Heather and Sharon can’t bridge a happy ending; The Young and the Restless Recap for Thursday, September 26, 2024

Heather is shocked to find Sharon in her apartment on The Young and the Restless | Image Source: CBS
Heather is shocked to find Sharon in her apartment on The Young and the Restless | Image Source: CBS

The episode began with flashes of scenes at night as the camera faded in and out. A car on a bridge…<fade to black>...the water below…<fade to black>...Sharon removed her gloves and threw them in the back of the vehicle…<fade to black>...Sharon was crying while driving.

Three hours earlier.

Heather demanded to know what Sharon was doing in her home. Sharon explained that she was waiting for Daniel. Sharon said Daniel had been there, but he had been called away to pick up Lucy and had told Sharon to wait there for him. "You're lying," Heather said.

Sharon insisted she was telling the truth, but Heather knew that Daniel had had dinner with Phyllis and was out with Lucy. Heather asked if Sharon had broken in. Sharon didn't know how to answer Heather's questions and said she was leaving, but Heather stopped her. Heather wanted to know what Sharon was doing in her apartment.

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Sharon said there were things that had been left unsaid with Daniel, so she had called him, and he had instructed her to call the super to let her in. Heather said Daniel would have given her the heads-up if the woman who had been publicly screaming at and threatening Heather's family was going to be waiting for her in the living room. "Well, I can't speak to what he was thinking," Sharon said calmly as she shrugged and sat down on the couch.

Heather began to call Daniel, but Sharon agreed to tell the truth if Heather hung up. "I may have fooled with the lock a little," Sharon admitted. Heather wanted to know what was so important that Sharon would have broken in instead of calling. Sharon said she wanted to tell Daniel that she thought it would be best for Heather, Daniel, and Lucy to leave town. "You broke in to tell him to leave?" Heather clarified. Sharon said Heather had suggested leaving, too, but Sharon couldn't remember where she had heard it. Heather wondered if Sharon had Heather's apartment bugged.

Sharon started crying and said that seeing Daniel's face all over town made her relive losing Cassie over and over. She sat at the table and sobbed about her sweet baby girl and how Daniel had killed her. Heather reminded Sharon that Cassie had been driving. Sharon immediately stopped crying and snapped, "So, this was Cassie's fault?" Heather said it was a tragic, stupid mistake made by two teens.

Heather told Sharon that Daniel had suffered ever since the day of the accident. Heather said she knew that Sharon didn't think Daniel had suffered enough. "What do you want to do? Settle the score? Do you want Daniel to die? Because that wouldn't bring Cassie back," Heather said.

Sharon yelled at Heather, saying that it tore her apart to see Daniel and that they needed to move away. Heather said she was sorry, but they were not teaching Lucy to run away from their problems. Heather told Sharon she needed professional help to stop terrorizing the Romalottis. "So, I'm the monster now?" Sharon asked.

Heather said she didn't believe Sharon had one ounce of remorse for how she had treated Heather's family. Heather said Sharon's rage, vindictiveness, and complete inability to exercise any self-control scared Heather. Heather spotted broken glass on the floor and asked what had happened. Sharon claimed it was the first time she had seen it, and she didn't know.

Heather demanded to know what Sharon had done that had caused broken glass on the floor. Sharon said it had been like that when she had gotten there. "I thought you said you hadn't seen it until now," Heather noted. Heather was frustrated and said she wanted to know what Sharon was doing in their home.

Sharon said Heather wouldn't believe her, anyway, and tried to leave. Heather said she was calling the police. Sharon yelled that Heather was jumping to conclusions. Heather calmly tried one more time to get Sharon to explain herself, but when Sharon didn't, Heather started to call the police.

Sharon knocked the phone out of Heather's hand angrily, scaring her. Heather called Sharon sick. Heather suggested calling Nick, but Sharon got upset at the thought. She suddenly calmed and soothingly pleaded with Heather. Sharon said she wouldn't bother Heather or her family anymore. Heather suggested that Sharon had gone there to harm them. Heather tried to pick up her phone that had flown across the room, but Sharon attacked her.

Heather and Sharon struggled near the door, and Sharon pushed Heather roughly away. Heather fell backward to the floor and was unconscious. Sharon asked if Heather was okay. Heather regained consciousness and tried to back up behind the couch. "You're out of your mind," she said, looking scared. Sharon stared at Heather, watching as she cowered behind the sofa. Heather tried to back away as Sharon neared. Sharon realized her vision was going blurry.

