Victor wanted to fire Grace, but Jack refused. Paul told 'Jim' that 'Jim' was Paul's father. Victoria went home to the ranch. Michael arranged for Katherine to visit her home. Tony and Nick fought. Beatrice disappeared.

Monday November 30, 1998
by Soap Central
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JACK and BRAD are talking about their problems; Jack suggests that Brad needs an assistant and he has the very person in mind. She is smart and cold bloodied but she is in the doghouse with Victor at the moment. Just then, Victor calls and wants to see Jack and Brad. Jack says that Brad is right here and they will both be there momentarily. Jack worries that Victor is having second thoughts about stepping back; maybe he is on to them and their plans, but Brad tells him to stay cool. Jack hints that maybe Brad let something slip; but Brad says that if anything slipped out, it came from Jack. Slapping Jack on the back, Brad suggests to "Twinkle Toes" that they waltz on in to Victor's office and she which one has mud on their shoes.
When the "boys" arrive in Victor's office, he wants to know if they are getting things straightened out between them. Reluctantly, each man tells Victor that they can work with the other for the business. Victor thinks that they are speaking too quickly, but he lets it go. They suggest that he should let the press know the plans and Victor tells them in no uncertain terms that he will know when the right time comes. He and he alone will make that decision, however, he tells Jack that he will be watching over his company carefully from the sidelines. Also, he makes no bones about watching Jack every step of the way. He excuses them. As they leave, Jack allows Brad to precede him through the door, then, without leaving, he closes the door in Brad's face. Turning back to Victor, he says that he wants to discuss something else with him. He suggests that Grace Turner be appointed as Bradley's assistant. Victor points out that if Grace is in that position, she will be privy to all kinds of sensitive information. Jack assures him that he will keep his eye on her and what she sees. Besides, it would be a great way to keep her away from Nicholas. Victor agrees that with Grace in that position, both Jack and Brad could keep an eye on her. "But who will be keeping an eye on you, Jack?" Victor asks.
NIKKI arrives at Sharon's house with a gift for Cassie and a book for Sharon. She remarks that she missed her and the children on Thanksgiving but she realizes that Sharon felt uncomfortable about showing up. She just wants her to know that she is welcome at the Ranch at any time. Sharon looks at the book, When the Honeymoon is Over; can you Save Your Marriage?" Nikki tells her that the author of the book is a therapist who practices right here in Genoa City; she is highly respected, so she has made an appointment for Nick and Sharon to see her. When Sharon looks like she will object, Nikki quickly tells her that with the death of Vicki's baby, she realizes just how fragile life is. It can all be gone in the blink of an eye so we should make the most of every day that we have. She reminds Sharon that the same thing happened in her early marriage to Victor, but they worked through it and now their marriage is stronger than ever. She says that Sharon should learn from mistakes and use them as an opportunity to learn and grow. Sharon agrees that mistakes can be built upon and they can be turned into something positive. She is happy that Nikki was able to work out her problems with Victor but she has to be honest and tell her that she could never have stayed married to Victor Newman. If she had known that Nick would be just like his father, she wouldn't have married him. Nikki looks insulted. She tells Sharon that Nick is just a young man, too young to be burdened with all the responsibilities of a family and all the pressures of work and not be expected to make a mistake now and then. As she leaves, she tells Sharon that if she doesn't keep that appointment and try to work things out, she will be sorry! She tosses the book on the table as she storms out of the house. Looking at the book, Sharon sees that Nicholas has left his gloves. "You've been here!" she says as she picks the gloves up. She grabs her coat and purse and quickly leaves the house.
