Sharon was carjacked. After Diane took one of the orchids from Phyllis, Phyllis decided to give Jack the other orchid. J.T. and Colleen planned to top each other's Valentine's Day plans. Bobby and Raul were shocked by Brittany's appearance.

Monday, February 2, 2004
by Tara L. Parrish
Grace shocked Sharon by telling her that Cameron Kirsten was her boyfriend. She was extremely upset that she -- or anyone else, for that matter -- hadn't heard from him. She implied that Sharon could have something to do with his disappearance, just for payback, so she had gone to their home first. Sharon said she didn't know what she could add and asked why Grace felt something bad had happened to Cameron. Grace said she was worried because ordinarily Cameron would have told someone where he was going, but no one had heard a word from him.
Sharon told Grace the situation was disturbing, but she barely knew Cameron, and she had done her best to tell the police everything she knew. Grace shuddered when she heard Sharon refer to Cameron in the past tense, and Sharon apologized for being insensitive. She asked how long Grace planned to be in town, and Grace said she was staying until they got some news about Cameron's whereabouts. As she got up to leave, she wrote down all her contact numbers and told Sharon to call her if she heard any news.
Sharon immediately called Michael to head over to talk to her about Grace. He asked if she felt Grace suspected anything, and Sharon said she didn't but that she was the last person Sharon wanted to know the truth. Michael tried again in vain to convince Sharon the best thing she could do would be to turn herself in to the police, as the evidence was stacking up. He also reminded her the weather was changing, and the likelihood of the body turning up was growing. That made Sharon snap, telling him to either help her devise a game plan or send her the bill and get out of her house. She told him she had to do something immediately -- that day -- because the body couldn't be found.
Jill and Arthur continued to talk. They spoke briefly about her "legitimacy," and Arthur apologized if he had made her reveal more than she was comfortable revealing. Jill went on to tell him the entire story about how she and Katherine had met so many years before and ended the story with the stroke. Arthur told her he wasn't sure what he could do to help, and Jill told him to help Katherine stop drinking. She said Katherine needed a reason to keep living and stop drinking. He promised he would think about everything she'd said and that he would stay in touch. After he helped her with her coat, he sat down, shocked, saying, "Dear God, is it possible?"
Olivia went downstairs after checking on Ashley. She told Brad there was no improvement but that he shouldn't give up hope. He told her he would do anything to get her back, regardless of the cost. He went on to say that Victor was on his way over; he was going to tell Victor the truth about being Abby's father. Olivia asked if he was certain he was ready to do that, and Brad told her he was scared. He was nervous because he felt once the truth was out, Ashley would want Victor in both her and Abby's lives.
Olivia told Brad that Ashley was mentally ill right then, and there was no telling how she was going to feel once she felt better. Brad disagreed, telling Olivia it was possible that Victor was the only man she had ever loved. The doorbell interrupted their discussion -- Victor was there. Olivia said a quick hello and left the two men alone. Brad updated him on Ashley's situation then Victor got up to leave, thinking that was the reason Brad had summoned him.
Brad stopped Victor, saying he wanted Victor to talk to her and that he would go and get her. Victor agreed under one condition -- that Brad not be in the room, so they could talk freely. Brad agreed and went on his way upstairs. He stopped, turned around, and went back and told Victor there was something he wanted to tell him.
Panicked, Neil was on the phone, trying to find another orchid, when Dru rushed in. She immediately asked about the orchid, and Neil told her Phyllis was storing and protecting them. Dru asked what the timetable was -- she was anxious to be the one to get the orchid to Jack. Neil told her the whole thing was basically out of his hands, which made Dru snap. He confessed that he'd made the deal, but Phyllis had never signed off on it. Dru told him he was supposed to convince her and started kissing up to him to convince him further. He told her he just couldn't be sure what Phyllis was going to do.
At the Abbotts', Diane was on her way out and gave Jack a hug. Phyllis picked that moment to walk in and sarcastically said how nice it was that Jack had missed her so much. Both Jack and Diane told her nothing was going on and that the hug was innocent, but she didn't buy it. She told them the moment she'd left town, Diane had been on her way over, and Jack quickly snapped back that Phyllis hadn't exactly been available to offer him support.
After Diane left, Phyllis told Jack that returning home had been a mistake. They argued about Jack's betrayal, and he more or less apologized and told her he still loved her. She told him she had to go and said goodbye. He asked what she planned to do, and she told him she wasn't sure. She went back to her hotel room and flopped down on the couch, saying out loud what a bad day it had been. She glanced over and noticed one of the orchids was gone. She got up and rushed over to the vase. Then she froze, when she heard Diane's voice asking if she was looking for something.

