An animated fantasy, The Dragon Prince is a Netflix series that is also known as The Dragon Prince: Mystery of Aravos. The series takes place in the fictitious world of Xadia.
The Dragon Prince follows the lives of human princes Ezran and Callum along with a Moonshadow Elf, Rayla. Along with searching for a way to bring peace to the long-standing rivalry between dragons, elves, and human empires, Rayla also looks after Storm Dragon. Storm Dragon, Azymondias, is the Dragon Prince.
The series consists of two sagas. The first saga consists of the first three seasons. The second saga consists of the last four seasons, with the seventh season concluding the series. The seventh and final season released on December 19, 2024.
Aaron Ehasz and Justin Richmond serve as creators of the seven-season-long series. For those wondering who voices the character of Aravos in The Dragon Prince, the Fallen Star is voiced by Erik Todd Dellums.
Who is the voice of Aaravos in The Dragon Prince?
In the series, Erik Todd Dellums lends his voice to the character of Aravos. Known as an American actor and narrator, Erik Todd Dellums has previously played roles such as Luther Mahoney in Homicide: Life on the Street and Prince Arcann in Knights of the Fallen Empire.
Erik Todd Dellums has also played the role of a narrator in series and films such as The Planet, The Planets and Beyond, Great American Eclipse, and Almost Human: Rise of the Apes.
Who is Aravos?
Aaravos was a Startouch Elf Archmage of ancient origin. Also known as the Fallen Star, he had become proficient and mastered all six kinds of primal magic and dark magic.
Almost three hundred years prior to the events of the series, Aaravos was kept in captivity by the Elves and the Archdragons in a secret prison. He was imprisoned because he had engineered a conflict between the dragons, the elves, and the humans.
His daughter Leola was also put to death by the Startouch Elf Council for breaking the cosmic order. In the series, Aaravos meets Viren with the help of Avizandum’s enchanted mirror.
He manipulates Viren using a caterpillar familiar using him to fulfill his own evil ends. The caterpillar-familiar grows into a cocoon and then into a homunculus named The Being.
Aaravos is freed from his imprisonment by Claudia. He adopts a human form in order to be kept from being detected. Towards the end of the series, Aaravos’s mortal human form is completely destroyed.
In this process, the remaining Archdragons give their life away. Although his form is destroyed, Aaravos vows to come back again. In seven years, stars will align and he will again be able to assume form.
The Dragon Prince is available to watch on Netflix. To read more about the latest shows, soaps, and films, stay tuned to SoapCentral.