Secret Level, the highly anticipated video games-based anthology series, has finally landed on Prime Video. The show features 15 episodes inspired by the world of various games, including the likes of Armored Core, Crossfire, Pac-Man, and The Outer Worlds.
The first episode follows the lore of the incredibly popular role-playing game, Dungeons & Dragons. Titled, Dungeons & Dragons: The Queen's Cradle, the episode follows four heroes on a mission to rescue a young man, Solon, who is cursed by the Cult of the Dragon.
The group has to face a formidable opponent in the form of Tiamat, voiced by actress Tracy Wiles. Tiamat in Secret Level is a five-headed dragon serving as the main antagonist in Dungeons & Dragons: The Queen's Cradle.
Tiamat in Secret Level is a villainous dragon in Dungeons & Dragons: The Queen's Cradle

Tiamat in Secret Level is the main villain in the Dungeons & Dragons-based episode, The Queen's Cradle. She is one of the most dangerous characters in the game's lore, known as the five-headed dragon and the queen of evil dragons.
To bring Tiamat into the world, the Cult of the Dragon plans to sacrifice Solon at the Well of Dragons, a temple in a volcano. The cult has marked the young man with strange tattoos, which act as a curse, and introduce Tiamat’s spirit into his body.
A group of four adventurers take it upon themselves to rescue Solon. These include Mora, a paladin; Tally, a gnome wizard; Luzum, a dwarf monk; and Ahokal, an orc druid. The group seeks help from the powerful gold dragon Oriel to remove Tiamat’s influence from Solon.
Oriel is the leader of the good dragons and a rival of Tiamat’s brother Bahamut. He manages to pull Tiamat’s spirit out of Solon, but the five-headed dragon overpowers him and kills him by tearing him apart from the inside.
Tiamat’s return is part of the cult’s plan to bring her from her home in the Nine Hells to the physical world. When she fully forms in Secret Level, she becomes massively powerful and attacks the heroes with fire. Even though they are outmatched, they refuse to leave Solon behind and decide to face Tiamat.
Tiamat’s connection to the Dungeons & Dragons lore
As seen in Secret Level, Tiamat is one of the strongest and most feared characters in the Dungeons & Dragons lore. Known as the Dragon Queen, she is a five-headed draconic deity who was first introduced in the Greyhawk supplement in 1975.
Tiamat's name is taken from an ancient Mesopotamian goddess. Each of her heads represents a different chromatic dragon: black, blue, green, red, and white, with each having the abilities of the respective dragon type.
She is a greedy, and arrogant dragon with a desire to cause destruction. Her followers, the Cult of the Dragon, are determined to free her from her prison in the Nine Hells and bring her into the Material Plane, where she can spread chaos and take control of the world.
Tiamat is a major villain in several Dungeons & Dragons adventures, including Hoard of the Dragon Queen and The Rise of Tiamat, both released in 2014. Similar to Secret Level, the adventurers must fight against Tiamat's followers in these campaigns.
Tiamat is usually depicted as a giant dragon with a multicolored body. In some versions of the story, she can also appear as a dark-haired sorceress. The Dragon Queen is famous for her manipulative nature who prefers to work behind the scenes and uses her followers to do much of her destructive work.
Tiamat is physically powerful and intellectually cunning, which makes her one of the most iconic yet dangerous deities in the Dungeons & Dragons universe.
Secret Level episodes 1 to 8 are now streaming on Prime Video. The remaining episodes of the series will be released on December 17, 2024, on the streaming platform.

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