Young and Restless Recaps: The week of August 23, 1999 on Y&R

SC Desk
The Newmans hosted a party to celebrate Cassie
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of August 23, 1999 on Y&R

Victor accused Jill of betraying him. Brad continued to play with Nikki's mind. Grace enlisted Tricia's help to keep Tony and Megan apart. Malcolm convinced Callie to stay in town. Paul located Brock.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of August 23, 1999 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of August 23, 1999 on Y&R

Monday, August 23, 1999

by Soap CentralToday's recap was provided by Judy Hanna.Vicki's OfficeVictor is reading from a file folder when Ryan walks in. Ryan starts totell Victor about some companies he has been researching as possibleacquisitions, when his beeper goes off. He leaves the report withVictor and goes back to his office. Ryan comes back by Vicki's officeagain, still no Vicki, but Victor is reading Ryan's research. He'sinterested in the company that produces and distributes homeopathic andherbal remedies. Victor knows someone who is an expert on alternativemedicine; maybe he should give her a call. Ryan leaves again and Victorasks Connie to get Ramona on the phone and put the call through toVicki's office.New MexicoHelena drops by the clinic with lunch to visit Ramona. Ramona seemsdown, but claims she's fine. Ramona begs off going to a movie thatnight with the girls. The phone rings and Ramona lights up when shehears Victor's voice. Ramona asks about his leg and tells him shethinks about him often. In the background, Helena is watching with aknowing look on her face. Victor tells Ramona about the company andwonders if she'd give him her opinion if he sent her some info to lookover. As she's been talking to Victor, Ramona has perked upconsiderably. Ramona is smiling to herself when she notices the lookHelena is giving her. Ramona asks if something is wrong. Ramona says it wasa business call. She thinks Helena is letting her imagination run awaywith her. Helena just says, "Am I?" and leaves.Elsewhere at NENick tells his secretary he's expecting an important call (about thecoffeehouse). She tells him that the ad agency called while he was out but they will call again. Vicki strolls in and says she has a new plan. Vickirants about Brad some. Then Vicki tells Nick she is going to go seeMal. Nick wonders if her rush to judgment is to prove more to Bradthan to herself. Vicki says Nick is wrong; Brad was all for her beingspokesperson. Nick tells Vicki to follow Dad's advice, don't letemotion dictate her judgment; it's bad business. Vicki gets defensive and walks out.Sharon's placeCassie asks Alice if Sharon knew she was coming. No. Alice wants toknow how long everyone will be gone on their little walk. Cassiewonders if Alice would like her to go get them. Alice says no, and theychit chat a little. Alice tells Cassie this is the best talk they'veever had. Cassie guesses it's because Alice isn't her mother, so nowshe doesn't have to be afraid. Alice apologizes for frighteningCassie. Alice thinks it would be wonderful if they could spend moretime together. Cassie asks why Alice came. Alice suggests they go findSharon and the others. Alice holds out her hand and asks Cassie to takeit. After a little hesitation, Cassie takes her hand. Alice and Cassieare heading for the door when Sharon's threesome returns. Sharonimmediately gets paranoid. Millie takes both kids outside and Sharondemands an explanation. Alice tells Sharon she just dropped by. Sharonis sure she planned to take Cassie and threatens to call the police.Sharon angrily tells Alice she should have called. Alice apologizes.Alice tells Sharon she came to see her mother. Sharon finds that hardto believe and Alice accuses her of not believing that anyone canchange. Alice gets upset and starts to leave, but Sharon asks her tostay and see Millie. Sharon brings the others back in. Millie issurprised Alice came to see her. Alice and Millie both just stand thereawkwardly. Sharon asks them to talk; it could be the opportunity of alifetime.The search for CallieMal stops by Gina's looking for Callie. Gina suggests he check thecoffeehouse. Mal comes in Crimson Lights and Mac says Callie came byearlier to get her last check. She tells Mal that Callie said since theplace was closing, it was just one more reason not to stick around. Maldoesn't know where else to look for Cal.Paul's officePaul is giving Lynn more work when Kay comes in. Kay has rememberedanother possible lead on where Brock might be. Kay tells Paul and Lynnthat finding Brock might be the only way she can get Mac to stay. Lynnsuggests Kay tell Mac what she's up to, and Paul agrees, but Kaydisagrees. Then Lynn asks about Mac's mother. Kay thinks that wouldopen up a whole assortment of problems. That would be a last resort; Kay says; she is afraid the mother would take Mac away. Kay doesn't want to do anythingthat would disappoint Mac. Lynn has called the number Kay gave them,but the people that could help are out. Just then, Paul's phone rings.Gina'sKay is remembering when Brock told her he had found the Lord and askedher to forgive him for what he had done in the past, when Nikki walksup. Kay tells Nikki she has Paul on the search for Brock, but thereisn't much in the way of leads she could give him. Nikki tells Kay tohave faith. Kay asks Nikki about Brad. Nikki claims she has tried toavoid contact with Brad, but Victor kept him on. She even told Brad shewas just using him. Kay asks if Nikki's upset that Victor is keepingBrad on after what he did to Victor or what he may do to her. Kaywonders if Nikki can handle Brad, honestly. Nikki admits Brad has a wayof getting under her skin. Nikki mentions Ramona and her trip to NM tocheck her out. Kay is concerned about Nikki. Nikki replies things withVictor are much too solid; nothing could drive a wedge between them.Photo studioMal is at the photo studio when Vicki drops in. Vicki asks Mal howcommitted he is to Jabot. Mal says he's freelance, first come firstserved. Vicki wants to do some preliminary shots. Mal wants to knowwho has final approval and Vicki says she does. Mal starts the shootand guesses that Vicki has done this before. Vicki admits she did whenshe was young and stupid. Mal wants to know more, but Vicki says maybewhen she knows him better. Mal is shooting away when the camera fadesto pictures of Vicki from magazines and newspapers posted all over thewall. A man reaches out and strokes one of the pictures. The magazine appears to be the one that Vicki posed nude for a few years ago.

