Leaving it up to Chance: The Young and the Restless Two Scoops for the week of October 7, 2024

Daniel and The Brillian Detective| Image Source: CBS/JPI
Daniel and The Brillian Detective| Image Source: CBS/JPI

This week on The Young and the Restless, Chance had so many questions he could number them, Sharon had a date, Lily found out she could be wrong about something, and Victor took over a wedding.

The Murder Mystery

Heather plays Twister | Image Source: CBS
Heather plays Twister | Image Source: CBS

Since Sharon woke up and found Heather's dead body on the floor, we've had to ask ourselves some serious questions. Was it just a dream? Could Heather really be dead? If so, who killed her? It seemed like says of wondering went by, but even when we saw Heather in the morgue, it was still hard to believe.

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Chance is on the case, but at the rate he's going, we have more questions about his detective skills than we do about Heather's death.

Internet sleuths, it's our time to shine.

Chance rejoins the force

Not just a pretty face | Image Source: CBS/Paramount Press
Not just a pretty face | Image Source: CBS/Paramount Press

Summer wasn't the only one thankful that Chance skipped the hiring process at the GCPD and was reinstated on the force with just a phone call. He immediately asked to be assigned to a case that didn't have police involvement, and his wish was granted despite (or because of?) his conflict of interest.

We're not really sure why Chance wanted Heather's case. At first, it seemed like he thought he could add some compassion to the process since he was personally connected to the family. But that was forgotten a moment later when he decided he needed to share his every thought with Daniel and not allow him or Lucy any time to grieve privately.

Despite Lucy being so distraught she can barely leave her room, Chance knocks on their door each time he has a question.

Before Chance was even rehired, he was upsetting Daniel. Immediately upon hearing of Heather's death, Chance called the GCPD and found out they were doing an autopsy. He then told Phyllis, who was clearly in shock, that knowing about the autopsy would devastate Daniel. So what did he do? He beelined it to Daniel's apartment unnecessarily and added to his grief.

Since taking on the case, Chance has spent most of his time at Daniel's, seemingly uncaring that Lucy is in the next room, too devastated to function. Chance just keeps upsetting Daniel more and more. You would never know he was dating Daniel's sister or that he was an experienced detective, for that matter.

Daniel served Chance coffee using the same bar tray with a glass decanter and glasses. Sharon smashed them to pieces the night Heather died, but why has no one noticed the empty tray — and then used it for coffee?

The Autopsy

Lucy wonders why Chance is always there | Image Source: CBS/JPI
Lucy wonders why Chance is always there | Image Source: CBS/JPI

Didn't the autopsy give the time of death? Wasn't there significant impact marks on Heather from being dead-dropped into the water? That was a tall bridge. When Heather's body hit the water surface, it would have been similar to hitting cement.

Sharon wrapped up Heather in a couple of blankets and tied them on with a rope. We have to presume that somehow, the rope got untied, and the blankets came off in the water. But why haven't they washed up on shore if that's the case?

Why is Chance spending more of his time at the Romalotti apartment than he has at the river looking for clues?

Just because Heather's body was found in the river doesn't mean she fell where her body was found. Chance should be at the river looking for clues. Maybe he should spend less time driving back and forth to Daniel's and actually investigate outside of their apartment.

If he could narrow down the time of death, then he would be able to figure out that Heather could not have sent the text messages that Paul and Daniel received that night. While that still wouldn't solve the mystery of who has the phone, it would remove the narrative that Heather left town to clear her head.

Chance knows that someone has Heather's phone and texts Daniel, wanting to return it. Yet it never occurred to Chance that maybe that person also texted Daniel and Paul the night before. He's basing his whole case around it, so it might be something he'd want a teensy bit more info about. Other than going to Daniel and asking him to figure it out, I mean.

Daniel calling him "the brilliant detective" and kicking him out a few minutes later cracked me up. But Chance just sat there. The evidence that Sharon planted is right behind him. Will he leave as requested or pour himself a drink? Maybe he'll just start searching anyway since he has the room to himself and no warrant.

It's too bad Daniel's lawyer died because he might have a lawsuit for police mishandling of a case coming up.

