Daniel tells Lucy that Heather is dead; The Young and the Restless Recap for Thursday, October 3, 2024

Sharon and Cameron talk about Heather on The Young and the Restless | Image Source: CBS/JPI
Sharon and Cameron talk about Heather on The Young and the Restless | Image Source: CBS/JPI

Daniel sat with Lucy and told her that there was a reason they hadn't heard from Heather. Daniel struggled to tell Lucy that her mom had died. Lucy went into denial and begged for it not to be true. Daniel told her that he had already been to the morgue and confirmed it was Heather. Lucy said that she wanted to see for herself, or she wouldn't believe it. Daniel told Lucy that Heather wouldn't want to be remembered like that. "I don't want to remember her," Lucy cried. She said she wanted Heather to come home so she could say she loved Heather. Daniel held Lucy as she sobbed. He promised her she was not alone, and he wasn't going anywhere, no matter what.

Lucy kept thinking about her last conversation with Heather and how her mom was tired of fighting with her. "But I was the one doing all the fighting," Lucy cried. She called herself a brat and said she didn't even remember the last time she had told Heather that she loved Heather. Lucy said her mom had never given up on trying to reason with her, despite Lucy's behavior.

Lucy pointed out that Heather had wanted to go to Portugal, and Lucy had thrown a fit about it, so Heather had backed down. Lucy cried that it was her fault that Paul hadn't seen Heather before she'd died. Daniel tried to console Lucy, but she went to her room.

Daniel called Paul but didn't know how to tell him the news. Daniel said that Heather had died, and Daniel shared what little details he had. Daniel said that Lucy wasn't doing very well, and he didn't know how they would go on without Heather. Daniel asked Paul to come to Genoa City. "It would mean a lot to Lucy and a hell of a lot to me, too," Daniel said. When he hung up, he threw a chair and punched the table. Daniel screamed to release some of his emotional pain as he sunk to the floor, sobbing.

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At home, Sharon happily told Cameron that her doctor thought she was making great strides in controlling her dark thoughts. Cameron wondered if she was thinking of getting rid of him. "You're nothing but a reminder of what I've done," Sharon said. Cameron told her that he was the one who had encouraged her to stop thinking about Heather and to move on. Sharon checked her phone and saw breaking news that an unidentified body had been pulled from the Galewood River. "Dear God, did they find Heather?" she said.

Sharon yelled at Cameron, saying that he had promised her that no one would find out. Cameron corrected Sharon and said that they had always known it was a possibility Heather's body would be found. He told Sharon to pull herself together and stay calm, but Sharon wasn't sure she could. Cameron said Sharon had no choice, or she would get caught. Cameron reminded Sharon that orange wasn't her color.

Sharon said once the police started investigating, they would come for her. Cameron reminded Sharon that she could keep herself safe and get the closure she needed. Sharon said she knew what he was implying, and she would not do it. Sharon said she had caused enough pain already. Cameron said if she followed through with their plan, it would end the nightmare, and Daniel would get what he deserved. "It is the best, no, the only option that you have," Cameron advised.

At Crimson Lights, Nick talked to Victoria on the phone. She told him she was at Society, waiting for Billy, Katie, and Johnny. Victoria explained her and Billy's plan to prepare the kids for the imminent war. Victoria said they didn't want Johnny and Katie to feel like they had to take sides and that she was worried about the fallout. Nick said Victoria and Billy were doing the only thing they could do, which was to prepare them. Victoria saw Billy and the kids walk in, so she got off the phone.

As Nick hung up, Phyllis entered, clearly distressed and in shock. She told Nick that something horrible had happened. Phyllis recounted that she had been with Daniel when the police had called him, and he had identified Heather's body. All Phyllis knew was that Heather's body had been pulled from the river and that Daniel was telling Lucy that Heather was gone.

Nick consoled Phyllis. "Being there for family is what you do best," Nick told Phyllis. He added that he would be there for whatever she needed. Phyllis wished she could stop Lucy and Daniel's suffering. Nick advised Phyllis on how to get her family through their loss. "You're so good at this," Phyllis said as they held hands. Behind them, Sharon entered the coffee shop and saw them talking with hands clasped.

Phyllis got a text from Daniel, letting her know that he had told Lucy and that she had taken it hard. Phyllis said she needed to go to Daniel's. Nick said Phyllis would know what to do once she was around Lucy and Daniel.

Sharon watched Nick hug Phyllis goodbye. Cameron told her she'd better set things straight before it was too late. "Those two have a habit of falling into bed together at the first sign of crisis," Cameron said as they watched Nick and Phyllis embrace. Sharon knew Cameron was suggesting that she kill Daniel. "No! I can't do it! I won't do it!" she exclaimed. She didn't see Nick walk up behind her. Nick asked Sharon if she was okay.

