Wild Cards, a popular Canadian TV show, is available for streaming on The CW in the U.S. The series stars Giacomo Gianniotti as Cole Ellis, a police officer demoted to a lesser position, and Vanessa Morgan as Max Mitchell, a clever con woman. The two characters form an unlikely duo, solving crimes together in a case-of-the-week format.
As their partnership grows, so does the bond between them, creating a fun and dynamic team. But what makes this show even more intriguing is the stunning backdrop of Vancouver, Canada, where many of the key locations are filmed. All the key filming locations of Wild Cards.
Filming locations
1) Granville Island, Vancouver
One of the most recognizable filming locations in Wild Cards is Granville Island, a lively area under the Granville Street Bridge in Vancouver. It’s known for its bustling market, arts scene, and waterfront views, which play a key role in several scenes throughout the series.
The show often features shots of Ellis’ houseboat, giving fans a glimpse of the vibrant waterfront market and the iconic bridge in the background. For those who love Vancouver’s coastal charm, Granville Island is a highlight in Wild Cards.
2) Vancouver Central Library
Another standout filming location is the Vancouver Central Library, which you can spot in the second season of Wild Cards. The above-mentioned architectural gem covers an entire city block and is easily recognized by its impressive design.
With nine floors dedicated to books, resources, and study spaces, the library provides a unique backdrop for the crime-solving duo. The library’s modern yet grand appearance adds a distinct vibe to the show’s detective work, and it’s a great representation of Vancouver’s rich culture.
3) False Creek, Vancouver
False Creek, a picturesque waterway in the heart of Vancouver, serves as the location for many of the scenes featuring Cole Ellis' houseboat. In Wild Cards, Ellis’s home on the water adds a touch of mystery and intrigue to his character.
The area is well-known for its calm waters, marinas, and beautiful views of the city skyline. As a central filming location, False Creek enhances the overall atmosphere of the show, with scenes often taking place along the waterfront, adding to the visual appeal.
4) The Post, Vancouver
In the opening episode of Wild Cards, viewers are treated to a glimpse of The Post, a historic building in Vancouver. Formerly the city’s main post office, it has since been transformed into a modern shopping and dining precinct. The building’s unique exterior, complete with its old-world charm, can be seen in several scenes in the show.
The Post adds a touch of Vancouver's history to the series, reminding fans of the city’s rich cultural heritage. Its location and transformation make it a key part of the show’s urban landscape.
Wild Cards not only captivates audiences with its clever crimes and quirky characters but also showcases the beauty and diversity of Vancouver. From the iconic Granville Island to the stunning Vancouver Central Library and False Creek, the city’s vibrant spots provide a perfect backdrop for the detective duo.
The historical significance of locations like The Post adds depth to the story, making Vancouver an essential part of the show’s identity. For fans of both crime dramas and scenic views, Wild Cards offers a thrilling watch set in one of the most beautiful cities in the world.
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