Tulsa King season 2, a comedy-crime TV series airs on Paramount+. The show stars Sylvester Stallone in his first scripted television series. Stallone stars as Dwight "The General" Manfredi, a Mafia caporegime recently released from prison in upstate New York who heads to Tulsa, Oklahoma, with a plan to rebuild the criminal organization he once ran.
Dwight believes that no one in his crime family can appreciate him, so he is building an empire he can call his own. One of his biggest gofers is Mitch Keller. Mitch used to own a local tavern, which has become a gathering place for him and his crew these days. The character, played by Garrett Hedlund, is a former prisoner and rodeo rider, adding a rugged touch to the story that complements the western setting of Tulsa King.
Disclaimer: The article may contain spoilers for the series of Tulsa King season 2
Everything to know about Garrett Hedlund’s character in Tulsa King season 2
Mitch is one of the gang members of Tulsa King season 2, but he has been getting more screen time lately. Previously, the show focused more on Sylvester Stallone's character, Dwight Manfredi. However, season 2 has been giving more attention to individual gang members than before, resulting in interesting character moments.
Ex-con turned singer-songwriter turned car dealership manager Mitch Keller did a lot in Tulsa King season 2. The actor's spectacular performance in the new season proves the writers knew they had made a great choice when they cast Garrett Hedlund.
To mention one such scene in episode 7, Mitch, along with Tyson Mitchell, is disturbed by his injured father, Mark, who wants to kill Bill Bevilaqua. It is then when Mitch explains to him the critical situation of killing someone, which is one of those really good examples to show his acting potential and see why he needed a significant role in season 2.
Garrett Hedlund's bigger role in Tulsa King season 2
Mitch is one of the main characters in Tulsa King who can carry the show all by himself, without even Dwight. Tulsa King has just become an epic story with a gang of really interesting characters. Even though Dwight is still the center of attention, the show is much better when other cool characters accompany him.
Mitch Keller has demonstrated his ability to take on a larger role in Tulsa King. This opportunity is exactly what he needs. The support he has provided to other characters this season has positioned him as the second most important person in the gang, right after Dwight.
Speaking to CBR, Garrett said:
"I just wanted to see what was going to be next. And I don't feel the writers are disappointed in this whatsoever. There are going to be some really fun directions we go in this season that allow Mitch to be a little more humorous; just wait and see."
Fans can stream Tulsa King season 2 on Paramount+
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