Cameron woke Sharon as she slept on Daniel's couch. Sharon sat up and looked around, confused. She looked behind her and saw Heather sprawled on her back near the bar. Sharon ran over and called Heather to wake up. "She can't hear you," Cameron said.

Sharon tried to find a pulse but realized Heather was bleeding out of the back of her head. "What have I done? I need to call an ambulance!" Sharon said, but Cameron told her there was no point, as Heather was dead. "The only thing a doctor can do now is determine how it happened," Cameron said.

"Did I do this?" Sharon asked. She sobbed, but Cameron said to quit feeling sorry for herself. "Unless you want to explain yourself to the police, get busy. The only thing to do now is to clean up this mess," Cameron said.

Cameron told Sharon to make Heather disappear, or else he would see Sharon in prison. Cameron said that everyone had seen Sharon's public threats. Sharon said she had blacked out and didn't remember what had happened. Sharon recalled Heather staring at her. "She said, 'You are out of your mind,' I remember that," Sharon said. "And now she's lying dead on the floor, and you don't have an alibi, so it looks like she was right," Cameron said.

Cameron warned Sharon that Daniel and Lucy would be home any moment. Sharon grabbed some towels and blankets. She wrapped Heather up in the blankets and tied her with a rope. Heather's phone began to ring. Sharon looked, and it was Daniel calling. Cameron said they needed to be on their way. Sharon sobbed that she was sorry as she tried to finish tying up Heather in the blanket. She noticed the blood seeping through and started to gag.

Cameron instructed Sharon to pull herself together and dispose of the body. He kept telling her that she would lose Nick and her family if they found out what Sharon had done. "Why do you keep bringing him up?" Sharon snapped. Cameron said it was Sharon's worst fear to have Nick abandon her. Sharon told him to be quiet so she could think.

Sharon picked up more broken glass then dragged Heather's body out of the apartment. Cameron pointed out the large trail of blood behind her. Sharon ran back in and mopped up the blood with some towels. Sharon struggled as she took Heather's wrapped body down the stairwell to her car. She managed to put Heather in the back of her car.

Sharon returned to the apartment and found more glass on the floor. She got a plastic garbage bag and emptied the bin of broken glass into it. Systematically, Sharon went through the apartment. She took the garbage bag, clothes, Heather's phone, and Heather's purse and put them in an overnight suitcase she had taken from the closet. Sharon remembered to take the empty bottle of whiskey and the bloody towels in the bag, too. She looked around again, then turned off the lights as she left.

Cameron asked if Sharon was sure she hadn't left even the tiniest piece of evidence behind that would put her in jail for the rest of her life. Sharon listed everything she had taken in the overnight bag. Cameron was impressed that she could think on her feet. Sharon said she just wanted the night to be over, and Cameron told her she was almost there. "One more stop, and you can go home," Cameron said.

Sharon drove to the bridge and stopped in the middle of it. She left her headlights on. Sharon got Heather's body and paused as she lifted the body up to the rail. "Please forgive me," she cried as she let go and watched Heather's wrapped body fall into the water below.

Sharon watched as the river's flow carried Heather's body as it sank. Sharon walked to the back of the car, took off her gloves, and tossed them inside before shutting the hatch door. She got back into the driver's seat, breathing heavily and whimpering. As Sharon drove away, her whimpers turned into sobs, and then she began to wail.

Back in her motel room, Sharon was in shock. She cried, "God! God, what have I done?!" Cameron told her that he knew how she felt. Sharon called him a soulless monster, insisting he couldn't know how she felt. "Blaming me is not going to get you anywhere. You own this, Sharon," Cameron said. Sharon didn't know how she would ever accept what she had done.

Cameron told Sharon she needed to act like nothing had happened. He said Sharon had to act as surprised as everyone else when Heather was declared missing. Sharon said the police would want to talk to her, but Cameron said she would devise an iron-clad story explaining everything.

Cameron said that planning for what to tell the police could "wait until tomorrow." "Tonight," he said, she should grieve. Cameron warned that if Sharon didn't convince herself that none of it had happened, then she would lose everything. He asked if Sharon could do that, but she said she didn't know.

The Young and the Restless airs weekdays on CBS.

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Edited by Lisa