Jack is on the phone talking to a fellow "anti Victor" businessman from Australia whenLeanna Love walks in to the office. She flirts outrageously and asks Jack what he is up to. He remarks how good she looks and shesuggests that it is time Jack took some "R and R." When she finally gets to the real reason that she is in town, Leanna admits that sheis looking for financial backing for her own television show. She wants Jack to commit Newman Enterprises funds and become a"silent partner" for her new show. In return, she will do what she can to make Victor look bad in the media. Jack loves the idea butexplains that he doesn't have that power anymore and that he is looking for funds himself for his Jabot deal with Victor. She is sorryto hear this but tells Jack that if he ever needs anything at all....

Paul, Kay, and Lynn are in his office on the speakerphone trying to call Brock in India. Awoman on the other end tells them that he is there, just not now. He is in town getting medical supplies. Before they can leave amessage for him, the line goes dead. Kay is disappointed, but Paul reminds her that at least they know where Brock is now.

Jill doesn't believe Mac's story that she found the scotch bottle out by the pool and wantsto smell her breath. Mac tells Jill that SHE is the drinker! Jill orders her to leave her house. Mac reminds Jill that it is hergrandmother's house too and she will stay! She accuses Jill of being mean to Kay and Billy and adds that Jill doesn't show Billy anylove because she is too mean and too drunk half the time! "You think I'm mean now, you haven't seen anything yet!" Jill shouts. Withher hands on her hips, Mac looks Jill straight in the face and says "I've had experience with drunks...lots of threats and they only endup hurting themselves!" Jill storms out of the room. Kay enters and asks Mac what is bothering her...Jill? Mac calls Jill a witch andtells Kay that Jill accused her of drinking. She has had enough fighting and can't be in the house with Jill another minute!

Callie is at the bus station waiting for her bus to Nashville to board when Malcolm burststhrough the door to the station, sees Callie, and asks, "going somewhere?" He tells her that she's not leaving and takes her bags awayfrom her. "I want you" he tells her. Callie informs him that she doesn't want to be "Plan B" when "Plan A" falls through!"

