approved, Claire might be transferred to a psychiatric ward for treatment instead of a prison. Nikki expressed concern, explaining that the upheaval might disrupt Claire's recovery and lure Jordan to Genoa City in search of her niece. Victoria insisted it was the right move, adding that Victor would ensure their protection.
Victor entered and informed everyone that authorities had not yet located Jordan. Victor noted that authorities suspected something was up after having found Jordan's belongings left behind in a motel room. During a private moment with a distraught Nikki, Victor learned of his wife's fears that Jordan might be hiding nearby. Victor assured Nikki that Jordan would be prevented from harming them again.
Cole and Victoria privately reminisced about their past. Victoria recalled that she had been slightly wild during her younger years. Cole replied, "Wild, yet polite. And you are still the same woman. Just more grown up." Victoria noted that both she and Cole had grown up a lot, recalling that losing a daughter had changed them.
After Michael spoke to the judge, he announced that Claire would be remanded to the psychiatric hospital in Genoa City. Victoria breathed a sigh of relief. Victor and Nikki were not pleased. Nikki cried, "Oh, my God. This is happening so quickly." Victor expressed concern about Jordan, and Nikki noted that they did not truly know who Claire really was.
Cole checked his messages and learned that the DNA test had confirmed that Claire was his and Victoria's daughter. Victor asked Cole if he was sure. Cole, beaming, replied, "97.8%." Nikki cried, "I can't believe it. She's our baby Eve." Victoria, her emotions raw, cried, "I mean, we grieved her. She was gone." Cole recalled that they all had believed the lies told to them. Victoria thanked Michael for helping Claire avoid being sent to prison.
Victoria was eager to get to know Claire and offer comfort. Nikki cautioned Victoria about suddenly making sweeping changes to their lives. Victoria insisted that she and Cole should be at the hospital when Claire arrived. Michael told Victoria and Cole he would meet them at the hospital.
After Victoria and Cole left, Michael promised Victor he would take care of things. After Michael left, Victor embraced a distraught Nikki to comfort her. Nikki said she did not mean to sound unfeeling toward Claire, though she was not sure how much more stress she or Victoria could take. Nikki sighed and cried that Claire was the definition of unstable. Victor agreed.
Victor asked Nikki what she was most fearful about. Nikki expressed concern that Victoria would try to prove that she was stronger and braver than she was. Victor assured Nikki that they would protect Victoria, though he admitted that welcoming Claire into their lives would not be easy. Nikki said they would have to if they wanted to maintain their relationship with Victoria. Victor stepped out to take a call from his security detail. After Victor left the room, Nikki opened her purse, took out her flask, and drank from it. Nikki turned to gaze out a window and saw Jordan standing outside, looking directly at her.
Victoria and Cole nervously paced around a room at the hospital while waiting for Claire. Victoria told Cole that Claire probably felt frightened. Cole agreed and said they would help their daughter. Victoria acknowledged that it did not yet feel real to her. Victoria expressed remorse for not being able to keep Claire safe. Cole added that Claire had been manipulated for years and told she had been rejected and unloved. Victoria declared that she and Cole would protect their daughter. Cole replied, "It's our job."
Michael escorted Claire into the area where Victoria and Cole were waiting for her. Claire asked, "What is this? Why am I here?" Cole replied, "We want to help you." Claire said she felt like Victoria and Cole wanted to keep an eye on her. Cole explained to Claire that he had collected samples of her DNA from the lake house. Victoria told Claire that according to the results, it appeared that Aunt Jordan had told the truth about one thing. Victoria cried, "You're our daughter." Tears welled in Claire's eyes.

Kyle makes a confession to Jack
Tuesday, December 19, 2023
by Jenny Smith
Outside Claire's room at the psychiatric facility, Victoria informed Cole and Claire that Michael was working on Claire's paperwork. Victoria admitted that it had been a shock for her and Cole to learn that Claire was their daughter, and she was sure the news had stirred up feelings for Claire, too. Claire pointed out that she'd grown up thinking that Cole and Victoria were her parents. Victoria noted that Claire had thought they hadn't wanted her, but nothing was further from the truth.
Victoria added that she was sorry she'd doubted Claire, but after everything Jordan had put them through, it had all seemed impossible to believe. Claire deduced that Victoria had meant to say what Claire and Jordan had done. Cole clarified that Jordan had forced Claire to do it, but Claire imagined Victoria and Cole hadn't wanted to think a monster like her could be their kid. Victoria recalled that they'd thought they were going to die. Claire recognized that if they had died, they never would have known that she really was their daughter.
Claire hesitated to believe that Victoria and Cole wanted anything to do with her. Victoria conceded that her family had gone "through hell" that they wouldn't forget, but the DNA test had shed new light on things. Victoria sympathized that Jordan had manipulated Claire by letting her think her parents had wanted nothing to do with her and that she wasn't worthy of love. Cole growled that it was a vicious lie to tell a child, and it had never been true.
Cole swore that there was more to Claire than what had happened at the lake house. Victoria didn't know what the future looked like for the three of them, and she expected it to take time to process. Victoria hoped Claire would get the help she needed, and she promised that she and Cole would be there with Claire the whole time. Victoria added that her family was in a lot of danger, and she needed Claire's help. Victoria implored Claire to reveal where her aunt was or what Jordan might have planned next.
Claire swore that she had no idea where Jordan could be, and she recalled that Jordan had considered herself alone in the world after her sister had died. Claire cried that Jordan had told her they had to depend on one another, but Jordan had disappeared the minute Claire had needed someone. Claire whimpered that Jordan had always said Claire's family had deserted her, but Jordan was the one who'd used Claire as a weapon against them, only to throw her away like a piece of trash. Claire wailed that she was trash or a monster, and she was worthless either way.
Cole insisted it wasn't true, but Claire lamented that the only person she'd ever trusted had lied to her for her entire life, making sure there was nothing in her to love. Claire continued that Jordan had been the one to want revenge, but Claire was the only one who was paying. Claire entered her room and muttered that maybe she was insane. Victoria reiterated that it would take them all some time to sort out their feelings. Claire guessed the facility was better than a jail cell, and she needed to be kept away from the sane, decent people of the world.
Victoria stressed that she wanted Claire to get better, and she was confident the doctors would help. Claire wondered what Victoria and Cole would have done if they'd found out she was still alive when she'd been a baby. Victoria firmly stated that they would have done anything to find Claire and get her home. Victoria recognized that they couldn't go back, but she was sure things could get better. Claire pondered how she could let go of the years of hatred, and she wondered if she might not know how to feel anything else. Cole refused to believe it, and he thought Claire shouldn't, either. Victoria reiterated that the most important thing was to focus on helping Claire heal.