CARL announces that he is now ready to listen to Paul; he wants to know what the connection is between them. "What is our connection?" Paul shouts. "YOU ARE MY FATHER! I AM YOUR SON!" Carl has a dazed look on his face as he says that he doesn't know Paul. The two are shouting at each other, Carl saying that he isn't Paul's father and Paul shouting that he is. Don't you remember anything? Paul wants to know. He tells him of the maple trees in the front yard, the birdhouses that he made. "What about YOUR WIFE, my mother? She is the woman you were married to for forty years, don't you remember her?" Carl is shaking his head in disbelief. He doesn't know anything about any of what Paul is talking about. He says that he has to get out of the house. Paul tries to stop him but Chris and Ruth pull him away. She tells Paul that the pressure is too much for Jim. Paul is unsympathetic; he begins to question Ruth about her relationship with Jim. Ruth tells Paul and Chris that she and Jim have been together for ten years, ever since she found him almost dead at the side of the road. Suddenly both Chris and Paul are firing questions at her as if this were a real cross-examination. Paul wants to know if she reported finding Carl to the police and when she says that she didn't, he wants to know why not. Why wouldn't she be curious in all these ten years about Carl's past? Finally Ruth admits that she was curious but she didn't question anything about his past for the same reason that she didn't report it to the police. She was afraid that if she reported it, the perpetrators would come back to finish the job and, secondly, she didn't want to know about the life that was so horrible that her Jim could be left along the side of the road near death. Chris suggests that it is time for them to leave. Before they leave, Ruth looks at Chris and tells her that they have been truly happy together. "I warned you, Christine, I begged you to let this go. Now all of our lives are torn apart!"
PHYLLIS is undressing herself for Michael but he reminds her that this is an office. What if some of he partners came in? She walks over to the door and locks it. That is taken care of, she tells him. The ringing of the phone saves Michael. When he answers, he finds Grace calling to whine about her situation. She is still in her empty office just waiting around for someone to finally tell her what is going to happen to her. She says that she can't take this much longer. Michael commiserates with her but reminds her that she can handle anything. He tells her to hang tight and they will talk about it at dinner tonight. When he hangs up, Phyllis isn't happy about what she heard but she tries to pretend that it didn't bother her. She tells him to go ahead and have his little fling; she will be there waiting when he gets over it. She tells him that she loves him so much and that is why she gets a little crazy at times. She is sorry about the kidnapping; she really went overboard there, but she will spend the rest of her life making it up to him. She reminds him that Christine forgave him and what he did to her has to be much worse than anything she could do. He tells her that there is a big difference. Yes, Christine forgave him but no trust was involved. With her, he can't trust her. He can't sleep in the same bed with someone he can't trust. She tells him that one day he will trust her. She gently kisses him and tells him that no one will ever live him the way that she can. She leaves. Out side the door, she begins to button her blouse. "You'll come around, Michael," she says. "And when you do, you will regret the way you have treated me!"
NEIL joins Olivia in Gina's. He is happy that Victoria will be coming home today but his happiness is short lived when Olivia tells him that she doesn't think that it is a good idea for Victoria to move in with him. She thinks that the decision to live together should be postponed until Vicki is more emotionally stable. Neil tells her that whatever Vicki wants to do will be fine with him. He gets up to leave and Olivia can feel his displeasure with her.
Tired of waiting in her empty office to see what is going to happen to her, GRACE goes to see jack and tells him that she is tired of being jerked around. He tells her that he has been busy with her problem. He thinks that he has a solution but since she has already "screwed" up her future here at Newman Enterprises, he has to have her word that she will not mess up again. He isn't ready to take a fall if she is unable to learn from her mistakes. She assures him that she has learned, but she thinks he is more worried about a lawsuit than he is finding her a position. He says that he knows that she is a hard worker and he thinks that she is ideally suited to work with one of their key people. "But, first things first," he says. "Can I count on you to stay away from Nicholas Newman?" Just as Grace tells him that she can stay away from Nick, Brad walks in. Jack tells him that he has been thinking about an assistant for him and he thinks he has the perfect solution. He introduces Grace; Brad says that he does have several people in mind. Grace is disappointed and tells Brad that it is too bad; she would have loved working for him. Jack leaves to let them work it out. Grace says she when she is getting the brush off and starts to leave. Brad calls her back and says that they can start with a clean slate. He has made his share of mistakes and as long as she is smart and dedicated, he doesn't care about her past record. Grace says that she is a dedicated worker. Brad says that he will see her at 8:00 AM in the morning ready for work. He leaves and Grace smiles. "Well, what do you know?" she asks herself.
NEIL shows up at the hospital and tries to be cheerful for Vicki's sake. She wants to go home but she doesn't have anything to wear. He suggests the dress she wore to the service but she doesn't want to wear that and she is surprised that he could be so insensitive. He offers to go out to the ranch to get her some clothes; he even offers to go to the store and buy her something, but she says that she is expecting her mother with some clothes. Just then, Nikki arrives with an overnight bag. Neil goes to check on the paperwork while Vicki changes. As Nikki begins to take the clothes out of the bag, she begins to talk about how wonderful it will be to have her daughter back at the ranch. She says that she and Miguel will enjoy waiting on her hand and foot.