Tuesday, February 3, 2004
by Marian Crane
At her home, Sharon realized that the chances of her being tied to Cameron's death were good. She decided to move the body so they wouldn't tie him to the motel she had been spotted at. Michael begged her to not do it and to turn herself in, but she once again refused. Later Nick showed up to pick up a forgotten briefcase. The couple shared a romantic moment. Later Sharon had Miguel get the BMW ready for her and told him to make sure the trunk was empty.
At the Carlton house, Brad told Victor there was something he needed to know before they went forward with their plan to help Ashley. Brad didn't go through with it, and he led Ashley downstairs. The visit cheered her up, and she began to understand that something was wrong with her. She didn't know why, but she felt sad. He talked her through it, and she realized that her baby had died.
Colleen woke J.T. at the loft. She'd been calling him for days. She asked why he hadn't responded. He harshly told her that he'd had other, more important things on his mind. He filled her in on Brittany's electrocution at Marsino's. He decided to change the subject to Valentine's Day.
In her hotel room, Phyllis threatened to call the cops on Diane until Diane pointed out that Phyllis was guilty of the same crime. Diane advised Phyllis to be quiet and listen. She was there for Jack. He loved Phyllis, and she, reluctantly, wanted to get them back together. She knew he wanted Phyllis, but for some reason, Phyllis was resisting. She couldn't believe Phyllis constantly sided with Newman Enterprises. She wondered if Phyllis was ready to repair the damage.
Diane pointed out that she could have easily given the orchid to Jack and been the heroine. But she knew his heart belonged to Phyllis. She wouldn't give him the orchid -- Phyllis would.
In the Winterses' apartment, Dru was livid when Neil started to back-peddle on his promise to get an orchid for her. Her job was on the line. She warned him not to ever double-cross her. She wondered if he and Phyllis had been in cahoots all along. He was hurt by that accusation. Dru changed her mind and believed that Neil was telling the truth. Sadly, she saw her career was over, and it was largely his fault. She wouldn't forgive it.
Michael stumbled on a lunching Jack at the Athletic Club. Jack was on cloud nine with the news of Victor pleading guilty. Jack revealed that an officer of the court would be asking him about both Michael and Victor and his recommendations for sentence. Jack was not interested in hurting Michael but would go for Victor's throat. Jack also said that Jabot would be suing Victor civilly to the price of nine figures. Michael then asked about Phyllis, but Jack didn't want to talk about that. Michael advised him to focus on winning Phyllis back.

Wednesday, February 4, 2004
by Citrine
Phyllis couldn't believe her ears when Diane insisted that she didn't plan to give the orchid she stole to Jack. She was holding it as insurance until Phyllis gave Jack the other orchid, thereby saving Jabot as well as her marriage. Phyllis was sure that Diane had an ulterior motive. Maybe she wanted to use the other orchid to get leverage at Newman. Diane wouldn't reveal what she intended to do with the orchid. Maybe she needed her head examined, but she was giving Phyllis the opportunity to fix things with Jack because she merely wanted to see Jack happy. Phyllis didn't agree to anything and ordered Diane out of her hotel room.
Sharon flashed back on all the things that had happened since New Year's Eve, from Cameron telling her to meet him at the motel to her recent conversations with Michael. She admitted that Michael had been right. She should have gone directly to the police after killing Cameron. But it was too late. She was doing what she had to for Nick and their family. She had no choice, especially since Grace was sticking her nose into it.
Sharon pulled up behind the motel and got out at the dumpster. After brushing snow off the sheet-covered body, she put it in her trunk. Before she could get in her car and leave, the motel clerk saw her in the alley and yelled for her to stop.
Victor and Ashley continued to talk about the fog she'd been living in. She said she was grieving the loss of her child, but all the details were sketchy. Victor said she seemed to be running from something, but she had to face her problems, no matter how painful they were. She hadn't responded to anyone but him for some time, including Abby. When she heard Abby's name, Ashley seemed to have a realization. She asked Victor to leave, telling him that she needed to think. She embraced him, promising never to forget him.
Brad saw Ashley and Victor's embrace and entered the room. Ashley thanked Victor for stopping over to help her. Victor said it had been Brad's idea. After he left, Ashley told Brad that she understood how much he loved her and what a risk he'd taken. Brad said that anything was worth getting her well. He wanted her to talk to Olivia and Wesley, and Ashley smiled and made a joke about them shrinking her head.
Brad was happy to see Ashley smile again. It was clear that he felt he was losing her to Victor, but Ashley had something else on her mind. She'd decided that it was time for her to tell Victor the truth about Abby. That was the key to her getting well -- she needed to confront her history in order to move beyond it.