Michael summoned Victoria to the front desk to sign some papers. After Victoria stepped out, Claire noted that Victoria seemed very kind and caring -- not the woman Claire had grown up hating. Claire shared that part of Jordan's training had been how to read people, but she had no idea what Cole was thinking. He replied that it made two of them. Cole confided that he had all sorts of crazy things running through his brain, and it was a mess up there. Claire echoed that it made two of them.
Cole explained that he'd grown up with a mother with a mental illness, and she'd been pretty good about hiding it most of the time. He recalled that he'd sometimes forgotten about Eve's moods, but then she'd get worked up about something that hadn't seemed like a big deal. He continued that he'd wondered if he'd driven his mom to that or if it was just one of his family's quirks, but he'd never wanted that kind of home life for his daughter. Claire pointed out that she'd been named after Eve, and Cole reasoned that someone could have a lot of problems and still have people who loved them very much.
Cole hated that Claire had grown up believing she was unwanted, and she contemplated what her life would have been like if she'd never been kidnapped. Cole thought they'd all lost too much to even think about it. Victoria returned and relayed that the staff had requested that she and Cole leave so Claire could meet her doctors. Victoria assured Claire that everyone wanted her to recover from everything she'd been through, and she offered to drop off some things later. Victoria inquired whether it would it be okay to ask Claire for a hug. The women both fought back tears as they shared a tentative embrace.
At the Newman ranch, Nikki freaked out upon seeing Jordan's face in the window. Nikki yelled for Victor as Jordan tauntingly gestured as if she were taking a drink. Victor rushed in and asked what was wrong. Nikki wordlessly pointed to the window, but Jordan had vanished. Victor observed that Nikki looked like she'd seen a ghost. Nikki hid her panic when she spotted her flask on the floor.
Nikki claimed that she'd seen something outside, but it had probably just been a shadow or a tree branch that had startled her. Victor observed that she was shaking, and she requested a glass of water. When Victor turned his back, Nikki kicked the flask out of sight. He handed her the water and suggested that they go on vacation. She contemplated taking the trip she'd wanted to go on before he'd returned to Newman. Victor pulled Nikki into his arms and swore that he'd always be by her side.
Nikki was tempted to fly off to a secluded place, but she was committed to stay there to support Victoria. Nikki added that Jordan was still out there, and she inquired whether Victor's team had been watching the motel. Victor reported that his staff hadn't found Jordan yet. Nikki fretted that the only reason Jordan was in Genoa City was to finish what her sister had started with them, and she doubted Jordan would go anywhere until she got what she wanted. Nikki nervously looked over at the window again.
Once alone, Nikki retrieved the flask and stashed it in her purse. She popped a mint into her mouth as Victor reentered the room with her coat. He suggested they go to the Athletic Club for something to eat and head to the jazz club afterward. He helped her put on her coat and reached for her purse, but she grabbed it away. Victor clucked that if he didn't know her better, he'd suspect she was hiding something from him. Nikki covered by teasing that the holidays weren't a time to be peeping in people's purses.
Meanwhile, Jordan returned to her hotel room and removed a large hat and blonde wig. Later, Jordan smiled at her reflection in the mirror as she put on her wig, a pair of glasses, and a white lab coat. She attached an identification badge to her uniform and headed out.
At the Athletic Club, Victoria inquired whether Cole's silence was an indication he was still angry at Claire for helping Jordan. He refused to place blame on Claire, who had been Jordan's victim since the day Claire had been born. Victoria pondered whether she was the one holding on to anger. Victoria cried that Claire had been in pain for many years, and the troubled young woman was their daughter. Victoria spat that Jordan was pure evil and needed to be held responsible for everything she'd done to them and Claire.
Victoria noticed her parents enter the club, and she groaned that she was too exhausted to deal with them. Nikki informed Victoria that they'd been trying to reach her, and Victoria indicated that she and Cole had been at the hospital, getting Claire settled. Cole inquired whether there was an update on the hunt for his aunt. Victor promised that Jordan would be found and brought to justice. Nikki invited Victoria and Cole to join her and Victor for dinner, but Victoria opted to spend time alone with Cole to process everything. Jordan appeared at the bottom of the stairs and spotted the foursome.
Jordan quickly ducked out, and Nikki and Victor headed to their own table. Cole noted that Victoria's parents loved her, and Victoria replied that sometimes it was a little too much. Cole admired how concerned and attentive Victor and Nikki were, and he guessed it was how a real family worked. He conceded that he wasn't sure how he felt or thought about everything yet. Victoria recognized that Cole had a life and career outside Genoa City, but he accepted that a big wrench had been thrown into it. He declared that he was going to stay in Genoa City.
A despondent Claire lay in bed, staring straight ahead. Jordan appeared outside Claire's room and peered inside.
At the jazz lounge, Phyllis typed a text message to Danny, asking if she could buy him a drink. Tucker appeared behind her and asked to buy her a drink. She snapped at him for reading her message, but he swore that he was simply offering to buy her a cocktail. Phyllis passed, and Tucker dryly protested, "But you and I are such good friends." She ordered him to go away, but he announced that he had a proposition for her.
Phyllis recounted that the last time she'd listened to one of Tucker's propositions, it hadn't worked out great for her. Tucker countered that she'd been able to get out from under substantial debt, but she clarified that it had been because she'd out-schemed his scheme. Tucker reasoned that it was why she should hear him out. He declared that he needed a top-tier IT department at the new company he was building, but she reminded him that she already had a job. Tucker figured that Phyllis' position hardly befitted someone of her talent.
Phyllis was flattered that Tucker saw what she had to offer, but she pointed out that they obviously didn't like one another. She questioned why he'd trust her. He claimed that it was his philosophy to hire the best, even if he expected them to stab him in the back. Tucker reasoned that always wondering when and if someone would screw him over kept him on his toes, allowing him to deliver the best results for his company.
Phyllis cautioned that surrounding oneself with backstabbers wasn't very smart, but Tucker figured that it had worked for him so far. He invited her to get in on the ground floor, but she snapped that she wouldn't work for him if he were the last guy on the planet. Tucker wrote down a figure on a cocktail napkin, and Phyllis asked how many years of salary it represented. He informed her that it was only one, leaving her stunned. She asked what he was up to.
