Welcome to The Young and the Restless Daily Y.A.P.P. (Your After-Program Ponderings) for a quick — and by that, I mean you’re already halfway done — recap of the most amazing or what-the-heck-did-we-just-watch moments on today’s episode. Let’s get to it:
What Happened on The Young and the Restless
Traci Abbott, the most under-utilized smart cookie with a heart of gold, should come wearing a disclaimer: You Are Not Good Enough For Me. This girl is headed down the path of unbeknownst heartache yet again, and there’s nothing we can do but watch. So Traci chats up Sharon, who finds it feels better to talk about her undesirable respite in the abandoned asylum. As Sharon tells her the details, the light bulbs go off for Traci, as they often do, but they weren’t highlighting her happiness. Sharon detailed the deadly near-misses she had twice while locked up but lived to tell about it, and Traci couldn’t help but think of the weird messages her new fiance had been getting on his phone at about the same time Sharon and Phyllis were gassing it up in Havenhurst. “Oh, a gas leak you say?” Traci mused as she had flashbacks to Alan’s phone messages about a gas emergency at a facility. “Oh, there were alarms?” Cue flashbacks about a facility security breach for the guy who put a ringtone on it. Traci hid her fears with Sharon, but when Jack came into the coffee house, she couldn’t deny what she was thinking. And yeah, we’re happy she’s as smart as she’s always been, and yeah, they didn’t drag it out too long before she put two and two together, but geez, can’t this woman ever be cut a break when it comes to love?
Want more details? We got you! Soap Central has the best full recaps on the internet! You can even go back over 30 years and read each and every one of ‘em. If you can’t wait until the next episode, we have daily spoilers, too! And whatever you do this weekend, do not…seriously, do NOT…forget to read the Two Scoops for some laughs (hey, admit it, we’re funny) in the as-close-as-we-can-come to being a watching party without actually being a show — and the best part is if you agree or disagree, we want to know! As always, share your comments below.
You can watch The Young and the Restless weekdays on CBS or stream live or on-demand on Paramount Plus.

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