In the popular Apple TV show Silo, which explores a post-apocalyptic world, what destroyed the world becomes a major mystery. The bird's painting in Solo's Valut, therefore becomes symbolic and serves as the centerpiece of the narrative in Season 2. The painting offers a clue to this mystery that has engulfed Silo and its residents since the beginning.
Solo is quite secretive about his identity when he asks Juliette everything about her past. Solo's vault is a hidden chamber that contains some old artifacts from before the establishment of Silos, around 300 years ago. It often challenges the narrative that is been imposed upon the Silos residents. Juliette finds a bird painting in the Vault. What is the bird painting about in Solo's Valut? The painting actually shows the outside world.
What is the bird painting about in Solo's Vault?
The painting shows the outside world. In the foreground, it has a white eagle that looks prominent along with some more birds, and in the background is a green field with some trees at the corners. A man is seen walking across the field along with 2 more figures at the corners.
When Juliette takes a close look at the painting she realizes it's less about birds and more depicts the outside world full of colors. It poses a contrast with the confined world inside Silos. The painter has also incorporated trigonometry to gauge the distance between the object and the outside world.
The inverted triangle can be seen in the painting with the arid land suggesting the area surrounded by Silos and the green field is that of the outside world. On the green side, there is an electric pole depicting some luxuries necessary for human settlement.
In the show, Solo can be seen writing some stuff on the walls of his Vault and hence this suggests that the painting might be his creation.
What the point D in the painting suggest?
Hollison and Allison left Silos before Juliette and they both died at the same spot of the cliff where the letter D is drawn in the painting.
In the Silo book, it is written that the founders intentionally contaminated the air outside Silos to back their version of the truth that showcases the outside world as deadly. They did this so that no one attempted to cross the hill.
Even in the series, it is believed that the ones who left Silos didn't die at first. One of the survivors recounts that immediately after leaving, a wind of dust in a direction swept and killed them outside the Silo. When Juliette approached Silo 17 she also found a trail of bodies leading to the bottom of the cliff.
Therefore the line of the body reveals multiple attempts were made by Silo residents to escape but failed as a result of contaminated air. The painting becomes a symbolic artifact for characters like Juliette who are desperate to find the truth and escape the vaults as the painting brings forth the imagery of an open blue sky that Silo people think doesn't exist anymore.
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