Tucker bragged that he was about to acquire a lucrative new product for his company, and he needed firewalls around firewalls. He predicted the figure he'd written down would just be the start, but Phyllis hesitated to accept because people never offered what they were really willing to pay. Tucker tore up the napkin and told her to think about it. He headed out.
At the Abbott mansion, Diane questioned why Jack wasn't sure about giving Kyle the co-CEO job. She argued that the only issue Jack had had before was his allegiance to Billy, but Billy had thrown Jack's loyalty back in his face by going back to Chancellor-Winters. She added that Jack needed a replacement, and Kyle was the obvious choice. Jack wasn't sure Kyle was ready, but Diane asserted that Kyle had shown humility and commitment by accepting the COO role when it had been a demotion. Jack maintained that he couldn't offer Kyle a bigger role right then.
Diane recognized that Jack was still upset because of the arrogance Kyle had shown when he'd first refused Jack's job offer, but they'd agreed that Kyle had shown growth and maturity by owning up to his behavior. Jack acknowledged that it had gone a long way, but it hadn't completely restored his confidence. Diane warned that if Jack skipped over Kyle, it might send the message that Jack didn't value him, and it might set Kyle off. Jack figured if that was the case, Kyle didn't deserve the job. Diane encouraged Jack to at least have a conversation with Kyle to see how he felt about Billy's resignation.
Jack preferred to focus on the major offensive moves they'd just set in motion against Tucker. Diane hinted that she thought Kyle had important news he needed to share. Jack asked what she knew that he didn't, but Diane claimed that she didn't know any more than Jack did. Jack yelled for Kyle, who descended the stairs. Diane stepped out, and Jack asked how Kyle felt about Billy's resignation. Kyle was more interested in how Jack felt, since it sounded like Jack was blaming himself for Billy abandoning Jabot.
Jack thought Billy had been sincere in the soul-searching that had led to his decision, but he found the timing surprising, given that they'd been a united front against Tucker. Jack voiced concern that Jabot would be perceived as vulnerable with musical chairs in the company's leadership, and it had led to his own decision about the co-CEO position. Kyle declared that there was something he needed to tell Jack first. Kyle revealed that Tucker had recruited him to help take over Jabot with the promise of letting Kyle and Audra run the company.
Jack was aghast that Kyle had been working for Tucker, and he surmised that Kyle had accepted the COO position to keep tabs on Jabot for Tucker. Kyle explained that it had needed to look like he was ready to be a spy, but he had been playing Tucker the entire time. Jack was reluctant to believe that it had been entirely an act on Kyle's part, and he questioned whether Kyle had been tempted. Kyle became incensed that his father had been willing to defend Billy, yet Jack was suspicious of Kyle's motives. Jack admitted that Kyle's confession had given him pause. Kyle blurted out that it shouldn't, because it had worked -- he knew Tucker's plan.
Kyle swore that he'd never intended to help Tucker, but he'd considered it a way to convince Jack that Kyle was worthy of the top spot. Kyle pledged to always protect their family and Jabot -- unlike Billy. Kyle revealed that Tucker wanted him to steal a new product from Jabot so Tucker could replicate it and release it first, all while framing a member of the Abbott clan as a mole at Jabot. Kyle continued that Tucker had claimed he intended to blame Billy or Diane, but Kyle was sure Tucker intended to pin it on him. Jack marveled at how Kyle had saved them from "another Tucker McCall double-cross."
Kyle insisted that the hardest part had been not telling Jack sooner. Jack asked if Kyle was sure Tucker wasn't onto him. Kyle recounted that his anger had been real when Jack hadn't given him his old job back, and it was why Tucker had tried to enlist Kyle. Kyle crowed that Tucker had underestimated one thing -- what it meant to Kyle to be Jack's son. Kyle explained that when he'd learned Tucker was going after Jabot, his perspective had shifted, and he'd realized he'd been selfish because family meant everything to him.
Jack proclaimed that Tucker would never know what he was up against when dealing with the Abbotts. Kyle recommended that they give Tucker a product Jabot had shelved, let him break the bank trying to replicate it, and then nail him for corporate theft. Jack envisioned also releasing the information about Tucker's role in the McCall scandal, effectively destroying any chance of Tucker having a fresh start at Glissade. Kyle imagined that Tucker's career and credibility would be over.
Jack divulged that he'd decided earlier not to give the co-CEO position to Kyle, but he'd since reconsidered. Jack noted that Kyle couldn't have the job yet because he had to keep looking like he was ready to turn on his own family for it. Kyle realized it would look like he'd been left out in the cold after Billy had resigned, and Jack urged Kyle to keep up the act. Jack anticipated that releasing the information about the scandal would knock the wind out of Tucker, and while Tucker was doubled over, they'd set him up for corporate theft and take him out for good.

Jack believes Kyle will be the key to defeating Tucker
Wednesday, December 20, 2023
by Nel
At the Abbotts', Jack, Diane, and Traci were decorating the tree, and each recalled a memory about their special ornament. Jack hung an ornament he'd received from Luan. He said he was sorry Ally couldn't be there to hang her grandmother's ornament. Kyle and Harrison arrived. Everyone gathered around to finish trimming the tree and told Harrison why each ornament was so special.
Jack and Kyle stepped outside after Kyle received a text message from Tucker: "Any progress?" Jack claimed they had Tucker exactly where they wanted him. Jack claimed that once Tucker realized it was an old formula, it would be too late. Kyle gloated that they would nail Tucker for corporate theft. Jack added that revealing Tucker's complicity in the McCall cover-up would be the first blow, and the formula would be the coup de grce. Jack claimed there would be no coming back for Tucker from their one-two punch. Jack stated that Kyle had beaten Tucker at his own game.
Kyle apologized to Jack for withholding the information, and Jack apologized because he'd made a few decisions that had hurt Kyle. He admitted he'd thought he'd lost Kyle when Kyle had gone to Newman Media. Kyle said that was impossible because he was an Abbott. Jack claimed Kyle was the best part of them because he'd taken on Tucker to protect the family and the company, at no small risk to himself.
Jack told Kyle they had a tree to decorate. Kyle said he was worried, but Jack assured him that by the New Year, Tucker would have slinked off to some ashram with his tail tucked between his legs. Jack said their victory was thanks to Kyle. Jack said he was impressed and incredibly proud of Kyle. Kyle said Jack making him co-CEO meant a lot to him. Kyle said Billy had already left Jabot, but Jack reminded Kyle he couldn't move into the co-CEO position yet because they had to keep up the illusion that Kyle was still struggling for the top spot.
