The authorities stopped Grace at the airport just as she was about to leave the country with Cassie. As Veronica listened, Nikki told Josh that she was ready to have his baby. Sid called Dru with a job offer.

Monday March 9, 1998
by Soap Central
SHARON arrives at Nick's office ready for the big night out with her husband and his associates, but she is surprised to find that he isn't there. His secretary, Sherry, doesn't know where he is, now does she know what this evening is all about. Sharon asks, "Aren't secretaries supposed to know these things?" Sherry tells her that she usually does, but this came up totally out of the blue.
Sharon takes a seat to wait. She flips through one magazine after another. Finally, she gets tired of waiting and asks Sherry to call Nick. Sherry doesn't know where to begin. Sharon asks about this couple that they were supposed to meet. Once again, Sherry hasn't heard even the first word about the couple. Finally, Sharon gives up and tells her she has to get home. NICK
While Nikki is out of the room, Sharon comes flying through the door. Surprised at seeing Nick at home, she asks him what the hell is going on. Nick is totally confused and wonders why Sharon is acting so strange. Sharon reminds him that he is the one who called for her to come to his office, but Nick tells her that he never left a message for her to be called. What about this business couple you wanted me to have dinner with? She asks. There was no couple that he knows anything about, he tells her. Then why did his secretary call her to come to town? She wants to know. Maybe he should fire her.
Nikki thinks it is about time she left and let them iron this out alone. Sharon thanks her for staying with the kids. She tells Nick that it doesn't look like they are getting anywhere. She is going in to check on Noah and give Cassie a hug, then she will come back and they can try to make some sense of this.
Nick tells her that Cassie isn't here. "Not here?" Sharon explodes. "What do you mean she isn't here?" Nick tells her not to bite his head off. Grace came and got her. And you just gave Cassie to Grace? Sharon gasps. Why not, Nick wonders, she belongs with Grace. Grace said you had talked it over and you agreed that it was time Cassie went back to Grace and Tony. We never talked, Sharon tells him. And it was Grace that told Sherry to call me about meeting you. She just wanted to get me out of the way so she could come out here and get Cassie.
Nick is totally confused, and accuses Sharon of being paranoid. Before they can get into it any further, the phone rings and it is Connie, Victor's secretary. Victor wants Nick in his office as soon as possible. Nick insists that he can't leave now, but Connie tells him that this is important. He tells Sharon that he is sorry, but he has to go into the office. JILL CHRISTINE PAUL
"Me! Cause trouble?" Paul asks, innocently. "Do you have any idea how much trouble you have caused? Do you even have a clue what you have done, not just to me, but to Chris? You have taken a woman who was happy and content, who was at the top of her form career wise, and you have pulled the rug right out from under her."
"My relationship with Phyllis was a tragic mistake," Danny insists.
"That was YOUR mistake, Danny, and the way you handled it nearly destroyed Chris. You did not even have the decency to see her and find out how she wanted to deal with it. Now you come at her with all these feelings and memories. You have made her totally confused and scared. In my opinion, that is a hell of a way to show someone you care."
"I love her," Danny insists. "I never meant to mess things up for Chris. But I see us at a crossroads and I just cannot walk away without telling her how I feel. You would have done the same thing, Paul."
"You would do anything to take back the woman I love all in the name of love. You play mind games with her. Is this any way to show your love?"
"It only goes to show that you don't love Chris as I do," Danny tells him. "If you loved Chris as much as I do, you would understand. I'm sorry, Paul." Danny shrugs.
"You'll only be sorry if she stays with me," Paul states, as he walks out of the apartment. TRICIA JILL
They look up to find Jill staring at them angrily. How long have you been standing there? The girls ask her. Long enough, Jill says. Now I am going upstairs to pack my bags; that should just make your day! And, by the way, if either of you had had the guts to tell me how you felt, I would have been gone a long time ago!
The girls are staring at each other open-mouthed when Keith comes in. He asks Megan if she has heard the good news? He hasn't been this happy in ages. He never thought he would be this happy again after the death of their mother, but he is. As he continues to go on and on about how good he feels, he is surprised to see Jill walk down the stairs with her bag.
"Where are you going?" He asks. "Are you going on a business trip?"
"I will let your daughters do the explaining," Jill says, then she tells him that she will pick up Billy after school.
Megan tries to explain what happened in a glib sort of way, glossing over the hurtful things she has said about Jill. However, Jill won't let her get away with it. She has them bring out every thing that they have said about her. Then she tells Keith that those words really stung her. "Your daughters don't want me around," she says. "I intend to accommodate them. Don't blame the girls, they were only saying what they felt."
Keith is beside himself. How could the girls be so cruel and hurtful to Jill. The things they have said were petty and selfish. But he begs Jill to stay; we can work it out, he assures her. Tricia asks Jill to forgive her; they never meant to hurt her. She would give anything if she could take the words back. "That is the problem," Jill tells her. "Once the words are out, you cannot take them back. I need time to think," she tells Keith. "I am going upstairs for a few minutes alone."
When NIKKI returns home, she finds S/V dusting the mantle and daydreaming. Nikki tells her to be careful with her things; they are precious to her, especially that crystal vase. S/V picks up the vase and is dusting it. When she goes to put it back on the mantle, she drops it and it shatters into a million pieces. Nikki is furious. Her ex-husband bought that for her in Vienna years ago; it is irreplaceable!
S/V apologizes over and over for breaking the vase, but Nikki will not hear it. She tells her she is clumsy and these past few weeks, she hasn't been up to par. Frankly, she says, I am not pleased with your work. You are not as conscientious as when you first arrived. You are distracted, forgetful and your work is sloppy. I do not like being uncomfortable in my own house, so unless things change, I will have to make other arrangements.
