Young and Restless Recaps: The week of November 8, 2021 on Y&R

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Devon considered whether Dominic should live with him, and an unauthorized story exposing Ashland was published on ChancComm
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of November 8, 2021 on Y&R

Devon considered whether Dominic should live with him. Amanda testified against Sutton in court. Billy gave Adam a deadline to declare a ceasefire on ChancComm. Billy and Lily were floored when the story exposing Ashland was published on ChancComm's site without their authorization.

Billy pressures Jesse to produce leverage against Adam
Billy pressures Jesse to produce leverage against Adam

Billy pressures Jesse to produce leverage against Adam

Monday, November 8, 2021

by Anne Carpenter

Noah joined Mariah at Chancellor Park for a brisk run. Mariah confessed that she had not visited the park to exercise since the day Stitch had taken her hostage and locked her in a room for weeks. Noah said he understood and was glad he could be Mariah's running buddy. Mariah asked Noah how long he might stay and why he'd returned home. Noah didn't immediately respond.

Mariah surmised that Noah was hesitant to bare his soul. Noah replied, "Between the two of us -- it's a love thing. I'll get over it." Noah invited Mariah to share her concerns with him. Mariah admitted she was experiencing separation anxiety whenever she couldn't be with Dominic. Noah sympathized and suggested they pretend a run might help them deal with their troubles.

At the Chancellor mansion, Christine was about to share an update with Nina and Devon from the State Department. Before Christine could speak, Abby entered. Devon, Nina, and Christine were taken aback by Abby's overly cheerful demeanor and her sudden plans to fly to Spain to search for Chance. Christine informed Abby that Spanish officials and officials from the U.S. State Department were searching through the rubble. Abby wasn't dissuaded by Christine's concerns and insisted she would fly to Spain and find out what had happened to her husband. Abby seemed to have experienced a break with reality, which raised alarm bells.

Christine calmly explained to Abby that she'd been in constant touch with her contacts at the State Department and had been assured that her team was committed to gathering information. Abby became agitated and expressed concern that Chance had been injured and might be hiding. Abby insisted that through her intimate connections with Chance, she "knew things" others didn't. Nina nodded in agreement and replied, "If they're dead or alive." Abby recalled that Chance had faked his death before for the sake of an investigation. Nina told Abby that the media had confirmed the fatal explosion. Abby remained certain Chance was still alive.

Christine warned Abby that she'd be putting her life and possibly her family at risk. Abby remained convinced she could find Chance, and she went upstairs to pack her bags. Devon, concerned, asked Christine and Nina what they could do to stop Abby from leaving. Nina replied, "Maybe we shouldn't." Nina suggested that perhaps it would help Abby to see for herself what had happened, and she offered to accompany Abby. Devon said he feared Abby wasn't emotionally ready, citing the fact that she had not mentioned Dominic after Christine had warned about the dangers involved. Devon and Christine pleaded with Nina to not encourage Abby.

Christine vowed to do everything in her power to prevent Abby and Nina from getting anywhere near the building. Nina cried that she needed a way to accept that Chance was gone, so she could move on. Christine broke down and told Nina that Chance was gone. Nina sobbed pitifully as she rested her head on Christine's shoulder. After Christine stepped out, Devon expressed sympathy to Nina and stressed that flying to the scene was a bad idea.

Abby returned and asked Devon and Nina if one of them would agree to accompany her. Devon insisted he wouldn't allow Abby to risk her life. Abby became agitated and cried that the authorities weren't searching for Chance, but she would. Mariah entered and overheard Abby tell Devon and Nina that she would fly to Valencia to find Chance. Mariah said, "If you're going to Spain, what does that mean for Dominic? Should I move back in and stay with him?"

At the Newman ranch, Victoria told Nikki that she and Ashland would soon depart aboard the corporate jet and fly to Peru. Though Victoria was concerned about Ashland, she told Nikki her heart ached for Abby. Nikki asked about Ashland. Victoria said Ashland was determined to take part in an experimental treatment program and that they remained positive he'd be accepted.

Nikki said she felt Victoria had something else on her mind. Victoria cried that Victor and Adam's determination to attack ChancComm and Billy was affecting Ashland just like the fiasco Billy had stirred up by involving Jesse Gaines. Nikki sympathized with Victoria's concern over her loyalty to her father and her exasperation toward the father of her children. Nikki blamed Billy for placing himself in a precarious situation.

At Billy and Lily's apartment, Lily made it clear to Billy that she wanted nothing to do with Jesse Gaines or Billy's plans to blackmail Newman Media. After Lily left, she bumped into Victoria at Crimson Lights. Lily approached Victoria and asked her why she was letting matters escalate into a war. Victoria asked Lily to explain. Lily explained that Victor had warned Billy that he "was coming after ChancComm."

Victoria told Lily she was focused on her husband's health and the merger of two corporations, so she'd refused to become involved. Victoria asked Lily why she was fighting Billy's battles. Lily explained that because Billy was part of ChancComm, it was her battle, too. After Victoria suggested Lily appeal to the source, Lily scoffed that she was wasting her time, and she left.

Billy checked on Jesse at the hotel and provided food, clothes, and a kettle to make tea. Billy cautioned Jesse to keep a low profile. Jesse remained focused on his mission to expose Ashland and confront the people who'd helped Ashland bury his past. Billy asked Jesse to give him Camilla's original letter in which she'd stated that she would leave nothing to Ashland in her will. Jesse claimed the letter was in a safe place. Billy assured Jesse that an expos was in the process of being written. Jesse was adamant that he wouldn't accept vague assurances just to placate him.

Both Jesse and Billy acknowledged that they didn't trust each other. Jesse explained that he'd put himself in harm's way to return to Genoa City to ensure Ashland got what he deserved. Jesse told Billy he believed he'd be protected because they had the same goals. Jesse said, "Either we work together on this or not at all." Billy suggested they take it a step at a time and agree that either of them could bail at any point. Billy demanded Jesse produce the letter.

Chloe and Sally presented Adam with an idea to promote Newman Media's fashion division by hosting a design contest. Adam agreed that it was interesting idea. Chloe suggested that grand prizes for each category include a trip to New York City during Fashion Week. Lily barged in the office and demanded to speak to Adam. After Sally and Chloe left, Lily told Adam that Victor had made it clear that he and Adam planned to attack Billy and ChancComm, and she hoped to negotiate a cease-fire. Adam insisted that Newman Media's plans weren't negotiable.

Lily cried that the planned attack was purely about Victor's hatred for Billy. Lily added that Adam, because of Delia, should be sympathetic to Billy. Lily expressed doubts that Adam had truly turned his life around, and she suggested he might be beyond redemption. Adam explained that no matter what he did, Billy would never be satisfied. Adam surprised Lily by offering her a job, explaining that he and Victor would eventually crush ChancComm.

Adam defended his actions to Lily by recalling that Billy had used his media company to carry out vendettas. Lily noted that Adam had done the same, and she insisted that he would never take down ChancComm. Nikki entered as Lily rushed out. Nikki confronted Adam and cried that Victoria was in distress because Ashland's chemotherapy wasn't helping, so he faced an uncertain future without experimental treatments.

After Adam said he was aware of Ashland's plight, Nikki berated him, noting that Ashland had become upset about Billy all over again. Nikki reminded Adam that he'd be targeting Katie and Johnny's father. Adam replied, "This really is just business, Nikki." Nikki pleaded with Adam to consider the long-term damage his actions could do to other people caught in the crossfire.

Sally and Chloe reconvened their planning meeting at Society. Sally suggested gifts they could pack into a swag bag to entice participants to enter their design contest. Chloe agreed that sewing notions and tchotchkes with logos would be fitting. Sally observed how well she and Chloe worked together. Sally acknowledged that ChancComm might become a cloud on the horizon, judging by Lily's demeanor when she'd marched into Adam's office.

Sally said she'd noticed tension between Adam and Billy. Chloe said she wished they could spin off from Newman Media to shield themselves from the drama. Sally noted that Adam was their source of funding and exposure. Chloe cautioned Sally to end her flirtations with Adam after Chelsea joined their team. Sally agreed to back off and claimed she would be happy to remain unattached.

