Family Guy is a popular animated sitcom created by Seth MacFarlane for Fox Broadcasting Company. It has been running successfully since 1999 and has 23 seasons. The show is known for its dark humor, eccentric characters, and satirical take on pop culture and society. The show revolves around the daily lives of the Griffin family and showcases the dynamic between them. They are a dysfunctional family consisting of Peter Griffin, his wife Lois Griffin, and their kids.
The main voice actors of the show include Seth MacFarlane, Seth Green, Alex Borstein, Mike Henry, Patrick Warburton, and Mila Kunis. Apart from the main characters, the show has many memorable characters, one of them being Carl. His character is portrayed as a quirky person who is friends with Chris and Brian. He has minor but significant appearances in the show and is a fan favorite. Let’s take a look at his character and the actor who voices Carl.
Who is Carl in Family Guy?
Carl is the owner of Quahog Mini-Mart which is a gas station and convenience store. He is the boss of Chris Griffin. He is a lazy person who likes attractive women and films that feature them. He likes to enjoy his time by discussing film trivia and Hollywood actors with his co-workers and the customers who come to his mart.
Carl was friends with Brian, who was a customer at his store, and through him, he befriends Chris. The bond between him and Chris developed when Chris started working for him. He does not get along with Chris’s sister, Meg Griffin. He and Chris often discuss pop culture, and they bond over it. He was an alcoholic and was also friends with Chris’s father, Peter, as he often visited his store.
Who voices Carl in Family Guy?
H. Jon Benjamin is the voice actor behind Carl in Family Guy. He is an actor, writer, comedian, and producer, born on May 23, 1966, in Worcester, Massachusetts, United States. He is well-known as a voice actor in adult animated shows. He made his TV debut with a minor appearance in the TV show Understanding in 1994. He got his first break as a voice actor with the TV show Dr. Katz, Professional Therapist in 1995.
He is best known for his work as a voice actor in shows like Home Movies (1999–2004), Aqua Teen Hunger Force (2001–2009), Family Guy (2006-Present), Archer (2009-2023), The Simpsons (2018), etc. He has appeared in many films like Not Another Teen Movie (2001), Wet Hot American Summer (2001), The Ten (2007), Creative Control (2015), The Bob's Burgers Movie (2022), etc.
FAQs about Family Guy
A. H. Jon Benjamin is the voice behind Carl in Family Guy.
A. Seth MacFarlane is the voice behind Peter in Family Guy.
A. Family Guy has 23 seasons.