ABC’s mockumentary sitcom, Abbott Elementary, created by Quinta Brunson, has been making waves since its debut in December 2021. Quinta Brunson stars in it as Janine Teagues. The show is based around an underfunded fictional elementary school in Philadelphia named Willard R. Elementary School and the lives of the teachers of that school.
Abbott Elementary stars talented actors like Quinta Brunson, Sheryl Lee Ralph, and Tyler James Williams. Hollywood actors like Bradley Cooper, Taraji P. Henson, and Keegan Michael Key have appeared in the show. Ayo Adebiri plays a guest-starring role as Ayesha Teagues, Janine’s half-sister. Quinta Brunson plays Janine's character.
Ayesha's first appearance in Abbot Elementary was in an episode titled Valentine’s Day, via FaceTime. Ayesha lives in Colorado because of her complicated relationship with her mother Vanetta Teagues, played by Taraji P. Henson. Although Janine and Ayesha have contrasting personalities and differences, they still provide heartwarming and humorous moments in the show.
Apart from Abbott Elementary, the young Emmy Award-winning actress is among the rising stars of Hollywood and has been part of many exciting projects.
Continue to read to learn more about Ayo Adebiri’s career and notable projects.
Who is Ayo Edebiri? The actress's career and notable projects explored
Born in Boston, Massachusetts on October 3, 1995, Ayo wanted to become a comedian when she was younger. She graduated from New York University’s Tish School of Arts and also started her career in comedy by doing stand-up comedy.
Her television writing career started with Kal Penn’s sitcom Sunnyside (2019). She has written for popular shows like Big Mouth and Apple TV’s Dickinson (2019-2021). After Jenny Slate’s exit from the show, Adebiri replaced her and became the voice of the character Missy Foreman-Greenwald.
Ayo gained more prominence through her role in the award-winning show (2022- present) as Sydney Adamu. She earned a Golden Globe award, a Primetime Emmy, and multiple nominations for the role. Apart from appearing in Abbott Elementary, she has also written and appeared on the critically acclaimed show What We Do In The Shadows (2019-2024).
More about Ayo Edebiri
As mentioned above, the Abbott Elementary actress has garnered recognition not only as a TV actress but also as a comedian and writer. Other than her television roles, she will be appearing as Ariel Ecton in Mark Anthony Green’s film Opus. She will also appear in James L. Brooks’s drama Ella McKay.
Apart from being the voice of Missy in Big Mouth, she has also voiced the character of Glory Grant in Spider-Man: Across The Spider-Verse (2023). Most recently, she has voiced the character of Envy in Inside Out 2 (2024) earning praise from all around the world.
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