Dark Winds is an American psychological thriller series that premiered on June 12, 2022. Created by Graham Roland, the show features a stellar cast, with Zahn McClarnon in the lead alongside Kiowa Gordon. The series also stars Jessica Matten, Deanna Allison, Rainn Wilson, and Elva Guerra, with additional cast members such as Jeremiah Bitsui, Eugene Brave Rock, and Noah Emmerich.
Dark Winds is based on the Leaphorn & Chee novel series by Tony Hillerman and follows the story of Navajo Tribal Police officers in 1971. The first season focuses on three officers—Lieutenant Joe Leaphorn, Bernadette Manuelito, and Jim Chee—as they investigate seemingly unrelated crimes.
Following the success of its first season, Dark Winds was renewed for a second season, which premiered from July 30, 2023 to September 3, 2023. The second season revolves around the murder of a Navajo man.
Interestingly, the series has also been renewed for a third season, with filming currently underway in Santa Fe and Tesuque Pueblo. Although the release date for the third season has not been announced yet, it is likely to be in 2025.
Dark Winds was filmed across several locations, including northwestern Arizona, southeastern Utah, and northwestern New Mexico. The series focuses on the Diné (Navajo) community and features the picturesque landscapes of the Navajo Nation to enhance its authenticity.
Around 70 percent of the series was shot on tribal lands, with significant portions filmed at Tesuque Pueblo in New Mexico and additional scenes at Cochiti Pueblo. Other notable filming locations include Monument Valley, Kayenta, Mexican Hat, and Española. Here are the details of all the filming locations for Dark Winds:
List of filming locations of Dark Winds
1. Española, New Mexico
Dark Winds was filmed in Española, New Mexico, a primary city in Rio Arriba County. Española is a historic city that blends well with the series' theme.
2. Kayenta, Arizona
Kayenta, a town in Arizona, USA, is another key filming location for Dark Winds. Surrounded by red-hued rock formations and desert plains, it provides a picturesque setting for the series. Kayenta is located south of Monument Valley and is the only municipal-style government on the Navajo Nation.
3. Mexican Hat
Located on the San Juan River, Mexican Hat is a notable filming location for Dark Winds. Situated in Utah, the series was filmed there in mid-October 2020 at this unique venue.
4. Monument valley tribal park
A significant portion of "Dark Winds" was filmed in Monument Valley Tribal Park. Often referred to as the "Valley of the Rocks," it is located in the northeastern part of Arizona, with the valley floor ranging from 5,000 to 6,000 feet above sea level. The area is a major tourist attraction, surrounded by locations including Monument Valley Navajo Park.
5. Santa Fe, New Mexico
Some scenes of "Dark Winds" were also shot in Santa Fe, New Mexico. The majority of the second season was filmed in this area, and the third season is currently being shot there as well.
Santa Fe, the capital city of New Mexico, is the fourth most populous city in the state. It is situated at the foothills of the Sangre de Cristo Mountains, offering a beautiful backdrop that has been used extensively in filming.
6. Tesuque, New Mexico
Another major filming location for Dark Winds is Tesuque, New Mexico. Located near Santa Fe, Tesuque is home to the Tewa ethnic group of North America.
7. Abiquiú, New Mexico
Abiquiú in New Mexico was also used in the filming of "Dark Winds." This area, which features the Tewa-speaking people, is situated in the northern part of the state. Abiquiú is well-known as the home of American modernist painter Georgia O'Keeffe from 1929 to 1984.
8 Camel Rock Studios, Pueblo de Tesuque
A major part of "Dark Winds" was filmed at Camel Rock Studios, the first Native American-owned film studio, located in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Spanning over 75,000 square feet, the studio has hosted numerous productions.
9 Blue Mesa Badlands
The Blue Mesa Badlands are showcased at the beginning of the second-season trailer for "Dark Winds." The area's supernatural quality aligns with the AMC series' theme, featuring barren blue landscapes and purple-hued rocks.
10 Coal Mine Canyon, Tuba City, Arizona, USA
Coal Mine Canyon is a stunning multicultural ravine located on Navajo land, just 16 miles from Tuba City and managed by the Navajo Reservation. Although it's one of the lesser-known sites in the area, its striking beauty made it an ideal location for filming "Dark Winds."
11 Mexican Water, Arizona, USA
Mexican Water features large, prominent buildings set against a vast desert landscape. Although the area isn't widely visited by tourists, it was perfectly suited for some of the scenes in "Dark Winds."
You can watch the first two seasons of Dark Winds on Amazon Prime Video.
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