S/V promises to do better. She leaves, sobbing, just as Josh comes down stairs. Nikki tells him what has happened, but Josh takes S/V's side and talks Nikki into giving the girl another chance. After Josh goes back up stairs, Nikki calls S/V in to the living room.
"I was on the verge of firing you," she says. "You have my husband to thank for changing my mind. I am giving you a second chance, but there are some ground rules. I don't want you spending all your time making small talk with my husband. And, you need to watch your smart mouth. Your job here is hanging by a thread."
As Nikki leaves the room, S/V says, "You are wrong, Nikki. It is you that is hanging by a thread!"

Tuesday, March 10, 1998
by Soap Central
Don't forget to review our recap of Tuesday's Y&R primetime special!
PAUL stops by Nina's apartment to ask if she knows what is going on with her best friend, Chris. He knows she must be aware of everything that is going on with her. Nina tells him that she should not be talking about this with him, but she will tell him that Chris is not sure about what the future will hold. "Is she waiting for me to let her out of this marriage?" Paul wants to know. "Is she waiting for me to make the first move?" Nina tell him that Chris loves him and when she decides what she wants to do, he will be the first person she tells. VICTOR
"Things aren't any better?" Victor asks. "I am sorry to hear that, but if there is anything I can do, all you have to do is ask."
"I wouldn't know what to ask for," Nick admits. JILL
Jack wonders if Keith is ever going to make an honest woman of her. She tells him that Keith has proposed but she hasn't accepted. He warns her not to hesitate too long or she will find herself all on her lonesome again.
Teasingly, Jill wonders if he is still having his "little problem," to which he replies that it wasn't his problem. This reminds him that he needs to make a call. He calls the urologist's office and tells them that if the doctor checks in, he would like him to call. SHARON THE CAB CHRIS VICKI RYAN
Ryan tells them that it may be different; Jill could become someone they could be close to. She is a terrific, fascinating woman. They tell him that they do not want any advice from that woman; Megan says that she could not stomach that. When things get heavy, Tricia could go live with Ryan, but she is stuck her in the middle.
Ryan reminds them that Jill is a proud woman and may not stick around. The girls think that would be for the best. The best for whom? Ryan asks. Will it be the best for their dad? Megan says that nothing will be the same ever again if she accepts her dad's proposal. IN THE CAB, NEIL
After Neil leaves, Dru is deep in thought when the phone rings. It is Sid; he just wanted to call to see if things were working out well for her. She tries to keep up a brave front, but finally breaks down and tells him that no matter how hard the two of them try, nothing is working out. Sid tells her that he has some news; she may not want to hear it, but he will tell her anyway. The model on the big shoot has taken ill and everyone would love to have Dru. Dru tells him that she needs a few days to think about it. He agrees but warns her that in a few days, he will need an answer for sure. IN THE CAB, PAUL
Chris wonders where this is coming from and Paul tells her about stopping by earlier. He saw the kiss, he tells her. She says that she tried to pull away, but Paul says she didn't try very hard. She tells him that she knows he went to Danny earlier. Paul says that he will not stand by and watch Danny walk off with the woman he loves without saying something.
Chris begs him not to give up on her. I will never give up, Paul says as he pulls her into his arms. IN THE CAB, SHARON
As Tony and Sharon enter the apartment, it is obvious that there is no one home. Tony goes into the bedroom and returns with a note. "They have gone," he says, unbelievingly. "They have left."
"They have left? With my daughter?"
"Yes, with Cassie," Tony mummers.
Tuesday, March 10, 1998
The Y&R Primetime Special
NIKKI, dressed in a sexy outfit, visits Victor at his office. When he sees her enter, he tells her not to close the door; she won't be here that long.
"Sorry about that little argument," Nikki sweetly tells her ex. "All right, I will make the first move."
"And I will make the last move. I don't want to see you any more ever again."
"Then maybe we should agree not to talk about our respective spouses when we get together," Nikki continues, unfazed.
"No more get-togethers!" Victor shouts. "I resent your attitude toward my wife. You only want to cause trouble."
"What about Diane's attitude toward me?" Nikki pouts. "I cane to apologize. What more can I do?"
"Not a damn thing! From now on we will see each other when there is a problem with the children and that is all. DON'T STOP BY; DON'T CALL! NOW LEAVE!" But Nikki refuses to leave.
Victor tells her that because of the advice she gave about the vasectomy, his wife is upset. He blames himself for believing that she truly cared. He thought she was there to help him, but she was only trying to get back at Diane for marrying him. From now on, he tells her, I do not want to see you ever again. Unless there is an emergency with the children, he does not want to see or hear from her. Now get out, he yells.
Finally believing that he means it, Nikki stumbles out the door in tears. VICTORIA SHARON IN THE CAB, DANNY OLIVIA
Olivia berates her heartlessly about her career. She is just using her husband's problem as an excuse for getting back her career. She is willing to give up her husband and little girl so that she can have her picture taken. She is selfish as always; she has not learned anything!
"Don't you understand? I repulse my husband. He doesn't want me; he won't forgive me. I need to know that I am worth something and taking this job will do that for me. MALCOLM
Malcolm tells him that he is just being bull-headed. But go ahead and hang on to your anger; grow old with it, because the way you are going, that is all you will have. CHRIS AND PAUL CASSIE
In the car following, Dave can see Cassie. He calls Paul again and tells him that there definitely is a child in the cab. Not only that, it looks like they are headed for the airport. Do not lose them, Paul orders. We are on the way. Lynn will call our contact at the airport and see what information she can get.
