Kyle and Audra make a scene; The Young and the Restless Recap for Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Audra, Nate, and Kyle on The Young and the Restless | Image Source: CBS/JPI
Audra, Nate, and Kyle on The Young and the Restless | Image Source: CBS/JPI

At the Athletic Club, Nate and Audra shifted from canoodling to work mode. Audra revealed that she scheduled a meeting with Bob Elton, the CEO of the country’s biggest department store. Audra said that Elton had been working with Kyle, but she would get him to work with her exclusively instead. Audra planned to have a new product in every one of Elton’s stores and save some shelf space for the future. Nate recalled Audra telling him that women didn't wear makeup to look beautiful for men; they did it for themselves. Audra was impressed but wanted Nate to leave so she could focus on work.

Before Nate could stand up, Kyle approached their table and casually revealed that he had just met with Bob Elton. Audra and Kyle began to argue after she realized that he had stolen her meeting. Nate tried to defend Audra, but Kyle asked if she would get her boyfriend to fight her battles. He warned Nate that he had seen Audra with her claws out, and they shouldn’t get too close. As they argued, Kyle didn’t notice Claire enter and watch the fight unfold.

Nate left the table as Audra told Kyle he might have bested her with the meeting, but her plan would appear on the company balance sheet. Kyle told her he knew about her new product concept but said she would need a prototype for Victor within a couple of days to get his approval for production. Kyle smugly told Audra that he had called her supplier and canceled her order. Kyle said she would be empty-handed for her show-and-tell meeting with Victor.

Meanwhile, Nate told Claire that when he had been a doctor, he had seen his fair share of egos in the operating room, but this was something else. Claire said she had worked in the corporate world and, given her past, understood the mindset. Claire noted that power struggles and vendettas rarely ended well for anyone involved.

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Audra told Kyle that he had gone too far. Kyle shrugged and noted that Bob Elton was his contact and that he had brought him in. Audra said he was wasting his time trying to sabotage her. Kyle said he would do whatever it took to get her out of Glissade.

Audra pointed out that Claire was present and listening. Kyle immediately backed down. Claire and Nate approached the table. Audra asked if Claire had seen that side of Kyle before. Claire said she was aware that the gloves sometimes needed to come off in the corporate arena. Audra warned Claire that Kyle didn’t do anything gently, and if Claire hadn’t already, she would need to back down to him one day.

After Kyle and Claire left, Nate told Audra not to stoop to Kyle’s level. Audra said that when a man was aggressive at work, it was a virtue, but a woman was told to get in line. “Everyone wants to put me in my place, but I know what my place is—at the top,” Audra said. Audra said Glissade was her opportunity to prove that. Nate said he understood but felt that Audra didn’t need to get to the top like that. Audra said it was her call on how to act and that this was who she was. She told Nate if he didn’t like it, he could leave.

Nate said he didn’t scare off that easily, and he wanted to see all the sides of Audra. He assured her that he was in her corner. Audra said she needed to find a way to get the product to Victor and stay on schedule. She had an idea and left to pursue it.

After Audra left, Nate received a text message from Amy Lewis, a name he didn’t recognize. The message read, “Need to see you about an urgent family matter.” Nate responded, “Sorry, do I know you?” Amy replied, “When we meet, it will all be clear.”

Billy went to Jack’s and immediately said he didn’t want Jack's advice. Jack laid into him, anyway, and questioned Billy’s decision to replace Lily with Phyllis. Billy said that Phyllis had his back and wasn’t trying to stick a knife in it like Lily had.

Jack said Chancellor was Katherine’s legacy, but Billy said it was now Jill’s. “What is it to you? You’re not the boss of me anymore,” Billy said. Jack worried that Billy was blinded by ego and couldn’t see he was taking Abbott-Chancellor in the wrong direction.

Billy said he was tired of being told he would fail. Jack said Billy always fought people who loved him and wanted to help him. Billy said Jack took every opportunity to say Billy was wrong. Jack said Billy had spent his whole life trying to tell the world that he was worthy. Billy said he knew his worth, despite what Jack, Victor, or anyone else thought. Jack wanted to know what Victor had to do with anything.

