Here's what happened on the March 26, 2025 episode of Beyond the Gates

On Beyond the Gates, Dani thought Chelsea was joking about quitting modeling and wondered if her daughter was livestreaming the conversation so Chelsea's followers could see Dani's reaction. Chelsea asserted that she was serious and implored the animated Dani to listen. Chelsea explained how she wanted to go into design, adding that she and Kat had already started up a company. Dani felt that Chelsea could eventually expand her modeling brand with a fashion line, but Chelsea went over how all the pre-launch prep was in place. Dani still was not about to let Chelsea throw her modeling career away on a whim, but Chelsea reminded her mom that it wasn't her choice and reinforced how her company had already been developing.
“Why is this the first I'm hearing about this?” Dani asked, softening. Chelsea had to admit that she had been scared to bring up the subject. “Am I so terrifying that you couldn't be honest with me?” Dani wanted to know. Chelsea attributed it to her own negative self-talk about her ambitions, confessing that she was about to tell Dani that the business prospects had become real – but that was when Bill had left Dani for Hayley. Dani was dismayed that Chelsea had been unable to share her dreams with her own mother. Chelsea replied that she hadn't wanted Dani to feel more abandoned than she already did.
“You thought I would fall apart,” Dani intuited, near tears. Chelsea decided she would do the fashion show Dani had organized and reached for the contract to sign it, but Dani grabbed it and tore it up. Sipping her orange juice (which she'd had spiked with vodka in the previous episode), Dani calmly declared Chelsea off the hook. Dani remembered being 17 and fighting with Anita about leaving home to pursue modeling in New York. Dani realized it would be hypocritical if she tried to stop Chelsea from going after her own dream.
Chelsea hugged Dani, letting her mother know that the followers Chelsea now had were because of Dani's guidance and that Chelsea would use everything Dani had taught her about business to her advantage. Dani proclaimed she was proud of Chelsea, and they embraced again; Nicole saw the exchange but walked away unseen. Later, Nicole approached Chelsea and learned of her niece's career change. They were both relieved that Dani hadn't freaked out as anticipated.
Nicole remembered how Anita had freaked over Dani leaving home to model, leaving Chelsea surprised that Anita had objected, given her singing career. Nicole noted that Anita had been trying to protect Dani from the pitfalls she'd faced, plus Dani had barely stayed in contact once she left home. “You guys didn't even have cell phones back then!” a horrified Chelsea realized. Chelsea was glad that Dani could at least keep up with her on social media. “Thanks to her, nobody is more visible than me,” Chelsea conceded, making reference to her viral video of Dani at Bill's wedding. Nicole counseled Chelsea to go easy on Dani should Dani end up struggling with Chelsea's choice to strike out on her own.
Jacob ran into Hayley at Orphey Gene's; after some small talk, Hayley hoped that Jacob, as Naomi's husband, could help repair the rift between Naomi and Bill. Jacob told Hayley that he was on Naomi's side and wouldn't make her play nice with someone she didn't respect anymore. Hayley posited that Bill and Dani's marriage had had problems before she came along, with Jacob retorting, “Oh, is that what he told you?” Hayley didn't think Bill should lose his daughters because he fell in love with someone else besides their mother, but Jacob didn't like how Bill had hurt Naomi. Hayley wished that her former best friend would let go of her anger for her own peace of mind. Jacob advised Hayley not to count on it.
Bill stared at the complaint Naomi had filed, judging the words of a few disgruntled women not enough for Naomi to make a case. Naomi pointed out that it was highly unlikely that the women all being fired after reporting Mike to HR was a coincidence. She was sure there would be enough evidence to substantiate the suit. Bill insisted that it was desperate for Naomi to file against Mike based on the rumors she'd heard about him. Naomi stood her ground, confident that depositions from Mike's co-workers would prove educational.
Bill offered to investigate Mike's alleged sexual harassment if Naomi would drop the suit. Naomi found it hard to believe that Bill had no idea what was going on regarding Mike; Bill argued that he didn't handle staff and had been busy divorcing Dani and marrying Hayley. Naomi countered that Bill still should have noticed the spike in turnover among his female employees – then implied that Bill kept quiet about Mike's actions because of how much money Mike earned the firm. “If an inconsequential woman was in the way,” Naomi spat, “she was out.”
Bill felt that Naomi was trying to punish him professionally since she couldn't punish him for dumping her mother, calling the move unethical. Those were fighting words to Naomi, who rejected Bill's contention that her case was flimsy and that it would be laughed out of court. Bill tried another tack, predicting that Naomi's suit would hurt innocent employees of the firm who had watched Naomi grow up. Unmoved, Naomi vowed, “I'll see you in court” – once alone, Bill seemed almost impressed.
To Hayley's astonishment, Bill came home early, announcing that he'd had a normal day...which included his daughter suing his firm. After Bill explained the particulars, Hayley reported that none of the women – her co-workers – had ever mentioned anything to her about being harassed by Mike. Hayley offered to testify on Bill's behalf, adding that Mike had always been gentlemanly towards her. Bill couldn't be sure of Mike's guilt or innocence, but he was certain the case would never get to court, despite Naomi going toe-to-toe with him at the office...“just the way I taught her,” Bill said proudly.
In lieu of shredding Naomi in front of a jury, Bill opted to give Naomi what she needed instead of what she thought she wanted. Bill sensed that Naomi needed him to be proud of her. But Hayley flinched when Bill wrote off the suit as misinterpretations by “a bunch of hysterical women.” Bill speculated that the case would remind Naomi how much fun they used to have trying hypothetical cases together and help heal the rift between them. Bill was sure that the suit was Naomi's way of reaching out to him. Bill had to take a call from Mike, so Hayley scooped up her keys and headed out.