Nikki is at home and remembers her last conversation with Brad about how he would loveto have a child with her. Victor enters the room and he tells her that he has "trouble all around him...Jack, Jill, and his own children.Seems like the only person he can rely on is Brad! He can't believe that Victoria is so opposed to Brad working with them. Doesn't hisfamily realize that he is only using Brad and he knows "what a treacherous S.O.B. that Brad is?" Victor asks Nikki how she feels aboutBrad. She hedges the question and changes the subject. She wants the two of them to take a trip someplace. "Don't you rememberwhat happen the last trip?" Victor asks. Nikki then asks Victor if he ever thinks about quitting the business all together. "You must bekidding!" he replies. He promises to spend more time with her after the deal with Jack is over. He heads upstairs and! Nikki promisesto join him in a few minutes. She thinks about their "baby" conversation and his reminding her of the vasectomy that he had at HERurging. Nikki gets a number from the phone book and makes a call to a 24-hour clinic information service. She asks whether avasectomy can ever be reversed.

Diane is at Gina's alone and lonely. She calls Marisa to join her, saying that it is important!Marisa has plans of her own and refuses to drop everything for another one of Diane's so called "important" meetings and hangs up onher. Feeling rejected, Diane looks up and sees Brad coming into the restaurant. "We must stop meeting like this!" she tells him. Sheinvites him to join her to cheer her up. They commiserate over Jack until she changes the subject and asks Brad who this mysterywoman in his life is. He denies that there is such a person. She wonders what is his reason for the secrecy. "Is she married?" Again,Brad denies all; he makes excuses and leaves. Diane speculates on the woman's identity...could it possibly be Nikki? "Oh, Bradley, areyou crazy enough to play with that kind of fire?"

Billy and Raul are still out by the pool after Mac has left with the scotch bottle that Billywas drinking from. He is giving Raul advice on how to pick up girls...specifically Mac! Raul asks Billy if he has know! Billyclaims that "living in NYC, you have to be a complete jerk if you aren't getting any action!" He adds that he can't wait to get backthere and away from Genoa City! Jill overhears this comment as she walks up to the pool. She announces that she needs to talk toBilly alone, so Raul leaves them to make a phone call home. Jill says that she is unhappy and Billy retorts with a smart remark. She letshim know that it isn't necessary for him to tell everyone how much he hates being with his mom. "Whatever!" he tosses back at her.She smells his breath; "You've been drinking!"

Mac and Kay discuss Jill. Mac wants Kay and her to "get out together." Kay tells her thather father grew up in this house. Mac asks what he was like. Kay tells her he was much like her and gives her some of the details oftheir rocky relationship while he was growing up and how he had changed when he came back after leaving for several years. Shecredits Brock with saving her live by helping her to give up drinking. Mac wonders that if her father was this changed, caring person,why didn't he write to his own mother in the last ten years. Mac is tired and goes up to bed. Kay tries to reach Brock in India again,but gets nowhere. Jill bursts into the room and accuses Mac of corrupting Billy by giving him liquor. Kay defends Mac and warns Jillthat if she pushes Mac out of the house that she will make Jill's life miserable! Jill wants to go upstairs and "have it out" with Mac right now! Kay warns Jill once more, "hassle her again and you will live to regret it!"

Callie tells Malcolm that he isn't ready to "cut Liv loose." He asks for her ticket because heis going to rip it up! Malcolm tells Callie that he and Liv are from "different planets" and that he is not the man for her. He feelscomfortable with Callie; he needs her and doesn't want to lose her. He puts the necklace around her neck and whispers "please don'tgo." They embrace and kiss.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of August 23, 1999 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of August 23, 1999 on Y&R

Tuesday, August 24

by Soap Central

Ryan surprises Tricia by preparing her a large breakfast, which he urges her to eat. She tries to tell him that while she lives him for making breakfast, she isn't hungry, but he insists. With the first bite, however, she rushes to the bathroom with a bout of morning sickness. While she is out of the room, Megan arrives. He says that he is leaving before he makes his wife any sicker. But Tricia comes back out and tells him that he could never make her sick. After Ryan leaves, Tricia tells Megan about the wonderful experience at the doctor's office the day before. Now, she says, she isn't worried about Ryan or their marriage. She mentions that he is going to see Nina right now but she isn't worried about it at all.

