Beyond the Gates Recap for Wednesday, March 19, 2025: Bill saved his marriage and Ashley began thinking about Andre

Bill did an Italian job to keep Hayley from calling it quits on Beyond the Gates | Image: CBS
Bill did an Italian job to keep Hayley from calling it quits on Beyond the Gates | Image: CBS

Here's what happened on the March 19, 2025, episode of Beyond the Gates

“Sure, Jan” must have been Jan's thought as Ashley gave away her fascination with Andre on Beyond the Gates | Image: CBS
“Sure, Jan” must have been Jan's thought as Ashley gave away her fascination with Andre on Beyond the Gates | Image: CBS

On Beyond the Gates, Andre let himself into Dani's house only to find her passed out on the floor next to a vodka bottle. Andre roused her and gave her ibuprofen to take the edge off her upcoming hangover; Dani said that she didn't usually didn't drink that much. Andre disagreed, revealing he had seen her knocking a few back. Though Dani tried to laugh it off, Andre feared that Dani could have hurt herself while drunk. Dani conceded she had limits after all and gave Andre a kiss. When he offered her a second blanket, she replied, “Arms are better.”

As Andre held her, Dani asked him not to tell her family, who would probably stage an intervention if they knew she had blacked out. Andre complied, as he didn't want to explain to anybody what he'd been doing in her home. “What would I do without you, my once-in-a-while man?” Dani grinned. Andre thought he should let Dani get some sleep, but Dani earnestly asked him not to leave just yet.

Dani couldn't understand how she had allowed herself to get plastered when she had been on such a high scoring a Smithsonian gown for Chelsea to model. When Dani chalked it up to celebrating her coup, Andre said he didn't think Dani being unconscious on her kitchen tile was a celebration. Dani noted that this had been the second time things hadn't gone as planned between them; Andre countered that things never seemed to – but it was what it was. Andre wanted Dani to take care of herself and insisted she lie down and rest. She smirked that Andre would then slip out in the cover of night, but he wanted to stick around, watch her sleep, and imagine her naked. Dani lay on the couch and used Andre's leg as a pillow.

Nicole looked over Andre's proofs from her awards gala. Ted liked the close-ups of Nicole, since they showed her warmth and strength. After Nicole moved on to the prints, Andre came by, but Ted had to excuse himself because a patient had pulled out their stitches – leaving Nicole to tell Andre she hoped she hadn't come down too hard on him about Ashley during their previous conversation. Nicole knew that Andre would make some other girl a wonderful partner and promised to dance at Andre's wedding...if she was still alive by the time one finally happened.

Nicole surmised that it must be “different” for Andre to be interested in a woman who didn't return his affections. Andre acknowledged that he and Ashley were better as friends, which Nicole deemed mature. “I do have my adult moments,” Andre smiled. Because he did, Andre wanted to talk about Dani. “What did she do now?” an exasperated Nicole wanted to know. Andre asked Nicole not to say he'd told her, but he'd “run into” Dani and thought she'd looked down. Andre knew from experience, obliquely referencing his parents' deaths, that the time following a crisis could be lonelier than the crisis itself.

Nicole hadn't considered that Dani might be lonely and felt that, for all of Andre's mystique and charm, he could be very insightful. Andre impressed upon Nicole that Dani needed her sister. Back at Dani's place, Dani woke up alone and gazed across the room at the vodka bottle. Dani rushed to the bottle and opened it, but instead of drinking more from it, she poured the remainder of the liquor down the sink.

Eva and Leslie enjoyed dinner at home. Leslie felt it was safer than the pair going to Orphey Gene's; now that Eva had met all the Duprees, Leslie worried that their being seen together would blow the secret that Eva was Ted's daughter. Eva was distressed that Leslie hadn't let “the Ted thing” go. Leslie was still determined to get back at Ted for treating them like they were invisible. Leslie assumed that Ted had gotten her thrown out of Nicole's ceremony; Eva thought back to the party manager thanking her for reporting “Sherry.”

Eva tried to distract Leslie from her plan with television, then by recounting how Kat had laid into her about Tomás. Leslie advised Eva to stay away from Tomás, making Eva wonder why Leslie suddenly cared about Kat's feelings. Leslie simply didn't want Kat to get Eva fired. Leslie needed to keep Eva in the Richardsons' house, so she thought it better to “let sleeping Kats lie.” Leslie's new scheme was to create another event, this time focusing on Ted. Eva tried to obstruct Leslie by claiming there was nothing befitting that on the calendar, but Leslie remembered that Ted and Nicole's wedding anniversary was coming up; one year, Ted had canceled on Leslie to mark the day with Nicole.

Leslie declared that an anniversary party would be a much better fit for what she wanted to do than Nicole's gala had been. Eva tried to tell her mother that the Richardsons had no such party planned, but Leslie wanted Eva to convince the couple to throw one. When Eva didn't think it was her place to suggest such an event to her employers, Leslie came up with the backup plan of Eva proposing that Martin and Kat throw their parents a surprise bash. “I'd rather run through fire barefoot than talk to Kat!” Eva objected.

Leslie began to feel that Eva was shooting down all her ideas. Eva took exception and claimed she wasn't ready for “all this.” It was Eva's contention that pushing a party would make Nicole suspicious. “I've never known you to be a coward,” Leslie said disapprovingly; if Leslie wasn't worried, Eva shouldn't be, either.

Once Andre left, Ted and Nicole talked about how much they liked having Andre around since he was usually away on photo shoots. Nicole added that she liked seeing Andre's posts from around the world, which she admittedly lived vicariously through. Ted suggested they solve that by taking an anniversary trip. Nicole wanted to see St. Bart's. Ted wanted to go on a cross-country tour of baseball stadiums...until Ted laughed that he had just said it to see the look on Nicole's face.