When Ashley arrived, everyone went inside to finish decorating the tree. Elsewhere, Diane asked Kyle if everything was okay. Kyle said it would be soon. She asked if Kyle had spoken to Jack about the co-CEO position. Kyle replied that it was on its way. Diane was overjoyed.
Singing, Tucker walked into his suite with a box. He opened it and pulled out a toy tambourine and a little T-shirt that had "Grandpa's Little Rock Star" written on it.
At Society, Phyllis smiled when she saw Summer and Chance at a table together. Summer gushed to Chance about how fantastic the Say Jump concert had been. They both had a flashback to dancing with the crowd at the concert. She told Chance she was thrilled for life after meeting the band backstage.
Phyllis approached Chance and Summer's table and asked what had them so excited. Summer told her they had gone to the Say Jump concert. Chance said he was happy Summer had been able to use Sharon's ticket. Summer told Phyllis that Sharon had had a last-minute business meeting.
Phyllis said she'd heard Chance had quit the force, and he would be working for Jill. Chance explained that Jill and Nina hadn't given him much choice. Summer claimed it might be a big leap from police work to the corporate world, but it might be exactly what he needed. Chance thanked Summer, and he left.
Phyllis said she was happy that Summer had decided to go for it with Chance, but Summer asked Phyllis to stop looking at Chance like he was prospective son-in-law material. Summer said Sharon had had a business meeting, Chance had had an extra ticket, and he'd invited her to go with him. Phyllis claimed it appeared they'd both had fun.
Summer told Phyllis the previous evening had been absolutely incredible because, for a few hours, she'd been able to forget it was almost Christmas and that she wouldn't be with Kyle and Harrison decorating the Christmas tree or watching Harrison trying to stay awake, hoping to catch Santa Claus eating the cookies he'd left out. Phyllis said she was happy Summer had been out with a really good guy. Summer said she wished she didn't feel that way about Chance. She said she wouldn't act on those feelings. She said Chance wouldn't be with Sharon if he didn't want to be.
Phyllis told Summer that Tucker had offered her a job. Summer assumed Phyllis had said no, but Phyllis claimed it was a great job offer. She said she would be head of IT at his new company, controlling the entire division from the ground up. Summer asked if Phyllis didn't have any gratitude for Daniel, who'd taken a chance on her and given her a job when no one else would.
Phyllis told Summer she was grateful, but it wasn't really a job because Daniel was only babysitting her. Summer asked if Phyllis wanted to seek out chaos with Tucker. Summer claimed Phyllis and Tucker hated each other, and she asked why Tucker would want her. Phyllis claimed it was because she was brilliant and really good at what she did. She claimed it would be a symbiotic relationship.
Phyllis told Summer that would be if she was interested in the job, which she wasn't, but it felt good to be appreciated instead of being an afterthought and put into some cubicle in the corner. She said Tucker had also offered to quadruple her salary. Summer noted that Phyllis was considering taking that job. Phyllis claimed she had no intention of taking the job with Tucker. She said she'd only mentioned it because she'd thought Summer would find it hilarious and that they would have a good laugh.
Summer said she knew Phyllis wanted her to say it was okay and worth the risk. Phyllis asked if she was wrong to feel flattered that someone had offered her a job, since no one in town had shown her any respect.
Summer asked if she had to break down the reasons why Phyllis couldn't take that job. She said Phyllis hated Tucker, Tucker was going after the Abbotts, and whatever salary he'd offered her was dirty money and a bribe for Phyllis to do something potentially illegal and unethical. She said if Phyllis left Omega Sphere, Phyllis would break Daniel's heart, and Summer would never trust her again.
Phyllis said that she and Summer had made a lot of progress trusting each other and deepening their bond. Summer claimed not if Phyllis pulled "crap like that." She said if Phyllis wanted to be a better person, she wouldn't even consider working with Tucker. Phyllis claimed she hadn't considered it in the first place. Tucker arrived. Summer asked if Phyllis was meeting with Tucker. Phyllis claimed it was a coincidence, but Summer doubted it.
As Summer was leaving, she told Tucker to stay away from Phyllis and to stop playing into what he perceived were Phyllis' weaknesses. She said Phyllis didn't want anything to do with him. Summer left. Phyllis apologized, but Tucker claimed Summer was strong and not afraid to speak her mind. He said he saw Summer's tirade as a good sign. He said Phyllis had told Summer about his offer, which meant she was considering it. Phyllis mocked his inability to read a room. She said there was "no way in hell" she would ever work with him.
At Chancellor-Winters, Mamie and Nate walked into Lily's office. Nate told Mamie that the last time he'd been there, things had been ugly, but he was back on a trial basis. Mamie had no doubt the trial basis would change to a permanent basis, because she was in his corner. She said he had made mistakes, learned things that he'd brought back into their company, and was back where he belonged.
Mamie told Nate that noting in the past mattered because he was there "now," and their family was going to accomplish great things together. Nate asked if there would be any more surprises from her, because they could be bad for business. Mamie said surprises kept things interesting. She admitted it had caught a lot of people by surprise when she'd secretly invested in Chancellor-Winters. Nate claimed Mamie had already breathed new energy into the company, but partnering with Tucker was problematic. Mamie claimed she was done with that relationship, and she wanted no further contact with Tucker.
Nate asked if Mamie had any more secrets. Mamie said she only had one agenda, and everyone was aware that she wanted to get Jill out of their business. Billy stood in the doorway, and he said he was there to make sure Mamie didn't succeed. Billy stated that he was setting up shop in Lily's office. Seeing the look on Mamie's face, Billy informed her that he was back as co-CEO with Devon, and he would be filling in for Lily.
Nate pointed out that Billy had walked out on the company and Lily when she'd needed him. Billy reminded Nate that Nate had tried to hijack the company away from Lily and Devon. He suggested they keep their eyes focused on what was ahead. Mamie claimed it was going to be a bumpy ride.
Mamie said she hoped Billy would settle in as quickly as Nate, who'd already made a real difference. Billy claimed product development was a perfect spot for Nate, as long as they kept their eyes on work and not their personal agendas. He said he was surprised Nate had been given a chance to redeem himself after what had happened to him at Chancellor-Winters and being fired from Newman Enterprises.
Nate told Billy that Devon and Lily trusted him enough to bring him back and that Billy's opinion was irrelevant. Billy reminded Nate that he was Nate's boss. Mamie claimed that what mattered was that they presented a united front against Tucker's threat against Chancellor-Winters. Billy agreed, provided Mamie's relationship with Tucker was really over. Mamie said they needed to stay focused on the challenges ahead rather than looking for trouble where there wasn't any. Billy agreed, and he told Nate that if Devon and Lily could give Nate the benefit of the doubt, then so could he. Mamie said she would keep her eye on that promise. Billy said he was going to keep his eye on Mamie. Billy left for an appointment.