Sharon said she was fine but noted that Nick was not. Nick said he had just gotten upsetting news, and he told Sharon that Heather's body had been pulled from the river that morning. Sharon suggested that Heather had slipped and fallen. Nick said he didn't know the details but that Phyllis, Daniel, and Lucy were in shock. He thought the family had been through "so much." Daniel and Heather had lost their jobs recently, Lucy's accident had happened, and now, Heather's death. Nick thought it was a lot for Daniel to take. "Yes, it is, and it's all my fault," Sharon said.

Nick told Sharon that none of it was her fault, and he wondered why she would blame herself. Sharon suggested that Heather had been distracted by the way Sharon had treated her, hadn't been watching where she'd been going, then had slipped, fallen into the river, and drowned. Nick said he could understand Sharon feeling bad about their conversation, but taking responsibility for Heather's death was a bit of a leap. Sharon rambled about how it had been an accident, and she was making it about herself. "I should be thinking about the people who lost her and have no idea how to go on without her," Sharon said. Nick looked at Sharon with concern.

At the jazz club, Lily checked in with Victor about the Chancellor takeover. She asked if Victor was the reason why the Odessey 7 deal had been put on hold. Victor admitted he had made a few calls, and he said her tip had paid off. Lily asked what was next. Victor said retaking a company of Chancellor's size would take a while, but Lily disagreed. Lily told Victor he should kick Billy out and put her back in charge.

Victor said that since Lily had gotten booted from Chancellor, it was more of a challenging situation. He shared that Billy knew outside forces were attacking, and he had dug in. Victor wanted to be patient, so Billy would let his guard down. Victor shared that Victoria's buyout offer had exposed that Victor was moving in and that there was dissent in the ranks. Lily said giving Billy more time meant he could do more damage.

Lily suggested she and Victor could plant a spy, but she didn't know who to suggest. Victor was surprised when Lily told him Phyllis was Chancellor's new COO. Lily suggested there might be ways to use Phyllis. Lily had an idea but didn't share it. "Don't worry, I have it under control. I promise you, you will not be disappointed," Lily said.

Phyllis went to Daniel's for support. Daniel unloaded all his emotions and thoughts. Phyllis assured him that they would get through it together as a family. Phyllis offered to call Danny and tell him so Daniel didn't have to. Daniel said telling Paul had been hard enough. Lucy entered and ran to Phyllis to cry in her arms.

Billy explained to Katie and Johnny that he didn't have time for a relationship because he needed to focus on work. He said he and Chelsea had agreed it wasn't fair for her to take second place, so they were on a break. Billy and Victoria were pleased when their kids said they missed their friends at Walnut Grove and didn't want to return to boarding school.

Billy and Victoria said that if Johnny and Katie stayed in town, they would be more exposed to the inner workings of Newman and Abbott-Chancellor. Johnny said they were used to the gossip and what was on the Internet about their family. Billy warned that it could get messy soon, as the two companies were rivals. Billy explained that he was excited about the future of his company, but their grandfather wanted to spoil Billy's success.

Victoria fumed while the kids asked what their grandad's problem was. Billy said, "The great and powerful Victor Newman doesn't like to lose, but what he doesn't realize is that I have no intention of letting him win." Billy gave them a history lesson on how their Grandma Jill had bought the company and put Billy in charge. Victoria said Victor was within his rights to reclaim Chancellor if he wanted. Billy agreed that companies were bought and sold all the time, but Chancellor was not for sale.

Johnny noted that Victor always said family came first. "He owns so many companies. Why does he need yours?" Johnny asked. Billy agreed and wondered aloud how much one man needed. Johnny and Katie left for the movies but told Billy not to let their grandpa bully him.

Once alone with Billy, Victoria was angry. She told Billy she didn't appreciate him manipulating the kids and villainizing Victor. Billy said he was fighting for something he loved, and he would prove that Jill had done the right thing by handing him the reins. Billy said Victoria's buyout offer was to pave the way for Victor to take Chancellor without resistance. Billy said Victoria should convince her dad to back off instead. "If anyone has a right to be angry here, it's me," Billy said.

Victoria said there were aspects of Victor's plan that Billy didn't know yet. Billy asked Victoria to tell him what she knew. Billy said he wanted to understand why Victor was so hellbent on trying to destroy him. Victoria said she had said too much already. Billy said the fact that she wouldn't tell him said that things would get very ugly.

Daniel and Lucy went to get some air and walked through the park. As they headed to the pond, they ran into Sharon. Daniel told Sharon they didn't want to talk. Sharon said that Nick had told her the horrible news about Heather." I am so sorry for both of you. I feel horrible about the last time I saw her and what I did and said," Sharon told them.

Daniel said it didn't matter anymore. Sharon said that it did. She told Daniel that she had already apologized to him, but she hoped that someday, Lucy would find it in her heart to forgive Sharon. "I never had the chance with your mom to earn her forgiveness for the hell that I put her through, and for that, I don't know if I can forgive myself," Sharon said.

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