As he and Chris rush out of the building, Chris says that she prays they make it in time to keep Grace from taking the child out of the country.
We will, Chris, Paul assures her as he drives away. SHARON NIKKI
As she starts to leave, she sees Nick's tuxedo. Why do you have your tux out? Nick hesitantly admits that Diane is throwing a birthday party for Victor in the private dining room.
"She didn't say a word to me," Nikki says. Under her breath she says that Diane is trying to isolate her from the family. LYNN DAVE GRACE JACK
After Ashley has left the room, Nikki shows up. She is dressed in a black gown that is elegant and sexy. The neckline is very low and there is a side split that goes to the waist. She invites Jack to come along with her; she is going places. He of all people will appreciate the night she has planned. She won't tell him where they are going, but she promises he will be thoroughly entertained. CHRIS, PAUL AND DAVE MEANWHILE, CASSIE GRACE DIANE, VICTORIA, NICK AND KATHERINE
As Victor enters the private dining room and greets his guests, Nikki and Jack enter the outer room. Jack sees that it is a Newman family party going on and tells Nikki that there is NO way he is going in there. Are you out of your mind? He asks her. Jack tells Nikki that Victor made it perfectly clear that he was to stay away from Diane. Anyway, this is a family gathering and he has no intention of intruding. Nikki tells him to leave if he wishes, but she is going in there. She has a message to deliver. DRU VICTOR
Diane proposes a toast to her wonderful husband, whom she adores, and for whom she thanks God every day that she is allowed to share his life.
As they are drinking, Nikki walks in. "I would like to propose a toast, also," she announces.
Nick tries to stop her, but she tells him to sit down and be quiet. "I won't overstay my welcome; I just stopped by to deliver a gift for you and Diane."
Vicki tries to stop her, but Nikki will not be stopped. "This is for you, Diane. You may be able to shut me out, but you cannot shut me up. I have an announcement---a baby announcement. Next year this time there will be a new baby in the family. We will start it tonight; my gynecologist tells me tonight is the perfect time. I wanted to be sure you knew about it, Diane, because you are trying to cut me out of Victor's life. I just wanted to tell you just how unimportant you are to my life."
"YOU BITCH!" Screams Diane, as she rushes toward Nikki. "You are the reason I cannot have a baby." Victor grabs his wife while Katherine rushes to Nikki and pulls her out of the room. Victor pulls his weeping wife into his arms and begins dancing with her while his children look at each other with raised eyebrows. SHARON
"I have to get on this plane," Grace says.
"Don't even think about it!" Christine tells her.
"I want to go on the plane, Mommy," Cassie cries, afraid.
Christine tells Grace that she wants to talk to her. They can do it privately or in front of Cassie. It is up to her. Grace leaves Cassie with Paul and steps away with Chris. "Who do you think you are?" she demands of Chris.
"I am Sharon's lawyer and you are not going to take that child anywhere. Don't even think about calling security or Cassie will be in a foster home before dark. You have waited long enough. Cassie is going to be told the truth and NOW! Will you tell her or will I?"
Wednesday, March 11, 1998
Don't forget to review our recap of Tuesday's Y&R primetime special!
AT THE AIRPORT Christine is telling Grace that she is not going anyplace with Cassie. If she dares to call security, by nightfall, Cassie will be in a foster home. "It is over, Grace," she says. "There is a mother waiting and there is a child who deserves to know the truth. Cassie IS going to be told the truth and I mean NOW. "
"Who do you think you are? You can't do this. Cassie is happy with me. Why don't you go away and leave us alone?"
"Because you are kidnapping Sharon's child. If you really love that child and want to do what is best for her, then tell her who her real mother is."
is pacing the floor at Tony's apartment. He tells her that it won't do her any good. She should have faith that everything is going to be all right."Have faith? I have had faith," Sharon responds. "I had faith that Grace was going to help me get close to my daughter. I trusted her to keep her word. But it was all lies. All the time she has been setting me up. I have to get out of here." She grabs her coat and, despite Tony trying to stop her, she leaves.
A visitor, who happens to be Cole, interrupts NINA. He is checking up on her, but she says she has hit a roadblock---no, she says, it is more like a dead end. Cole tells her she is just feeling overwhelmed and he is here to offer some distraction. He tells her that now that she has written some short stories and had some success, he thinks it is time for her to stretch her wings and move on to something bigger----a novel.
As he is leaving, he tells her to call him when she has an outline ready and he will take a look at it for her. Just then the doorbell rings; it is Ryan. Ryan is surprised to see Cole and offers to leave, but Cole leaves instead. We are still friends, Nina answers his unspoken question.
Ryan only wants to talk to her about the divorce. He hopes that she doesn't blame herself because the marriage didn't work; he was the one to blame. No, she tells him, they are both to blame. Ryan wants them to remain friends despite the divorce, but Nina tells him that that is never going to happen. They are both headed in two different directions. From now on, all they have in common is Phillip.
Victor is proposing a toast to his enchanting and beautiful wife who has given him everything he has ever wanted. He just wishes he could give her what she wants. "But you have, Victor," insists Diane. "No, I haven't given you what really counts," Victor says, as everyone clicks glasses and drinks.Diane proposes a toast to her wonderful husband, whom she adores, and for whom she thanks God every day that she is allowed to share his life. As they are drinking, Nikki walks in. "I would like to propose a toast, also," she announces.
Nick tries to stop her, but she tells him to sit down and be quiet. "I won't overstay my welcome; I just stopped by to deliver a gift for you and Diane." Vicki tries to stop her, but Nikki will not be stopped. "This is for you, Diane. You may be able to shut me out, but you cannot shut me up. I have an announcement---a baby announcement. Next year this time there will be a new baby in the family. We will start it tonight; my gynecologist tells me tonight is the perfect time. I wanted to be sure you knew about it, Diane, because you are trying to cut me out of Victor's life. I just wanted to tell you just how unimportant you are to my life."