Kat saw Tomás at the diner and took his hesitation to mean he was expecting a date. When Tomás corrected that there was new Hamilton family drama, Kat groaned, “What did my Aunt Dani do now?” Tomás again provided clarification, telling Kat about how her cousin was suing her uncle. Tomás worried that the reputational hit the firm could take might affect his own career trajectory. Kat wished she could have been there to see her Uncle Bill being served; Tomás relayed that he had been and foresaw Bill not going easy on Naomi just because she was his daughter.
Kat didn't envy Chelsea and Naomi having Bill as a father. She much preferred her own dad, who was devoted to her mother to the point of being cringe. Tomás sussed out that her father's example had influenced Kat's decision to wait on sex. Tomás understood Kat's position but parried that Kat didn't know what she was missing by denying herself. When Kat admitted that she fantasized about making love, Tomás asked if she fantasized about him as well. Kat smiled but tabled the subject as she and Tomás agreed they would see each other later.
Chelsea met Kat at the country club, overjoyed that Dani hadn't lost it over her quitting modeling. Kat couldn't believe it, and the cousins declared there was nothing stopping them going forward. Kat hated to switch gears but needed to tell Chelsea about her Hamilton side “blowing up” because of Naomi's suit against Bill.
Chelsea knew that Naomi would hold their father's feet to the fire, but was confounded that her sister had confided in Kat about the case beforehand instead of opening up to her. Kat made clear that Tomás had given her the heads-up. Chelsea crowed about Kat and Tomás getting together again and was glad to hear Tomás was all right about Kat being a virgin – but Kat relayed how she had caught Eva flirting with Tomás. It was Kat's understanding that Tomás hadn't flirted back; Kat's gushy demeanor caused Chelsea to yelp, “Aww, you like him!” Chelsea supported Kat by reminding her to only “go for it” when the man and the time was right.
Kat and Chelsea discussed a new design, and Chelsea marveled that she would now be able to chase her own dreams full-time – yet she still felt bad that it meant leaving Dani in the lurch. Kat's thought was that Dani was now free as well and able to devote her time to something besides her kids and her husband. Chelsea presumed that it would be a while before Dani could see it that way.
Dani returned home and thought back to a conversation where Vanessa had wondered if Dani was managing Chelsea's modeling career for Chelsea or to get back what Dani had given up. Dani brought out the framed magazine cover of hers that Hayley had wrecked and stared at it longingly. Dani was then seen halfway through a bottle of vodka, ignoring a call from Nicole. She told her younger self how amazing it was that she had been able to rock runways at 17, hardheaded as she was. Dani wished she could warn her previous incarnation to make different choices and avoid the pain ahead of her. She didn't notice Nicole letting herself in or catching Dani weeping.
At Uptown, Jacob informed Naomi about Hayley's attempt to have him aid in patching things up between Naomi and Bill. Naomi bristled at Jacob for referring to Hayley as her stepmother and decried Hayley playing peacemaker when all the trouble was because of her. Naomi was flummoxed that she hadn't seen one-time bestie Hayley's ability to manipulate from the beginning. Jacob assured Naomi that he would not be providing assistance to Hayley and averred that he had kept quiet about Naomi's lawsuit – especially because he hadn't been sure Naomi had filed it.
Naomi announced that she had indeed gone through with it, and Jacob seemed pleased. Naomi said that sparring with Bill at his office had been very familiar since arguing was how she and her father communicated. She detailed for Jacob how Bill had tried to undermine her position. The spat had made Naomi miss her dad – yet his attack on her had hurt. Jacob gave Naomi the out of referring the case to another lawyer, but Naomi remained determined.
With Jacob back at work, Naomi was taking care of the check when Hayley interrupted her. “What the hell do you think you're doing?” Hayley seethed.
Martin impressed upon the perturbed Smitty that so far, he'd only been thinking about running for president, which was why Martin hadn't told Smitty about it. Smitty resented Martin equating his behavior with Smitty keeping his desire to return to reporting to himself, yet Smitty could also see Martin's side. Smitty became concerned that neither of them seemed comfortable telling the other about what was important to them.
Later, Martin apologized for having to take a call, but Smitty was used to his husband's political career interrupting things. Martin acknowledged that their lives were so busy, they didn't make time for real conversations – however, Smitty replied that their earlier talk had been the perfect time to share his presidential aspirations...yet Martin hadn't. Martin divulged that he hadn't been able to find the words because he had been afraid that Smitty wouldn't support that particular aim. Smitty wanted to know why his grandparents were so against Martin running for president.
Martin would only say that the elder Duprees didn't think he was ready for such a run. Smitty didn't blame them – however, Smitty did add that, while he was sure he and Martin could handle the pressure, he didn't feel Samantha and Tyrell should have to, watching their every move for three years or more. Martin deemed their family strong enough to handle the challenge, but Smitty didn't know yet how he felt about it, glad that they had time to consider all the pros and cons because Martin hadn't committed to a campaign.
Smitty and Martin went to dinner at Orphey Gene's, where Martin tried to hide from Evan, the man who had approached Martin at Nicole's gala with a job prospect for Smitty. Recognizing Evan, Smitty called him over but received a shock when Evan brought up the writing gig, hoping that Smitty had changed his mind about not going back to work. “Martin said I wouldn't be interested?” Smitty repeated angrily, staring at his husband.
Beyond the Gates airs weekdays on CBS and streams on Paramount Plus.

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