NICK is in his office looking at the picture Cassie drew of her family. He hopes that he hasn't ruined things for his family. Just then, Sharon knocks and comes into the office. He is happy to see her but she tells him that she only stopped by to give him his gloves and to ask him not to "just drop by" from now on. It would be better if he called before coming. She sees the picture on his desk and exclaims that she has been searching all over for this. He says that he is sorry; he saw it there and it reminds him of his family and what he may have lost. Sharon says that she would gladly have given it to him if he had only asked. She tells him that it might be better for her if she took the kids and left the ranch. He begs her not to but she says that she can't take all the pressure that he and his family is subjecting her to. He promises that he will back off and give her some space and he will see that his mother backs off also. He says that he hopes and prays that she will one day forgive him; it would kill him if he lost his family because he screwed up. Sharon is ready to leave when the phone rings. Nick is reminded that he is late for a meeting. She tells him to go ahead; she will make a phone call from his desk and leave.
Sharon calls her mother and tells her that she has one more stop to make and then she will be home. As she hangs up the phone, there is a knock at the door. The door opens and Grace walks in. When she sees Sharon, her mouth hangs open. Sharon is in shock. "I don't believe this!" Sharon says. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?"

Tuesday, December 1, 1998
by Soap Central
"I just stopped by to tell Nick about my new job," Grace tells her.

Wednesday, December 2, 1998
by Soap Central
RYAN is finishing up the meeting with Nick and as he puts his papers back into his briefcase, he mentions that that time of year is almost here. Nick is confused so Ryan tells him that he is talking about Christmas bonus time. He mentions that since Grace has been doing a fantastic job for him, he should take extra special care of her this year. Coolly, Nick tells Ryan that Grace no longer works for him. Ryan looks shocked. "You were such a great team. Who broke you guys up?"
"WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?" Sharon demands her voice full of quiet venom. Grace answers that she is there to tell Nick about her new job. Sharon says that if Nick is expecting her, she will leave. Going toward the door, she stops and turns around. "What is it like, Grace, to be you?" Sharon asks. "You have no sense of right and wrong; you couldn't have to do what you did to your best friend. We used to be so close; I thought I could trust you, but I was wrong. Are you finally happy now that you have devastated my life?" Grace meekly says that she did not set out to ruin Sharon's life but Sharon wonders if she ever stopped to think about the consequences of her action. "Did you think about me, your best friend? Did you think about what you would be doing to my children? And what about Cassie? You claimed that you loved that little girl and wanted her to be happy?" Grace tries to say that she does love Cassie but Sharon won't let her speak. "If you loved her, how could you have torn her world apart? She finally had a stable life with a mother and a father. Were you thinking about her when you took my husband to bed?" Grace cries out, "Please let me explain!" Sharon says that there is nothing she could say about her twisted desires that would change anything for her now. "We are finished, Grace!" Sharon speaks through gritted teeth and squinted eyes. "I don't want to see you or speak to you ever again."
"WHAT IN HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE, GRACE?" Nick asks from the doorway.
ASHLEY joins Cole in Gina's for an afternoon coffee break. Cole is distracted but happy to see her. He mentions that he has a bad case of writer's block. Ashley doesn't wonder; he has been going through a lot recently; the last thing he needs is deadlines. She tells him that she called Traci in New York and Steve is letting up on the deadlines. Everyone understands and only wishes him the best. Cole is thankful to her for doing this for him; he is having so much trouble getting his mind on other things right now. He tells Ashley that he knows that they have been talking about starting a family but he hopes she understands that now isn't the right time. Ashley tells him that she understands and one day, it will feel right and they can talk about it then. She mentions the new office over the garage and Cole tells her to set something up with the architect.
VICKI tells her mother that she is going to Neil's when she leaves the hospital later today. Nikki thinks that would be a mistake; she should go home where there would always be someone there to watch over her. She reminds Vicki that Neil will be spending many hours at the office. She also tells Vicki that Cole is still working at the tack house. Vicki accuses her mother of having an agenda; she says that Nikki doesn't approve of her and Neil being together. Nikki denies having a problem with Neil but leaves it up to Vicki whether she goes back to the ranch or to Neil's place. All she asks is that she think about it.
