Beast Games is a groundbreaking reality competition show created by YouTube megastar Jimmy "MrBeast" Donaldson in collaboration with Amazon Prime Video. The series premiered on December 19, 2024, and pits 1,000 contestants against each other in several high-stakes challenges, all vying for an eye-popping $5 million prize—the largest ever offered on a reality TV show.
The competition is intense and massive in scale, with participants being whittled down through grueling tasks that test their physical and mental endurance. The first two episodes dropped on Prime Video the same day as the premiere, with the rest of the ten-episode series released weekly every Thursday.
For fans of MrBeast, the tryouts were also released on his YouTube channel under the title 2,000 People Fight for $5,000,000, giving viewers a behind-the-scenes look at how the initial 2,000 contestants were narrowed down to the final 1,000. The show has a production budget exceeding $100 million, and if you are willing to give it a watch, you can tune it exclusively on Amazon Prime Video.
Exploring the filming locations of Beast Games
The filming of Beast Games spanned two major locations - Las Vegas, Nevada, and Toronto, Canada. Not to mention, the locations and the production cost made it one of the most expensive reality shows ever, with a budget of $100 million.
The first round of filming took place at Allegiant Stadium, a 65,000-seat venue in Las Vegas, Nevada. The massive arena served as the battleground for the initial qualifying rounds, where 2,000 contestants competed to secure their spot among the final 1,000. Filming at the stadium lasted four days, from July 18 to July 21, 2024.
Once the contestant pool was narrowed down, production moved to a custom-built set in Toronto, Canada. Located at an abandoned site near Downsview Airport, this elaborate set was nothing short of a small town. It featured houses, parks, and even a basketball court, all surrounded by a massive red wall and a moat to immerse contestants in the game. This set wasn’t just a filming location—it served as a living space for the contestants, innovatively blending competition and reality.
The Toronto shoot, which reportedly cost $14 million, took place over at least 16 days in late August and early September 2024. To ensure secrecy and control, the area was declared a no-fly zone during production.
Cast members of Beast Games
The cast of Beast Games is a mix of familiar faces from MrBeast’s YouTube empire, giving fans plenty of personalities to root for as they navigate the high-stakes competition. Leading the show is Jimmy “MrBeast” Donaldson himself, taking on the role of host. Known for his over-the-top challenges and larger-than-life giveaways, MrBeast’s presence ensures the show feels as colossal as its $100 million budget.
Joining him are his trusted collaborators and fan favorites: Nolan Hansen, Karl Jacobs, Chandler Hallow, Tareq Salameh, and Mack Hopkins. Fans of MrBeast’s YouTube content will instantly recognize their camaraderie, which has been a staple of his videos for years.
Behind the scenes, the production team is stacked with talent. Alongside Donaldson, the show’s executive producers include Tyler Conklin, Sean Klitzner, Mack Hopkins, Michael Cruz, and Rachel Skidmore. Other key producers include Matt Apps, Joe Coleman, Keith Geller, Chris Keiper, Joshua Kulic, and Charles Wachter. Each member played a crucial role in transforming this massive concept into a reality competition show unlike any other.
If you plan to binge on Beast Games, it is available on Prime Video for streaming.
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