Easter comes early for Genoa City's new BFFs: The Young and the Restless Two Scoops For the Week of March 10

The Young and the Restless
The Young and the Restless' Phyllis and Sharon had a few laughs | Image: CBS

The hunt is over on The Young and the Restless — for now. Nick and Billy finally found Sharon and Phyllis. No longer do Sharon and Phyllis have to hunt for riddles, search for clues, or deduce how to get out of the dangerous game Alan — or is that Martin? — set up for them. As Sharon said, it was like an Easter egg hunt gone bad. Billy was never more right than when he told Nick that his family's sure been through a lot in a really, really short period of time. Let's dig in and unpack this puzzling story of puzzles.

A soap opera kidnapping first?

Sharon has had two wardrobe changes all year | Image: CBS
Sharon has had two wardrobe changes all year | Image: CBS

How old is this year now? About 11 weeks? And in that time Sharon Collins could brag that she is one the only soap characters to be kidnapped and held hostage TWICE during those 11 weeks, BOTH times in a dungeon-like prison. That's no small feat. Poor Sharon has barely had a shower or change of clothes since the year began. She was kidnapped on the way to a New Year's Eve party and then kidnapped AGAIN on Valentine's Day. So, Sharon has essentially spent the entirely of 2025 so far in her holiday attire. It's almost spring. Someone give poor Sharon a wardrobe change.

How does that even happen to one character? We guess we can be happy that Sharon wasn't quickly back-burnered again as has happened whenever her other crisis stories have ended over the last few years. And what a kidnapping it was! We had a mysterious voice on an old-school loudspeaker, Valentine's Day cards, poison water, antidotes, creepy music, board games, a gas leak — and a shrieking Phyllis. What more could Sharon want to keep her front and center, mired in the thick of things?

The only problem was that it might have been a little too much for the audience. Valentine's Day told us that Y&R is headed toward 'Shick' and 'Philly' reunions, but did we need to see a psychological warfare kidnapping to make it happen right after Sharon's last kidnapping ordeal just two weeks prior?

Even Sharon and Phyllis' enemy status seemed contrived. While it's true there is a long-simmering history of...extreme dislike...among the two characters, it had at least reached frenemy territory a few years ago. Phyllis even took Sharon on vacation to keep her from blabbing the truth about JT back in 2017. Phyllis' tear-filled reaction after learning Sharon had breast cancer also showed that her feelings for Sharon had changed, but 2024 made them enemies again. And now...they are frenemies again because Traci's new fiance who never even met them decided they should be?!?!? Say what now?!?!?

So, why is Alan (or Martin) behind this?

Alan (or Martin) is going to break poor Traci's heart | Image: CBS
Alan (or Martin) is going to break poor Traci's heart | Image: CBS

We're sure we'll get some answers soon, but we're not sure if those answers will make any sense whatsoever. We also have absolutely no idea if Alan is the twin who died last year, if Alan was always the crazy twin, if neither twin died, if the real Alan fell for Traci and has now been replaced by Martin, if both brothers have been playing this game...It's nice when a soap keeps you guessing but too much guessing can induce a headache and turn fans off.

Plus, neither Alan nor Martin had anything to do with Sharon and Phyllis. He was a self-contained character we'd met a handful of times who mostly had an off-screen relationship with Traci. Whatever reason the show comes up with for Alan/Martin torturing Sharon and Phyllis so they could then become BFFs will likely be contrived and make very little sense because Alan has no established history with these characters and no way of knowing their own relationship history.

This doesn't even take into account breaking poor Traci's heart for no apparent reason. This beloved longtime character is over-the-moon happy for the first time in years and is about to have the rug pulled out from under her for no reason. Couldn't poor recurring Traci be left alone to find happiness later in life with a nice doctor who didn't turn out to be a psychopath? Was that too much to ask?

The Keystone Cops...and Chance

Nick was ready to play rescue hero with Billy and Chance | Image: CBS
Nick was ready to play rescue hero with Billy and Chance | Image: CBS

Nick and Billy got hard to work trying to find Sharon and Phyllis — and they even succeeded. They may have bumbled through the task with Chance tsk-tsk'ing them the whole way through, but Sharon and Phyllis are now safe. That means Summer can stop whining and we can take our hands off our ears. Phew!

At least we had the calamitous comedy of the useless cops and two middle-aged men gone rogue trying to get into an abandoned building. They didn't even know that Sharon and Phyllis down in the basement were having a good laugh over Nick's stellar rescue skills. And speaking of Summer...

Summer vacation time?

Cowgirl Summer needs to give it a rest | Image: CBS
Cowgirl Summer needs to give it a rest | Image: CBS

We need a break from the perpetually confused and complaining Summer. We also need an explanation for her wardrobe this week. Why did she choose a cowgirl outfit to fret about her mother? To distract us from her attitude? How much more griping can she do? How many more times can she concern herself with "her" son when she barely sees him and still refuses to move out of her hotel room so Harrison can live with her?

Summer lives her life in a perpetual state of anger. She never has anything nice to say, never just sits back to chill, and always has her nose in the air whenever she is around another woman. Enough! Please!

Bond...Claire Bond...

We're starting to see a whole new side of Claire | Image: CBS
We're starting to see a whole new side of Claire | Image: CBS

Claire, we never knew we had it in ya. Little Miss Innocent who never dated before Kyle sure knows how to flirt at a bar. It makes us wonder if there are still things Claire has not revealed about herself or if this is Claire coming into her own, but we like what we see.

Kyle and Claire have been completely contrived and boring. It almost felt like Kyle and Lola, another woman whose virginity Kyle took only to dump her for Summer, which we're sure will happen with Claire. Summer and Kyle pretty much deserve each other anyway.

And maybe Claire deserves Holden. Those few minutes discussing 007 and Martinis had more chemistry and oomph than any scenes we have seen with Kyle and Claire over the last year. Give us more of that and send Kyle and Summer back to Paris where they can learn to be proper adults.

The other Newman Brother

Adam's dreams are coming true | Image: CBS
Adam's dreams are coming true | Image: CBS

While Nick got all the attention as a rescue hero, a handful of quiet scenes between Victor and his black sheep son might have won the week. All Adam has ever wanted is his father's love and he has it. Odds are he is going to screw it up, but we're going to enjoy it while it lasts. And so is Chelsea, as round a billion and one of Chadam has officially commenced.

Till next week Y&R fans, as we brace ourselves for Traci's ultimate heartbreak.

Catch all-new episodes of The Young and the Restless weekdays on CBS and Paramount Plus.

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Edited by Hope Campbell
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