Nate asked if Mamie was worried. Mamie laughed, and she claimed she had Jill running scared. She claimed she knew Jill was building a "partout." Nate stated it was no different from Mamie's, but Mamie claimed she was smarter than Jill. She knew Jill was trying to take her head-on. Nate suggested perhaps Jill was bringing in reinforcements to go against Tucker, but Mamie claimed Jill was only trying to protect her position. Nate claimed a power struggle was the last thing the company needed. Mamie claimed that what was between her and Jill hadn't been settled yet. Nate said it was a bad idea to make a power play against Jill -- and even worse against Jill and Billy.
In the dining room at the Athletic Club, Abby protested when Ashley teased that their backyard was big enough for a pony. Ashley admitted she was going to spoil Dominic shamelessly.
Devon told Ashley he didn't know what the Abbotts had planned for Christmas Day, but they hoped Ashley would join them at some point. Ashley said she would be there to help Dominic open all her gifts. Abby confirmed that the day was going to be all about Dominic. Ashley asked if they'd made plans with Tucker. Abby said they hadn't. Ashley said she supported Tucker being there, but she preferred not sharing eggnog with him. Devon said Tucker wouldn't be an issue. Devon stepped away to take a phone call.
Abby said she would never forgive Tucker for what he'd done to Ashley. She said Tucker shouldn't have been allowed back in Genoa City after what had happened in Paris.
At their table, Ashley told Abby she wanted to leave what had happened in Paris behind her, and she didn't want it to affect Abby's family's relationship with Tucker. Abby reminded her that Tucker had hurt Ashley, Devon, and everyone who had tried to give him a chance. Ashley said she wasn't defending Tucker, but Devon had already lost the best father anyone could ever have. Abby agreed and said that was why Devon deserved someone better, and so did Ashley.
Ashley told Abby that Tucker would sit on the floor playing with Dominic for hours, and there was no denying Tucker's joy. She said Dominic adored Tucker. Abby claimed Tucker turned friends into enemies and enemies into ashes, and he lied as easily as he breathed, even to his son. Ashley said Tucker would be dealt with.
Abby asked Ashley if that meant Tucker wouldn't be a threat to Jabot. Ashley said probably not to anyone else, either. Abby asked if Ashley and Jack were going to save Jabot from Tucker. Ashley said it was going to be great for them but devastating for Tucker -- and not just professionally. She said if things went as planned, Tucker would lose everything, and he would be angry and humiliated. Abby said it would affect Tucker's relationship with Devon, and not in a good way. Abby claimed she would protect the people she loved, and Tucker wouldn't hurt Devon or Dominic.
Ashley told Abby that she didn't want to admit that the love she'd felt for Tucker had been nothing. Abby admitted she couldn't be nice to Tucker, but Ashley asked if Abby could be tolerant. Abby said only if Ashley promised she wouldn't reunite with Tucker. Ashley promised.
At Crimson Lights, Billy met with Chance and said he and Jill were excited to have Chance at Chancellor-Winters. He told Chance that Jill and Nina were thrilled to have him out of the line of fire. Billy said he and Jill believed Chance would be a real asset at Chancellor-Winters. He said he was there to point Chance in the right direction, and he would be mentoring Chance. Billy clarified that given Chance's lack of business experience; he and Jill thought it was a good idea.
Chance told Billy he appreciated Jill offering him the job, and he looked forward to the challenge, proving himself, and working with Billy, but Billy's history in the corporate world hadn't been great. He was curious how Billy would mentor him.

Jordan continues to taunt Nikki
Thursday, December 21, 2023
by Nel
At home, Jack and Ashley discussed what they needed to do next, since Tucker had taken the bait. Jack said they had to deliver the first part of the one-two punch. Jack said Kyle had requested one change; otherwise, Jack just needed to push "send," and the damning information would go out to every major news outlet in the world.
Ashley told Jack that Tucker had been off the grid when the incident had occurred, but then he'd covered it, despite his knowledge of it. Jack stated that was exactly the kind of information that would destroy Tucker's credibility. Ashley believed Tucker's ego had gotten in the way because he could have gotten in front of the situation. She said Tucker believed he couldn't be touched.
Ashley told Jack that all the plans for Glissade had blown up in her face. Jack asked if she was having second thoughts, because once he pushed "send," there would be no turning back, and Tucker's professional life would go up in flames. Ashley admitted she pitied Tucker because he was about to lose everything.
Ashley told Jack that John had built Jabot from the ground up, and he'd based it on ethical and honorable principals. She said if Tucker had gotten his hands on Jabot, they would have watched him destroy John's legacy, and she wouldn't let that happen. She said others would be affected by their actions because Tucker was Devon's father and Dominic's grandfather, and Dominic loved him. She admitted that she hated to see what it would do to them.
Jack assured Ashley that Devon had a good idea of who Tucker was, and it was Tucker's mess to clean up. He said Tucker was a bastard as an executive and a husband. Ashley said thankfully Tucker couldn't hurt Jabot anymore, and Tucker had only himself to blame. She instructed Jack to do it. Jack pushed "send" and said there was no turning back.
Ashley told Jack that Tucker's dirty little secret was about to become international news. Jack stated that anyone involved with Glissade was either going to abandon ship or band together to drive Tucker out. He said Tucker McCall and his brand were about to flatline.
At Society, Billy and Chelsea toasted Billy's return to Chancellor-Winters. He said Lily was visiting Mattie, and Devon and Jill needed his help. Chelsea asked what would happen when Lily returned. Billy said his priority was making sure Devon and Jill were supported and Tucker didn't make a move for the company. He said Nate had been rehired.
Chelsea told Billy they'd all screwed up, and they'd all needed a second chance. Billy said Jill had recruited Chance, and Billy was supposed to mentor him; however, Chance wanted someone who hadn't burned so many bridges. Chelsea admitted she was worried about Billy's job change because she would hate it if she'd encouraged Billy to do something he might end up regretting. She said it felt like there were obstacles before Billy even started.
Billy assured Chelsea that Nate and Chance wouldn't be a problem. He said after leaving Jabot and having had an honest conversation with Jack, he felt like a weight had been lifted off his shoulders. He admitted that when Jack had hired him back, it had felt like the right place to be; it had felt like home. He admitted it had gotten to be too much trying to protect and hold on to his job whenever Kyle showed up, wanting his job back. He said he'd always felt Diane had been a threat, and Billy admitted that adding Tucker to the mix had made it all too much for him.