Billy was in his office at Chancellor Communications when Lily arrived. Lily huffily said, "Well, so much for taking the high road." Lily cried that she'd first approached an uncooperative Victoria and had later confronted Adam, though she'd been unable to reason with him. Lily explained that she'd dealt with Adam so she could say she'd done so and had no other choice. Billy replied, "No other choice but to what?"

Lily assured Adam they'd do whatever they needed to do to prevent Victor and Adam from getting away with their plans. Billy showed Lily the original letter from Camilla Rhodes stating that Ashland would get nothing from her will. Lily was shocked that Jesse had given Billy the letter. Billy proclaimed the letter to be their ace in the hole.

Billy entered Adam's office and announced that he'd hidden Jesse away. Billy said he also had evidence that could bury Ashland Locke and Newman Media. Adam seemed unconcerned. Billy demanded that Adam, Victor, and Ashland cancel their plans to attack ChancComm. Billy added, "Otherwise, I bring you all down." Adam remained smug, took a deep breath, and casually leaned back in his chair, smiling as if Billy's threats were empty and meaningless.

Billy gives Adam a deadline to agree to a ceasefire
Billy gives Adam a deadline to agree to a ceasefire

Billy gives Adam a deadline to agree to a ceasefire

Tuesday, November 9, 2021

by Jenny Smith

At Society, Nick ran into Phyllis in the entryway, and they awkwardly greeted one another. He walked past her to head to the bar, but she called after him. She mentioned that she owed Summer a call, and she wondered if she should tell their daughter about them. Nick had no preference about which one of them handled it, but he thought that Summer deserved to know that her parents weren't together anymore.

Phyllis volunteered to call Summer -- unless Nick had other news to share with Summer. He asked what Phyllis was talking about, and she inquired whether he'd heard about Chance. Phyllis informed a clearly oblivious Nick that Chance might have been killed in the line of duty. She'd assumed Nick had already known, and she said she was sorry. Jack watched them from outside the window.

Nick bitterly realized that he'd been kept out of the loop. Phyllis couldn't fathom why no one in his family had let him know, but she quickly resolved not to touch that one. Nick found it devastating that his sister would never get to introduce her husband to their baby. Phyllis offered to be there for him if he wanted to talk, but he abruptly said he had to go. Nick breezed past Jack on his way out.

Jack approached Phyllis and asked if she was okay. She wailed that Nick hadn't been able to get away from her fast enough, which had been confirmation that things were definitely over. Jack recognized that she might need time alone, but he was also happy to join her if she could use a friend. She replied that she could use a friend, but she didn't want to talk about Nick or the breakup. She proposed that they focus on positive things.

Phyllis started to rave about her plans for a new deck on the Grand Phoenix rooftop, but her voice began to crack. Jack assured her that their friendship could handle her being miserable around him. Phyllis lamented that she and Nick had been doomed from the start, but she'd let him talk her into giving things another try. She regretted that she'd fallen into a trap instead of following her instincts. Phyllis complained that Nick would never change because his family wouldn't allow him to change, and he'd gone running back to his mom and dad like he had always done and would always do.

Phyllis ranted that she couldn't take Nick's viper's nest of a family, but it was his loss, since the Newmans ate their own. Jack stayed silent, and Phyllis realized she'd broken her own rule about not discussing Nick. Jack joked that she'd smashed it to smithereens, but he knew how hard she loved and how much she loved to win. He sympathized that losing her connection with Nick while feeling like she'd failed wasn't a good combination for her. Phyllis called herself a failure because of the breakup.

Jack pointed out that he and Phyllis had broken up, yet he'd never in a million years say they shouldn't have tried. He considered it part of life that people fell in love and that sometimes it ended. Phyllis prepared to crawl into a hole at his idea of a pep talk, but Jack added that he wasn't finished. Jack explained that trying, loving, and breaking up wasn't a mistake, despite the pain.

Phyllis reiterated that she was a complete and utter failure, but Jack stated that it had simply been an ending. He professed that having love with someone who only wanted the best for her wasn't a mistake, and it eventually gave more than it cost. Jack assured her that she wasn't a failure, and Phyllis figured that she was older and wiser. He promised that she would be happy again.

At Crimson Lights, Sharon was glad to run into Lily, since she'd been planning to reach out to apologize for the way she'd acted the last time they'd seen one another. Sharon swore that she wasn't upset with Lily because of Billy's wild accusations against Adam, and she realized she never should have demanded that Lily reel Billy in. Lily hesitated to accept the apology when Sharon still clearly blamed Billy, even though Lily didn't consider his accusations wild at all. Sharon hoped Billy hadn't sucked Lily into his vendetta against Adam. Lily shared that she'd just seen Sharon's ex, and it had seemed Adam was the one with the vendetta who needed to be reined in.

Later, Nick arrived at the coffeehouse, and Sharon inquired whether he'd grabbed some of the quiet alone time he'd been seeking after their last chat. Nick confirmed that it had helped him accept that his relationship with Phyllis was over, and he thought Phyllis had accepted it, too. He said he'd faced that things hadn't ended any differently than they had before, and he blamed himself for not being more cautious. He added that he felt bad for Phyllis, who really seemed to be hurting. Nick pledged not to wallow in heartbreak, and Sharon firmly replied that he shouldn't.

Nick ordered some cinnamon cakes to drop off for Abby. He guessed from Sharon's reaction that she knew about Chance, and he asked who had told her. Sharon recounted that Mariah had called to request that she spend time with Abby to help her cope. Nick hoped Abby understood why he hadn't been there to see her, noting that no one in his family had bothered to tell him. He pledged to do everything he could to help Abby through it. Sharon commented that grief was difficult for anyone to deal with.

Nick insisted that he wasn't grief-stricken over his relationship with Phyllis, although he felt foolish for mistaking chemistry for something more permanent. Sharon told him not to beat himself up because the two were easily confused. He thanked her for not going the "I told you so" route. She insinuated that not being around Phyllis' animosity toward his family might help him get back on track with them. Nick grumbled that with everything Victor was up to, he didn't see things getting any better.

At Newman Media, Adam invited Billy to back up his threat by revealing what evidence he had to take Adam, Victor, and Ashland down. Billy bragged that he had the original letter from Camilla Rhodes that proved Ashland had stolen her fortune and built his empire with it, including spawning the company they were standing in right then. Billy ominously stated that it would be a shame to see it all crumble to the ground.

Adam questioned whether Billy had considered the statute of limitations on the alleged crime. Billy conceded that Ashland might not be criminally prosecuted, but he believed the revelation would be enough to cause damage to Ashland's reputation as well as Newman Media's. Adam reasoned that they'd rebranded, and Ashland was no longer involved in daily activities. Billy barked that Newman Media was built on lies, and no one would trust a media outlet like that.

Billy envisioned the civil suits and the "personal hell" that would rain down on Ashland for lining his pockets with money meant for charitable causes. Billy warned that he had one of his best reporters crafting the story, but he offered not to publish it if Adam, Victor, and Ashland ceased all attacks on ChancComm. Adam flatly declined, calling it no more than a sad bluff from a desperate man.

Adam recounted that Billy had had a chance to reveal everything in Tuscany, but Billy had wisely chosen to restrain himself and delete Gaines's video. Adam crowed that he and Victor had gotten the hard copy of Camilla's letter and destroyed it. Billy contended that they'd destroyed an authentic-looking copy, but he had the original, and he also had Gaines in the flesh. Billy warned that Gaines was even more pissed after the way he'd been manhandled in Tuscany.

Adam said he didn't buy Billy's story, and he was sure Victor wouldn't, either. Adam predicted that Gaines was on a beach, counting his money and blessings, and he suggested that Billy do the same before ChancComm ended up a worthless shell. Billy shared that he knew Gaines had been locked in a wine cellar in a Tuscan farmhouse, and Billy was able to make good on every threat he'd uttered that day. Billy gave Adam until that evening at 6:00 p.m. to decide whether the story went wide. Billy walked out.

