Lily warns Jill about Billy's moves at Chancellor; The Young and the Restless Recap for Monday, October 14, 2024

Lily turns to Jill for support | Image Source: JPI Studios
Lily turns to Jill for support | Image Source: JPI Studios

Nate entered the jazz club and kissed Audra hello. He recognized that he wasn’t supposed to say it because she would think it might mean something, but he’d missed her. He said he was sorry that he hadn’t had a chance to see her since he’d returned from his trip, and he assumed she’d been busy running Glissade. Audra informed him that she’d have a lot of free time going forward because Victor had fired her.

Nate remarked that Victor had the hatchet out, since Victor had just cut Lily out of a deal they’d had. Audra guessed that, like her, Lily had also thought she could handle Victor. Nate asked why Audra hadn’t told him about getting fired, and she responded that she hadn’t wanted to dump it on him. She added that he wouldn’t have been able to stop himself from helping, and if he’d offered advice and tried to fix things, then the good thing they had going would have definitely been over.

Nate promised not to offer advice because Audra didn’t need fixing. She stated that she needed to work it out on her own, and he volunteered to listen and provide silent support. She admitted that not being able to do anything about losing Glissade to Kyle and Victor was hard for her to accept, and it wasn’t just about ending up on top. Nate recognized that she cared about the company and had wanted to build it into something. Audra lamented that taking Glissade had been the only thing that had made her think her time with Tucker hadn’t been a complete waste, but she had nothing to show for the time and hard work she’d put in.

Audra and Nate retreated to a hotel suite, where he positioned her to face herself in the mirror. He reiterated that there was nothing that needed to be fixed, and not one moment of her life had been a waste. Nate acknowledged that it was a tough time; however, she’d faced other tough times, and she’d had to scratch and claw to get what men with half her brains and talent had had handed to them. Nate imagined those losses and challenges would have broken most people, but they had made Audra tougher.

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Nate knew that Audra had tried to hide from him and keep her guard up, but he’d seen the real her. Nate accepted that she wasn’t ready for a commitment, but he couldn’t have seen the real her if she hadn’t let him, and she’d taken a big risk when she’d done that. Nate was certain that she would bounce back from losing Glissade the same way she had after other losses, and she would risk it all again because it was what she did. Audra turned around to face him, and they melted into a passionate kiss.

Billy and Sally ran into one another in Chancellor Park. He remarked that it was too beautiful a day to be stuck inside, and the view was better than any computer screen. Adam and Chelsea approached, talking and laughing, but they stopped abruptly when they saw Billy and Sally. Chelsea revealed that she and Adam had just attended a family session at Connor’s care facility, and they were in a good mood because it had gone well.

Chelsea and Adam took turns recalling how Connor’s OCD had been triggered because the new shirts she’d bought the boy for school had six buttons instead of seven. Adam praised Chelsea for solving the issue by sewing on an extra button right there in the office. An uncomfortable silence followed, and Chelsea asked what Billy and Sally were doing there. Sally shared that they’d bumped into one another while she’d been looking at fall colors as her palette. Chelsea enthused that she’d seen Sally’s preliminary designs, and she expected the line to be brilliant. Adam awkwardly steered Chelsea away. “When is that going to get easier?” Sally queried. “Apparently not today,” Billy replied.

Later, Sally observed that Billy had been staring at the same expense report since he’d sat down, and he countered that she only knew that because she hadn’t looked at her tablet for more than five seconds. He figured that they should have stayed at their respective offices to get work done, but she refused to hide from Adam or Chelsea. Sally noted that it had been like she and Billy hadn’t even been present when Adam and Chelsea had been finishing one another’s sentences.

Billy contemplated whether Chelsea and Adam were meant to be together, although he’d never understand it because Chelsea deserved better. Sally considered whether they might be misreading things, since perhaps Adam and Chelsea had really reconnected over doing what was best for their son. Billy sensed it was more, and Sally conceded that there was something unbreakable between Adam and Chelsea. Sally cited it as the reason there was no going back for her. Billy admitted that he was having a hard time letting go, and he wished he was in the place she was. Sally promised he would get there.

Billy and Sally finally accomplished some work, and he commented that change could be good. He mentioned that he’d moved into a new place, and he wondered if she was willing to throw some interior design back in the mix. He recalled that he’d once tried to redecorate the Chancellor mansion, and his mom had changed everything back to the way it had been before. Sally pointed out that another thing that had changed was that Jill trusted him enough to run the company. Billy quipped that he was more confident running a multinational corporation than “choosing between chintz and chintzy,” and he needed help with making a fresh start. Sally thought it sounded fun.