Investigating Sharon

Chance wonders if Sharon likes his beard | Image Source: CBS
Chance wonders if Sharon likes his beard | Image Source: CBS

Chance knows that one person was being publicly aggressive and threatening the Romalottis, and that person was Sharon. She had a 20-year grudge against Daniel and was so unhinged that she even yelled at Lucy in public. Heather was fighting with Sharon to defend her child and Daniel.

Chance managed to retain that information long enough to be willing to leave Daniel and Lucy alone to grieve for an hour. He raced over to Sharon's "late at night" to question her.

But he didn't ask her anything about her whereabouts on the night of the murder. Instead, Sharon offered the information. She placed herself at the scene of the crime (or that's what they might call it one day) and labeled herself as the last known person to see Heather alive.

Chance was all "welp, nothing to see here" and went back to Daniel's.

The Bumbling Detective

Chance forgot to get a search warrant | Image Source: CBS
Chance forgot to get a search warrant | Image Source: CBS

The only person with a possible motive was the last to see Heather alive and Chance just ignored that info. By the time Chance returned to Daniel's, he'd magically turned Sharon into an eyewitness and character reference for Daniel and Heather's relationship. As if Daniel wasn't mindblown enough already, Chance asked him if Heather was having an affair.

I'm starting to wonder if it's a bad idea that the detective on the case is the ex-boyfriend of the main suspect.

So, the honor system was good enough for Chance when he talked to Sharon, but not for Daniel. After suggesting that a secret lover killed Heather without a shred of evidence, Chance asked to search Daniel's apartment to find some proof.

I'm still not sure what it was that he is looking for. Do people having affairs leave evidence of such around their homes? It was such a bizarre request. I had to laugh when Daniel told Chance, "I think you know your way out." Sure, the door was in plain sight, but I'm not so sure that means much to Chance.

Reality Check, Please

Lily sneezes on The Young and the Restless| Image Source: CBS
Lily sneezes on The Young and the Restless| Image Source: CBS

Lily sure had her comeuppance this week. After weeks of being warned by Devon, Nate, and even Billy, it finally resonated that Victor just might not be as honest as Lily thought.

Victor lived up to his ruthless rep by looking at Lily and mumbling he was, in fact, a man of his word. But did you catch him rolling his eyes when she walked out?

Lily was pretty fired up, but I thought she had it all figured out by the time she confronted Nikki. Alas, I was wrong. Nikki admitted that the plan was to use Lily and dump her. I thought that explained it all, but then Lily said Nikki couldn't have come up with that plan on her own — and asked if Victor was involved. How did Lily lose the plot on her accusation? Of course, Victor was involved, that was the most obvious part of it.

The Wedding Planner

Abby forgot she owned a venue | Image Source: CBS/JPI
Abby forgot she owned a venue | Image Source: CBS/JPI

Speaking of Victor, I'm not sure he should be credited for saving the wedding. He went from hearing there was a venue problem to saying he had it all planned in the same scene. While it was comical that his every answer was "I don't give a damn," it was a little terrifying.

Imagine getting married and planning the wedding of your dreams, and suddenly, your dad says he's taken over and "doesn't care" if you and your guests know where to go. He didn't even ask what type of venue, flowers, or color scheme Abby wanted. He just said they didn't need to know, and he had it covered. Oddly, Devon went along with this.

Between Devon and Abby, I'm sure they could have figured out where to have the wedding and could afford it without Victor's help. They were standing in the restaurant that Abby owned, having that conversation. Why not just shut down Society for a night and have the wedding there?

They're going to have the wedding at the Athletic Club, but Society could have easily offered the same.

Corporate Theft & Gossip Girl

Jack scolds Kyle | Image Source: CBS
Jack scolds Kyle | Image Source: CBS

I admit I was questioning the validity of a few things this week. Namely, the fighting between Jack and Diane.

It crossed my mind that maybe they were faking their fights and putting on a show for Victor to make him think they weren't united. Not that Victor cared too much when Audra told him she saw Jack and Diane squabble, but boy, did he ever when he saw it for himself.

Victor was practically giddy about it and gossiped like a schoolgirl to Nikki, Michael, Abby, and Devon. But asking Jack what his daddy would think about him arguing with his wife was laughable. The Great Victor Newman finger-wagging and saying nanner-nanner-boo-boo wasn't the flex he thought it was.

