"Why not me?" - Shark Tank investor Mark Cuban on key questions to ask yourself for success

Shark Tank investor Mark Cuban (Image via ABC)
Shark Tank investor Mark Cuban (Image via ABC)

Shark Tank investor Mark Cuban shared what mindset had gotten him so far in life and even made him a billionaire. In a YouTube video with People, Mark Cuban shared that when often facing challenges or obstacles, most people hesitate and doubt themselves.

They start questioning their abilities and worth and assume that success is reserved for a select few. However, Mark Cuban has a different approach to it all. His philosophy is simple but powerful. He asks the viewers to question themselves: why can't they do it? Why not them?

The Shark Tank investor shared that he often talks about these habits when visiting schools or talking to young minds as they set future goals. His point is that everything that exists today was once just an idea of how someone worked and how they were no different than us. Talking about the same, he said,

"Ask yourself, Why not me? Why can't I be the one who changes the world? Why can't I be the one who breaks out and makes something happen? When you reach a point where you have to make decisions and you're unsure of the next step, just ask yourself—Why not me?"

Shark Tank investor Mark Cuban shares a mindset that fuels success


Shark Tank's Mark Cuban says that the 'Why not me?' mindset is not just about business but about how successful folks approach their life and decisions. The difference between the people who make things happen versus the ones who wait for life's permission or for the timing to be right is not correct.

Cuban shares that even the biggest names in the industry right now, who are making billions, had started somewhere just like everyone else. The key is realizing that the only thing barring you from success is your mindset. He asks if others can achieve greatness, then why not you?

The Shark Tank investor explained,

"I do this thing when I visit schools to talk to kids about entrepreneurship and setting goals. I tell them, Look around. See that screen on the wall? One day, it didn’t exist. Then someone had an idea, created a company, and now the school bought that screen.

He then asked,

Why not you? Why can't you be the person who comes up with the next great idea? Why can't you be the one who starts a company that turns into the next Google, Apple, or Nike?"

Mark says that the next time anyone hesitates before pursuing an opportunity, they should question the mindset and remind themselves that every successful person started someplace.

The only difference was that they leaped anyway. Giving an example of the same, Cuban talked about the screen in the classroom and how it is a reminder that everything around us was once an unmet need.

It was not until someone realized it and acted upon it to create success for themselves. In other rules on the same video, Mark also talked about failure. He said that it does not matter how many times a person has failed because they just have to be right once to succeed.

He also talked about how waiting for the right moment is not a good thing to do, as these often lead to inaction. His journey proves that he took the right steps at the right time to be where he is right now.

Every Friday at 8 PM Eastern Time, ABC releases new episodes of Shark Tank Season 16. Following the initial broadcast, viewers can catch up on the episodes on Hulu.

Edited by Ishita Banerjee
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