When will Baby Fever Season 2 come out? Release date, trailer and more revealed

Baby Fever season 2 on Netflix (Image via Netflix)
Baby Fever season 2 on Netflix (Image via Netflix)

Netflix has announced that the Danish Netflix series Baby Fever will return for its second season on the streaming platform on August 22, 2024. Josephine Park will play the lead role, now, as a mother to her two-month-old baby. She is forced to stay on maternity leave, which she loathes.

Amelir Naesby Fick and Nikolaj Feifer created Baby Fever, a Danish comedy series. The show premiered on Netflix on June 8, 2022, and revolves around Nana (Josephine Park), a fertility doctor who inseminates herself with her ex's sperm and becomes pregnant.

Apple Tree Productions, known for producing several high-quality Danish and Nordic dramas, has produced Baby Fever as well. The company is in partnership with ITV Studios.

Season 2 will have a spectacular cast, including Josephine Park, Olivia Joof, Simon Sears, and more. More information about the season 2 is awaited.

What is the plot of season 2 of Baby Fever?

Nana's story post-pregnancy (Image via Netflix)
Nana's story post-pregnancy (Image via Netflix)

The plot of Baby Fever Season 2 revolves around Nana, the mother of a two-month-old baby who has to stay on maternity leave. She misses her professional life and desperately wants to go back to work. This is also why she is unhappy with her life, which is filled with pizza boxes and baby lullabies. She misses her professional life and is desperate to get back to work.

After practically begging her old boss to take her back, he agrees, on the condition that she start the next day. However, now Nana has to find a babysitter at the last moment, and her only option is her mother, who has moved into the apartment next door.

Nana and her ex-boyfriend Mathias (Image via Netflix)
Nana and her ex-boyfriend Mathias (Image via Netflix)

Back at the hospital, however, things aren't easy for her, as her boss has hired another doctor, who is good at everything he does. This makes things difficult for Nana as she tries to regain her rock-star status at the clinic.

Things get even worse when she runs into her ex-boyfriend, Mathias, who is still unaware of the child's existence.

Who is on the cast of Baby Fever season 2?

Season 2 of Baby Fever will have the following cast members:

  • Josephine Park as Nana
  • Simon Sears and Mathias
  • Olivia Joof Lewerissa as Simone
  • Charlotte Munck as Helle
  • Mikael Birkkjær as Niels-Anders
  • Tammi Øst as Lise
  • Jesper Ole Feit Andersen as Nye Anton
  • Thomas Levin as Jannick

Is there a trailer for Baby Fever season 2?


An official trailer is available for the second season of the show, and it features Nana struggling to adjust to the new changes in both her professional and personal lives.

Having a baby is not easy and Nana realizes that staying at home and taking care of her baby is not what she wants to do. She wants to resume her professional life as the star doctor at the fertility clinic.

However, in her absence, her boss has already replaced her, and the others call him the new Nana. In season 1, Nana drunkenly inseminated herself with Mathias' sperm and got pregnant.

However, Mathia is unaware of his daughter's existence. The more Nana feels it is important to let him know, the more she lies and spirals.

The series will be available globally for fans to watch on Netflix, premiering on August 22, 2024.

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Edited by madhurdave262