Only Murders in the Building is a popular American mystery comedy show by Steve Martin and John Hoffman. It premiered on August 31, 2021, and currently has 4 seasons available on Hulu. The show is set in a luxurious, Upper West Side apartment building in New York City. The story revolves around 3 strangers who have an interest in true crime podcasts. They later become friends as they investigate the murders taking place in their apartment.
The show became popular and received praise from both the audience and critics for its dark comedy and the performances of the cast. The star-studded cast of the show includes Steve Martin, Martin Short, Selena Gomez, Amy Ryan, Meryl Streep, etc. The show received nominations from many major awards, including 9 Critics' Choice Television Awards, 15 Primetime Emmy Awards, 16 Golden Globe Awards, etc.
What is Only Murders in the Building about?
Only Murders in the Building follows the trio—Charles-Haden Savage, Oliver Putnam, and Mabel Mora—who were strangers at first but later formed a bond as they shared the same interests. All three of them are obsessed with true crime podcasts, and when a murder occurs in their expensive and exclusive apartment, the Arconia, on the Upper West Side, they become determined to solve the mystery behind it. They start investigating the murder, and when they realize that the murderer might be living in their apartment, they race to find the killer and ask a famous podcast host for help.
By the end of season 1, they get to know about the killer but the series ends with them getting arrested. Over the 4 seasons, many murders take place around them and their apartment, and they team up to investigate the murder mysteries. Each new discovery adds layers to the case and makes it more complicated. While investigating the murder, they uncover many lies and betrayals among their fellow residents. They find out that the murders are involved in the history of their building.
Will there be a 5th season of Only Murders in the Building?
Yes, there will be a 5th season of Only Murders in the Building. The show is renewed for its 5th season on Hulu. In a video announcement, Martin Short, Steve Martin, and Selena Gomez announced the confirmation of the next season on September 4, 2024. According to The Hollywood Reporter, the fifth season will have 10 episodes, just like the previous seasons. The cast shared that the next season will be released in 2025. But the release date of the show has not been announced yet.
The fifth season will also continue with the trio solving the murder mysteries. In the next season, the death of Lester, played by Teddy Coluca, the doorman of the Arconia apartment, will be investigated, as he was killed at the end of the 4th season. His dead body was left by the fountain of the Arconia and was found by the trio. In an interview with Deadline, the creator of the show, John Hoffman, hinted at themes related to the 5th season and said, “We were talking earlier today about what’s New York right now. So there is a classic version of that, and then what does it look like today? That’s intriguing to me.”
FAQs about Only Murders in the Building
A. Steve Martin and John Hoffman are the creators of Only Murders in the Building.
A. Yes, there will be a 5th season of Only Murders in the Building.
A. Yes, Only Murders in the Building is available to stream on Disney+.