Phyllis tells Sharon off for upsetting Daniel and Lucy; The Young and the Restless Recap for Friday, October 4, 2024

Sharon still has evidence of Heather
Sharon still has evidence of Heather's death on The Young and the Restless | Image Source: CBS/JPI

In the park, Sharon gushed to Daniel and Lucy about how sorry she was and offered her condolences. Daniel tried to stop her from talking and said they were trying to process their grief privately. Sharon started questioning them about how Heather had died. “Do you have any idea how this happened? I understand that Heather was found in the river?” Sharon queried. Lucy snapped at Sharon’s questions and said she made it sound like it wasn’t an accident.

Lucy cried that her mom hadn’t come hom. She said that if Sharon knew anything, she needed to tell them. Daniel told Lucy to wait in the car then blasted Sharon for being so insensitive. “Are you insane? Seriously, what is wrong with you?” Daniel snapped. Daniel told Sharon that he had just lost the woman he loved and had to tell his daughter that day that her mom had died. He advised Sharon to think, give them space, and let them grieve.

Adam saw Sally at Society, but she didn’t want to talk. Sally said she was finally not agonizing about Adam 24/7. She said she had deep feelings still, but every day, he was more of a distant memory. Sally told Adam that he was stopping her from forgetting everything. Adam told her to stop denying what her heart was trying to tell her. Sally told Adam that it was too painful to consider. “If that’s how you want it,” Adam said as he shrugged. “It’s how you made it,” Sally said.

At Crimson Lights, Billy was on a call when Chelsea came in. He sat with her for a coffee, and they talked awkwardly about their kids. Chelsea said she didn’t want it like that, and Billy agreed. Chelsea said it might get easier with time. Billy said he had to believe it would. As Billy and Chelsea warmed up toward one another, Adam interrupted.

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Adam said that since Billy had turned his back on Chelsea, Adam hadn’t expected to see them together. He demanded to know what they were doing together. Billy said it was none of Adam’s business and to keep walking. Adam challenged Billy, so Billy brought up how Adam had hit him the last time they had seen one another. Chelsea was horrified. Adam tried bringing up Connor, but Billy got mad. Billy pointed out to Chelsea that Adam would always use Connor’s situation to manipulate her, and Billy wished she would stop letting him do that.

After Billy left, Chelsea asked Adam if he was trying to ruin things for her. Adam told Chelsea that Billy would never take her back. Chelsea said she needed Billy in her life, even as a friend. She said he was her hero, and she wouldn’t be there anymore if not for him. Adam said that she felt obligated to Billy, which wasn’t love. Chelsea told Adam he didn’t know what true love was.

Chelsea told Adam they were never getting back together and that he should focus on getting Sally back instead. Adam admitted that he and Sally had no way of getting back together, since Sally had learned Adam’s true feelings for Chelsea. Adam swore he was a changed man. He said that Connor wanted his parents together. Chelsea got upset, so Adam relented and admitted that maybe she was better off with Billy. Adam noted that Billy still loved Chelsea, or he wouldn’t have wanted to rescue her from Adam. Adam wondered where Billy was; Chelsea grabbed her purse and left.

Phyllis saw Summer and Chance at the Athletic Club and sat down with them. She told them what happened earlier with Daniel getting the call from the police, and she said that Heather was dead. Chance went to make a call while Summer and Phyllis continued talking. Summer left to check on Daniel.

Chance returned and consoled Phyllis. He said that based on the information he had just gotten, Daniel would need support. He shared that the police had ordered an autopsy. Chance explained that the autopsy was graphic and could be upsetting for Daniel. Chance ensured Phyllis would be okay alone and then left to get more information at the police station.

Sharon entered the Athletic Club and went up to Phyllis, who was sitting alone at the bar. She tried several times to speak, but each time, Phyllis told her to stop. Sharon ignored her and rambled. “I’m sure Daniel sees me as the bad guy right now, but I promise you, I am not,” Sharon said. Phyllis asked if Sharon had bothered Daniel, and then Phyllis snapped.

Phyllis told Sharon that the last thing Daniel needed right then was another one of Sharon’s tirades. Phyllis said Sharon was just trying to get attention back. Phyllis mocked Sharon and said she had everyone in town so worried about “poor Sharon.” Phyllis asked if it bothered Sharon that Heather’s tragic death was taking the spotlight. Phyllis said that she would never forget how Sharon had treated the Romalottis or the last thing Sharon had said to Heather. Phyllis said she would make sure that no one ever forgot how Sharon had behaved and what she had said.

