Arcane is a superhit Netflix animated action show by Christian Linke and Alex Yee. It is based on the popular video game League of Legends. It is produced by the animation studio Fortiche, under the supervision of Riot Games, the creators of the League of Legends game. The show is set in the game’s universe and follows the sisters, Vi and Jinx. The show first aired on November 6, 2021, and its 2nd and final season was released on November 23, 2024.
Many iconic characters from League of Legends are part of the show, including Viktor. He is one of the most compelling and tragic characters in the show. He is a key figure in Piltover's technological advancements. The show highlights his journey as well as his emotional and ethical struggles. Let’s take a closer look at Viktor’s character and the actor who voices him.
Who is Viktor in Arcane?
Viktor is a research assistant who later becomes the research partner of Jayce Talis. He was born in the Undercity, which is affected by poverty and pollution. In his childhood, he was excluded due to his leg disability. He needed a cane to walk, which is why he couldn’t play with the other children. Because of the harsh environment he grew up in, his intelligence began to shine. As a young boy, he had a natural talent for engineering.
During his teenage years, he was discovered by Cecil B. Heimerdinger, a respected figure in Piltover. He allowed Viktor to study at the University of Piltover. He invented the Hexclaw and Hex Core through Hextech theory. After working on his inventions day and night, his health deteriorated, and he became terminally ill. He decided to use experimental methods to prolong his life. He used Hex Core technology to save his life, which healed his leg disability but alienated him from others.
Who is the voice of Viktor in Arcane?
Harry Charles Salusbury Lloyd, popularly known as Harry Lloyd, is the voice of Viktor in the show. He was born on November 17, 1983, in London, England. He made his TV debut with BBC’s adaptation of David Copperfield in 1999 alongside Daniel Radcliffe. He made his film debut with the film Jane Eyre in 2011. He received a BAFTA nomination for his performance in the TV show The Fear in 2012.
He is best known for his roles in Robin Hood (2006), Doctor Who (2007), and Game of Thrones (2011). He has been part of many films like The Iron Lady (2011), The Riot Club (2014), The Theory of Everything (2014), Anthropoid (2016), The Lost King (2022), etc. He has also worked in many TV shows like Manhattan (2014), Counterpart (2017–2019), Arcane (2021–2024), etc.
He has acted in many stage plays like Kiss of the Spider Woman (2003), The Comedy of Errors (2005), A View from the Bridge (2009), The Duchess of Malfi (2012), The Dumb Waiter (2020), etc. His upcoming project is the Apple TV+ show Prime Target, which will be released on January 22, 2025.
Also read: Who is Isha in Arcane?
FAQs about Arcane
A. Christian Linke and Alex Yee are the creators of Arcane.
A. No, there will not be a Season 3 of Arcane.
A. Hailee Steinfeld is the voice of Vi in Arcane.