Love is Blind: Argentina was released on Netflix on November 6, 2024. During the debut episode, the social experiment introduced singles who came to the show to find their potential romantic connection.
As per the show's format, singles explore various blind dates while searching for their match. Emily Ceco, a 24-year-old Journalism student and makeup artist, is among the participants.
While navigating through various blind dates with different male cast members, Emily opened up about getting robbed. The female cast member shared more about the horrible incident she went through with Santiago on the show's first episode.
"I was in a really bad way. Someone robbed me and stole my car, and I didn't resist," shared Emily.
Love is Blind: Argentina star Emily Ceco': "Robbing" incident explored
Love is Blind: Argentina Season 1 Episode 1 featured a series of blind dates. Female participants went on blind dates with all the male contestants, one by one. On the experiment's second day, contestants could choose their blind dates and only go on those dates rather than dating multiple participants.
One of the blind dates featured in the first episode was Emily Ceco and Santiago Martinez. Both of them have been looking forward to their second date since their first date went "really well." Emily mentioned being nervous and wanting to hear his voice, while Santiago shared how he was waiting to talk to her again.
He confessed to wanting to connect on a deeper level rather than only a "superficial" level.
"Growing up, my family was humble and hardworking. And so…sorry."
While opening up about his family, the male cast member got emotional. Emily responded that she could "really relate" to that because she was also the same.
The female cast member told the cameras that she was falling in love with Santiago, as she loved the connection she shared with him.
Later on their date, Emily mentioned missing her five nephews and getting emotional afterward. She then mentioned going through a "pretty big crisis." The female cast member shared how someone robbed her and stole her car. She got emotional while sharing that she couldn't resist the robber.
"I just gave him all my stuff, and then…he hit me while I was down. I almost fainted. He took advantage of me. It was such a horrible experience."
While sharing the incident, both cast members got emotional. Santiago seemed frustrated as he threw his diary beside him. Emily mentioned feeling "strange" because she could not open up to "men" that easily. She also said she didn't want Santiago to think she was "playing the victim."
Love is Blind: Argentina star mentioned not wanting to open up to other guys. It was because she trusted Santiago.
"As I listened to Emily's story, I wanted to jump through the wall and hug her. She didn't deserve that," confessed Santiago.
After feeling better, he told Emily about how resilience would become the thing that would define her, which she also agreed to. Santiago also told her how he wanted to hug her and comfort her. She, in return, expressed her desire to hug him.
Before their date ended, the male Love is Blind: Argentina star shared that since his dream, Emily had been his "number one." She also shared the same with him, as they had to end their blind date because of time restrictions.
Both Emily and Santiago agreed to have a next blind date with each other and shared their goodbyes.
Fans can stream Love is Blind: Argentina Season 1 Episode 1 on Netflix.

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