Chance called Daniel with condolences and asked if he could come over. Daniel agreed and then let Summer in. Daniel cried to Summer about Heather’s death and relived the trauma of finding out, telling Lucy, and calling Paul.

Chance arrived and told Daniel and Summer that he knew of a preliminary report from the autopsy. He said he had asked the police to allow him be the one to tell them. Chance shared that everything they knew about Heather’s death was wrong. He said that Heather hadn’t drowned but had been killed from blunt force trauma to the back of the head.

Chance added that Heather had been dead before she had been in the water. He had wanted Daniel to know before it was leaked to the press. Summer suggested that Heather had slipped, hit her head, and fallen into the river. Daniel couldn’t wrap his head around the news. Chance didn’t know whether or not Heather’s death had been an accident, but he said he would find out more information.

After Chance left, Summer told Daniel she was glad Chance had been able to tell them in person. Daniel didn’t understand what the report meant and wasn’t sure what to tell Lucy. Summer suggested waiting to say anything until they had more information. Daniel agreed there was no point in putting Lucy through the agony and confusion he felt. Summer offered to stay while Daniel rested, but he said there was no way he would sleep. Summer kept him company while he grieved.

At Society, Billy joined Sally at the bar. She could tell by the look on his face that he had just seen Chelsea. Billy told her about what had happened at Crimson Lights. He said he'd felt himself getting weak around Chelsea, and for a hot second, he had forgotten that Adam existed. Billy said that the connection he and Chelsea shared was still there. He admitted that he had been about to tell Chelsea how he felt, but Adam had walked in like a cold chill and reminded Billy of the loss all over again.

Sally told Billy that she was focusing on her work. Billy said he was doing the same. Billy said rebranding was hard, but he was determined to make it happen. Sally told Billy that he was a good dad and a good man. “Good things are coming your way,” Sally said confidently. Billy welled up. He said he hadn’t sat with someone who had encouraged him in a very long time. Billy said everyone else criticized his every move and thought he would fail. Sally said Billy would prove them all wrong. Billy said he was having a launch party for the new company and invited Sally.

Phyllis rushed up to Billy and Sally and had a hard time suppressing how upset she was. She asked Sally to leave so they could have a business meeting. As soon as Sally walked away, Phyllis broke down. She told Billy about Heather. She asked Billy to be there for her and sobbed in his arms.

At Crimson Lights, Sharon cleaned the tables as Cameron noted that she'd had quite a day. Cameron said she couldn’t control the currents that had exposed Heather’s body, but she could control how she acted in public. “How do you think you did?” Cameron asked. He told Sharon no one was buying it that she was sorry that Heather died, and he said that she needed to be more careful. Cameron told Sharon it was time to make her next move, and she knew what she needed to do.

Summer caught up with Chance at the park and told him Daniel was a wreck. She wondered if someone had hurt Heather intentionally. Chance said he was going to get to the bottom of it. Summer admitted that she had been ambivalent at first, but she would like it if Chance considered returning to the police force. Chance said he had already talked to the chief. Chance assured Summer that whether or not he was reinstated, he would do everything he could to get answers.

At home, Daniel sat in shock, holding Heather’s sweater. At Society, Billy stood with Phyllis as she cried. Meanwhile, Sharon was in the back of her car. She opened the bag of evidence she had taken from Heather’s apartment. Cameron walked up behind her and said she knew what to do. “It’s finally time to make Daniel pay for the life he took,” Cameron said as Sharon held a bloody towel in her hand.

Next week on The Young and the Restless:

  • Diane snaps at Jack, saying that she doesn’t think he has ever committed to the fact that she has changed. She accuses him of thinking she is the “same manipulative bitch that I used to be.” Jack protests, but Diane tells him she is sick of it.
  • Sharon sneaks back into Daniel’s apartment and stuffs a bloody towel into the liquor cabinet.
  • Chance talks to Daniel and Lucy and tells them that something surprising came up when he tried tracing the location of Heather’s phone.
  • Lucy asks Chance what happens now, and he says that he has one more person to question.

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Edited by Lisa