Billy said he wasn’t concerned about Victor but knew Victor was attacking him. Jack was worried, but Billy said he had someone on the inside. He told Jack how Victoria had offered a buyout. Billy said the company wasn’t for sale, and he wasn’t giving in. Jack thought Victor would be even more upset when he found out Victoria had tried cutting Billy a deal.

Billy thought there was a benefit to having Victor fighting a war on two fronts. Jack wasn’t so sure and advised Billy to protect his relationship with his kids. Jack said Victor wouldn’t be happy if Victoria helped Billy.

Jack said Billy’s kids didn't know their grandfather like Jack and Billy did, and he said that Katie and Johnny loved and respected Victor. Jack said he'd never thought he would lose Kyle’s trust or that Kyle would move out to get away from his parents. “I don’t want that for you. You have to do whatever you can to protect your relationship with them,” Jack said. Billy said he knew Victor was “a cold S.O.B.” but that he could see Victor coming this time.

Victor and Victoria met, and he told her she was back at Newman Enterprises. Victor said he knew about the buyout offer she had given Billy. Victoria said that Billy was a good dad. “I warned you not to go against my wishes. Where do your loyalties really lie?” Victor growled.

Victoria said seeing the power struggle between Victor and Billy was painful. Victor warned her that Billy would see her as a weak spot and take advantage of it, but Victoria disagreed. Victoria said she saw that Victor would let his feelings for Billy supersede protecting his grandchildren, and she was second-guessing her participation because of it. Victor wondered if she would leave Newman Enterprises for good.

Victoria said it sounded like Victor was letting her go from the company. Victor claimed that the takeover was part of her mom’s recovery and that Katherine would turn over in her grave if she knew Billy Abbott was running her company into the ground. Victor reminded Victoria that Katherine had willed the company to him. Victoria shot back that Victor had sold his interest in the company. Victor snapped that Billy didn’t belong at the head of Chancellor Industries, and Victor wanted him gone.

Preparing to go home, Victoria thanked her dad for not completely losing it on her for going behind his back. She admitted that she had gone to Cole for advice first. Victor was angered and accused Cole of encouraging her to defy him. Victoria said that Cole hadn't weighed in either way, and he had told her to follow her instincts. Victor knew she was lying to cover for Cole. After Victor left, Victoria got a text from Billy. He said they needed to talk, and he asked her to meet him at Crimson Lights.

Claire told Kyle that she knew he and Audra had been involved. Claire also noted that she had worked with Audra and that there had been no love lost between them. Kyle said Audra was upset that he had outsmarted her at Glissade. Kyle hoped that Claire didn’t think less of him. Claire said she wasn’t naïve, and she knew that people were more than who they were at work.

Since Kyle worried about how he'd appeared, Claire wondered if part of him didn’t want to act that way. Kyle said he wanted to avoid it, but sometimes he needed to stoop to Audra’s level. Claire smiled and said it was okay because she wanted to know all sides of him.

Audra walked in, so Claire gave her and Kyle a moment alone. Audra told Kyle that her meeting with Victor was going ahead, even though she would be empty-handed. She said that Bob Elton loved her idea, and he had offered her anything she needed to fast-track the product. “Whatever shot you take, I’ll hit back harder. Glissade is mine, and I’m not going anywhere,” Audra warned.

Kyle said that he wasn’t leaving Glissade, either. He told Audra she should prepare for a fight because he didn’t mind getting into the dirt. “That’s good, because before this is done, I’m going to bury you,” Audra told him.

At Crimson Lights, Billy told Victoria that they needed to protect their kids. He suggested they have a family meeting with Johnny and Katie and let them know what was going on with Victor, so the kids could be prepared in case things got ugly. Billy said it wasn’t an if; it was a when. Victoria noted that Billy and Victor seemed committed to their positions, and she said war was imminent.

The Young and the Restless airs weekdays on CBS.

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Edited by Lisa