Go Oats founder Nahum Jeannot was featured in Season 12, Episode 2 of Shark Tank US. Nahum presented a unique breakfast option: oatmeal balls for on-the-go breakfast. The founder had prior experience in the cooking and food industry, which helped him come up with the idea of wrapping the breakfast favorite oatmeal into delicious balls.
To simplify breakfast and snacking, Nahum Jeannot wanted the sharks to invest in his brand and asked for $150k for 10% of the equity. The sharks loved the idea of converting oatmeal into balls, and Barbara Corcoran, who loves oatmeal, gave the brand a big thumbs up. While the sharks tested the sample and enjoyed the taste, Nahum revealed the brand's sales profile.
The founder described that he was also working a full-time job before getting fired, which has become a blessing in disguise as he got to work on his brand with full attention. Looking at the potential of the brand and the founder's hard work, Barbara Corcoran decided to offer him a deal and said:
"So $150 000 for 25%, what do you say?"
While the founder wanted to wait for other sharks' offer, Corcoran added:
"I really don't care for it to be shopped around, but you can certainly give me a counter if you wish."
Did Go Oats founder lock a deal in Season 12 of Shark Tank?
With Shark Tank investor Barbara Corcoran offering a deal to Go Oats founder, he was undoubtedly looking for more than one deal. Not willing to dilute 25% of the equity, he asked Barbara if she could join hands with another shark she considers a friend. Barbara clarified that she would not like to go in a joint deal with Mr. Wonderful, although she loved Mark Cuban because he is a billionaire.
Meanwhile, Barbara explained the complications of having two sharks on a deal and said coordinating becomes difficult. She further jokingly pulled Lori Greiner's leg for not responding to her when she tried to contact her regarding an agreement. She said it would be great if he focused on only one shark. Go Oats founder then came up with a counteroffer.
He asked Shark Tank investor Barbara if he would lock the deal for 15% of the equity for $150k. Barbara remarked that it was too low and counteroffered taking 20%. After a slight moment of deliberation, Nahum accepted Barbara's deal.
Shark Tank US airs on ABC Network.

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