Malone and Jacob, Beyond the Gates has its own Lethal Weapons

Beyond the Gates: Jacob and Marcel | Image Source: Paramount Press
Beyond the Gates: Jacob and Marcel | Image Source: Paramount Press

On Beyond the Gates, fan-fave law enforcement officer Jacob Hawthorne has a new partner, the legendary Marcel Malone, who draws comparisons to big-movie cops.

Are Hawthorne and Malone a lethal weapon? Beyond the Gates' new partnership

Beyond the Gates has created a police partnership that could be worthy of comparisons to Lethal Weapon with the duo of Riggs and Murtaugh or, more specifically, Training Day with Denzel Washinton and Ethan Hawke, as one fan commented. These two duos are vastly different but were amazing and delightful to watch on screen.

The Lethal Weapon TV series was far superior to the movie version (sorry, not sorry, but hear me out) as the Wayans and Crawford combo made it an addictively good show. Where am I going with this? This is what I'd like to see with Jacob and Marcel. Marcel brings that experienced, grizzled detective vibe who wants to feel out his new partner before he invests in their relationship. And Jacob, the dedicated Robbery Homicide Detective with the District of Columbia's Metro PD, seems like he’s new at his job and still growing into it. However, that affable smile and nature could fit the bill for a Mel Gibson or Ethan Hawke-type role.

Beyond the Gates: Jacob Hawthorne | Image Source: Paramount Press
Beyond the Gates: Jacob Hawthorne | Image Source: Paramount Press

One viewer commented on the Soap Central message boards to discuss what they thought of this new pairing.

User Troy44 wrote, “Boy, Jacob wasn't kidding when he told Naomi that his new partner was an 'arrogant jerk.' I was getting 'Training Day' vibes from their scenes. For those of you who might not be familiar with that 2001 film, it's about a rookie cop (Ethan Hawke) who is assigned to a known detective (Denzel Washington) on his first day on the job and throughout the day discovers just corrupt his mentor is. I could easily see Marcel making grandiose statements like 'King Kong's got nothing on me!', and 'I'm the Po-Lice!' 😆

But, maybe Marcel was being so antagonistic just to test Jacob, as a way of seeing if he has a backbone or would just suck up to him because of his reputation. Because he did say "Good answer" when Jacob told him he wasn't an errand boy and to get his own coffee and I may be wrong but I thought he did look a little impressed when Jacob called him 'smartass.'

I hope that's the direction they're going in because while the 'Training Day' scenario could be entertaining, it would be a bit too predictable in my very humble opinion.”

Beyond the Gates: Marcel Malone | Image Source: Paramount Press
Beyond the Gates: Marcel Malone | Image Source: Paramount Press

Is it too much to hope? Will this cop pairing provide the entertainment factor that these two movie pairings did? Perhaps, but I believe we can get a few laughs and surprises out of these two, and they may grow on us. Cast your thoughts onto the internet in the comments below.

Watch full episodes of Beyond the Gates weekdays on CBS or stream on Paramount Plus.

Edited by Hope Campbell
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