Outside, NEIL is concerned about Nikki's visit to Vicki when Malcolm comes to visit Victoria. Neil tells him that if he has come to persuade him that Vicki would be better off at the ranch, to save his words. He didn't buy it from Olivia and he doesn't want to hear it from Malcolm. Malcolm says that all he wants if for the two of them to get started with their lives together. However, he asks if it would be all that bad if Vicki did go home for a while.
When Neil finally goes into the room, Vicki is dressed and combing her hair. He tells her how beautiful she is. She is ready to leave but he says that there is a hold up with her paper work. When he says that it will be so good to have her at his---no, our place, she asks him if there would be a problem with him if she decided to go back to the ranch.
NIKKI goes to the tack room to see Cole. She thanks him for all that he did for Vicki during this past couple of weeks. "Where else would I have been?" Cole wants to know. Nikki says that they have been on the outs for a while but she hopes that is all behind them now. She tells him that she is glad that he hasn't moved out of the tack room yet since Vicki will be coming home later today and she hopes his nearness will be a help for her daughter. After Nikki leaves, Ashley calls. She says that the architect that she mentioned earlier just had a cancellation and can look at the room above the garage now if he wants to come home. Cole tells her that he can't do that right now; he isn't up for a change. Ashley tells him that when he is ready, just let her know.
RYAN rushes into Crimson Lights looking for Tricia but only finds Megan. She tells him that Tricia had to go to class and couldn't wait any longer. He notices that she is in a sour mood and wonders if it is something going around. He mentions that Tony's finance's boss just froze him out. Megan asks doesn't he know that Tony and Grace aren't engaged any longer and he is surprised at the news. He asks what happened but Megan doesn't have the facts; she only knows that Tony has left town. About that time, Tony enters and her face lights up. I guess he hasn't left yet, she says with a smile. She asks Ryan for a favor and he agrees. She asks him to leave. He says he will leave but first he wants to know if she is ready to get back on that merry go round again. She tells him not to worry about her. As he is leaving, Ryan stops by and speaks to Tony. He gives a friendly warning about his sister in law and Tony answers that he has already warned her off. But did she listen? Ryan wants to know. Tony joins Megan who wants to know why he is still in town. Tony says that he is still thinking about leaving. Megan encourages him to go on with his life instead of hiding out because he has been hurt. She says that she would like to have some fun and he should also.
ESTHER is scarfing down her meal as if she were afraid it might be her last one while telling Katherine how it feels to have a maid come in and replace the towel after every time you use it when she notices that Kay is distracted. She asks what is wrong and Katherine says that she wants to go home. Esther reminds her that all the locks have been changed and they wouldn't be able to go inside. Katherine says that Esther will just have to find a window that she can climb in because they are going. Esther looks sick as she gets up and tells Katherine that suddenly she isn't feeling too well.
MICHAEL comes into the dining room a little later and joins Katherine at her table. He acts as if he just happened by but Katherine realizes that Esther has called him. He says that Esther was only worried about her welfare; she shouldn't be angry with Esther for this. Katherine angrily tells him that she wants to visit her house. This is the time of year when she was happiest preparing for the holidays. She wants to open her safe and see her jewelry, especially the pieces that Phillip gave to her; it is a yearly tradition. Michael tells her to calm down; he will take her to the house but not as a felon. He tells her that he has to make a call and he will be right back.
As Michael leaves the table, Esther returns and tries to pretend that she didn't call Michael. Katherine won't let her get away with it. Esther says that she didn't want her to get into trouble. If Jill were to catch them breaking into her house---. One look from Katherine and Esther knows that she has made a faux pas. Michael returns at that time and tells them to come along; he is taking them to their house where a deputy will show them in.
JILL is upset with John because the trial is coming up soon and she wants to be assured that everything is coming along fine. She gets the feeling that John isn't telling her everything and that he is worried about something. John says that he is only being cautious. You can never tell how these cases will turn out. Jill reminds him that they have right on their side but John says that Katherine also has right on her side. Living in the house as long as she has gives her certain property rights. Jill won't hear of this! It is her house! John is interrupted when his cell phone rings. He becomes angry on the phone and is very abrupt with the other party. He doesn't tell Jill who was on the phone but she demands to know who he was talking to. John is forced to admit that the judge's clerk was notifying him that Katherine was just given permission to go into the house. "NO!" cries Jill. "How are we going to stop her?"