At ChancComm, Billy told Lily that Adam had called his bluff, so he had put Adam on a deadline for that night. Billy wanted nothing more than for Adam to surrender and admit defeat, but he wasn't counting on it. Billy mused that, either way, time was ticking, and things were about to get very interesting.

At the Newman ranch, Nikki told Victoria that Adam had had no idea that the attack on ChancComm was putting stress on Ashland, but Adam had contended that it was just business. Victoria indicated that she didn't know the details, but Ashland had assured her that her children wouldn't be affected. Victor entered the room, and Nikki inquired about Abby. Victor reported that Abby seemed to be teetering between acceptance and denial, and she was determined to do something very risky.

Victor relayed a message from Devon about how Abby had woken up with the intention of flying to the explosion site to look for traces of Chance. Nikki and Victoria were stunned that Abby thought she could find Chance when the authorities hadn't been able to. Victor planned to check on Abby again, but Nikki urged him to take a break because he needed rest. Victoria said she intended to see Abby before leaving for Peru. Victor advised Victoria to tell Abby that it would be a foolish undertaking to go to Spain. Victoria promised to do her best.

Later, Adam called Victor to update him about Billy's visit. With Nikki hovering nearby, Victor recommended that they discuss it in person. Adam mentioned that Nikki had stopped by earlier with concerns about their plan being too taxing on Ashland. Victor said he'd deal with it, and he hung up. Victor confronted Nikki about her visit to Adam. He proclaimed that he and Adam would finish the project without Ashland's help, and nothing would stop them.

Victor joined Adam at the office and shared his concerns about Abby. Adam imagined that losing Chance had gotten to Victor, too, and Victor recognized that Adam had lost a friend. Adam recalled that he and Chance had had one another's backs in Las Vegas, and he'd considered Chance indestructible. Victor barked that whoever was responsible for Chance's death would pay. Adam reminded his father that they also had pressing business to finish there at home, and Victor referred to taking care of "Billy Boy."

At the Abbott mansion, Abby appreciated Mariah's generous offer to care for Dominic, but she insisted that there were plenty of people to help watch him while she was gone. Nina pointed out that Abby hadn't nailed down any plans yet. Abby was adamant that she was going to look for Chance, and she intended to go by herself if no one would go with her. Devon asserted that they all hoped Chance was alive, but Abby's decision was about life and death. Devon refused to let Abby do something stupid and risk having Dominic lose his mother, too.

Devon urged Abby to take a breath and think through it together. Abby snapped that she'd planned to ask him to watch Dominic while she was gone, but she had plenty of friends who were willing to do it. Mariah eagerly agreed with Abby. Devon swore that he'd do anything to protect the boy, and he believed Abby had to do the same thing by not flying off. Abby groaned that she was tired of arguing and wasting precious time.

Devon assured Abby that the State Department was already looking for Chance, and Nina piped up that Christine had persuaded her to let the authorities handle it. Abby growled that she was sick of listening to the State Department, since they had sent Chance into the dangerous situation in the first place. Mariah reiterated that she had no problem moving back into the mansion for Dominic's sake.

The doorbell rang, and Nina invited Victoria in. Victoria hugged Nina and Abby and told them she was deeply sorry. Abby requested a minute alone with her sister, and Nina, Devon, and Mariah stepped out. Abby asked Victoria if she could use the Newman jet, since she was confident that she would be able to find out what had actually happened to Chance if she went to Spain. Victoria said she understood the impulse of needing to do something, but she advised Abby to leave it to the experts.

Abby maintained that the authorities had failed, and she fretted that the trail would go cold. Abby envisioned Chance hiding or hurt somewhere, and she felt she was the only one with the sheer force necessary to find him. Abby testily questioned whether Victoria was going to let her use the jet or not, and Victoria gently replied that she didn't think it was a great idea. Abby huffed that Victor would let her, but Victoria informed her that Victor didn't think it was a good idea, either. Abby griped that Victoria was her sister and was supposed to be on her side. Victoria swore that she was, and it was why she was saying no.

Abby argued that Victoria, of all people, should understand how important it was, since Victoria was also looking her husband's death in the face and willing to do anything to keep Ashland alive. Abby contended that she was trying to do the same thing for Chance by fighting for him. Victoria suspected that in Abby's heart, she knew there was nothing to fight for. Victoria warned that going to the explosion site would only compound the hurt. Victoria anticipated the day when she lost her husband, and she imagined that she'd need her family around to support her. Victoria stated that Abby needed to be home to lean on them so they could wrap her in their arms. The women tearfully embraced.

In the corridor, Devon voiced concern to Nina and Mariah about Abby's state of mind, and he thought they had to keep Abby from going on the trip. Mariah worried that Dominic was absorbing all the tension, and she planned to check on him. Nina claimed that she'd just gotten the baby to sleep, and she didn't want to risk waking him. Mariah headed out to take care of some things in case she needed to move back in. After Mariah left, Nina objected to the idea of Mariah moving back in, and Devon agreed that it was a horrible idea. They heard Dominic start to cry, and Nina whimpered that it broke her heart to think about what the poor child had lost.

Devon and Nina took Dominic on a stroll through Chancellor Park. Devon sensed that Abby was spiraling out of control, and he didn't understand how she could leave her child behind to try to find out if Chance was alive. Nina empathized with the feeling, since it had taken everything in her not to jump on a flight with the thought of holding her son in her arms and telling him she loved him. Devon murmured that knowing one would never be able to see a loved one again was the worst feeling in the world.

Nina wished she could tell Chance he had a beautiful son, and it weighed on her heart that she couldn't. Nina cried that losing a child was so unfair, and Devon remarked that it was always unfair to everyone when someone died before their time. Nina acknowledged that he'd lost a lot in his life, but he thought that what he'd been through couldn't compare to being left a single parent with a baby to raise. Nina thought it was no wonder Abby was bouncing around the stages of grief after months of waiting for Chance to return home.

Mariah joined Tessa in their hotel suite. Mariah explained that Abby was determined to find out what had happened to Chance firsthand, and Mariah was worried about Dominic. Tessa stressed that they knew the tot would be taken care of, and Mariah hoped she'd be the one to do it. Mariah revealed that she'd offered to move back into the mansion if Abby left to look for Chance. Tessa questioned whether that was a good idea.

Mariah reasoned that it was an emergency situation, and she wondered if Tessa thought she hadn't made progress. Tessa clarified that she'd hate to see Mariah's forward motion wiped out, and she thought it was too soon for Mariah to take on full-time care of Dominic. Mariah spat that just when she'd thought they were in sync again, Tessa had to say something like that. Tessa begged Mariah not to go back there. Mariah maintained that she just wanted to make sure Dominic was okay.

Nina carried Dominic back into the mansion, and he began to cry. Abby crossed over to take Dominic from her, and she held him close. Dominic continued to wail, and an overwhelmed Abby handed him back to Nina. Abby sank down in a chair and buried her face in her hands.

Victoria privately told Devon that she thought she'd talked Abby out of making the trip, although Abby was furious with her. Devon hoped Victoria had been successful because he didn't know what else to say. He thought Abby's mood swings were a problem when she was around the baby, and it looked like she had a long way to go before she recovered. Across the room, Abby broke down in sobs.

Devon and Nick are very concerned about Abby
Devon and Nick are very concerned about Abby

Devon and Nick are very concerned about Abby

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

by Nel

At the Grand Phoenix, Phyllis thanked Jack for pulling her out of her funk. Jack reminded her that he was always there for her. She kissed him on the cheek and went to her suite. Phyllis didn't realize that Sally had witnessed Phyllis' peck on Jack's cheek.

Chloe saw the look on Sally's face. Chloe asked if Sally was still thinking about Phyllis and Jack. Sally admitted she was a little miffed. Chloe stated that Sally was more than a little miffed. She reminded Sally that her relationship with Jack had ended. Chloe wondered if Sally was still harboring hope that she and Jack would reunite.