At the ranch, Victor and Victoria get into a heated discussion when Victor finds out that Victoria went to Malcolm for some test shots without letting Brad know. They argue about Brad's participation in Brash and Sassy. Victor insists that she needs Brad and his expertise while she insists that he is a traitor and she can't work with him. She says that she hates that every time they get together these days, they are fighting. She asks him to look at the tests shots and he does. He says that she is a beautiful woman. She says that Malcolm did a good job with the shots and he says that any photographer could do the job just as well with her as the subject. As she is leaving, he tells her to show the pictures to Brad.

Ashley and Cole return from New York with Cole complaining that she didn't have any time for him at all. She answers that she warned him before leaving that she would be very busy. Cole still can't understand why she allowed business to monopolize her time. She reminds him that when she accompanied him to New York to see his editor, she was left all alone but she didn't complain. As they are arguing, Jack comes in and makes a sarcastic remark about the lovebirds. Ashley goes upstairs but Cole remains downstairs. He bitterly turns on Jack and tells him that he will not allow him and the company to take over his life. When Jack tells him that this is a very important project that he and his sister are working on, Cole rubs the fact into Jack's nose that he is trying to take back what he lost to Victor Newman. They are ready to start swinging when Ashley comes in and separates them. Cole storms out of the house, leaving Jack and Ashley to talk about Ashley's trip. She tells him that they don't have the support that they need and it is time they talked to Jill about helping them. Jack says he isn't that desperate yet.

Sweating from the heat, Grace fantasizes about making love with Tony. Things really heat up until Tony asks her to move away from the window so that the breeze can come in to the room. She tries to come on to him but he just wants to keep her as a friend. He mentions that he is thinking of moving to his own place. He pays her back for the loan she gave him to buy tools so that he could work freelance.

Ryan arrives at Nina's apartment and finds her in a blue mood. She tells him that she and Bret broke up the night before. She says that she had considered living with him, but she just didn't have the feeling that it was right. Bret has been offered a new job and he has left. She asks Ryan if he can go with her when she picks Phillip up from camp. He wants to have a bigger role in Phillip's life. He tells her about the experience the day before when he saw his baby on the ultrasound. He thinks that it is time to tell Phillip about the new baby.

Home alone, Tricia hears a knock at the door. When she opens it, Grace is standing there. She says that it is time for them to have a progress report. Tricia isn't interested, saying that Megan and Tony aren't seeing each other any longer so it isn't a problem for her. Grace asks if she is sure. She says that she lives with Tony and she doesn't know what he is doing or with whom he is doing it.

Gina shows Nikki to a table. Nikki remembers the call she made the night before. She then takes out her cell phone and makes a call to the Urologist's office. She wants to see the doctor as soon as possible about her husband. The office manager asks her if this is an emergency. When she says that it isn't, she is told that it will be weeks before she can give her an appointment. She says that if there were a cancellation, she would like to be notified. Just then, Brad comes up and hears her talking about the doctor's appointment. He is terrified that something is wrong with her. He joins her at the table and asks her what the problem is. She tells him that it is not anything she would care to discuss with him and he assumes it is a gynecological problem. He begins talking to her about what they once had and what he believes they still have. She tells him that he is wrong; the appointment she was making was about getting pregnant with Victor's child!

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of August 23, 1999 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of August 23, 1999 on Y&R

Wednesday, August 25, 1999

by Soap Central

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of August 23, 1999 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of August 23, 1999 on Y&R

Thursday, August 26, 1999

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of August 23, 1999 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of August 23, 1999 on Y&R

Friday, August 27

Edited by SC Desk
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