At Bill and Hayley’s, Bill got a call from a friend at the newspaper to let him know the Duprees were going to do a press conference. Bill wanted to go put in his two cents, but Hayley was not having him leave her on their wedding night because of something his ex did. Bill was worried that Vernon would pay off people and spin the narrative, and it would wreck his reputation.
The Dupree family gathered for a press conference at the country club. They compared their reports about the damage and fallout from the live stream. Nicole offered to talk to the press as a professional psychiatrist to explain how Dani had a psychotic break. “When Dani messes up, I clean up. That’s our eternal dance, Daddy,” she added. Vernon let in the press and quickly took control of the narrative by silencing the reporters.
Vernon told them that he wanted to give an accurate rendition of what happened at the wedding. He said that Daniell accidentally took out her gun and it dishcarged at the wedding, but what she did wasn’t a crime. Dani interrupted and said everyone deserved the truth.
Vernon didn’t let Dani speak, but Anita took over the mic to scold the reporters for seeing what they did on the live stream. She told them that Bill gaslit Dani while Hayley had pretended to be friends with Naomi and then stolen Bill. Anita added that Dani crossed the line, but Bill pushed her over it. Dani then took the mic and nobly took responsibility for what she did and apologized to her family for her behavior.
The press conference was almost over when Bill and Hayley strolled in. “Bill is about to ruin this after Daddy orchestrated this conference so beautifully,” Nicole fumed. Bill listed off the crimes that were caught on live stream. He told the reporters that it wasn’t an isolated incident and that Dani had been harassing and attacking them for days. Bill said he should have had Dani arrested when he saw Hayley’s injuries the first time but didn’t because she was the mother of his daughters. Bill adamantly declared he would not sit idly by while Dani bullied his wife.
While the reporters hollered questions, Vernon growled to Bill that he had allowed him to grandstand at his gathering, but now it was time to back off. Vernon graciously ended the press conference.
Smitty and Martin went into the dining room, and Smitty was distressed. He said back at the Dupree mansion, when Martin backed up Dani by stating he could understand why she did what she did, Annita and Vernon looked at each other and gave a funny look. Martin blew it off as something people do who have been married a while.
Dani told her parents that she meant what she said about taking responsibility and wanted her dad to call the police. Dani gave Officer Jenkins a statement, and Naomi quickly told him his job was done. Vernon stepped in and told the cop that he would be playing golf with his boss the next day and would put in a good word about his tenacity. The cop got the message to go back to the station, write an incident report, and call it a day. Across the room, Bill and Hayley watched silently. When Officer Jenkins left, Bill sighed to Hayley that they were letting Dani off the hook.
Dani wasn’t impressed when Nicole offered to get her some help. Meanwhile, Bill sneered at the Duprees, saying they had made a big speech about taking responsibility right before they used their pull to ensure Dani didn’t have to take any. “You lost, Bill. Get over it,” Vernon scoffed. Vernon told Bill to declare a ceasefire with Dani so they could all move on. He didn’t like the way that Bill and Hayley showed up and called it a tit for tat because Dani had made a scene.
Dani had left when no one noticed and went to the bar. There, she recalled her and Bill after Naomi’s wedding and how he’d promised her that she would never regret giving up her dreams and career for him and that he would love her forever. Dani took out her phone and made a call.
At the hospital, Ashley was buzzing about delivering the baby in the elevator. She and Andre recounted how they got through it together, and Ashley called him a great partner. The more they talked, the more worried Derek looked. Ashley’s nurse told her that the baby was named Ashley Andrea after her and Andre, and they were touched by the gesture. The nurse also announced to Derek that Andre was from a prominent family and who he was related to. Derek looked like he was going to be ill with insecurities.
Derek took Ashley home, and even though she wanted him to have a play date, he wanted her to get a good night’s sleep but promised her that the next time he was there, he would keep her up all night.
Bill and Hayley went home, but she wasn’t in a great mood after the press conference. To make it worse, Bill wouldn’t quit working. Hayley was disappointed in her whole wedding day and was a nervous wreck from the gun incident. She told Bill she needed to take things slow. Bill sat her down on the couch and held her hand to make her feel better.
Dani went home and found Andre waiting for her. She opened her coat and dropped it to the floor. Naked, she walked to him, and they began kissing. After they had sex, Andre wondered why Dani called him after calling him a one-night stand. Dani said she tried to blow away her ex at his wedding but only hurt some flowers. Dani said from now on, she would act like a proper Dupree woman, even if it killed her.
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