A special week of episodes celebrating the Abbott family, including Traci and Brad's wedding, the Abbotts regaining control of Jabot, Jack asking Phyllis to marry him, and John Abbott's funeral.

ENCORE PRESENTATION: Traci Abbott and Brad Carlton are married (1991)
Monday, June 1, 2020
by Soap Central
Due to the novel coronavirus pandemic, The Young and the Restless began broadcasting special throwback episodes until it was safe for the cast and crew to return to work. As a treat to viewers, CBS aired special theme weeks devoted to iconic characters. This week focused on the Abbott family and some of the drama they've endured over the years. A complete list of episodes that aired during this week can be found here.
This episode originally aired November 11, 1991. In the episode, family and friends gathered to witness the nuptials of Traci and Brad.
Ashley, the matron of honor, walked down the aisle carrying a small bouquet of pink and white roses. Ashley and Brad shared a brief glance before Brad turned his attention to his bride, carrying a large bouquet of pink roses. After John placed Traci's hand in Brad's, he walked to the pew and disappointed Jill when he took a seat beside Dina. The priest told the couple it was an honor to remarry them, noting that the couple had rediscovered the bond that had first drawn them together. After the couple exchanged vows and placed rings onto each other's fingers, the priest pronounced them husband and wife. Brad kissed Traci.
You can read the full recap of that episode here or in our Daily Recaps Archive, which has comprehensive Daily Recaps for The Young and the Restless dating back to the show's first episode in 1973.

ENCORE PRESENTATION: Jack tells John that they control Jabot again (1999)
Tuesday, June 2, 2020
by Soap Central
Due to the novel coronavirus pandemic, The Young and the Restless began broadcasting special throwback episodes until it was safe for the cast and crew to return to work. As a treat to viewers, CBS aired special theme weeks devoted to iconic characters. This week focused on the Abbott family and some of the drama they've endured over the years. A complete list of episodes that aired during this week can be found here.
This episode originally aired September 17, 1999. In the episode, Jack smelled success as John Abbott regained control of Jabot.
John stammered that he couldn't believe it. Jack clapped him on the back and handed over some documents that proved Jabot was John's again. John looked at them in awe and mused that he'd never expected something like that. Jack conceded that there had been times he'd never thought it would happen, and John shared that he'd never allowed himself to even dream it could. John thanked Jack and struggled to find the words inside him to express how he felt.
You can read the full recap of that episode here or in our Daily Recaps Archive, which has comprehensive Daily Recaps for The Young and the Restless dating back to the show's first episode in 1973.

ENCORE PRESENTATION: Tensions rise between Traci and Ashley (2001)
Wednesday, June 3, 2020
by Soap Central
Due to the novel coronavirus pandemic, The Young and the Restless began broadcasting special throwback episodes until it was safe for the cast and crew to return to work. As a treat to viewers, CBS aired special theme weeks devoted to iconic characters. This week focused on the Abbott family and some of the drama they've endured over the years. A complete list of episodes that aired during this week can be found here.
This episode originally aired September 10, 2001. In the episode, Jack proposed to Phyllis, and tensions rose between Traci and Ashley.
During a party at the Abbotts', and in front of a crowded room, Jack asked Phyllis to marry him. Phyllis stood stunned and frozen on the spot but then ran out of the room. Ashley tried to stop Jack from going after Phyllis, and she told him that Phyllis needed some time alone.
You can read the full recap of that episode here or in our Daily Recaps Archive, which has comprehensive Daily Recaps for The Young and the Restless dating back to the show's first episode in 1973.

ENCORE PRESENTATION: The Abbotts mourn the death of John Abbott (2006)
Thursday, June 4, 2020
by Soap Central
Due to the novel coronavirus pandemic, The Young and the Restless began broadcasting special throwback episodes until it was safe for the cast and crew to return to work. As a treat to viewers, CBS aired special theme weeks devoted to iconic characters. This week focused on the Abbott family and some of the drama they've endured over the years. A complete list of episodes that aired during this week can be found here.
This episode originally aired August 24, 2006. In the episode, as the family mourned the loss of John Abbott, Kevin and Michael helped Gloria fight for her place among the Abbotts.
At the funeral, Jill thought about her life with John. As tears welled up in Jill's eyes, Katherine took her hand. Traci wished she had spent the Fourth of July with John. Katherine said that John would just be happy that they were all together then. The funeral was about to begin, but Gloria still hadn't shown up.
You can read the full recap of that episode here or in our Daily Recaps Archive, which has comprehensive Daily Recaps for The Young and the Restless dating back to the show's first episode in 1973.

ENCORE PRESENTATION: The Abbotts are reminded of the true meaning of Christmas (2019)
Friday, June 5, 2020
by Soap Central
Due to the novel coronavirus pandemic, The Young and the Restless began broadcasting special throwback episodes until it was safe for the cast and crew to return to work. As a treat to viewers, CBS aired special theme weeks devoted to iconic characters. This week focused on the Abbott family and some of the drama they've endured over the years. A complete list of episodes that aired during this week can be found here.
This episode originally aired December 24, 2019. In the episode, Dina reminded the Abbotts of the true meaning of Christmas.
Jack returned to the Abbott mansion with Dina, whose eyes widened at the sight of the tree. Jack explained that he'd wanted her to see it lit up that evening instead of waiting until morning. Dina gasped at the assortment of gifts under the tree, and she wondered if one was for her. Traci informed Dina that they were all for her. Ashley presented Dina with a gift she'd purchased in Paris, and Dina gushed that she loved Paris. Dina added that it was so kind of all of them, and Traci insisted that it wouldn't be Christmas without her.
You can read the full recap of that episode here or in our Daily Recaps Archive, which has comprehensive Daily Recaps for The Young and the Restless dating back to the show's first episode in 1973.

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