The American science fiction action-adventure animated series Jurassic World: Chaos Theory is the second television series in the Jurassic Park franchise and is available on Netflix. It is set between the events of Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom (2018) and Jurassic World Dominion (2022) and is a direct sequel to Jurassic World Camp Cretaceous (2020–2022). The first season premiered on May 24, 2024, and the second season followed on October 17, 2024.
The show is executive-produced by Scott Kreamer and Aaron Hammersley, with Steven Spielberg, Colin Trevorrow, and Frank Marshall serving as showrunners. The main cast includes Darren Barnet and Kiersten Kelly, while Paul-Mikél Williams, Sean Giambrone, Kausar Mohammed, and Raini Rodriguez reprise their voices from Camp Cretaceous.
Members of "The Nublar Six" reconnect six years after Jurassic World Camp Cretaceous, setting on an investigation to learn the truth about what happened to one of their own and uncover a conspiracy that threatens both humans and dinosaurs.
List of deaths in Jurassic World: Chaos Theory
Season 1
Following is the list of deaths in Jurassic World: Chaos Theory season 1:
Carl - Attacked off-screen by Ghost, Panthera, and Tiger under the control of their unnamed Handler.
Stevens - Attacked off-screen by Ghost, Panthera, and Tiger under the control of their unnamed Handler.
Daniel Kon - Attacked by Ghost, Panthera, and Tiger under the control of their unnamed Handler.
Unnamed Civilian 1 - Consumed by a Becklespinax.
Unnamed Civilian 2 - Consumed by a Becklespinax.
Rich - Consumed by a Becklespinax.
Jared - Consumed by a Becklespinax.
Dudley Cabrera - Attacked by Ghost, Panthera, and Tiger under the control of their unnamed Handler.
Unnamed Worker 1 - Consumed by a Suchomimus.
Unnamed Worker 2 - Slain by a Carnotaurus.
Jensen - Consumed by an Allosaurus.
Season 2
Following is the list of deaths in Jurassic World: Chaos Theory season 2:
Majungasaurus - Assassinated by Major.
Gallimimus - Consumed by Major.
Sullivan - Attacked off-screen by a Suchomimus.
Pteranodon - Consumed by a Suchomimus.
Hippopotamus - Attacked by a Suchomimus.
Dimorphodon - Attacked by Lions.
Lion - Consumed by Major.
Suchomimus - Neck broken by Major.
Captain Lang - Attacked by Red under the control of Santos.
Dr. Sarr - Attacked by Red (under the control of Santos) and a Leucistic Baryonyx (under the control of Red).
Leucistic Baryonyx - Slain when Santos blew up Dr. Sarr's lab. (Debatable)
Who are the main characters in Jurassic World: Chaos Theory?
Following are the main characters in Jurassic World: Chaos Theory:
Paul-Mikél Williams as Darius Bowman
Darren Barnet as Kenji Kon
Sean Giambrone as Ben Pincus
Kausar Mohammed as Yasmina "Yaz" Fadoula
Raini Rodriguez as Sammy Gutierrez
Kiersten Kelly as Brooklynn (season 2; recurring season 1)
FAQs about Jurassic World: Chaos Theory
The Jurassic World: Chaos Theory is set between the events of Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom (2018) and Jurassic World Dominion (2022) and is a direct sequel to Jurassic World Camp Cretaceous (2020–2022).
No, the animated series Jurassic World: Chaos Theory is not suitable for kids to watch.
Viewers can watch Jurassic World: Chaos Theory on Netflix. The series has two seasons.