Sally assured Chloe she had no interest in Jack, and she'd accepted it would never happen. Sally was sick of being treated like a pariah and a villain, while Phyllis was the wicked witch with a heart of gold. Sally claimed Phyllis had hurt Jack far worse than she ever had, yet Jack was subtly trying to steal Phyllis away from Nick. Chloe said that Phyllis and Jack had been close friends for many years. Sally wanted to know why Phyllis received a free pass, while she didn't appear to deserve any forgiveness.

Chloe told Sally forgiveness had to be earned. Sally doubted if Phyllis had earned forgiveness. Sally claimed Phyllis had double standards, and Sally wished she could expose Phyllis for the phony and the fake that she was. Phyllis had been standing behind Sally, and she told Sally to take her best shot. Sally stood and faced Phyllis.

Phyllis told Sally she'd taken the high road by allowing Sally into her hotel, and she'd taken Sally's money; however, she would not take Sally's insults. Phyllis said everyone knew she wasn't a fake or a phony. She said she was the real deal, while Sally hid her head in the sand every time she'd done something destructive.

Sally claimed Phyllis hadn't owned up to everything. Sally wondered how Nick really felt about Phyllis' friend/more than friend relationship with Jack. Phyllis said her personal life was no one's business, least of all Sally's. Sally asked if Nick knew about a little scene she'd witness between Phyllis and Jack in Tuscany. Phyllis had no idea what Sally was talking about. Phyllis asked Chloe to get her friend out of the hotel before things turned ugly. Chloe thought it was a great idea.

Jack saw Sally and Chloe leave. He asked Phyllis what had happened. Phyllis claimed she'd allowed Sally to get under her skin. She asked Jack if, when they'd been in Tuscany, they'd been in any situation that anyone could view as inappropriate. Jack recalled that Phyllis and Nick had been fighting. She and Jack had sat in her room, talking. Phyllis claimed it had merely been a comfortable conversation. Phyllis said Sally had commented on something that had her thinking. Jack told Phyllis not to let Sally get to her. Jack left for his meeting.

At the penthouse, Michael and Amanda discussed her testimony at Sutton's trial. She asked Michael for his honest opinion on how things had gone in court. Amanda wanted to know if Michael believed that her grandfather was one step closer to being convicted. Michael said he was very pleased with Amanda's testimony. Despite the emotional aspect, Amanda had been poised, eloquent, and in control. Amanda admitted she'd been unnerved when Sutton had watched her talk about the events that had led to the lawsuit. She'd tried to maintain the faade of strength and control.

In a flashback to the courtroom, Michael asked if Amanda had been Sutton's defense attorney and why she'd gone from being one of Sutton's defenders to testifying against him. Amanda stated she'd had reason to believe that Sutton had had her father killed.

In the present, Michael told Amanda she'd handled herself perfectly. She'd shared her pain and humanity with the jury in a genuine manner, but she'd still brought the story back to the innocent life that had been taken and the man who'd been responsible for her father's death.

In a flashback to the courtroom, Michael asked Amanda why she suspected that Sutton Ames had been responsible for her father's death. Amanda stated that her father's brakes had been tampered with when her father had been searching for her and Hilary. She explained that she and Hilary had been given up at birth because of Sutton. After she'd discovered that information, she'd realized that Sutton had seen her father as a potential threat to his sterling reputation and to his political career. That threat had needed to be eliminated. She said Sutton had seen her and Hilary as nothing more than a dirty secret, one that could never be exposed.

In the present, Amanda told Michael that as painful as it had been, it had also been cathartic. Michael was happy Amanda had been able to gain some closure. Michael said that as a D.A., he appreciated how Amanda had cut the legs out from under Sutton's attorney before he'd been able to swipe at her. It had been genius.

In another courtroom flashback, Michael asked Amanda if Sutton had recently paid her a visit after he had learned that she would be a witness at his trial. Amanda explained that Sutton had paid her a visit to secretly record their meeting in the hope she would admit that the only reason she would be testifying against him was out of vindictiveness. Amanda admitted Sutton's action hadn't surprised her because Sutton had been desperate and furious that she would dare stand up to him. She admitted she'd been hurt by Sutton's actions; however, her testimony wasn't about revenge -- it was about justice for her father, Richard Nealon.

In the present, Michael felt that Amanda's words had resonated with the jury. Amanda knew it wouldn't bring Richard back, but perhaps he'd been looking down and seen that she'd been fighting for him, too. Michael said she had done Richard proud.

Nick arrived at the Chancellor home. Devon told Nick that Abby hadn't been sleeping at all and would probably be down soon. Devon said Abby was in a very dark place and not coping well. Devon said Abby had decided to fly to Spain and look for Chance herself, but once Abby had gotten past the idea of going, she'd fallen apart. The idea of never seeing her husband again had begun to set in. Devon told Nick it would take Abby a long time to get past the pain and the loss. She would need all the love and support she could get to help her deal with her loss. Nick assured Devon the family would make sure Abby received all the support she needed.

Devon left when Abby appeared. She and Nick embraced. Abby was sorry she hadn't told Nick herself, but he didn't care. He only cared about Abby. Abby told Nick she couldn't believe what was happening, and she said that she couldn't talk about it. Nick understood. He told Abby to just ask if she needed anything. Abby asked how Nick was doing. Nick said the kids were doing well, and so was New Hope. Abby claimed she wanted to hear about the two weddings in Italy.

Nick told Abby that Kyle and Summer's wedding had been small, intimate, and very romantic. He said Summer had been so focused on Kyle, she'd forgotten her bouquet. She had run back, picked up her bouquet, and walked down the aisle again. He said it had been cute and perfect. Abby hoped they would have a long and happy life together.

Nick told Abby that Victoria's wedding had been a five-star Newman event. Nick felt Abby didn't want to hear his boring story, and he suggested they take the baby for a walk. Abby agreed.

At the park, Abby told Nick that Chance had proposed to her there. Nick suggested they go elsewhere, but Abby said it was exactly where she wanted to be. She said that when Chance had proposed, he'd talked about the child they would share one day, and he'd promised to love her forever. Chance had said their future would be filled with hope and possibilities. Dominic began to cry as soon as Abby began to cry. Nick noticed that Abby was completely oblivious to Dominic's crying. Nick picked him up to comfort him.

At home, Devon and Amanda embraced. Devon wanted to hear about the trial. Amanda said that Michael felt it had been a success. She admitted it had been far more emotionally draining than she'd anticipated, and she'd felt her anger bubble up every time she had looked at Sutton. She hadn't been certain that she would be able to keep it together.

In a flashback to the courtroom, Michael said that Amanda had already stated that she hadn't taken any pleasure in testifying against her grandfather. Amanda admitted she'd had no choice; she had to be there. She stated that Sutton had always put himself above everyone else, including the law.

Amanda told the jury that Sutton had demanded that his grandchildren be sent away because they had been an embarrassment to him. Sutton had had his grandchildren's father killed because he hadn't wanted that secret exposed. When Sutton had realized that the walls had begun to close in on him, he'd had his own daughter take the fall for him. She couldn't describe how it had felt when she'd discovered she had a family. Amanda told the jury she'd developed a relationship with her mother and sister, but it would be impossible to do so with Sutton, because he'd proven many times over that he would do whatever it took to protect himself.

Amanda assured Devon she wouldn't return to the courtroom until the verdict was to be read.

Amanda asked Devon about Abby. Devon said Abby wasn't in a good place. He was afraid things were going to get worse, and he was worried about Abby's mood swings. No one could predict how she was going to be from one moment to the next. He was no stranger to those feelings. They had led him down a very destructive path. He wasn't trying to project that it would happen to Abby, but he saw too many red flags. He knew Abby would accept Chance's death; however, he didn't know how long that would take.

Devon told Amanda he didn't think the Chancellor estate was a good place for Dominic at that moment. Dominic had been affected by the mood in the house. He'd been crying more than usual, his schedules were off, and it had all begun when Abby had first received the news. Devon knew it was connected. He'd seen it. Whenever Abby cried, Dominic cried, creating a circle of stress between them. He felt Dominic shouldn't be in that house, but he had no idea how Abby would react to the idea of having him removed temporarily. Amanda agreed it would be a very difficult conversation.