Anita was stressed out and upset while waiting for her chance to see Brittany, and she snapped at Frederick and Raul. Raul left them alone, and Frederick told his wife how terrific Raul had been throughout the ordeal. Anita said all she'd wanted was for them to get her daughter out of Marsino's. She wasn't surprised to hear that Frederick had cut off their line of credit and blamed him for not backing off. But most of all, she blamed Bobby Marsino for using their daughter to crawl a few inches out of the gutter.
Olivia arrived to tell Frederick and Anita about Brittany's condition. Her hands would heal fine, and she should regain full use of them. The other burns on her body didn't seem to be as bad as they'd feared. But in spite of having had an excellent plastic surgeon, it was very likely that her face would be scarred.
Anita was devastated and later wondered if Brittany was going to survive the ordeal. She knew her daughter would live, but she hadn't exactly been raised to overcome adversity. Frederick told her that no matter what, they needed to maintain a positive attitude around Brittany. Anita agreed, and they walked toward the nurses' station to find out when they could see their daughter.
Bobby arrived at the hospital, and Raul warned him away from Brittany's parents. He then asked Bobby for more information on who he thought was guilty of rigging the pole at the club with electricity. Bobby was reluctant to talk at first but finally admitted that the police said there was no way it had been an accident. Someone who knew what he was doing had carefully contrived it.
Bobby insisted that Angelo wasn't involved. He thought it was Sal trying to impress their boss. Raul wanted to know who the boss was. Bobby said it was just someone who'd helped him get the club started and still had money in it. But if Sal was guilty, Bobby would kill him himself. Before Bobby could tell Raul anything else, Anita and Frederick walked out of the waiting room. Anita hurled herself at Bobby, beating his chest and screaming.

Thursday, February 5, 2004
Just as Sharon was putting Cameron Kirsten's body in the trunk of her BMW, the man who had seen her with Cameron the night she'd killed him tried to stop her. He wanted to know what she was doing there. Sharon asked him what it was going to take for him to forget that he'd ever seen her. He said he would rather have sex with her than take her money.
Trembling, Sharon made up a story about her pimp making trouble if he wouldn't just let her go. The man said fine and told her to just leave. Sharon started her car and drove away, talking to herself. As she looked into the rearview mirror, she saw Cameron's face in the mirror. She shook her head deliriously, and a cop turned on the sirens, pulling her over.
Victor went home after his visit with Ashley and had a drink. Nikki arrived downstairs, and Victor told her that it was Nick's goal to humiliate him. Victor said Nick was just some young punk trying to take someone down who did the same things any prominent businessman would have done. Victor told Nikki the only remorse he felt was for the pain he'd caused Ashley.
Nikki wondered why Victor mentioned Ashley. He admitted that Brad had asked him to go and see Ashley to get her out of her depression and that he had gone, and she'd seemed to be better. Nikki asked if getting Ashley out of her depression was really the reason he had gone to see her. Victor was surprised and wanted to know what she meant by that. Nikki admitted she felt insecure about his feelings for Ashley and that she was afraid of losing him.
Brad was surprised that Ashley wanted to tell Victor about Abby and tried to talk her out of it. He said that Victor and Nikki were going through a lot lately and that it might destroy their marriage. He said that a lot of people's lives were at stake. Ashley didn't care; it was what she felt she had to do. Ashley realized that Brad might think it was a means of getting out of their marriage, and she said that was absolutely not true. Ashley said she was more in love with Brad than ever for what he had done for her.
Anita was outraged when she saw Bobby at the hospital, and Raul and Frederick tried to stop her from hitting him. Olivia walked in and wondered what was wrong, and Anita tried to calm down. Olivia said that Brittany had asked to see her mom. When Anita went into the hospital room and saw Brittany all wrapped in bandages, she looked troubled. Brittany was happy to see her mom and apologized that Anita had needed to head back from Houston because of her.
Brittany asked her mom if she really had only a bruise on her face. Anita admitted that it might be a lot worse than that. Brittany wanted to know if her face was any worse than her hands. Anita said she didn't know and explained that a plastic surgeon that had previously preformed miracles had worked on her. Brittany wanted to know if she needed a miracle. She also told her mom that she was worried about Bobby because it had only been an accident, and he had been blaming himself.
Diane went to the bar and saw Dru. Dru asked Diane if she had been having man trouble, and Diane said her trouble had to do with a certain redhead. Dru was curious and asked if Diane knew whether Phyllis still had the orchids or not. Diane replied that she knew that Phyllis had one orchid that Diane hoped she would give to Jack, and Diane had the other. Dru tried to convince Diane to give her the other orchid, but Diane laughed at her and said she needed it for insurance. Dru and Diane both did not think Phyllis would give Jack the orchid.
