Jack and Diane find out Kyle betrayed them; The Young and the Restless Recap for Thursday, October 10, 2024

Jack and Diane on The Young and the Restless | Image Source: CBS/JPI
Jack and Diane on The Young and the Restless | Image Source: CBS/JPI

Victor summoned Kyle to tell him that he had fired Audra. Victor said he had completed his portion of the deal. Kyle said his part was already in the works, and Jabot wouldn't know what hit them.

Victor was impressed that Kyle had stepped up in every way. He wondered if Kyle was up to running the company, no matter the stakes. Kyle said he was ready. Victor encouraged Kyle to show the world what he was made of and that he was stronger than his father would ever be.

Jack saw Diane in Society but walked by her and greeted Abby at the bar. Abby told him that Ashley was coming to town for Abby and Devon's wedding. Jack wondered if Diane would want his company and asked if he could join her.

Jack tried to make small talk, but Diane wasn't having it. She decided she wasn't hungry and noted that Jack had also ruined her appetite at lunch. Diane snapped that they would have no resolution until Jack recognized Kyle as the problem and not Victor.

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Jack and Diane received a press release from Glissade on their phones. They read the product description and realized their formula had been stolen. Diane said that Jabot was known for innovation and beauty, not imitation, but people would think that they had copied Glissade.

Diane said that only Jack, Diane, and their team of chemists knew about the new collection's anchor product. Jack didn't want to believe it could have been Kyle, but the product was top secret. Diane said that Kyle had to have broken in and stolen it. Jack believed their son had sunken to a whole new level.

Jack could not believe that Kyle had stolen from his own family. Diane said it was all thanks to Kyle's mentor and secret investor. She wanted to leave with Jack, but he said he wanted to confront the thief alone.

Devon told Abby he had bad news about the wedding: the foundation had shifted at the venue, and it was closed. With the wedding only a few weeks away, all other venues were booked. Abby lamented that they couldn't change the date. Her dream wedding was supposed to be on her birthday, and it coincided with her mom's homecoming. Devon promised they would figure it out. Abby said she would marry him in a shack if need be.

Victor walked into Society and saw Diane sitting alone. He asked if it was her husband that had stormed out that time. Victor noted that she and Jack had put on a "hell of a show" at lunch. Diane stood up to leave. She told Victor she knew what he was up to. She insisted it had to stop. She warned him that he wouldn't get away with trying to destroy her family.

Abby asked Victor what he had said to Diane to make her leave so quickly. Victor asked why she cared. He wondered if Diane and Jack had had another fight, and he gossiped about what he had seen at lunchtime. Abby told Victor about their venue issue. Victor said he knew the perfect place and would take care of it.

Victor wouldn't tell Abby and Devon where he planned to have their wedding. Nikki joined them, and they asked Victor how guests, florists, caterers, and the bride and groom would know where to go. Victor said he didn't "give a damn" and that he had it all under control. Nikki noted that Victor was full of surprises lately.

Abby and Devon questioned what Nikki meant. Victor and Nikki said that he was giving her a gift that one couldn't put a price on.

Later, Devon and Abby wondered what Victor had meant by his gift to Nikki. They thought the way that Nikki and Victor had tried to cover it was strange. Devon said they had used an interesting choice of words.

At another table, Nikki apologized to Victor for letting it slip that he was giving her an incredible gift. Victor didn't think there was any way that Abby and Devon would figure out that he was about to take Chancellor Industries and give it to his wife. Nikki told Victor that Claire was leaning toward joining her at Chancellor.

Claire informed Nikki that Mariah and Tessa had offered her a job as Aria's nanny. Claire said she wasn't sure where things stood with the job offer from Nikki. Nikki told Claire she should negotiate a better deal with her.

Nikki and Claire joked about negotiating her pay. Claire said that she wanted to know more about the job so she could decide which offer to take. Nikki said she would tell Claire some other time, and whatever Claire chose to do, Nikki would be proud of her.