Lily met Devon at Society, and he surmised that she’d spoken to Victor. She relayed that she’d tried, but Victor had shot her down, so she’d gone to Nikki, who had admitted everything. Lily ordered Devon not to say he’d told her so. Devon was sure Victor wouldn’t be happy that Nikki had shared his plans with Lily. Lily groused that she wasn’t happy, either, and she felt like she wanted to rip someone’s head off.

Lily reflected on the work and effort she’d put into Chancellor, and Devon credited her for turning the company around. She complained that it had been bad enough when Billy had fired her, but at least he’d had the decency to look her in the eye, whereas Victor had manipulated her. Lily continued that the worst part was that she’d gone to Victor with her plan, and she blamed herself for trusting him. She reported that Nikki had had the audacity to offer her a different job, but she’d left before hearing any details.

Devon was appalled that Victor had tried to use him to use Lily, and he swore it was something Victor would have to answer for. Devon sympathized that Lily was hurting after all the effort she’d put into getting Jill to trust her to run the company over Billy. Lily barked that neither Victor nor Billy deserved Chancellor. Devon recommended that she move on by going back to Winters, and together, they could take the company to new heights and show Victor and Billy what a mistake they’d made.

Lily refused to just give up on Chancellor without a fight. Devon warned her not to let her anger dictate her actions, since she could end up in the middle of a war between Victor and Billy. Lily argued that it was her fight, too, and she wouldn’t just be shoved aside after she was the one who’d made Chancellor a success. She intended to use the fact that Victor and Billy were underestimating her to her advantage.

Lily inquired whether Devon was worried about how her actions might affect his relationship with Victor. Devon joked that they’d have to rearrange the seating at the wedding reception, but he recognized that it wasn’t about him. He encouraged her to go after Victor with everything she had if that was what she wanted to do, but he urged her to be careful because he didn’t want her to get hurt again. Lily imagined that both Victor and Billy thought she was out, so they wouldn’t see it coming when she hit back.

Later, over a video call, Lily apologized for bothering Jill while Jill was dealing with treatments. Lily was sure Jill was tired, but Jill asserted that she was tired of everyone treating her like a delicate flower because she was much better. Jill requested that Lily tell her all about Abbott-Chancellor, marveling that she still couldn’t get used to the name. Lily reported that it wasn’t good, and it felt like things were about to go from bad to worse. “What has Billy done now?” Jill asked. Lily predicted that Billy would crash and burn and take Chancellor down with him.

Lily announced that Billy had fired her, and she observed that Jill didn’t seem surprised. Jill confirmed that she’d talked to Chance, so she knew things had been going in a bad direction, but she’d thought Billy would eventually regain his senses and ask Lily back. Lily indicated that neither had happened. Lily repeated that she hated burdening Jill, but she loved Chancellor, and fighting for it was her mission. Lily said she was afraid of the moves Billy was making, and Jill was stunned to learn he’d hired Phyllis. Lily bemoaned that it seemed he didn’t care that Victor was gunning for the company.

Jill commended Lily for showing the leadership necessary to run a company like Chancellor, and she wished Lily had turned to her sooner. Jill apologized on behalf of her family for how badly Lily had been treated, and she promised to make it up to her. Lily advised Jill to make the company her top priority. Jill griped that Chancellor’s future was in jeopardy because Billy had mismanaged things, and she couldn’t believe she’d coddled him to a point that was about to cost her the company.

Jill shared that her treatments had been going well, and she hadn’t gone “through hell” to get better only to have her son stress her out to the point it killed her. Lily vowed to figure it out herself. Jill contended that Billy was clearly out of control—and she was the only one who could put him in his place.

At Crimson Lights, Jack and Diane made phone calls to try to push up Jabot’s product release date and develop a new marketing campaign. Diane claimed that they hadn’t identified how the product had been stolen, and Jack indicated that they were pursuing getting an order for Glissade to cease and desist. After they hung up, Diane griped that they’d resorted to lying to protect Kyle, but Jack countered that Kyle was their son. Jack recoiled when their hands touched while reaching for the sugar, and Diane glared at him. “Is this really where we are now, Jack?” she snapped.

Jack noted that Diane’s question sounded like an invitation for another fight. She scolded him for pulling back when their hands had touched. He pointed out that they were both on edge over Kyle’s betrayal, and he didn’t want to go into the office because their employees were undoubtedly putting the pieces together after Audra’s exit from Glissade. Jack intended to stay there to gather his thoughts, and he welcomed Diane to join him. She questioned why she’d take the chance of him blaming her for something else, and she stalked off. From the patio, she made a call and asked to talk to someone right away.