"YOU BITCH!" Screams Diane, as she rushes toward Nikki. "You are the reason I cannot have a baby." Victor grabs his wife while Katherine rushes to Nikki and pulls her out of the room. Victor pulls his weeping wife into his arms and begins dancing with her while his children look at each other with raised eyebrows.
Should we go check on Mom, Nick asks. NO, Vicki says. She is fine. This is our Dad's birthday and we are going to stay and celebrate with him.
tells Christine that telling Cassie will tear her apart. Christine says that that is the reason she should do it, not Christine. So will you do it, or shall I? Christine challenges. Cassie walks up to Grace and asks if everything is okay. Can we leave now, Mommy?NICK AND VICKI
approach the couple on the dance floor and apologize for what their mother did. Vicki tries to explain why Nikki pulled this stunt, but Diane is accepting none of it. "Nikki can never make up for what she did," Diane says. "No," Vicki replies. "But, remember that you have Dad now. He is your husband. Never forget that now you are his wife.""What she did was cruel and uncalled for," Diane declares. "I will never forget and I will never forgive."
"I won't excuse her actions, either," Victor says. "It was cruel of her to lash out at you and talk about babies. She was just trying to make trouble and she succeeded. But it is my birthday and I won't let her spoil it." He calls for the music to start so that they can start dancing. "But first, another toast. The best gift is to be surrounded by the people one loves the most."
pushes Nikki into the ranch house. How could you pull such a stunt!"I don't regret it one bit!" Nikki says. "It serves that BITCH right!"
"Nikki, you have to use your head. When you lash out at Diane, you lash out at Victor and you know what Victor means to you!"
"Not any longer. We no longer have a relationship of any kind. Any relationship we may have had is over. Victor made that perfectly clear when he made his "Grand Decree" this afternoon. He never wants to see me again, and if that is how he feels, so be it!"
Sara is listening in. Katherine won't believe that Nikki means what she is saying. Now she sees what is going on. She wasn't lashing out at Diane, she was lashing out at Victor because he cut her out of his life. Meanwhile, the phone is ringing and ringing. "WILL SOMEONE PLEASE GET THAT PHONE!" Nikki screams.
Sara answers the phone. It is Dr Landers. S/V tells him that Nikki and Mrs. Chancellor are into something serious, but she will interrupt them if he tells her to. No, Josh says, just tell her that I will be home early. I am leaving now. I will be home soon.
"Josh is my number ONE priority now!" Declares Nikki, just as S/V interrupts. She tells Nikki that Dr. Landers will be home soon. Nikki snaps at her. Why didn't you tell me it was my husband on the phone? After S/V slinks out of the room, Nikki goes on to tell Katherine that from now on she is going to focus on Josh. She is planning an incredible evening for him. It will be a night that her husband will never forget.
is crying. "Why are you doing this to me? Let's just go on our trip. We can have so much fun."Grace tells Cassie that she needs to talk to her about something important. We aren't going on our trip, she says. I need to take you to see someone. Cassie, I know who your mother is, your real birth mother. She lives right here in Genoa City. I am going to take you to your mother."
"No, that isn't true," Cassie cries. "I don't want another mother. You are my mother."
"You know that isn't true, Cassie. You have always known I wasn't your mother. I know you are frightened, but trust me. I love you and I would not ask you to do anything if I didn't think it was for the best. And don't worry, I will be right by your side. It is time for you to meet your real mother."
NIKKI greets Josh with a big kiss. She tells him there is more where that came from and he wants it now. However, she tells him that first she is going to make him dinner, then he is going to relax. Then, she has some fascinating news for him.
S/V sneaks a peek. "What kind of garbage are you filling his head with now, Nikki? I have got to find out and I have just the thing!" she smiles.
walks over to where Chris and Paul are waiting and she asks to use Paul's phone. She calls Sharon. "I am coming over, Sharon, and there is someone I want to bring. We will be there shortly.""Thank God!" Sharon says. "Cassie is coming! Cassie is coming home tonight. Tonight she will know the truth! She will find out that I am her real mother."
Grace tells Cassie that her real mother is expecting them. She tells Paul and Chris that they don't need to come with them; she can be trusted. However, Paul tells her that he thinks they will tag along anyway just to be safe.
is talking to herself again as she enters Nikki's bedroom. Thank God I went to town yesterday. You think you can hide things from me, Nikki, but I am always one step ahead of you. You can whisper all you want, but I have ways of finding out what you are up to. Now for the perfect place where I can hear everything that is going on." She looks around and moves to the head of the bed. She plants a "bug" behind the headboard. "No more secrets, Nikki. Now I'll no your every move."Nikki comes into the bedroom and almost catches S/V, but she covers up. She tells Nikki that she was just turning down the bed. Nikki dismisses her but tells her to hold all calls. She wants complete privacy tonight. "Oh, yes," S/V assures her. You will have your privacy tonight."
rushes to the door when there is a knock. It is Chris. Sharon starts to freak out, but Chris tells her that she only came ahead to let her know what is happening. Cassie hasn't been told yet, but she has been told that she will see her real mother tonight.Grace and Cassie walk in and take a seat. Cassie doesn't look happy.
relax in the afterglow. That was a pleasant surprise, he tells his wife. Now are you going to share the big news with me? Nikki tells him that she has made a decision. She has given something a great deal of thought and now her mind is made up. She wants to give him a baby! More than that, she also wants a baby.S/V is in her room listening in to the conversation. She hears Josh tell Nikki that she has made him the happiest man alive. Our own family, Josh goes on. You cannot know what this means to me. I have always loved you so much, but never as much as right now.
