What a week on The Young and the Restless when Damian strolled into Genoa City twice, Amy needed a refund, and Jack had money to spare.
Time for The Young and the Restless viewing party

Did this week on The Young and the Restless get off with a bang or what? And admit it — you had no idea either that Damian wasn’t actually Damian. We had questions, don’t get me wrong, but none of them were “Is that guy really Damian?”
I did wonder why someone as suspicious and wary as Damian wouldn’t have turned around and come back at the first cafe he met Nate in L.A. to see what he was doing after their meeting. He could’ve eavesdropped on a phone call, or seen if he went to another table and had someone there all along. Or, in this case, he would have seen Nate joined by Audra and Amy immediately after “Damian” left. I also wanted to know what Damian was hiding. Most importantly, when we found out that Damian was actually Holden, I wanted to know if we got to keep them both.

But in strolled Damian and I couldn’t believe it. You mean…that’s…not….him? Nice one, TPTB. You got us. But it doesn’t end there. Damian and Holden have a bunch of other secrets we don’t even know about yet.
For one thing, did you catch what Damian said? He mentioned he had some sort of trouble back in L.A., and he wanted to know if Nate was involved in it. What kind of trouble was that? Doesn’t sound too resolved, maybe that’ll follow him to Genoa City. As for Holden, well, it turns out he has a past with someone we know. He already met Audra, so it couldn’t be her, unless she’s been faking all week, too. But I’m going to guess it’s Lily. And yes, I still think that Cane is coming back #manifesting.
You had one job

So Nate hired a private eye to track down Damian. Is there an issue with anything security-related in Genoa City? First, we have Chance, who can’t see a clue when it’s handed to him, and then there’s Victor’s security team who seem to have been trained by the Keystone Cops. And then, we have Denise Tolliver, Private Investigator, who got paid to find the wrong guy.
I’m sure in some era it might have been possible to make this kind of mistake, but there was something a little off with Denise’s sleuthing skills. For some reason, Denise flew from L.A. to Genoa City so she could have coffee with Nate and Amy and tell them that she found Damian instead of just calling. She said she saw him, saw where he lived, and was worried that he might leave town at any moment — so why did she leave town herself and not just continue watching him? A video or FaceTime and they would have known she had the wrong guy. Or even if she stayed old school when she came to Genoa City to give her report…they actually give you a physical copy of a report, and surely it would have included photos.
On the flip side, if you hire a P.I. you’d think they’d want, if not require, that you give them a picture of the person you want them to look for. Ah, but I digress. It wasn’t my budget blown on a gumshoe. And it’s not like Amy would know what a private eye needs to open a case on someone. Oh…wait…
The coffee is addictive

It cracks me up how often Phyllis is at Crimson Lights. She doesn’t even try to hide it, but then she talks to Sharon like she has a right to be there, and Sharon doesn’t. And does Nick work? I thought he worked with Victoria, and I know he said he was taking time off when Sharon was missing, but that seems so last year. Since Nick thinks every crisis is over now, he should be back to work. Even if he’s popping into Crimson Lights on a break from Newman Enterprises, when was the last time he went to work in a suit?
Someone needs to move into that apartment above the coffee shop where Chelsea and Connor had been living. Maybe Holden or Damian? Or can they only live at a property that’s managed by Danglar Holdings? But Holden’s going to stay, isn’t he? We do get to keep him, right?!
Abbot Nostalgia

Jack had a variety of things to deal with this week. From Victor barking at him to break up Claire and Kyle to writing a big fat check for Billy’s start-up, his walk down memory lane in the dining room was sweet to watch.
And Jack was right, aside from it taking place in a mansion, it was probably the most normal family time Claire’s ever experienced. Remembering John Abbott and getting nostalgic about his memories, well, it probably wasn’t the best time for Diane to suggest redecorating the house and taking away those memories. But she did, and part of me can’t wait to see what it looks like, but hopefully, this isn’t the catalyst to Diane and Jack being back on the outs. They’re vicious when they’re fighting!

And where is Alan? Now that Ian and Jordan have scattered like rats again, we need a new villain. Unless they’re going to bring over Luna to pair up with her cousin Lucy and go all Thelma and Louise, it’s about time to start suspecting if Alan is really his evil twin.
Meanwhile, back at the ranch

Connor and Chelsea officially moved in, and Chelsea was super clear about not wanting to give Adam or Connor mixed messages, that they weren’t that kind of family, and she and Adam were never, ever, ever, getting back together.
But they hadn’t moved in for more than a minute when Connor wanted to go say hi to his grandfather. Chelsea wasn’t going to go with him and Adam, but Connor said that she had to because Victor would want to see the “whole family.” And Chelsea didn’t waste a second telling him he was right and skipped off to the main house. Not sure Adam’s the one giving mixed messages here. But then again, moot point since they’ll be inevitably reunited by Valentine’s Day.
Elsewhere in Genoa City

So Sally and Billy are off to be Silly in Paris. While I hope they have a great time, and I do like them together, I still can’t help but like him and Phyllis together, too. There’s just something about them that works, even when they’re crashing. Lucky for those of us who are undecided if we’re Team Silly or Philly, the love triangle seems to be going forward.

So odd that Daniel’s been unemployed for a year with that stellar attitude he shows at job interviews. I get it he’s had a horrific year, and sure, he knows Billy personally, but by now, he’d have been told he was out of the running with all the snide remarks he’s given. I’m hoping this will be the thing that does turn it all around for him, though. Not that I fully understand exactly what Abbott Communications will do as a company, “there’s something for everyone,” so maybe Daniel will figure it out.

Glad that Victor made it out of the hospital in no time, but didn’t it tug on your heartstrings a little when he wanted to talk about life without him in it? For a lot of us, we don’t remember a time he wasn’t. And speaking of Victor, they celebrated Eric Braeden’s 45th year on The Young and the Restless today. 45 years!
Until next time!

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