Amanda told Devon she understood why it was so important for Devon to be there for Abby and the baby. Devon asked for Amanda's opinion. Amanda said Abby would be able to find coping mechanisms to deal with her situation, but Dominic needed someone to do what was best for him. Devon wondered if he should pull the trigger. Amanda didn't know, but she knew Devon would figure it out. After Devon left, Amanda received a text message from Phyllis: "Are you free? I need a friend."

At Crimson Lights, after a frosty greeting to Sally, Michael confirmed with Chloe that she and her family would be joining him and Lauren for dinner later. He kissed her on the cheek, and he left.

Sally was astounded that Lauren had been as angry with Chloe as she'd been with Sally, yet Chloe had been invited for dinner, while Sally had been left in Siberia. Chloe remined Sally that she'd wanted Chloe to patch things up with Lauren. Sally said she was happy for Chloe. She'd hoped for the same results for herself, but she called Lauren another example of how she was never on the receiving end of forgiveness. Chloe had really had it with Sally's self-pity, and she told Sally to give it a rest.

Chloe told Sally that she and Lauren had been family for a long time. She told Sally that she'd been on the outside looking in, and she'd run the gamut of causing trouble, from small scenes to some admittedly disturbed vengeful behavior. She'd made the decision to stop. That was the key. Sally claimed she had, as well. That whole business with Victoria's wedding dress had been for a good cause. Chloe told Sally to focus on the good things she had in her life and what she stood to lose if she didn't change. She told Sally to quit complaining and to stop blaming others for a situation she'd gotten herself into. Sally admitted that Chloe was right.

At Society, Jack had a flashback to Tuscany and the conversation he and Phyllis had had in her room. He'd told Phyllis she'd underestimated herself, and the new Phyllis could handle it. She'd put her arm through Jack's, and she'd laid her head on his shoulder.

In another flashback, Phyllis had been at the Abbott home. Jack had informed Phyllis the reason he hadn't moved on with his romantic life had been because he'd been with the most amazing woman he'd ever known, and Phyllis had set the bar too high. He'd told Phyllis he hadn't said those things because he'd had too much to drink. He'd said them because they were true. He had never stopped loving her and didn't think he ever would.

In another flashback, Jack and Phyllis had been at the Grand Phoenix, where Phyllis had told Jack she loved him, too, and that would never change. She had admitted that she really loved him, and he would always be permanently in her heart.

Jack was about to call Phyllis, but then he changed his mind and put his phone away.

At the Grand Phoenix, Phyllis asked Amanda about her court appearance. Amanda claimed it had gone as well as could be expected. Phyllis was certain Amanda's testimony had convinced the jury that Sutton needed to be nailed to the wall. Amanda said she would be counting the seconds until the verdict was in.

Phyllis told Amanda that she wondered if her friendship with Jack had precluded her from opening up and making things work with Nick. She said lately when she and Nick had hit a rough patch, she had turned to Jack for advice. She said that Nick had claimed there had been more going on between her and Jack than had met the eye. Phyllis admitted that was true, but not in the way Amanda perceived it.

Phyllis told Amanda that whenever there had been a barrier between her and Nick, and she hadn't been able to get through it, that was when she had turned to Jack for advice. Amanda understood it was easier to open up to a friend as opposed to a lover, because there was no fear of being judged or of making them angry and hurting their feelings. Phyllis agreed. Phyllis valued Jack's advice.

Amanda said she'd seen how close Phyllis and Jack were. Phyllis said Jack was a really good man, and he'd supported her relationship with Nick when he'd had every reason not to. Amanda said Phyllis had never given her the details of what had happened between her, Nick, and Jack. Phyllis said when she'd been with Jack, she'd cheated on him with Nick, she'd become pregnant with Summer, and she hadn't known whether Jack or Nick had been the father.

Amanda told Phyllis that had given her a whole new perspective. She said that objectively, she felt Phyllis had a deep connection with Jack. He'd been a huge part of Phyllis' life for many years, and they'd exchanged how much they cared about each other, despite their rocky past. Amanda asked if Phyllis had considered that Jack was more than a friend to her, and perhaps she'd never really gotten over him. Phyllis looked surprised.

Devon was at Abby's when Abby and Nick returned from their walk. Devon said he'd wanted to check up on Abby. Abby left to change the baby. Nick told Devon that he understood why Devon was concerned. Nick admitted he was, as well. He said Abby was not herself. She'd been so preoccupied talking about Chance that she hadn't heard Dominic crying.

Billy's plan threatening Victor and Adam backfires

Billy's plan threatening Victor and Adam backfires

Thursday, November 11, 2021

by Nel

At ChancComm, Lily asked if Billy had heard back from Victor or Adam. Billy hadn't. He told Lily that Adam was panicking. Adam knew they had Gaines and Camilla's original letter. Billy didn't think Adam had informed Victor of the situation. Lily claimed that if Adam had told Victor, Victor would have sent Victoria to stop Billy. Billy said Adam believed that Gaines was on a beach somewhere, counting his money.

Lily told Billy she'd had time to think about Billy's plan. She believed it was a bad idea to use someone's past as blackmail, especially when that person was stepfather to Billy's children. Billy said he'd promised Victoria he wouldn't publish anything about Ashland's past. Lily felt they could take on the Newmans themselves. Billy reminded Lily that things hadn't gone well when Lily had tried to talk to Victoria.

Lily told Billy she didn't have all the answers; however, she believed in the company they'd built. She was confident they could handle anything the Newmans threw at them. Billy said that was the reason they needed to strike first. Lily felt Billy had increased the pressure on the Newmans, and they would retaliate harder. Billy claimed Lily was missing how badly Victor and Adam wanted to protect Ashland's reputation and, by extension, Newman Media's reputation.

Billy told Lily that Locke couldn't be charged for his past crimes; however, it would open him up to a slew of lawsuits, and that would make Newman Media vulnerable. Billy said Adam and Victor would do everything they could to keep it quiet. Lily asked what would happen if Gaines went rogue because he was determined to destroy Ashland. Billy claimed he could control Gaines. Lily asked if he meant the same way he'd controlled Gaines in Tuscany. Billy said it had been a misunderstanding. He wanted to talk to Gaines. Lily wanted to go with him, but Devon arrived, and Billy left.

Lily was shocked when Devon told her about the explosion at the safe house Chance had been in and that it looked like Chance hadn't survived. Abby had been going between denial and despair. Devon wanted to be there for Abby, but he didn't know the right way to help. He said Abby wanted to fly to the bombing site and search for Chance herself, and he thought Abby was being irrational because she had a child to care for. He said Mariah had also been there, and rather than try to convince Abby not to go, she'd offered to move in and watch Dominic while Abby was away.

Devon told Lily that Mariah had been focusing on her future with Tessa until the situation with Chance. Devon felt Mariah had seen that the baby was in distress, and she felt she was the best person to care for him. He thought Dominic was reacting to all the stress in the house. Devon said he would take Dominic out for an hour or two then return him to the stressful environment. He wondered if the baby should be moved out of the house temporarily until things stabilized. Lily asked if Devon was prepared to take care of the baby, long-term. Devon said he was, but he didn't know how to suggest it to Abby. He didn't want to make her feel like she couldn't take care of her own child.

Devon told Lily he didn't have any doubts about Abby's ability to be a good parent. He felt it would be best if she could grieve and heal properly without having to worry about her baby. Lily suggested that Devon talk to Ashley, since Abby would seek advice from her mother. Lily said Ashley would be able to give Devon good advice on how to handle the situation. Devon was happy he'd confided in Lily, because she'd given him some good advice.

At Newman Media, Adam informed Victor that Billy was still in his office at ChancComm. Adam suspected Billy was working hard to convince Lily his plan was airtight. Victor was disappointed that Lily was going along with Billy's scheme. He'd thought she had more sense. Adam said when Lily had tried to settle things with him, he'd offered her a job when ChancComm fell apart, but she hadn't been interested. Victor claimed Lily would regret that decision. Adam said Billy had given them until 6:00 p.m. to respond to his ultimatum.