S/V puts away the speaker. You will never have his baby, Nikki. NEVER! I WON'T LET IT HAPPEN!
Thursday, March 12
The Young and the Restless will not be shown due to coverage of NCAA Basketball.
Friday, March 13

Tuesday, March 10, 1998
by Soap Central
The Y&R Primetime Special

Wednesday, March 11, 1998
by Soap Central
NIKKI, dressed in a sexy outfit, visits Victor at his office. When he sees her enter, he tells her not to close the door; she won't be here that long.
"Sorry about that little argument," Nikki sweetly tells her ex. "All right, I will make the first move."
"And I will make the last move. I don't want to see you any more ever again."
"Then maybe we should agree not to talk about our respective spouses when we get together," Nikki continues, unfazed.
"No more get-togethers!" Victor shouts. "I resent your attitude toward my wife. You only want to cause trouble."
"What about Diane's attitude toward me?" Nikki pouts. "I cane to apologize. What more can I do?"
"Not a damn thing! From now on we will see each other when there is a problem with the children and that is all. DON'T STOP BY; DON'T CALL! NOW LEAVE!" But Nikki refuses to leave.
Victor tells her that because of the advice she gave about the vasectomy, his wife is upset. He blames himself for believing that she truly cared. He thought she was there to help him, but she was only trying to get back at Diane for marrying him. From now on, he tells her, I do not want to see you ever again. Unless there is an emergency with the children, he does not want to see or hear from her. Now get out, he yells.
Finally believing that he means it, Nikki stumbles out the door in tears. VICTORIA SHARON IN THE CAB, DANNY OLIVIA
Olivia berates her heartlessly about her career. She is just using her husband's problem as an excuse for getting back her career. She is willing to give up her husband and little girl so that she can have her picture taken. She is selfish as always; she has not learned anything!
"Don't you understand? I repulse my husband. He doesn't want me; he won't forgive me. I need to know that I am worth something and taking this job will do that for me. MALCOLM
Malcolm tells him that he is just being bull-headed. But go ahead and hang on to your anger; grow old with it, because the way you are going, that is all you will have. CHRIS AND PAUL CASSIE
In the car following, Dave can see Cassie. He calls Paul again and tells him that there definitely is a child in the cab. Not only that, it looks like they are headed for the airport. Do not lose them, Paul orders. We are on the way. Lynn will call our contact at the airport and see what information she can get.
As he and Chris rush out of the building, Chris says that she prays they make it in time to keep Grace from taking the child out of the country.
We will, Chris, Paul assures her as he drives away. SHARON NIKKI
As she starts to leave, she sees Nick's tuxedo. Why do you have your tux out? Nick hesitantly admits that Diane is throwing a birthday party for Victor in the private dining room.
"She didn't say a word to me," Nikki says. Under her breath she says that Diane is trying to isolate her from the family. LYNN DAVE GRACE JACK
After Ashley has left the room, Nikki shows up. She is dressed in a black gown that is elegant and sexy. The neckline is very low and there is a side split that goes to the waist. She invites Jack to come along with her; she is going places. He of all people will appreciate the night she has planned. She won't tell him where they are going, but she promises he will be thoroughly entertained. CHRIS, PAUL AND DAVE MEANWHILE, CASSIE GRACE DIANE, VICTORIA, NICK AND KATHERINE
As Victor enters the private dining room and greets his guests, Nikki and Jack enter the outer room. Jack sees that it is a Newman family party going on and tells Nikki that there is NO way he is going in there. Are you out of your mind? He asks her. Jack tells Nikki that Victor made it perfectly clear that he was to stay away from Diane. Anyway, this is a family gathering and he has no intention of intruding. Nikki tells him to leave if he wishes, but she is going in there. She has a message to deliver. DRU VICTOR
Diane proposes a toast to her wonderful husband, whom she adores, and for whom she thanks God every day that she is allowed to share his life.
As they are drinking, Nikki walks in. "I would like to propose a toast, also," she announces.
Nick tries to stop her, but she tells him to sit down and be quiet. "I won't overstay my welcome; I just stopped by to deliver a gift for you and Diane."
Vicki tries to stop her, but Nikki will not be stopped. "This is for you, Diane. You may be able to shut me out, but you cannot shut me up. I have an announcement---a baby announcement. Next year this time there will be a new baby in the family. We will start it tonight; my gynecologist tells me tonight is the perfect time. I wanted to be sure you knew about it, Diane, because you are trying to cut me out of Victor's life. I just wanted to tell you just how unimportant you are to my life."
"YOU BITCH!" Screams Diane, as she rushes toward Nikki. "You are the reason I cannot have a baby." Victor grabs his wife while Katherine rushes to Nikki and pulls her out of the room. Victor pulls his weeping wife into his arms and begins dancing with her while his children look at each other with raised eyebrows. SHARON
"I have to get on this plane," Grace says.
"Don't even think about it!" Christine tells her.
"I want to go on the plane, Mommy," Cassie cries, afraid.
Christine tells Grace that she wants to talk to her. They can do it privately or in front of Cassie. It is up to her. Grace leaves Cassie with Paul and steps away with Chris. "Who do you think you are?" she demands of Chris.
"I am Sharon's lawyer and you are not going to take that child anywhere. Don't even think about calling security or Cassie will be in a foster home before dark. You have waited long enough. Cassie is going to be told the truth and NOW! Will you tell her or will I?"
