Arcane: League of Legends is an adult animated action TV show by Christian Linke and Alex Yee on Netflix. The show is based on the popular battle arena game League of Legends developed by Riot Games and released in 2009. The show was produced by French animation studio Fortiche Production in partnership with the developers of the game. The first season of the show was released on November 6, 2021.
After the success of Season 1, fans waited three years for the release of Season 2 on November 23, 2024. It topped the Top 10 list in 52 countries within the first week of its release on Netflix. It was praised by the critics and was considered one of the best video game adaptations. The show follows the rivalry between the two utopian cities- Piltover and Zaun- exploring different characters and the rising tensions between the two cities. Audiences resonate with the story because of its universal themes.
What is Arcane about?
Arcane is set in the League of Legends universe. The show is based on the origin of the game's characters, Vi and Jinx (also known as Powder), who are sisters. They were once inseparable, but now they are on opposite sides of the war and have chosen different paths. The politicians behind the war don't care about the well-being of its people. The conflict was over the powerful Arcane technology which could change the whole world.
The twin cities, Piltover and Zaun, were once united and now are fighting against each other. Piltover is a city of progress, while Zaun is filled with corruption, pollution, and inequality. In Season 2, the two sisters, Vi and Jinx, reunite and fight together against their father, Vander. In the end, after many ups and downs, the battle between the two cities ended, and the people of both cities reunited.
The show became popular among League of Legends fans, and both seasons were successful on Netflix. The cast of the show included Hailee Steinfeld, Ella Purnell, Kevin Alejandro, Katie Leung, Toks Olagundoye, Harry Lloyd, Jason Spisak, JB Blanc, etc. The show became the first streaming animated show to win a Primetime Emmy Award in 2022. It also won 9 Annie Awards for its 1st season.
Will there be a 3rd season of Arcane?
The 2nd season was the final season of the Netflix show. The creators of the show announced that Season 2, released in 2024, will be the final season, as they already waited for 3 years for the 2nd season. Fans of the show were disappointed by the news. In an interview with Cinemablend, the co-creator of the show, Christian Linke, shared why they made the tough decision to end the show. He said, “We always had a specific story in mind. Look, you could have stretched it, I'm sure. But for us, it was always just like we started with this in mind. I think there's also a personal angle to it as creatives.”
He added, “ We've all seen the TV shows, where clearly the writers are running out of juice. How inspired can you stay about the same thing, for how long? It's been nine years for us, with these characters. I think there's a responsibility aspect to this, also, where we're like, this is what we had in mind.” With the announcement of the final season, the creators also shared news about spin-offs featuring characters from the show. They shared that 3 shows based on League of Legends are in development.
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FAQ about Arcane
A. Loris is the guy with the shield in Arcane.
A. Huck is the guy with glasses in Arcane.
A. Hailee Steinfeld voices Vi in Arcane.