Jack went to see Phyllis after she called him. He thought she was going to ask him for a divorce, and she offered him the orchid. He was in shock, and they appeared to reconcile. Phyllis said she knew it didn't mean her slate had been wiped clean, but she hoped he could forgive her. Jack said he was surprised that she was the one to give him the orchid -- and so soon. He hadn't expected that. Phyllis told him it didn't really matter why she'd decided to give him the orchid, whether she had been forced to give him the orchid or not. Jack believed she meant she had been forced because she wanted to reconcile their marriage.

Friday, February 6, 2004
by Citrine
Christine called her apartment from the boutique to talk to Danny. She wanted him to wait for her there; she was taking home a surprise for him. When she arrived, she had all the necessities for a romantic evening together. Danny poured them some wine and began to rub her shoulders. When Christine made him sit next to her and gave him a passionate kiss, Danny pulled away. Even though they were comfortable and familiar with each other, before things went any further, there was something he needed to tell her.
Sharon drove away from the motel, trying to decide what to do with Cameron's body. A policeman pulled her over because one of her taillights was burned out. He offered to look in the trunk, but Sharon promised she'd get it taken care of immediately, so he let her drive away, warning her that she was in a bad part of town. Nick called her on her cell phone to let her know he was on his way home from Chicago. He'd gotten finished with his business early but had already sent Wally back with the jet, so he was taking a commercial flight.
Nick teased Sharon about being out shopping and told her that he should be home in a couple of hours. Sharon fervently expressed her love before he had to hang up to catch his flight. As her panic rose, Sharon imagined she saw a bloody Cameron in the seat next to her and screamed. She calmed herself by remembering happier times with Nick and their children. Finally, she pulled behind a building, looking for a place to drop the body and stopping her car. A group of gang members pulled up behind her, and Sharon screamed as they pulled her from the car.
Brad opened the door to Victor, who he'd summoned to the Carlton house. He shared that Ashley had experienced a breakthrough and had gone out for a while. Victor was pleased, since that was what they'd been hoping for. Brad said he'd risked his marriage to try to get Ashley well. He asked if Victor was concerned about the effect it would all have on his marriage.
Victor was annoyed and wondered what Brad was getting at. Brad said Nikki couldn't be happy about the bond between her husband and Ashley. Victor was offended and said that he and Nikki had overcome many obstacles. He wished only the best for the Carlton marriage, too. He then walked out as Brad brooded about Ashley's decision to tell Victor the truth about Abby.
Nikki was annoyed when Ashley arrived at the ranch, telling her that Victor wasn't home. Ashley said she wasn't there to see Victor. She needed to tell Nikki that she'd decided to tell the truth about Abby. She had to do it to save her own sanity, and Victor had warned her to stop running from her problems.
Nikki told Ashley she was being totally selfish. Victor was facing a possible prison sentence, he'd been publicly humiliated by his son, and all Ashley could think about was herself. She'd started the mess by stealing Victor's sperm and getting pregnant. And when Nikki had found out, Ashley had begged her not to tell Victor the truth. Nikki begged Ashley to keep that information to herself. Ashley said that she loved Brad, and she didn't understand why Nikki thought her marriage was so fragile that it couldn't withstand the truth. She believed that Victor loved Nikki and wondered why Nikki didn't believe it.
Bobby went to see Brittany, who told him again that she didn't hold him responsible for what had happened to her. It had been an accident. She knew Bobby would never hurt her, nor would he let anyone else hurt her. Bobby didn't tell her the pole had been rigged to shock her. Once she was sure that he believed she wasn't blaming him, she admitted that she was scared. Her mother had told her that her face was scarred. Bobby told her that she was beautiful and always would be. When Olivia entered to change the bandages, Bobby tried to leave, but Brittany asked him to wait.
Outside Brittany's room, Raul was waiting for his chance to see her when Angelo showed up. He warned Raul that Bobby was going to be in big trouble with their backers if he didn't start focusing on business and get over Brittany. Raul could help by keeping his girlfriend at home. When Raul questioned who was behind the attack on Brittany, Angelo reiterated what Bobby had been telling Brittany. They didn't hurt women and kids. It was part of their code.
Raul became angry with Angelo, and Olivia walked out of Brittany's room in time to hear their raised voices. She asked who Angelo was, and Angelo said he was just a messenger. He'd delivered his message to Raul: be smart. As he skulked out, Olivia told Raul that they were about to change Brittany's bandages, and Brittany wanted both Raul and Bobby to be with her.
Raul followed Olivia into Brittany's room, where he and Bobby spoke reassuringly to her as the nurse began unwinding her bandages. As the horrible wound on her face was revealed, Olivia flinched while Raul and Bobby tried not to react too strongly to what they were seeing.

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