Jack sternly addressed someone over the phone as Adam and Chelsea entered the coffeehouse. Chelsea requested that Adam drop off Connor’s soccer gear, and she stepped aside to answer a call from Anita. Adam listened as Jack stressed the urgency of moving up the timing of the product launch to avoid a total loss. After Jack hung up, Adam asked if everything was okay. Jack responded that it wasn’t, but there was nothing Adam could do to help. Jack mentioned that he’d seen Adam walk in with Chelsea, and he assumed Adam was the reason she and Billy were taking a break.

Adam regretted that he and Chelsea had hurt Billy and Sally, but he refused to apologize for being close to his son’s mom when Connor needed his parents to be on the same page. Jack admired the way they’d handled Connor’s diagnosis and treatment, and he wished there was a remedy to help his own son, who seemed determined to blow his life up. Adam recalled that he hadn’t appreciated the role of a father until he’d become one, and it had taken him a while to see that Victor wanted what was best for him. “As he sees it,” Jack muttered.

Adam noted that the men hated one another, but they also both loved their sons. Jack recounted that John had taught him a lot about being a dad, but he wished he was better at it. Adam empathized that it was hard, but it was worth it. Adam added that Connor had taught him that the anguish, heartache, and love all meant something, and Jack thanked Adam for reminding him of that. Adam asked if Kyle would be okay, but Jack lamented that he and Diane might have already lost their son.

Jack steeled himself to face the music at the office. He told Adam that it had been good talking from one father to another. Adam expected that Jack would never give up on his son, just like Adam would never give up on Connor. After Jack headed out, Chelsea returned and asked if Jack was okay. Adam replied that Jack would be fine, adding, “And so will we.”

At the Athletic Club, Victor planned to order a light lunch, noting that he’d loved the croissants Nikki had gotten him that morning. Nikki was afraid she didn’t have much of an appetite, either. Nikki shared that Lily had asked if Victor intended to make Nikki CEO of Chancellor once Billy was ousted, and she’d told Lily the truth. Nikki was sure Victor was upset, but she defended that she had too much respect for Lily to lie to her face. Victor declared that he was neither surprised nor alarmed, since he’d known Nikki would speak to Lily, and the only question had been when.

Nikki wondered if Victor’s reaction was sincere, since she knew he wanted everyone to be on the same page—his page. Victor revealed that he’d expected Nikki to tell Lily the truth, and he’d let it play out without interfering. Nikki had hoped Lily would get past her anger and stay with the company, but when she’d offered Lily the option, the look on Lily’s face had been “a hard no.” Nikki prompted Victor to tell her how he expected things to play out instead of leaving her in the dark. Victor anticipated that Lily’s next move would be the beginning of the end for Billy at Chancellor.

Diane joined Michael at the Athletic Club, and he wondered why she wasn’t at the office. She huffed that she was CEO and could do “damn well” what she pleased. She quickly apologized and thanked him for being kind to her earlier. She stressed that she didn’t want him to get the wrong idea about her and Jack because her marriage was fine, but they were dealing with a stressful situation at Jabot. Michael clucked that he’d known her a long time, and it sounded a lot like spin.

Diane spotted Victor across the room and asked if Michael could blame her for attempting to do damage control, considering who he worked for. Michael recognized that Diane didn’t want to show weakness around Victor, and he suggested that she and Jack be more discreet about their differences. Diane confided that things weren’t great between them, since Jack thought she was always looking for a fight when he was the one instigating conflict, and any mention of Kyle ruined any normalcy they had. She groaned that she was tired of being cast as the villain in the story.

Michael asked what story they were talking about. Diane shared that Kyle had stolen Jabot’s latest innovation for Glissade, and Michael feigned surprise. She continued that some people thought Kyle’s behavior was a result of her firing him, and she was starting to believe that Jack regretted marrying her. She chalked it up to being tired and stressed out, and she excused herself to run to the ladies’ room. Victor approached Michael.

Diane returned and snapped that she and Michael had been having a private conversation. Victor snidely offered his sympathies, since he’d been watching the rapid, inevitable dissolution of her marriage. Victor guessed Jack had seen through the charade and realized her return from the dead had really been all about money and power. Diane insisted that Jack and Kyle loved her, but Victor taunted that he was beginning to see the cracks and the end of her marriage. He envisioned that she’d lose everything.

Diane thanked Michael for supporting her as her friend, and she begged him as his friend to go back to the D.A.’s office to do something less soul-sucking than working for Victor. After Diane walked away, Michael chided Victor for not being able to help himself. Victor proclaimed that witnessing the dissolution of Jack and Diane’s marriage made him happy, and he anticipated that Jabot would fall apart, leaving the Abbotts humiliated. Victor crowed that his plan was working out.

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Edited by Lisa