Wednesday, March 11, 1998
Don't forget to review our recap of Tuesday's Y&R primetime special!
AT THE AIRPORT Christine is telling Grace that she is not going anyplace with Cassie. If she dares to call security, by nightfall, Cassie will be in a foster home. "It is over, Grace," she says. "There is a mother waiting and there is a child who deserves to know the truth. Cassie IS going to be told the truth and I mean NOW. "
"Who do you think you are? You can't do this. Cassie is happy with me. Why don't you go away and leave us alone?"
"Because you are kidnapping Sharon's child. If you really love that child and want to do what is best for her, then tell her who her real mother is."
is pacing the floor at Tony's apartment. He tells her that it won't do her any good. She should have faith that everything is going to be all right."Have faith? I have had faith," Sharon responds. "I had faith that Grace was going to help me get close to my daughter. I trusted her to keep her word. But it was all lies. All the time she has been setting me up. I have to get out of here." She grabs her coat and, despite Tony trying to stop her, she leaves.
A visitor, who happens to be Cole, interrupts NINA. He is checking up on her, but she says she has hit a roadblock---no, she says, it is more like a dead end. Cole tells her she is just feeling overwhelmed and he is here to offer some distraction. He tells her that now that she has written some short stories and had some success, he thinks it is time for her to stretch her wings and move on to something bigger----a novel.
As he is leaving, he tells her to call him when she has an outline ready and he will take a look at it for her. Just then the doorbell rings; it is Ryan. Ryan is surprised to see Cole and offers to leave, but Cole leaves instead. We are still friends, Nina answers his unspoken question.
Ryan only wants to talk to her about the divorce. He hopes that she doesn't blame herself because the marriage didn't work; he was the one to blame. No, she tells him, they are both to blame. Ryan wants them to remain friends despite the divorce, but Nina tells him that that is never going to happen. They are both headed in two different directions. From now on, all they have in common is Phillip.
Victor is proposing a toast to his enchanting and beautiful wife who has given him everything he has ever wanted. He just wishes he could give her what she wants. "But you have, Victor," insists Diane. "No, I haven't given you what really counts," Victor says, as everyone clicks glasses and drinks.Diane proposes a toast to her wonderful husband, whom she adores, and for whom she thanks God every day that she is allowed to share his life. As they are drinking, Nikki walks in. "I would like to propose a toast, also," she announces.
Nick tries to stop her, but she tells him to sit down and be quiet. "I won't overstay my welcome; I just stopped by to deliver a gift for you and Diane." Vicki tries to stop her, but Nikki will not be stopped. "This is for you, Diane. You may be able to shut me out, but you cannot shut me up. I have an announcement---a baby announcement. Next year this time there will be a new baby in the family. We will start it tonight; my gynecologist tells me tonight is the perfect time. I wanted to be sure you knew about it, Diane, because you are trying to cut me out of Victor's life. I just wanted to tell you just how unimportant you are to my life."
"YOU BITCH!" Screams Diane, as she rushes toward Nikki. "You are the reason I cannot have a baby." Victor grabs his wife while Katherine rushes to Nikki and pulls her out of the room. Victor pulls his weeping wife into his arms and begins dancing with her while his children look at each other with raised eyebrows.
Should we go check on Mom, Nick asks. NO, Vicki says. She is fine. This is our Dad's birthday and we are going to stay and celebrate with him.
tells Christine that telling Cassie will tear her apart. Christine says that that is the reason she should do it, not Christine. So will you do it, or shall I? Christine challenges. Cassie walks up to Grace and asks if everything is okay. Can we leave now, Mommy?NICK AND VICKI
approach the couple on the dance floor and apologize for what their mother did. Vicki tries to explain why Nikki pulled this stunt, but Diane is accepting none of it. "Nikki can never make up for what she did," Diane says. "No," Vicki replies. "But, remember that you have Dad now. He is your husband. Never forget that now you are his wife.""What she did was cruel and uncalled for," Diane declares. "I will never forget and I will never forgive."
"I won't excuse her actions, either," Victor says. "It was cruel of her to lash out at you and talk about babies. She was just trying to make trouble and she succeeded. But it is my birthday and I won't let her spoil it." He calls for the music to start so that they can start dancing. "But first, another toast. The best gift is to be surrounded by the people one loves the most."
pushes Nikki into the ranch house. How could you pull such a stunt!"I don't regret it one bit!" Nikki says. "It serves that BITCH right!"
"Nikki, you have to use your head. When you lash out at Diane, you lash out at Victor and you know what Victor means to you!"
"Not any longer. We no longer have a relationship of any kind. Any relationship we may have had is over. Victor made that perfectly clear when he made his "Grand Decree" this afternoon. He never wants to see me again, and if that is how he feels, so be it!"
Sara is listening in. Katherine won't believe that Nikki means what she is saying. Now she sees what is going on. She wasn't lashing out at Diane, she was lashing out at Victor because he cut her out of his life. Meanwhile, the phone is ringing and ringing. "WILL SOMEONE PLEASE GET THAT PHONE!" Nikki screams.
Sara answers the phone. It is Dr Landers. S/V tells him that Nikki and Mrs. Chancellor are into something serious, but she will interrupt them if he tells her to. No, Josh says, just tell her that I will be home early. I am leaving now. I will be home soon.
"Josh is my number ONE priority now!" Declares Nikki, just as S/V interrupts. She tells Nikki that Dr. Landers will be home soon. Nikki snaps at her. Why didn't you tell me it was my husband on the phone? After S/V slinks out of the room, Nikki goes on to tell Katherine that from now on she is going to focus on Josh. She is planning an incredible evening for him. It will be a night that her husband will never forget.
is crying. "Why are you doing this to me? Let's just go on our trip. We can have so much fun."Grace tells Cassie that she needs to talk to her about something important. We aren't going on our trip, she says. I need to take you to see someone. Cassie, I know who your mother is, your real birth mother. She lives right here in Genoa City. I am going to take you to your mother."
