The Wheel of Time Season 3 Episode 5, "Tel'aran'rhiod," begins in the Aiel Waste, where Moiraine struggles with the enormity of the power of the Sakarnen, a sa'angreal she has just obtained.
Rand makes his way to cement his place among the Aiel, and Egwene starts training to become a Dreamwalker. At the same time, Perrin organizes a brave rescue operation, and Siuan is dealing with mounting tensions at the White Tower. The following is a close description of what happened in the episode.
Moiraine and Rand in the Aiel Waste in The Wheel of Time Season 3 Episode 5
The Wheel of Time Season 3, Episode 5 opens with Moiraine trying to harness the massive power of the Sakarnen. She can handle its power at first, but as it builds up, she is overwhelmed and almost loses control. Lan intervenes to steady her, asking what she saw in Rhuidean’s rings. Moiraine remains cryptic but hints at the inevitability of Rand’s survival being tied to her sacrifice.
Later, Moiraine and Lan share a quiet moment by the fire, discussing her vision and drinking Aiel alcohol. At the same time, Rand travels with Moiraine and the Aiel after leaving Rhuidean with golden dragon marks representing his destiny as Car'a'carn.
Rand encounters suspicion by certain Aiel chiefs who doubt his authenticity as their leader. Aviendha reluctantly teaches Rand Aiel traditions while tensions simmer beneath their association. These sequences continue to examine Rand's conflict between his destiny as The Dragon Reborn and cultural expectations.
Egwene's dreamwalking training in The Wheel of Time Season 3 Episode 5
Egwene's plot revolves around her training with the Wise Ones in Tel'aran'rhiod, the world of dreams. The Wise Ones caution her against its perils, pointing out that death in the dream world is death in the real world. When Egwene first enters Tel'aran'rhiod, her subconscious creates her fears in the form of shining armor that changes back to ordinary clothes as she relaxes.
While exploring Tel'aran'rhiod, Egwene has visions of her friends leading happy lives. Her hopes are dashed, however, when she discovers Rand embracing Lanfear in a close hug—a Forsaken who haunts Egwene's dreams. Egwene flees back to the real world, shaken by Lanfear's demonstration of strength.
Moiraine then convinces Egwene to go back into Tel'aran'rhiod again despite her reservations, as it is imperative to their task. Egwene grudgingly acquiesces but still distrusts the presence of Lanfear in the world of dreams.
Perrin's rescue mission and White Tower politics in The Wheel of Time Season 3 Episode 5
Perrin is sent on a rescue mission to a White Cloak camp to rescue a mother and her daughters who are being held captive. The team makes the rescue mission in the cover of night and manages to find the daughters without difficulty but learns that their mother has been tortured and bound to a pole.
Perrin meets intense resistance during their retreat but manages to fend off the attackers with assistance from Alanna and Maksim. At the same time, tensions build inside the White Tower as Siuan Sanche argues with Elaida about her polarizing leadership.
Elaida announces a plan to confine The Dragon Reborn in a vote in the Great Hall, considering it paramount to keep prophecy in check. Siuan retorts by seeding disinformation to find out if Elaida is in cahoots with the Black Ajah. Elaida goes into the 13th Depository under The White Tower to question members of Black Ajah but is attacked by an unseen figure when Siuan and Leane rescue her.
The Wheel of Time Season 3, Episode 5, is available to stream on Prime Video.

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