Sharon invited Chance inside but told him she didn't know how she could help. Sharon suggested Chance talk to the police if he had questions about Heather. Chance informed her that he had rejoined the force and was there in an official capacity.

Sharon asked if Chance was investigating because Heather's death wasn't an accident. Chance said that was what he was trying to find out. Sharon said it was frightening to think that Heather had been murdered and that the killer was still out there somewhere. Sharon agreed to help in any way that she could.

Chance questioned Sharon's relationship with the Romalottis and her confrontations with Heather, Daniel, and Lucy. Sharon explained how she had been triggered after the accident but had apologized to Daniel for overreacting. Sharon said when she had sat down with Daniel, she had realized there was some real tension between Daniel and Heather.

Sharon said Daniel had never confided in her, but she had been able to tell there had been friction about Lucy. She also knew he and Heather had been struggling to find jobs. Sharon said she knew Daniel and Heather had been arguing about Heather wanting to leave Genoa City. Chance asked if Heather had wanted Daniel and Lucy to move with her, but Sharon wasn't sure.

Chance stepped outside to take a phone call. Cameron then appeared and told Sharon she had done great. "You planted just the right seed to send Detective Dreamy in Daniel's direction," Cameron said.

Sharon worried about lying, as she respected Chance. Cameron reminded her that she had to lie to everyone, or she'd go to jail. Cameron told Sharon to put Daniel in prison instead. Cameron said that Daniel might not have killed Heather, but he had committed crimes, and it would be karma.

Sharon considered breaking into Daniel's apartment again to remove the evidence she had planted. Cameron said she was insane and would lose her family if she was caught for killing Heather. When Chance returned, Cameron told Sharon that everything depended on her lies.

Sharon offered Chance tea and wandered down memory lane, reminding him she was a kind and caring person. Chance softened and said he was lucky to call her his friend. Sharon said she needed to tell him something that was weighing heavily on her. "I was with Heather the night she died," Sharon said.

Sharon told Chance that she had gone to Heather's apartment to apologize to her and Lucy, as she had done with Daniel. She said that Heather had been agitated and said that she had fought with Daniel. Sharon said she hadn't asked Heather about it, as she and Heather hadn't been close.

Sharon said she didn't recall Heather mentioning a trip, and she hadn't seen a suitcase or overnight bag. Chance wondered why Sharon had waited to mention it. Sharon said that Daniel was already suffering, and it would worsen his grief to know that Heather had been upset with him in her final hours. "I'm sure my information is insignificant, but now that there is an investigation, I felt I needed to be honest," Sharon said. Cameron nodded his approval while standing behind Chance.

Kyle arrived home and smugly noted that Jack had heard the news. Kyle said he wasn't sorry. Jack accused Kyle of stealing the formula. He said Kyle could be charged with corporate theft and sent to prison.

Kyle sneered that Jack should praise him for finding some of the best chemists in the world and thinking big. Kyle said that Jack shouldn't have underestimated him. Jack said he had never thought his own son would betray him. "I'll take the win," Kyle said with a shrug. "No matter how you got there?" Jack asked.

Kyle said it had to suck to be falling behind his "pitiful little startup," noting that Jack never should have called Glissade that. Jack said he knew Kyle wanted to hit back, but Kyle had gone too far.

Jack said Jabot hadn't had a new product in a decade, and Kyle had destroyed it over hurt pride and a public temper tantrum. Kyle called Jack melodramatic. Jack said he didn't know if he could ever forgive Kyle for what he had done. "Now you see what it's like when your so-called family does something unforgivable," Kyle said.

Jack admitted that he didn't even recognize his son, believing that Kyle was now Victor's pawn. Kyle yelled that he wasn't being used by Victor. Jack said the last few months had been horrible for all of them. Jack didn't know if they would survive it as a family.

Jack said he had a warning for Kyle. "If I find proof that you accessed or used sensitive Jabot material, I will not hesitate to hit you with every legal action that is necessary," Jack said. "So, you let mom fire me, and now you want to arrest me?" Kyle asked. "No. I don't. But I will if I have to," Jack warned.

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Edited by Lisa