"No, that isn't true," Cassie cries. "I don't want another mother. You are my mother."
"You know that isn't true, Cassie. You have always known I wasn't your mother. I know you are frightened, but trust me. I love you and I would not ask you to do anything if I didn't think it was for the best. And don't worry, I will be right by your side. It is time for you to meet your real mother."
NIKKI greets Josh with a big kiss. She tells him there is more where that came from and he wants it now. However, she tells him that first she is going to make him dinner, then he is going to relax. Then, she has some fascinating news for him.
S/V sneaks a peek. "What kind of garbage are you filling his head with now, Nikki? I have got to find out and I have just the thing!" she smiles.
walks over to where Chris and Paul are waiting and she asks to use Paul's phone. She calls Sharon. "I am coming over, Sharon, and there is someone I want to bring. We will be there shortly.""Thank God!" Sharon says. "Cassie is coming! Cassie is coming home tonight. Tonight she will know the truth! She will find out that I am her real mother."
Grace tells Cassie that her real mother is expecting them. She tells Paul and Chris that they don't need to come with them; she can be trusted. However, Paul tells her that he thinks they will tag along anyway just to be safe.
is talking to herself again as she enters Nikki's bedroom. Thank God I went to town yesterday. You think you can hide things from me, Nikki, but I am always one step ahead of you. You can whisper all you want, but I have ways of finding out what you are up to. Now for the perfect place where I can hear everything that is going on." She looks around and moves to the head of the bed. She plants a "bug" behind the headboard. "No more secrets, Nikki. Now I'll no your every move."Nikki comes into the bedroom and almost catches S/V, but she covers up. She tells Nikki that she was just turning down the bed. Nikki dismisses her but tells her to hold all calls. She wants complete privacy tonight. "Oh, yes," S/V assures her. You will have your privacy tonight."
rushes to the door when there is a knock. It is Chris. Sharon starts to freak out, but Chris tells her that she only came ahead to let her know what is happening. Cassie hasn't been told yet, but she has been told that she will see her real mother tonight.Grace and Cassie walk in and take a seat. Cassie doesn't look happy.
relax in the afterglow. That was a pleasant surprise, he tells his wife. Now are you going to share the big news with me? Nikki tells him that she has made a decision. She has given something a great deal of thought and now her mind is made up. She wants to give him a baby! More than that, she also wants a baby.S/V is in her room listening in to the conversation. She hears Josh tell Nikki that she has made him the happiest man alive. Our own family, Josh goes on. You cannot know what this means to me. I have always loved you so much, but never as much as right now.
S/V puts away the speaker. You will never have his baby, Nikki. NEVER! I WON'T LET IT HAPPEN!
Thursday, March 12

Thursday, March 12
Don't forget to review our recap of Tuesday's Y&R primetime special!
AT THE AIRPORT Christine is telling Grace that she is not going anyplace with Cassie. If she dares to call security, by nightfall, Cassie will be in a foster home. "It is over, Grace," she says. "There is a mother waiting and there is a child who deserves to know the truth. Cassie IS going to be told the truth and I mean NOW. "
"Who do you think you are? You can't do this. Cassie is happy with me. Why don't you go away and leave us alone?"
"Because you are kidnapping Sharon's child. If you really love that child and want to do what is best for her, then tell her who her real mother is."
is pacing the floor at Tony's apartment. He tells her that it won't do her any good. She should have faith that everything is going to be all right.
"Have faith? I have had faith," Sharon responds. "I had faith that Grace was going to help me get close to my daughter. I trusted her to keep her word. But it was all lies. All the time she has been setting me up. I have to get out of here." She grabs her coat and, despite Tony trying to stop her, she leaves.
A visitor, who happens to be Cole, interrupts NINA. He is checking up on her, but she says she has hit a roadblock---no, she says, it is more like a dead end. Cole tells her she is just feeling overwhelmed and he is here to offer some distraction. He tells her that now that she has written some short stories and had some success, he thinks it is time for her to stretch her wings and move on to something bigger----a novel.
As he is leaving, he tells her to call him when she has an outline ready and he will take a look at it for her. Just then the doorbell rings; it is Ryan. Ryan is surprised to see Cole and offers to leave, but Cole leaves instead. We are still friends, Nina answers his unspoken question.
Ryan only wants to talk to her about the divorce. He hopes that she doesn't blame herself because the marriage didn't work; he was the one to blame. No, she tells him, they are both to blame. Ryan wants them to remain friends despite the divorce, but Nina tells him that that is never going to happen. They are both headed in two different directions. From now on, all they have in common is Phillip.
Victor is proposing a toast to his enchanting and beautiful wife who has given him everything he has ever wanted. He just wishes he could give her what she wants. "But you have, Victor," insists Diane. "No, I haven't given you what really counts," Victor says, as everyone clicks glasses and drinks.
Diane proposes a toast to her wonderful husband, whom she adores, and for whom she thanks God every day that she is allowed to share his life. As they are drinking, Nikki walks in. "I would like to propose a toast, also," she announces.
Nick tries to stop her, but she tells him to sit down and be quiet. "I won't overstay my welcome; I just stopped by to deliver a gift for you and Diane." Vicki tries to stop her, but Nikki will not be stopped. "This is for you, Diane. You may be able to shut me out, but you cannot shut me up. I have an announcement---a baby announcement. Next year this time there will be a new baby in the family. We will start it tonight; my gynecologist tells me tonight is the perfect time. I wanted to be sure you knew about it, Diane, because you are trying to cut me out of Victor's life. I just wanted to tell you just how unimportant you are to my life."