Billy told Chelsea it hadn't always been about Jabot. He said he'd wanted to be a hero, get the credit, and prove he could be a savior for Jabot because it didn't always have to be Jack. He said he wanted to make sure John was proud of him because he hadn't achieved that while John had been alive. He said Jill had told him it was time to step into the breech. Chelsea asked how that would be different from the rush at Jabot.
Billy told Chelsea the difference was Jack. He either stayed at Jabot to protect the company for his siblings, or he would go to Chancellor-Winters to support Jill. He said moving to Chancellor-Winters was the right thing to do. He admitted he might be overconfident and that battling Tucker from a new front might ignite his obsessive flames, but he would talk to Chelsea if that happened. He said a question still haunted him: wondering what his legacy was and what his purpose was.
Billy told Chelsea he was excited about the new chapter in his life. He said it was a rush -- but the right kind of rush, because it was about discovery. He told her not to feel bad because he felt great, and he wanted her to feel great, too.
At Crimson Lights, Audra assured Kyle that Tucker fully intended for her to run Jabot after the takeover, and she told him to have a little faith because they were so close to success. Kyle said something huge was about to go down. He said the cover-up about the singer having sex with underaged girls was about to be all over the news. Panicked, she claimed they could work it out with his family and stop the release immediately.
Kyle told Audra it was probably too late for that. He said he'd begged Jack to kill the story or delay the release, but Jack knew Tucker was targeting Jabot, so it was a preemptive strike. Desperate, Audra claimed there had to be something Kyle could do to stop it. Kyle said it was too late, and he'd said everything that he could without tipping his hand. He said Tucker had done it to himself.
Audra told Kyle that she'd worked too hard to go down that way. Kyle said she might be all right because he'd begged Jack to keep her name out of it. Kyle said Tucker had had months to do damage control, and if he did anything this late, he would look desperate and guilty. Audra accused Kyle of not trying to stop Jack. She claimed Kyle had kept her busy and distracted while Jack had put things in motion. She demanded that Kyle admit he'd been using her.
Audra said Kyle had convinced her he wanted to be on their team, and she'd trusted him. Kyle said he'd convinced Jack to redact her name from all the emails, and then he'd gone there to warn her. He said he hadn't known about any of it until that day. He said he was the ingrate son who'd let his father down. Kyle said Jack had kept everything from him. Audra asked if Kyle wanted her to believe that he lived in the same house with his father and hadn't had a clue what was about to happen.
Kyle told Audra that Jack didn't trust him, and Jack had shoved him out of Jabot. Kyle said that had been the reason he'd thrown in with her and Tucker. Kyle said Jack had turned his back on Kyle as a potential leader at Jabot, and Kyle had counted on his path to promotion being through Audra. She claimed Tucker was going to go ballistic. She said she'd been with him for years; she'd spent her entire career on this, and it was over. Kyle claimed it didn't have to be.
Audra told Kyle that Jack had released the story because it would destroy Tucker and his connection to Glissade. She said without Glissade, they couldn't take on Jabot, so there was nothing left for her and Kyle. Kyle replied there might still be a way to pull it off, because he had the perfect product that Glissade could steal from Jabot. Audra asked what good that would do them if they didn't have a company that could use it.
In the jazz lounge, Victor told Nikki it was a wonderful place for them to relax and forget all their troubles. Nikki said she needed to use the ladies' room. She stood on the stairs and drank from her flask. As she was putting her flask into her purse, Nate called out to Nikki. He asked what she was doing. Nikki claimed she had no idea what he was talking about. She went upstairs. Nate followed.
Nate caught up to Nikki at the entrance to the Athletic Club. He stated that she'd taken a drink from the flask she'd pulled out of her purse and then popped some mints to cover up the smell of alcohol. Nikki said Nate was making things up again, and he was attacking her because he couldn't get anywhere with Victor. She said if he tried to spread that lie to Victoria or anyone else... Nate interrupted and said he wasn't judging her; he was speaking to her as someone who cared. He asked how long she'd been off the wagon.
Nikki told Nate it was none of his "damn business." She reminded him he'd been fired, and whatever went on in her family was none of his concern. Nate said he was still a doctor and cared about the health of the people around him. He said alcoholism was a disease that was insidious and potentially deadly. He said she needed help and treatment, but Nikki claimed she didn't have to be lectured by him. Nate said he'd heard she'd suffered a seizure. He asked if she was having an MS recurrence, because it might have triggered a relapse. Nikki told him to stay out of her life. She walked away.
Nate returned to the jazz lounge, and he told Victor he'd heard that Nikki had suffered some sort of seizure. Victor asked how Nate had heard about that. Nate said he didn't know any details, and he hoped it hadn't pushed Nikki into a troubling situation.
Victor claimed Nate had betrayed him; he'd been caught, end of story. Nate claimed Victor was wrong, again, and he repeated he'd never had an ulterior motive because his only concern had been Victor's health. Nate said he'd sworn an oath to use his medical knowledge to provide advice and encouragement to sustain the health of others. He said his first instinct was to protect the well-being of others. Victor asked why Nate hadn't followed his first instinct, returned to medicine, and left Victor's family alone.
Nate suggested that Victor keep an eye on Nikki. He said whatever trauma Victor's family had gone through might have affected Nikki more profoundly than she was letting on. He said he had reason to believe Nikki might be drinking again. Nikki stood on the stairs, and when she saw Nate talking to Victor, she left. Victor and Nate followed Nikki, but they couldn't find her. Victor warned Nate that the incident was to stay between them. He also warned Nate to stay out of Victor's family's business.
Victoria arrived at Claire's room at the health facility, but Claire wasn't there. Victoria unpacked some clothes she'd brought for Claire. She spotted a gold bracelet on Claire's pillow. She had a flashback to the lake house where she'd seen Jordan playing with a gold bracelet on her wrist while Victoria had questioned Jordan if Claire was her baby Eve.
Victoria asked the orderly, who had brought Claire's dinner, if Claire was in a group meeting. The orderly said nothing was scheduled at dinnertime. Victoria stated that she needed to speak to someone in security.
When the security officer arrived, Victoria asked if he'd seen a strange woman in the facility. She provided the security officer with a description of Jordan. She said she might have tried to slip in looking like a nurse. The security officer admitted he'd seen someone he thought had been a new hire; she'd worn a badge and had blonde hair. Victoria said it was probably a wig. She told him that woman was extremely dangerous, and she was wanted by the police. She said they had to find her immediately -- and the young woman with her.
