The Lord of The Rings: Rings of Power - Role of Tom Bombadill in Middle Earth mythology explored 

Tom bring mystery and wonder in The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power. (Image Source - Prime Video)
Tom bring mystery and wonder in The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power. (Image Source - Prime Video)

The Lord of The Rings: Rings of Power has stirred up love for J.R.R. Tolkien's richly woven world of Middle-earth. It introduces new characters and explores the deeper parts of the story. Among the most intriguing figures in Tolkien's universe is Tom Bombadil whose presence in Middle-earth is filled with mystery and wonder.

He resides in the Old Forest, near the Shire, with his wife, Goldberry, the River-daughter. Tom is often depicted as seemingly immortal, and unaffected by the perils that trouble the rest of Middle-earth in The Lord of The Rings: Rings of Power. His carefree nature and wisdom make him a compelling figure, yet his role remains ambiguous.

Tolkien described Tom Bombadil in The Lord of The Rings: Rings of Power as a symbol of peace. However, he also believed that Bombadil's presence would help the hobbits and their companions in their fight against the rising evil in the East of Middle-earth. Tolkien noted that Bombadil's survival depended on the West winning the war.

What role does Tom Bombadill play in The Lord of The Rings: Rings of Power

The Rings of Power is set thousands of years before The Lord of the Rings, during the Second Age of Middle-earth. Tom Bombadil’s involvement in this period was speculative, as Tolkien did not place him in specific events of the Second Age. However, if he were to appear, his role could be that of a watcher, observing the rise of Sauron and the forging of the Rings without direct intervention. His wisdom and neutrality might offer a unique perspective.

Kristian Milstead, the production designer of The Lord of The Rings: Rings of Power, came up with the idea to add a star ceiling to Tom Bombadil's summer cottage. This idea was incorporated to hint at the fact that Bombadil has been watching the stars for signs, including the arrival of the Stranger.

The showrunners also decided to give Bombadil a second home on the edge of Rhun, a place that was once a green, beautiful paradise but has now become a barren wasteland. Bombadil traveled to Rhun through the Stranger to stop the devastation from reaching his homeland.

Is Tom Bombadill a Maiar or Valar?

There are many speculations and debates around this topic. Some fans think Tom Bombadil could be a Maiar, like Gandalf and Saruman, or even a Valar, because of his ancient roots and mysterious powers. However, Bombadil's true identity is kept deliberately unclear, with Tolkien suggesting he might be something entirely different, outside the usual order of Middle-earth.

The most common theory is that Tom could be an Ainu, like a Valar. He seems to have unlimited power within the boundaries he sets for himself, and his powers might come from staying within those limits. However, since the seven Valars are all named and known, it's difficult to link any of them directly to Tom.

Some theories suggest he could be Aule with Goldberry as Yavanna, but there’s no mention of Aule or any other Vala leaving Valinor to live in Middle-earth. The most widely accepted idea is that Bombadil is a rogue Maia who stayed behind and did not follow the other Ainur when the world changed. Unlike the Valar, the number of Maiar is unknown, which makes it easier to place Tom as one of them.

What might happen to Tom Bombadill if Sauron wins in The Lord of The Rings: Rings of Power?

If Sauron prevails in The Lord of The Rings: Rings of Power, it’s uncertain what fate will befall Tom Bombadil. Given his immunity to the Ring, it is possible he would remain unaffected by Sauron’s dominion. However, Sauron's potential dominance over Middle-earth might disrupt the natural balance that Bombadil represents. Sauron's rule will bring darkness and control over Middle-earth, even in Bombadil's untouched land. Tom would not be able to stop Sauron as his powers are limited to Old Forest.

Who plays Tom Bombadill in The Lord of The Rings: Rings of Power?

Tom Bombadil appears for the first time in a live-action role in the second season of The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power, played by English actor Rory Kinnear. Kinnear is well known for his roles as M’s chief of staff in the last four James Bond movies, Frankenstein’s creature in Penny Dreadful, and the British prime minister who does something shocking for a good cause in the first episode of Black Mirror.

Kinnear was new to The Lord of the Rings world before joining the cast of The Rings of Power. "There are those who know it from the books, those who know it from the movies, and those who made it to 46 without knowing much about it," he said. When he was offered the role, he was honest and said:

“I hadn’t read it. I’ll go away, read it, and get back to you.”

He then spoke to his partner, who knew the books and movies well - “I’ve been offered this role. Apparently, it’s in the books. A guy named Tom Bombadil.” Her reaction was, “No way! You’re not playing Tom Bombadil!” This made him realize that the role had a lot of cultural importance and he needed to treat it carefully.

Kinnear clarified that his partner, Pandora Colin (who also acted in Penny Dreadful), was surprised to hear of Tom Bombadil's inclusion in the show as a character. "No, she was excited. That was her excited face," he said.

Tom's character is rather intriguing in The Lord of The Rings: Rings of Power as it was very in the hands of the makers of the show rather than strictly picked up off the books.

You can watch The Lord of The Rings: Rings of Power only on Prime Video. Stay tuned to Soap Central for more.

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Edited by Yesha Srivastava