Same with the laptop being conveniently open. I thought Diane did it intentionally to see if Kyle would take the formula — only it was a set-up, and something was secretly wrong with it. It would hit the market, customers would have their faces break out in rashes, and Glissade would be sued and crumble.

Maybe Jack was in on it and got the idea from something Gloria Fisher did a few decades ago. And now Jack is upset because Kyle did take the bait.

However, the scene when Jack confronted Kyle at home, was jaw-dropping. Kyle has never been my favorite. I thought he always came off as too spoiled and petty, but he outdid himself that day.

Kyle practices smirking | Image Source: CBS/JPI
Kyle practices smirking | Image Source: CBS/JPI

Michael Mealor does a great job of having Kyle talk like Jack. Not exactly, but just enough in his enunciation that you know he's Jack's son. But he has also fine-tuned Kyle's obnoxiousness and nobody does smug like Kyle.

While he's not quite at Adam's level, the cold, calculating, vengeful person he has become is an eye-opener. Dark Kyle has no bounds, and now that Claire sees that side of him, I'm curious about where that leads.

If Claire stays with Kyle, is it to try to reform him? Or is Dark Claire still in there, too?

Lost Faith On Date Night

Sharon dug out some silver and diamond (rhinestone?) dangling earrings to wear on her date with Nick. Faith said she had the perfect matching bracelet and ran off to get it but returned with a wide gold cuff. Bit of a headscratcher there, but maybe mismatched opposites are a fashion trend in Genoa City.

Then there was the scene where Faith didn't want to be at home when her parents got there, so she visited Mariah and Tessa. As Mariah put it, Faith's "rom-com ending" to the date was astounding. Has she not understood what she experienced during the last few months? Is she starting to show signs of having mental health issues like her mom? Maybe she had a brain injury in that car accident after all.

Nick and Sharon's rom-com ending | Image Source: CBS/JPI
Nick and Sharon's rom-com ending | Image Source: CBS/JPI

Nick was supposed to be analyzing Sharon on his date night, but she played it pretty cool. That dream sequence at the end when he dropped her off and they kissed? I was almost convinced for a second that it was real.

But I wondered what else was real when it was cut short by a hilarious interruption from Cameron (please fix his blood-stained shirt; it's starting to look orange). I haven't ruled out that this whole thing, from the moment Sharon woke up on Heather's couch, isn't actually a dream.

Elsewhere in Genoa City

Cole, Victoria, and Claire count calories and share a cookie | Image Source: CBS
Cole, Victoria, and Claire count calories and share a cookie | Image Source: CBS

Cole wanted to know if Victoria was ready for a relationship, and I'm not sure what her answer was. She said that she had a horrible history of relationships and admitted to bashing love to Claire. It didn't sound like a commitment to me, but then they shared a cookie. I had to laugh when Claire came in, took the half-eaten cookie, and munched on it instead of taking one of the fresh ones.

Traci moved home with her boyfriend, Alan, and I have had a theory for a while. I don't want it to be a spoiler for anyone, so stop right now if you don't want to hear it.

I knew you'd continue. Ok, check this out. First, the obvious is that Alan's crazy twin brother didn't really die that day — Alan did. Honestly, I do not remember the exact details of that scene, but do we know 100% that Alan is Alan? Or was Alan the twin that died, and we just think that Alan is really Alan? I've got some ideas on where that could lead (or what it could mean for a certain other storyline), but I'll hold onto it for now and let your mind wander.

In the meantime, we have a few things coming up this week. Jill should be back to crack the whip at Abbott-Chancellor, and Michelle Stafford has her 30th Anniversary special episode next week, too.

And with Chance off in a completely different direction than where the truth is, the Romalottis will need some help to get the focus off of Daniel and onto the facts (especially when Chance finds the planted evidence).

Although Heather's dad, Paul, has spent his life being a private eye and cop, he can't return to Genoa City. Maybe Amy Lewis will remember some of her sleuthing skills when she arrives in town. Until then, we'll have to rely on Cricket. Or maybe Sharon will wake up on Heather and Daniel's couch, and none of this will have happened at all.

Until next time!

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Edited by Erin Goldsby