Victoria called Cole and told him Claire was missing. She said she'd found a bracelet that looked exactly like the one Jordan had worn at the lake house. She told Cole that Jordan had their daughter. The security officer rushed in, and he told Victoria the security footage showed a blonde woman exiting with a patient in a wheelchair. Cole said he was on his way.
When Cole arrived, Victoria said she'd alerted the hospital security, she'd called the police, and Victor's team was also involved. Cole wanted to know why Jordan would risk taking Claire and how she'd been able to sneak Claire out. Victoria said Jordan had wrapped Claire in a blanket, and she'd transported Claire in a wheelchair to the main hospital, where security was less stringent.
Cole told Victoria he hated the thought of Jordan manipulating Claire again and torturing her emotionally when Claire was already so broken. Victoria stated that once again, she hadn't been there to protect Claire, and she wondered what it would do to Claire. Cole assured her they would find Claire.
In his suite, Tucker wrote a welcome to his staff at Glissade about the most exciting journey of their career. He wrote that they were about to embark on building the next great company of the 21st century. He received a notification on his laptop about a new news feed. The headline read, "Tucker McCall Complicit in Criminal Cover-up." Tucker swore.
Someone was ringing the doorbell impatiently at the Abbotts'. When Jack opened the door, Tucker said Jack had been counting the minutes to use that information. Ashley entered. Tucker said that move was predictable coming from Jack, but he'd never expected it from Ashley. Jack told Tucker to face the fact he'd been cut off at the knees. Tucker said that he and Ashley had different definitions of civility, and they'd agreed not to let their separation turn into a war. Tucker told Jack he wasn't done, not by a long shot. Tucker left.
Nikki arrived at the ranch, and she immediately went to the bar, but before she could take a drink, she received a call from Jordan, who asked if Nikki had enjoyed their communication during the past few days. Nikki told Jordan to stop calling her. Jordan asked if the music had brought back memories. She said she'd enjoyed discovering and sharing the wonderful poetry of Edgar Allan Poe with Nikki. She asked if Nikki found it appropriate. Nikki said it was only a matter of time before the police found Jordan.
Jordan said she'd found Nikki, and she'd been watching her every move from a safe distance. Nikki told Jordan to stay away from her. She called Jordan a "demented bitch." Jordan asked if the vodka sang to Nikki and if it took the sharp edges off. She asked how it felt when the liquor filled Nikki's veins. Jordan said Nikki should thank her for giving back something Nikki had wanted. Jordan asked if Nikki was about to have another drink. Nikki said she'd been drinking, and she was drunk. She asked what that meant to Jordan.

Michael and Lauren propose marriage to each other
Friday, December 22, 2023
by Nel
At Daniel's, Danny, Heather, and Lucy finished decorating the tree, and they all cheered when the tree was lit. Lucy said she couldn't remember the last time they had all spent Christmas Eve together. Phyllis and Summer arrived. Phyllis looked at Danny hungrily, and she handed him some gifts. With an effusive display of affection, she told Danny she was a sucker for Christmas. Summer and Daniel exchanged a look when they saw Phyllis flirting with Danny.
Lucy asked Daniel what he was making for Christmas dinner. He said he hadn't thought about it. Heather suggested a potluck and games like they'd played in the past. Danny said having fun and spending time together was something they hadn't done in a long time. Summer suggested they tell everyone what they were grateful for.
Daniel said he had great friends, a job he loved, and a new place to live, and he didn't have to fly halfway around the world to see his favorite kid anymore.
Summer said that despite a whole year of chaos, she was grateful that Phyllis was back among the living. Daniel chimed in and said he should have led with that; he was very grateful Phyllis was with them, especially on Christmas Eve.
Phyllis said she was very grateful to be there and grateful to her brilliant lawyer, who had made sure she was among the living and not in a prison cell.
Heather said she was grateful they were all happy and healthy, Phyllis got to see her kids again, Summer and Daniel had gotten a fresh start, and Daniel was there for her and Lucy. She said there was nothing more special than having family close.
Danny said that and love were all they needed. Daniel said that was corny. Danny responded that he was the king of corn. Daniel made a toast to family and love.
At Society, Christine thanked Lauren for hand-delivering Danny's gift to her. Christine said it had been forever since she and Danny had been in the same city at Christmas, and she'd wanted to get him something really special. Lauren asked if Christine and Danny were still in the friend zone or if they were getting closer.
Christine told Lauren that when she and Paul had broken up, Danny had been incredibly supportive; since then, things had evolved, and they have gotten reacquainted. She said that beyond that, it was too soon to tell. Lauren noted that Christine's gift was far more personal than she would give to just a pal. Christine admitted that she felt good when she was with Danny. Michael arrived and said the ladies looked ravishing. Christine said she wanted to give Danny his gift, and she left. Michael remarked that the sparkle in Christine's eyes was a dead giveaway. Lauren said she didn't think Christine had ever gotten over her first love, Danny. Michael said whatever got Christine smiling again, he was all for it.
Michael told Lauren they had plenty of time before they needed to be at Kevin and Chloe's, and that meant he got his Christmas wish: private time with his irresistible wife before the holiday mayhem began. Michael whipped out a tiny gift for Lauren -- a hotel room key, and he said there was more. Michael said he would see her at the hotel in ten minutes, and he left.
Abby and Devon were in the Athletic Club dining room, having an early dinner because Abby had said they would be wrapping gifts all night. She said she couldn't wait to see Dominic's face when he saw all the presents.
Abby asked if Devon was going to make the seven-layer bars he'd made for Dru and Neil on his first Christmas with them. Devon recalled that Dru had given him money to buy gifts for everyone, but he'd spent it on baking supplies because he'd wanted to share his traditions with them. He said it had been the first time he'd felt like he'd been part of a real family.
Abby asked why Devon had gone quiet. Devon said he didn't want to dump on her at Christmas, but she would find out about Tucker's cover-up story that was in the news. Abby found the article. She said not only had Tucker covered up the abuse, but he hadn't been smart enough to get rid of any evidence. Devon said, "Business 101" -- was to be transparent and own one's mistakes, because covering them up only made it look worse.
Abby told Devon that as soon as Tucker had found out, he should have apologized and condemned the artist who'd targeted the teenage girls. Devon said he hadn't heard Tucker's side of the story. Abby asked if he even wanted to. Devon said he needed to hear Tucker's side of the story before he condemned Tucker completely. Abby asked what Tucker could say to make it any better. Devon said probably nothing. Abby said she was sorry everything had to come out during the holidays. Devon said he was excited about spending their first Christmas together in their new home. He promised it would be the best Christmas they'd ever had.