As the marrieds enjoyed the moment, Eva arrived to return Kat's dress and heard about Ted trying to punk Nicole. The psychiatrist concluded that it was too busy a time of year to get away for their anniversary, anyway. Eva subtly suggested a party; Nicole didn't want Eva to bite off more than she could chew, but Ted marveled at how well Eva had handled organizing the awards gala. Nicole decided she was fine with Eva and Ted putting their heads together about a party if they wanted to. Eva excused herself, and Ted determined that he and Nicole could have as enduring a marriage as Vernon and Anita did.

Eva came home to a pins-and-needles Leslie. Had Eva planted the seed about the party? Eva reported that she had and the Richardsons had decided to throw one. “Perfect!” the delighted Leslie squealed. Eva could do all the planning...and Leslie could bring the fireworks. Eva barely hid her discomfort.

“We are done,” Hayley declared to the stunned Bill. He was surprised his wife wanted to give up on their days-old marriage because the Fairmont Crest Country Club had snubbed her. Bill had figured the worst was behind them after being held at gunpoint at their wedding. Hayley protested that she had thought the respect Bill was given as a lawyer would be extended to her once they were married, but that hadn't been the case. She wasn't sure she could put up with the constant mockery for the rest of her life.

Bill wondered where his tough-as-nails wife, who put Dani on blast, was. Hayley was still that, she said, but she was disappointed. She felt that the glimpse of what it could be like to be alone and happy with Bill had been dashed by the Duprees. She knew the family enjoyed trying to break her. Bill suggested that Hayley ignore Dani, but Hayley pointed out that every time Dani pulled one of her stunts, Bill would say it was the last. Hayley had started to think that Bill enjoyed the sparring as much as Dani did.

Hayley wanted the life Bill had promised her, asking if that idyll was just a sales pitch Bill had used to win her. If it had been, Hayley proclaimed, she'd have some decisions to make. Later, Hayley came downstairs having heard someone at the door, and discovered that Bill had ordered a romantic dinner for them. Bill announced that their honeymoon was by no means over. Hayley didn't find the overture helpful at first, but perked up when she noticed the music he'd selected was from the artists they had seen at a concert in Italy. Bill let Hayley know that he had heard what she'd said about how much she'd been struggling, and how let down she'd been feeling about how their marriage had gone so far. “I promised you the moon and I barely launched the rocket,” Bill admitted, recognizing that, had it not been for Bill's work, they would still be on their honeymoon.

Hayley found Bill's attempts beautiful and thoughtful. Bill said it had been no trouble because Hayley was the most exciting part of his life. Hayley had to admit it hadn't always felt like she was. Bill apologized for getting caught up in work and “other distractions” and promised to make Hayley his priority. Mrs. Hamilton toasted Mr. Hamilton with her champagne glass.

After dinner, which Hayley had loved, she observed that she and Bill still hadn't worked out their issues. Bill didn't think they had any, but accepted that they had unsupportive neighbors and that the Duprees were “a collective pain in the ass.” As a solution, Bill offered to schedule more alone time with Hayley, since his favorite thing was to be with her. Hayley sassed that Bill was a sweet talker. Bill couldn't disagree and presented Hayley with earrings she'd had her eye on in Italy. Hayley felt listened to and thanked her husband with a kiss.

Hayley realized she was indeed strong enough to fight for her marriage to Bill; she reckoned that Bill was worth the fight. Bill told Hayley that she didn't have to fight alone. He exhorted his wife to stand tall because he'd be standing right beside her.

At the hospital, Ashley took a call from Derek, who was at her place making her lasagna. Ashley worried that the task would still be too taxing for the recovering Derek, who joked that Ashley could give him mouth-to-mouth if he required it. Ashley promised to be home in time for dinner, but she thought back to Andre trying to kiss her once she hung up.

Now home, Ashley spied Derek trying to stretch a stiff muscle. Ashley reiterated her thought that Derek was pushing himself by cooking for her and massaging his shoulders. Derek decided that his jaw hurt and suggested working it out by kissing. Their make-out session was interrupted by Derek's phone; it was all hands on deck for a five-alarm fire downtown. Despite Derek still being on medical leave, he was needed. Ashley seemed hurt as Derek rushed out the door.

Alone with her wine glass, Ashley stared at the collage Andre had put together for her, which she had hidden away. Afterward, Ashley greeted her mother, Jan, and relayed that she didn't think it was fair of the firehouse to compel Derek to report to duty when he'd just recovered from a concussion.

Jan presumed that Ashley had liked being able to dote on Derek. Ashley was bummed because Derek had abandoned doting on her. Jan saw the collage and realized the man in it was Andre. Ashley was uncertain whether delivering a baby together had moved them into the friend zone. Ashley then offered Jan the photo frame. She felt funny about having it around.

Jan didn't think Derek would be threatened by a few pictures. Ashley shut down her mother questioning if there was anything romantic between Ashley and Andre...but confessed that Andre had recently tried to kiss her. Jan mused that since nothing had actually happened, there was nothing wrong with Ashley still being friends with Andre. Had Ashley told Derek about Andre's attempted kiss? Ashley hadn't because she didn't want things to be awkward...with Andre. Ashley came clean and said she would miss Andre if he wasn't in her life anymore.

Ashley fed Jan Derek's lasagna and suggested she take some home to have as leftovers. Jan cleared the table, but when she turned around, she noticed Ashley studying Andre's collage, and a knowing expression broke on Jan's face.

Beyond the Gates airs weekdays on CBS and streams on Paramount Plus. New episodes resume on Monday, March 24.

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Edited by Hope Campbell
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