Outside Adam's office, Sally pressed her ear against the door to eavesdrop on Victor and Adam. Ashley asked if Sally had heard anything juicy. Sally claimed she'd been waiting for Adam to finish up with Victor. She needed him to sign the purchase reports. Ashley said she had things to discuss with Victor, and she suggested that Sally find something else to do elsewhere. Sally left, and Ashley entered the office.

Ashley told Victor she wanted to speak to him alone. Before Adam left, he told Ashley that Chance was a hell of a guy. He was sorry for Abby's loss. He said he hadn't gone to see Abby because he hadn't wanted to upset Abby. Ashley coolly stated she would pass on Adam's condolences. Adam left.

Ashley told Victor that Nina had informed her that Abby wanted to fly to Spain and find Chance. Victoria had been able to talk Abby out of it. Victor had been aware of Abby's plan. Ashley was concerned Abby was going to be crushed by her grief over Chance's death.

After Ashley left, Adam told Victor it would take awhile for Abby to adjust to losing someone she loved. Adam received a text message. It was a video message from Gaines.

Gaines said he was back, and he had a few more lives left in him. He asked if they were surprised to hear from him. Gaines said he still had Camilla's letter; the one they'd taken from him in Italy had been a copy. The original was safe with Billy. Gaines turned the camera to show that Billy was with him.

Gaines said that Victor and Adam should be grateful to Billy, because if Billy hadn't convinced him to be patient, the story about Locke's greed and fraud would have been front-page news already. Gaines wanted the whole world to know about the fraud that had started Locke's empire with a crime. He said that if they didn't do exactly what Billy told them to do, Locke's crimes would become front-page news. The video ended, and Victor smiled.

At home, Abby was trying to stop Dominic from crying. When Nina entered, Abby said Dominic needed a nap, but she couldn't calm him down. Nina offered to take him, but Abby suggested that Nina warm a bottle for him. Nina offered to take him to the kitchen. Irritated, Abby told Nina she could handle Dominic.

Later, Abby thanked Nina for everything Nina had done. Abby didn't know what she would have done without Nina. Nina said she could do more. She offered to feed Dominic if Abby wanted to rest. Abby claimed she'd been feeding her son for months, and the news from Spain hadn't changed that.

Once Dominic was asleep, Abby claimed she had to check in at the restaurant. Nina protested and suggested that Devon do that. Abby appreciated what everyone had done for her, but it had made her feel weak. That wasn't who she was, and that was certainly not the woman Chance had fallen in love with. He expected more from her. Nina said Chance would understand. He wouldn't want them to hide their feelings. Abby claimed she needed to call everyone who had loved Chance, like Jill, and let everyone know what was going on, but she couldn't bring herself to do it. Nina said she'd spoken to Jill. Abby apologized and said she should have made the call.

Nina said that Abby's only responsibility was to care of Dominic. No one needed to hear from Abby until she was ready. Abby knew Jill and Phillip were devastated. Nina said that Phillip had gone quiet, which was his thing, and Jill had wanted to get on a plane and take charge. Nina received a text message from Christine: "Please call me." Nina told Abby she needed to call her agent, and she left the room. Alone, Abby decided to take the medication Nate had prescribed for her.

Abby fell asleep on the couch and didn't hear Dominic crying. When Abby woke up, Nina was holding the baby. Nina assured Abby he was okay. Abby said she'd taken one of the pills Nate had prescribed, and it had knocked her out. Abby was upset because she hadn't been there when Dominic had needed her. Nina assured Abby that taking care of a newborn wasn't a one-person job, and Nina wanted to help. That was why she was there.

Abby told Nina she'd been a wreck, and Dominic had been spending "so much time" with other people. She wondered if Dominic knew she was his mother. Nina assured Abby that he knew. Abby told Nina she didn't think she could take care of the baby.

At Crimson Lights, Rey asked Billy how his investigation was going. Billy said it had fizzled out. Rey was surprised. Billy had been adamant that Adam had been responsible for that missing person. Billy admitted he'd been wrong. Rey asked if that guy had shown up. Billy said he hadn't and that he'd been crazy to believe Adam would go to that extreme. Rey asked if Billy believed that Adam wasn't capable of abducting someone.

Billy told Rey that Adam might have in the old days, but Adam was a changed man. He had a new job, he was a respectful parent, and he was doing a great job impersonating a decent human being. Adam wouldn't jeopardize all that for anyone. Sharon entered with Billy's order. Billy picked up his order and left.

Rey told Sharon that Billy wasn't as good a liar as he believed he was. Sharon was certain it was about Adam. She told Rey that Lily had confirmed that Billy and Adam were still at war. She asked if Billy had made any wild accusations about Adam. Rey said it appeared that Billy had been defending Adam. Sharon admitted that was strange.

Later at the coffeehouse, Ashley spoke to Sharon about Abby, and Sharon advised Ashley to listen to Abby and to let Abby tell Ashley what she wanted. Ashley said she would let Sharon know if Abby decided to seek professional help. Ashley received a call from Devon, who asked Ashley to meet with him. She agreed to meet at the coffeehouse.

Sally arrived. When she saw Ashley, Sally said it was time to interview her because Newman Fashion media also covered the beauty industry. Sally felt the public would love to know how lipstick was made. Ashley said she was meeting someone. Sally said she'd be quick, but Ashley refused. Sally asked why. Ashley reminded Sally about Kyle and Summer and pointed out how Sally had hurt Jack. Ashley also said Adam was not her favorite person, but she would let Adam tell Sally why. Ashley refused to answer stupid questions about a puff piece.

Sally told Ashley she'd hoped to build a bridge between Jabot and Newman. It would have been great for both companies. Sally wondered why she would want to get back into the Abbotts' good graces, and Sally walked away.

When Devon arrived, Ashley told him she was grateful for Devon's support for Abby because Devon knew better than anyone what Abby was going through. Devon said he wanted to do more, but he didn't want to overstep or offend anyone. He said Dominic needed to leave that house. Ashley asked if Devon thought Dominic should stay with him. Devon stated it would only be until Abby began to feel like herself again.

Ashley told Devon that Abby was overwhelmed and struggling, but she was constantly surrounded by love and support. Devon agreed, but everyone, except for the nanny, was grieving for Chance. Dominic was absorbing all the negativity, stress, and emotions in the house. Dominic cried more than he had previously, and Devon was concerned what the situation would do to Dominic in the long run.

Ashley understood Devon's concerns. Ashley promised they would keep an eye on the situation. Ashley said it was an important time for mother and child to bond. Ashley felt the child would help Abby heal and give Abby hope for the future. The baby needed to stay with Abby. Devon understood, and he hoped they'd made the right decision.

At the motel, Billy told Gaines that soon, Gaines would be living the life he'd wanted. Gaines claimed it had to happen long before the story on Locke broke. He wanted to know when that would happen. Billy wanted to talk about options and how they would move forward. Unhappy, Gaines reminded Billy that he'd fought his way to Billy so that they could take down Locke. That was the only option.

Billy told Gaines that when he'd brought Gaines to Tuscany, he'd not only gained the wrath of Ashland but also of the Newmans. Billy said the Newmans were coming after ChancComm, and he had talented people working for him. He didn't want to see them lose their livelihood. There was more to consider than what Gaines wanted. Gaines claimed Billy was chickening out because the Newmans had gotten to him. Billy denied it.

Gaines reminded Billy that he'd given Camilla's original letter that could destroy Locke to Billy. He asked if Billy was going to betray him. Billy assured Gaines they were on the same team. Gaines wanted to know if Billy was going to expose Locke for the fraud he was. Billy claimed there was more to consider. Gaines knew he shouldn't have trusted Billy, and he didn't need Billy or the letter. He would find someone in the news media who had the guts to publish the story, Billy would have missed the biggest story of his life, and the Newmans would still be after Billy.

