Family Guy is an American adult animated TV show known for its dark humor and satirical take on pop culture. Set in the fictional town of Quahog, it first aired on the Fox network in 1999. It focuses on an eccentric family consisting of Peter Griffin, his wife Lois, their kids Chris, Meg, and Stewie, and their dog Brian. Even after being canceled, the show returned in 2005 because of its strong fan following.
The show talks about many topics like pop culture, politics, and social issues. The show has a cult following, has won 9 Primetime Emmy Awards, and received 25 nominations. It is one of Fox's longest-running shows, still ongoing with 23 seasons. The show has many fun characters, and the Mayor stands out as a memorable character who brings an odd charm to the show. Let's take a look at the Mayor's character and the actor behind his voice.
Who is the Mayor in Family Guy?
Mayor Adam West is the mayor of the town of Quahog, introduced in Season 2. His character is portrayed as an eccentric, soft-spoken, and immature person. He always finds a way to waste the money of taxpayers. He has weird logic and makes decisions that don't make sense. His decisions often result in consequences that affect the citizens and put them in danger.
In the episode 'The Story on Page One,' he wasted $100,000 in tax money trying to find the person who stole his water. He spends money on weird things like making a gold statue of Dig 'Em the Frog, cementing the graves because he believes that zombies exist, etc. In the episode ‘Barely Legal’, he sent the majority of the police force of the town to Columbia to find Elaine Wilder, a character from the film Romancing the Stone.
The character was a fictionalized and over-the-top version of the real Adam West, who voiced the character. His character was written off from the show because of the death of Adam West. The show paid tribute to the late Adam West in the Season 17 finale and renamed Quahog's high school as Adam West High School.
Who voices the Mayor in Family Guy?
Adam West is the actor behind the voice of the Mayor in the show. He was a popular actor, born on September 19, 1928, in Washington, United States. West began his acting career in television and film in the 1950s. He made his film debut with the film The Young Philadelphians in 1959. He became a household name for starring in the Batman series in the 1960s. Playing Batman helped define his place in pop culture and increased his popularity.
Adam West appeared in many films including Tammy and the Doctor (1963), The Outlaws Is Coming (1964), The Relentless Four (1965), The Girl Who Knew Too Much (1969), Joyride (1997), An American Vampire Story (1997), etc. As a voice artist, he has done many projects like Kim Possible (2002), The Fairly Oddparents (2001), Aloha, Scooby-Doo (2005), Chicken Little (2005), Jack and the Never Land Pirates (2011), etc.
For many years, he was known for his role as Batman. Later in his career, he became popular with the younger generation for playing the role of the Mayor in Family Guy. His character was widely loved by the audience. He passed away in 2017 at the age of 88 due to leukemia.
FAQs about Family Guy
A. Adam West is the voice behind the Mayor Adam West in Family Guy.
A. Adam West is best known for his role as Batman in the 1960s TV series and film.
A. Yes, Family Guy is still running.