THE DEPUTY opens the doors and tells Kay to finish up with what she needs to do so he can lock up. Kay becomes outraged that she is being rushed. Michael quickly jumps in and tells her that she can take all the time that she needs. Going in, Kay turns on the lights and chases away some of the gloomy darkness. Ghostly covers cover all the furniture. She walks around the room touching this and that. As she wipes her had over the mantel, she looks at her dust-covered fingers. "Dust," she announces. "This house hasn't seen dust in years." Quickly and with a determined step, she walks to the wall safe and spins the combination. Opening the safe, she takes out a large jewel case and brings it to her desk. She spills the jewelry out on the table and picks up a triple strand of pearls and a pearl bracelet. She holds them to her face and kisses them. "Phillip gave these to me," she says. "I loved you so much Phillip! I love you, Phillip; I love you Phillip!" She continues to echo those words as tears run down her face.
GRACE tells Nick that she came to talk business with him and didn't know that Sharon would be in his office. Nick tells her that they don't do business together any more. Sharon asks if he fired her but Nick answers that she has been transferred to a different department; she is as far away from me as possible, he explains. Sharon says that she is leaving so that they can get their business done. Nick tries to stop her, but she goes. Nick turns back to Grace and tells her that he doesn't want anything to do with her any longer. "Say what you have to say and then get out!" He tells her. Grace stammers that she thought that he needed to know where she was working now so that if he needed her, he would know where to reach her. She says that she works for Brad Carlton now. "I don't need you," Nick tells her. "I have never needed you; I will never need you. I need Sharon! I only need Sharon but I have probably lost her. How do I make you understand? STAY THE HELL AWAY FROM ME!"

Thursday, December 3, 1998
by Soap Central
"I love you Nick," Grace says. "I would have loved you so much better than Sharon could. But now, I am dirt---a nasty little mistake you want to sweep under the carpet. Well, sorry Nicholas, but I will not disappear so easily!" She turns and leaves the office. Nick has a file in his hand, which he throws angrily at the desk, sweeping several things off onto the floor. "DAMN IT!" he says, angrily.

Friday, 4, 1998
by Soap Central
VICTORIA tells Neil that if she were at the ranch, she would never be alone as she would be in his apartment. Neil reminds her that her doctor would be just upstairs but Vicki says that she is at the hospital most of the time. Neil says that all anyone wants is for her to get well. He wants her to be where she is the most comfortable. However, he does express some concern that recently Victoria is trying to distance herself from him. She hurriedly tells him that that isn't the case at all. Her mother lost a child and she knows how it feels. Vicki feels that she will know what she is going through at this time and maybe she is the best person that can help her right now. Vicki admits to him that she is a little afraid of the next few months herself.
PHILLIP is working on his Christmas cards and something goes wrong. He saysDAMN! Nina speaks his name and he says he is sorry; he meant to say darn.He then says that he wishes he hadn't decided to make his own Christmascards because his tree keeps turning out crooked or leaning. Nina shows himhow to make a perfect tree and he wonders how she got so smart. Phillipwonders if he will be seeing a lot of his dad this Christmas, but he guessesthat he will have to share his daddy with HER. He thinks that maybe his dadcould come to their place. Would that work out? Maybe I should call him.Nina says that he can call and set up a meeting and talk to Ryan about it.She looks troubled by the suggestion.
KATHERINE tells Michael that Phillip gave her the pearl necklace as anengagement gift on Christmas Eve. The next Christmas Eve, he gave her thebracelet and every Christmas Eve thereafter, he gave her a different pieceof jewelry. Michael looks touched as he listens to Katherine recall hermemories and as he sees the pain that she is going through. "It would havegone on forever, but Jill Foster walked in and nothing was ever the sameagain," Katherine says bitterly. Walking about the room, Katherine saysthat this house reflects her life; it is full of remembrances of Phillip andhis love for her. "Of course we had our problems," Kay goes on. "And theywere serious problems. Phillip became a workaholic and . . . I became analcoholic." Michael approaches her and tries to stop her for talking. Shepulls back and tells him that he has to hear this! "Michael, you have toknow what this house means to me if you are going to help me! You must knowthat, despite my failings, my love for this man never stopped---NEVER. Oh,if these walls could talk they would tell you of the joy and pleasure weshared in this house. And to think that this lovely estate could fall intoJill Abbott's hands. I WOULD DIE FIRST!"

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