Billy told Gaines there was no doubt he could find someone else to publish the story, but he asked who would protect Gaines when Victor went looking for him. Billy said he couldn't because he would be too busy protecting ChancComm. They needed to stick together, or it would be easy for Victor to pick them off one by one. Gaines claimed he'd waited half his life to take Locke down. Billy asked how a few more days would change it.

Billy noted that Gaines hadn't come forward with his threat until he'd heard Locke was dying. Billy asked why Gaines hadn't released the letter previously. Gaines claimed he'd been waiting for the right moment. Billy said Gaines had to have enjoyed all that blackmail money while he'd been waiting for the right moment. Gaines claimed that when he'd heard Locke was dying, he'd figured it was "now or never." Billy told Gaines that he'd maximized his value by waiting.

Billy told Gaines that Locke had merged his company with Newman. Gaines had two entities that would pay him to keep that letter hidden, long after Ashland was gone. Billy said that once the story broke, Gaines had nothing to negotiate with. Withholding that letter was Gaines's superpower. Billy said he needed Gaines and Camilla's letter to protect him and ChancComm. Gaines could hold Camilla's letter over Victor's head for a very long time. It was the best offer Gaines would get because Victor didn't like him, and Ashland was dying. There was no one left to pay Gaines's bills.

Billy told Gaines that Ashland would be living his last days, wondering when Gaines was going to expose him. He would be living in his private hell. Gaines loved the sound of that.

After Gaines had sent the video to Victor and Adam, Billy gloated that Adam was probably in a frenzy, trying to figure out how to explain to Ashland how he'd lost control of the situation and how Billy had gained the upper hand. Gaines only wanted to make sure that he got paid and a guarantee of safe passage to his new life, living in anonymous comfort for the rest of his life.

Billy was excited when he received a text message from Adam -- until Billy saw what Adam had written: "Nice try. Futile attempt, but I enjoyed watching you work so hard." Angry, Billy had no idea what game Victor and Adam were playing. He told Gaines to stay put and to lock the door behind him.

Billy returned to ChancComm. He told Lily something had happened, and he needed more information. He had convinced Gaines to go along with his plan. They'd sent a recorded message to Adam. Gaines had threatened to expose Ashland to the world unless the Newmans backed "the hell off." Adam had responded that it had been a nice try.

Billy had no idea what that meant. It seemed that Adam was daring them to expose Ashland's past. He wondered if Ashland and Adam had suddenly become enemies. Lily doubted it because Ashland was part of the family. Billy said Adam hadn't been threatened by their threat, and they needed to figure out why very quickly.

Billy and Lily were completely caught off guard when Rey arrived.

At Newman Media, Adam received word from his P.I. that Billy had returned to his office. Adam instructed the P.I. to blow things wide open. Sally stood in the doorway. Adam wasn't happy when he saw Sally standing there.

Adam succeeds in defeating Billy and ChancComm
Adam succeeds in defeating Billy and ChancComm

Adam succeeds in defeating Billy and ChancComm

Friday, November 12, 2021

by Nel

At Newman Media, Adam told the P.I. to go ahead with the final stages of their plan. Adam turned and saw Sally in the doorway. He told Sally he was tired of her barging into his office whenever she wanted. Sally felt there was something Adam had been planning behind his closed door. Adam told Sally that whatever happened in his office was none of her business. She claimed she worked there, and whatever Adam had planned, it was tied to doing major damage to Billy and ChancComm.

Adam asked Sally why she cared. Sally claimed her job and her newly launched fashion career hung in the balance. Adam said she was making it all about herself. Sally claimed she liked her job, and it existed because of Newman Media. If whatever Adam was doing blew up, so did her job. She'd finally found her place, and she was terrified it was about to disappear. Adam assured her it wouldn't happen.

Sally told Adam she would regret staying silent if all her dreams went up in flames. Sally claimed she needed reassurance. Adam assured Sally there was nothing to worry about. Adam reminded her that he'd given her a job when everyone had told him not to, and he'd taken her to Italy to get Victoria to wear Sally's dress before Victoria had walked down the aisle. He'd stood up for her even when people had warned him to walk away. Sally claimed she'd done the same for Adam.

Sally insisted that Adam let her in on whatever the plan was. Adam told her to stay in her lane with fashion, and he would handle the business end. Sally asked if Adam expected her not to worry that he wanted to bring ChancComm to its knees. Adam told her Newman Media was untouchable, and she was safe. He said they were about to be better and stronger than ever. Adam admitted that something was going down, and it would happen quickly. He told Sally to focus on what was coming down the pipe for her and Chloe and to trust him.

At ChancComm, Rey told Billy he couldn't shake something Billy had said earlier. Lily asked Rey to get to the point. Rey told Lily that Billy had asked him to investigate a missing persons case; he'd indicated that Adam had been involved, but he'd had no evidence. Billy then claimed it had been a big mistake. Rey said that was the problem -- Billy had never admitted he was wrong, even when he was.

Rey told Billy that when he'd pressed Billy about the sudden shift, Billy had avoided Rey's questions, especially when Rey had asked whether that missing person had reappeared or not. Rey claimed Billy had been eager to cut their conversation short at Crimson Lights. Lily claimed he was meeting her because she was having a caffeine emergency.

Rey told Lily that Billy had said the coffee had been for a reporter Billy had been working with about a story. Billy asked what Rey was accusing him of. Rey believed that Billy was still on the trail of the missing guy, Gaines, and that Billy was dead set on pinning something on Adam. Billy said even if he was, Rey wasn't involved. Rey said not if Billy believed involving the police had been a mistake and if Billy was going to handle whatever it was on his own -- and that was a very bad idea.

Rey wanted to know why Billy had let go of his suspicions that Adam had had something to do with Gaines's disappearance. Rey was certain something was going on, and if Billy didn't tell him, Rey was going to use the cop radar to figure it out. Lily told Billy to tell Rey because he would figure it out sooner or later. She said they were facing a corporate battle, and they didn't need a distraction, since they had their hands full running ChancComm.

Billy told Rey that Gaines was alive, and he'd arrived on their doorstep. Billy said Gaines had wanted protection. Billy shared that Gaines had the goods to take down Ashland and Newman Media but was worried the Newmans would stop him. Lily said Gaines wanted the security that ChancComm could provide, and she and Billy were weighing their options. Rey wanted to know how Gaines planned to take down Locke. Rey assumed the information Billy had spoken about was damning and that Gaines wanted Billy to publish the information.

Billy told Rey that ChancComm saw Gaines's information as a bargaining chip to get the upper hand on Newman Media. Rey asked if the bargaining chip referred to blackmail, because that was a crime, and it appeared Billy was ready to commit it. Billy said there was a difference between blackmail and business negotiations. Rey wanted to know what Gaines was using as leverage against Locke. Billy said Gaines was a source, and they protected their sources. Billy insisted that story could be huge for them. Billy assured Rey he wouldn't risk everything they'd built by going rogue and doing something illegal.

Rey said that if Billy was withholding information linked to an official investigation into Ashland Locke, that was a crime. Rey assumed it had to do with some criminal activity on Ashland's part. Billy said the statute of limitations had run out on anything Ashland would have done in his younger days. Rey claimed the information could still be used in a civil suit, depending on what it was. Billy said it could tarnish Ashland's reputation. Rey understood that Billy was referring to the Newman/ocke merger. Billy said it was business and nothing illegal.

Billy told Rey that since Gaines hadn't been a victim of foul play, there was nothing for Rey to be concerned about. Rey left. Billy couldn't understand why Adam didn't care that they had Gaines or the original letter stating Camilla would leave Ashland nothing in her will. Lily said they were about to hit the deadline Billy had set for Newman Media. Billy was adamant that they wouldn't back down. He needed a minute to figure out what their next play would be.

Lily told Billy to check his phone. She asked if Billy had released the story, behind her back, about Locke forging Camilla Rhodes's letter. Billy denied it. Lily told him it had been published on one of ChancComm's news sites. Billy said he hadn't authorized anyone to publish that story. Lily asked if it had been a mistake or miscommunication. Billy said nothing could be published without his or Lily's approval. Lily said it was all there -- what Ashland had done to steal Camilla Rhodes's inheritance and the letter from Camilla that proved it. In a panic, Lily said ChancComm had launched a rocket at Ashland and Newman, and she and Billy had had nothing to do with it. She wanted to know how that had happened.