"YOU BITCH!" Screams Diane, as she rushes toward Nikki. "You are the reason I cannot have a baby." Victor grabs his wife while Katherine rushes to Nikki and pulls her out of the room. Victor pulls his weeping wife into his arms and begins dancing with her while his children look at each other with raised eyebrows.
Should we go check on Mom, Nick asks. NO, Vicki says. She is fine. This is our Dad's birthday and we are going to stay and celebrate with him.
tells Christine that telling Cassie will tear her apart. Christine says that that is the reason she should do it, not Christine. So will you do it, or shall I? Christine challenges. Cassie walks up to Grace and asks if everything is okay. Can we leave now, Mommy? NICK AND VICKI
"What she did was cruel and uncalled for," Diane declares. "I will never forget and I will never forgive."
"I won't excuse her actions, either," Victor says. "It was cruel of her to lash out at you and talk about babies. She was just trying to make trouble and she succeeded. But it is my birthday and I won't let her spoil it." He calls for the music to start so that they can start dancing. "But first, another toast. The best gift is to be surrounded by the people one loves the most."
pushes Nikki into the ranch house. How could you pull such a stunt!
"I don't regret it one bit!" Nikki says. "It serves that BITCH right!"
"Nikki, you have to use your head. When you lash out at Diane, you lash out at Victor and you know what Victor means to you!"
"Not any longer. We no longer have a relationship of any kind. Any relationship we may have had is over. Victor made that perfectly clear when he made his "Grand Decree" this afternoon. He never wants to see me again, and if that is how he feels, so be it!"
Sara is listening in. Katherine won't believe that Nikki means what she is saying. Now she sees what is going on. She wasn't lashing out at Diane, she was lashing out at Victor because he cut her out of his life. Meanwhile, the phone is ringing and ringing. "WILL SOMEONE PLEASE GET THAT PHONE!" Nikki screams.
Sara answers the phone. It is Dr Landers. S/V tells him that Nikki and Mrs. Chancellor are into something serious, but she will interrupt them if he tells her to. No, Josh says, just tell her that I will be home early. I am leaving now. I will be home soon.
"Josh is my number ONE priority now!" Declares Nikki, just as S/V interrupts. She tells Nikki that Dr. Landers will be home soon. Nikki snaps at her. Why didn't you tell me it was my husband on the phone? After S/V slinks out of the room, Nikki goes on to tell Katherine that from now on she is going to focus on Josh. She is planning an incredible evening for him. It will be a night that her husband will never forget.
is crying. "Why are you doing this to me? Let's just go on our trip. We can have so much fun."
Grace tells Cassie that she needs to talk to her about something important. We aren't going on our trip, she says. I need to take you to see someone. Cassie, I know who your mother is, your real birth mother. She lives right here in Genoa City. I am going to take you to your mother."
"No, that isn't true," Cassie cries. "I don't want another mother. You are my mother."
"You know that isn't true, Cassie. You have always known I wasn't your mother. I know you are frightened, but trust me. I love you and I would not ask you to do anything if I didn't think it was for the best. And don't worry, I will be right by your side. It is time for you to meet your real mother."
NIKKI greets Josh with a big kiss. She tells him there is more where that came from and he wants it now. However, she tells him that first she is going to make him dinner, then he is going to relax. Then, she has some fascinating news for him.
S/V sneaks a peek. "What kind of garbage are you filling his head with now, Nikki? I have got to find out and I have just the thing!" she smiles.
walks over to where Chris and Paul are waiting and she asks to use Paul's phone. She calls Sharon. "I am coming over, Sharon, and there is someone I want to bring. We will be there shortly."
"Thank God!" Sharon says. "Cassie is coming! Cassie is coming home tonight. Tonight she will know the truth! She will find out that I am her real mother."
Grace tells Cassie that her real mother is expecting them. She tells Paul and Chris that they don't need to come with them; she can be trusted. However, Paul tells her that he thinks they will tag along anyway just to be safe.
is talking to herself again as she enters Nikki's bedroom. Thank God I went to town yesterday. You think you can hide things from me, Nikki, but I am always one step ahead of you. You can whisper all you want, but I have ways of finding out what you are up to. Now for the perfect place where I can hear everything that is going on." She looks around and moves to the head of the bed. She plants a "bug" behind the headboard. "No more secrets, Nikki. Now I'll no your every move."
Nikki comes into the bedroom and almost catches S/V, but she covers up. She tells Nikki that she was just turning down the bed. Nikki dismisses her but tells her to hold all calls. She wants complete privacy tonight. "Oh, yes," S/V assures her. You will have your privacy tonight."
rushes to the door when there is a knock. It is Chris. Sharon starts to freak out, but Chris tells her that she only came ahead to let her know what is happening. Cassie hasn't been told yet, but she has been told that she will see her real mother tonight.
Grace and Cassie walk in and take a seat. Cassie doesn't look happy.
relax in the afterglow. That was a pleasant surprise, he tells his wife. Now are you going to share the big news with me? Nikki tells him that she has made a decision. She has given something a great deal of thought and now her mind is made up. She wants to give him a baby! More than that, she also wants a baby.
S/V is in her room listening in to the conversation. She hears Josh tell Nikki that she has made him the happiest man alive. Our own family, Josh goes on. You cannot know what this means to me. I have always loved you so much, but never as much as right now.
S/V puts away the speaker. You will never have his baby, Nikki. NEVER! I WON'T LET IT HAPPEN!

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