On the phone in his suite, Tucker told a reporter that it wasn't a scandal unless they made it one. He said if they wanted a quote, "Bah-freaking-humbug," and he slammed the phone into its cradle.
As Christine stepped off the elevator, she heard everyone in Daniel's apartment singing Christmas carols. She rang the doorbell. Phyllis opened the door. She and Christine glared at each other. Danny came to the door and smiled happily. He invited Christine to join them. Phyllis stayed as close to Danny as she could while Danny told Christine it was an impromptu gathering, and with Christine there, it was the perfect Christmas Eve.
Christine said she'd wanted to drop off a gift for Danny. Danny recounted to everyone one of his many stories of being on tour. He said one Christmas Eve, after he and his band had performed, they had all just wanted to get some real sleep, but it had been a small town of 3,000 people with only one hotel that had been completely sold out. He said their tour manager had forgotten to make reservations, and the nearest hotel had been several hours down the road.
Danny said the promoters had found a place for everyone to stay. Danny said they'd had beds, cots, couches, and air mattresses. Christine said Danny had wound up sleeping in the stable on Christmas Eve. Not to be outdone, Phyllis said the way Danny had always told the story to her was that the stable had been a converted barn, and it had been really nice with all the amenities and a car collection. She said Christine made it sound like there were donkeys and sheep. Christine suggested that Phyllis not embellish the story. Danny said he'd been offered a lumpy futon in someone's basement, and he'd been happy to be there.
Christine told Danny it was fun to think of the past, but it was more special to think about the present. Phyllis contradicted Christine, and she claimed the past had shaped them. Christine countered that it was only true only if one learned from it.
Summer told Phyllis they needed to leave because they were meeting Nick at the Athletic Club. Phyllis claimed they had plenty of time, but Summer convinced her they had to leave. Heather said she also had to leave. Danny said he'd enjoyed every minute with everyone.
When they were alone, Christine gave Danny his gift. It was a dark teal silk robe. Christine said the robe had previously been worn by Bryan Ferry. Danny was thrilled, and he modeled the robe for her.
Danny gave Christine a pearl bracelet like the one he'd given her on their honeymoon that the airlines had lost. She was visibly touched, and she stated that he couldn't have given her a more meaningful gift. They kissed.
Lauren joined Abby and Devon in the Athletic Club dining room. Abby said they already knew why she was there. Devon confessed that they'd seen Michael run upstairs with a big smile on his face. Lauren wished them a wonderful holiday, and she left to join Michael.
As Lauren headed upstairs, Tucker commented that she looked festive. Lauren said, "'Tis the season," and she kept going. When Tucker saw Abby and Devon, he joined them, and he wished them a merry Christmas. Devon said it probably wasn't merry for Tucker after seeing the news headline.
Devon asked if Tucker cared to explain his side of the story. Tucker said he hadn't covered up that artist's actions, nor would he ever do that. He said when he'd found out about it, the artist had already been in jail. He said he'd cut ties with the artist, he'd voided the artist's contract, and he'd fired everyone responsible for keeping that artist on tour instead of having him arrested. He admitted he had covered up the teams' unscrupulous actions because he'd felt he'd had to protect the business. Abby snarked that profit margins meant more to Tucker than common decency.
Abby told Tucker that he should have called a press conference, told the whole story, condemned those actions, and stated how disgusted he was that that had happened during his absence. Tucker readily admitted that he could have handled it differently. Devon asked if that was it. Tucker admitted he'd screwed up, and he should have known it would eventually come out and make him look bad.
Devon stated that Tucker cared about how it would make him look but not that what he'd done had been reprehensible. He said there was no such thing as right or wrong with Tucker. He said it was the reason Tucker was always caught up in a lie or a scandal. Devon stated that he and Abby didn't have time for Tucker's issues, especially during the holidays.
Tucker thanked Devon for his assessment of Tucker's flaws as a human being. He said he would give it some thought. Tucker said he still had those gifts for Dominic, and he asked how Devon wanted to handle that. He asked if he could deliver them later or if he should just leave them on the porch. Devon said Tucker could come by because Dominic would like to see him. In tears, Tucker said he was very grateful they made a concession for him. Devon warned Tucker that it wasn't an invitation for them to have a relationship, but he wouldn't penalize Dominic from enjoying his time with Tucker. Tucker left. Devon asked Abby if he'd made the wrong decision.
Abby told Devon she wasn't crazy about Dominic having a relationship with Tucker. She said her gut had been telling her to keep Tucker away since his return to Genoa City, and she should have listened to her gut. Devon asked if it was because of how Tucker had treated Ashley. Abby said that and that Tucker was his dad, but she felt it would be better if Tucker saw Dominic under their supervision so he wouldn't find other ways to see Dominic. Devon said it was Christmas Eve, and he wanted that day to be about Abby and Dominic, with no mention of Tucker. They kissed.
Upstairs, Lauren found the suite for the key she had. She entered. The room was decorated with a Christmas wreath, a small tree on the table, and candles. She put a small gift under the tree. Michael came out in a bathrobe and gave Lauren a glass of Champagne. They kissed. Michael said he had another gift for her. He kissed her again.
After the loving, Michael presented Lauren with a small jewelry box. He urged her to open it up. "It's your favorite color -- sparkly," Michael said with a laugh. Lauren opened the box to reveal a sapphire ring surrounded by diamonds, in a square setting. "Lauren Fenmore, would you do me the honor of making me the happiest man in the world -- a second time -- by agreeing to marry me all over again?" Michael asked. He was perplexed when Lauren told him to "hold that thought." When she returned to bed with Michael's gift, she said that before she answered his question, one surprise deserved another. Michael opened his gift, and it was a wedding band. Lauren asked him to marry her again.
Phyllis arrived at the Athletic Club to meet with Summer and Nick. When Summer arrived, she told Phyllis that Nick wouldn't be joining them for dinner because he had a big family issue he had to deal with, but he hadn't given her any details. Summer said she was worried because Nick hadn't sounded good. Summer said she had to go see Nick.
Phyllis arrived in the jazz lounge. When she saw Tucker sitting alone, she tried to exit quickly, but Tucker saw her and asked if she was alone on Christmas Eve. She said she'd been with her kids, and it had been lovely. She said she was supposed to have dinner with Summer and Nick, but something had happened with Nick, so Summer had left to check on him. Tucker offered to buy her a drink.

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