At home, Devon told Amanda he'd spoken to Ashley about Abby and the baby. Ashley felt there was enough support at the house for Abby and Dominic, and the baby would get all the attention he needed. She'd mentioned how important it was for Abby and the baby to bond during the first few weeks. Devon wanted to have a meeting with Victor and Ashley to decide the best way to protect Dominic from being affected by the grief.

Devon told Amanda he understood Ashley's concerns; however, Victor might have another point of view about the situation. Devon wanted to hear everyone's ideas. Amanda suggested that it might be a good time to revisit the paternity side of the surrogacy contract, since Devon had no legal say about the baby, yet he wanted to make plans to care for Abby and the baby. Devon claimed he was in a position to help.

Amanda told Devon that if anything happened to Abby, the custody of Dominic would shift to Ashley and Victor. They would become Dominic's legal guardians. Amanda asked if Devon wanted to take advantage of an opportunity to change that. If anything happened to Abby, and Devon was the biological father, she asked if Devon wanted to have the ability to petition the court for custody.

Devon told Amanda that he didn't want to review the surrogacy contract. Devon said Dominic was Abby and Chance's child, and he had confidence in Abby's parenting abilities and in Abby as his friend. He didn't want to petition the court.

Amanda apologized to Devon if she'd overstepped, but the situation had resonated with her. She said her father had done everything to find her, and he'd wanted her in his life, but he'd died before she'd seen his face. She said Dominic would always know who his biological father was, and that was priceless.

At home, Abby thanked Nina for being so wonderful with the baby and her despite her emotions being all over the place. Abby said she wanted to scream and cry, but if she couldn't control herself, she didn't know how she was supposed to be the mother Dominic needed. Nina said no one expected Abby to take care of the baby herself. Nina crumpled into a puddle of tears.

Abby asked Nina's forgiveness for not giving her the space to grieve. Chance was Nina's son, and she was struggling as much as Abby was. Nina told Abby she'd been desperate to get on a jet with Abby, fly to Spain, and look for Chance, but they needed to stay and care for Chance's little boy. Risking their lives would have been the wrong thing to do. Nina wanted to help Abby and the baby. Abby said she needed to get herself together because her son was depending on her. Nina suggested that Abby not to put so much pressure on herself.

Nina told Abby they needed to lean on each other. There were many people who wanted nothing but the best for Dominic, and when one of them stumbled, there was always someone there to pick them up. Abby didn't want to be a burden to anyone. Nina assured Abby she wasn't, and everyone was worried they were being a burden on Abby. They were all there to take care of one another. Devon entered and said Nina was right.

Devon asked to speak to Abby alone. Nina offered to give Dominic his bath. Nina left with the baby. Abby told Devon she wished she could be sweet and loving life the way Nina did. Nina found joy in the smallest moments, and all Abby gave Dominic were her tears.

Devon told Abby he'd stopped by to check on her. Abby told him she had her ups and downs; she was exhausted, she but couldn't sleep. She'd taken one of the pills Nate had prescribed, and she'd fallen asleep. She'd slept through Dominic crying for her. She had no idea how long he'd been crying or how long he'd needed her. When she'd woken up, she had felt like a failure.

Devon told Abby that Chance had been the love of her life, and she needed to grieve him properly. No one expected it to be easy, and she wasn't alone. Devon said when he'd lost Hilary, his world had imploded. He could have lost everything, but he would have been able to replace it all; however, he couldn't replace Hilary. He said his world had gone dark when Hilary had died. The same thing had happened when Neil had died.

Devon told Abby that he'd done things he'd known he shouldn't have. He'd hung out with people he normally wouldn't have, and he had masked his depression so much that he'd wound up having panic attacks. Abby told Devon not to worry about her going down a bad path because it wouldn't happen. She needed to stay strong for Dominic. Devon knew that Abby would get through it, but it would take time. It would happen with love and support from friends and family. That was how he'd done it. He wished he'd done it sooner rather than believing he could do it himself. No one got through a loss like that without help. Abby was lucky she had so many people to help her.

Devon told Abby to take advantage of all the support and help, and it was okay to fall apart. Abby couldn't help but believe that Chance would have wanted her to be strong. Devon told her to be strong sometimes and not so strong other times. There was no right or wrong way to grieve, and there was no time limit. Devon knew Chance would want Abby to feel everything she needed to. Abby said she had her son, and he was her priority. She had to put him before anything she was going through.

Alone, Abby told Dominic that with his father gone, all she felt was pain that wouldn't go away and emptiness because the man she'd loved more than anything in the world was gone. Dominic had begun to cry. Abby tried to console him. She was overwhelmed as she lay on the couch.

At Society, Naya told Amanda that Imani had filled her in on Amanda's testimony against Sutton. Amanda was sorry, but she'd had to testify against him. She hoped Naya would understand and forgive her. Naya said she wanted to raise a glass to her brave daughter for taking a stand against a man who had controlled Naya's life for a long time and for getting justice on behalf Amanda's father. Amanda had thought Naya wouldn't understand why she'd needed to testify and that Naya would be angry with her. Naya said Amanda had done the right thing. Imani had told her the unvarnished truth.

Amanda told Naya she'd wanted to speak for Richard because he wasn't able to speak for himself. Naya said Amanda had done what no other family member could do. Amanda felt it had been easier for her to stand up to Sutton because she hadn't had a lifelong connection with him, but she'd seen him for who he was. Naya apologized for abandoning her, for not protecting her, and for not being a mother to Amanda and her sister. Naya said Amanda had stood up for her and had spoken for her when she'd been unable to speak for herself. Amanda claimed she was the troublemaker. Naya smiled.

Naya told Amanda it would have been easy for Amanda to turn her back on Naya and the family after Amanda had realized what Sutton had done. Naya wouldn't have blamed her. She said Amanda was fearless. She'd fought for justice for a father she'd never met because of Naya. Amanda said it had been Sutton's fault because he'd made Naya give her twins away. Naya couldn't let Sutton take all the blame for that. She'd agreed to give up her babies. Naya wanted to be a part of Amanda's life for a long time to come and to get to know the incredible woman that Amanda was.

Naya told Amanda it was nice being together, and they needed to do it more often. She wished Imani had joined them; however, there was plenty of time, especially when Amanda and Imani opened their law practice. Amanda admitted it would be a big step for her and Imani.

Naya wanted Amanda to meet her friend Viola and said Amanda was going to love her. Viola was an interior designer -- for Amanda's office. Naya didn't want Amanda to say anything until she saw what Viola could do. Naya also had some ideas of her own on making Amanda's office look professional and cutting edge. Naya was so proud that her two daughters would be hanging up their shingle and that they wouldn't be beholden to anyone.

Amanda said that Naya wasn't the same person she'd been when they'd first met. She said Naya was courageous and her own woman. Naya said it was thanks to Amanda because she'd changed them. Naya said the family had lost a lot over the past year; however, they had gained so much more than she could have imagined, and that was Amanda. They embraced.

At home, Devon greeted Amanda when she returned from meeting with Naya. She told Devon things had gone much better than she had expected. Naya had given her a sincere and profound apology for abandoning her and for not being her mother. Naya's apology had been deep and real. Amanda said she couldn't have imagined going into practice with her sister, or being someone's daughter, or being with such an incredible man as Devon. It was a strange new world for her, and she could get used to it.

Amanda asked Devon how things had gone with Abby. Devon said they had talked for a while, but Abby was still having a problem opening up; however, he had a better sense of where Abby's mind was. Devon said he'd told Abby about his own grieving process and that she shouldn't expect to bounce back immediately. He hoped Abby had heard him.

Devon answered the door, and Abby was there with Dominic. She said Devon was right, and she couldn't do it alone.

Adam sat in his office, smiling with satisfaction.

Edited by SC Desk
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