ABC aired The Golden Bachelorette finale on Wednesday, November 13, 2024. Fans eagerly awaited the popular show's season finale, featuring leading lady Joan's family members, including her children.
Unfortunately, only one participant got to meet Joan's family members. As fans already know, before The Golden Bachelorette revealed the finale result, one of the contestants was to be eliminated. Only "the one" Joan chose will meet her family, including Nick and Ally.
Before the final result of The Golden Bachelorette was declared, Joan opted to have a private conversation with Guy and notified him of her decision. As the show star shared, she mentioned that her heart "belonged" to someone else.
The segment revealed Chock, whom Joan chose as her "the one," and he received the "final rose" from Joan. However, after witnessing Joan's decision to choose Chock over Guy, The Golden Bachelorette fans took to the social media platform X and shared their views.
A fan shared on X where Chock was referred to as "the creepiest man,"
"Joan picking Chock, the creepiest man who I've seen way too much of his tongue so far, over all the other guys."
Another fan commented,
"Thank you for confirming, I'm not the only one who was really weirded out by his gaze."
To that, one fan replied and wrote,
"I was creeped out by him on Day ONE. Blech."
Another X user mentioned how Joan should have chosen Guy,
"Should have picked Guy! Somethings off about Chock and idk what #goldenbachelorette."
One more fan wrote,
"Chock getting engaged to Joan makes me sick this show fucking sucks. Team Guy all the way #TheGoldenBachelorette."
A fan commented on how fast Joan broke things off with Guy,
"Chocks sales pitch lasted longer than Joan's conversation with Guy #goldenbachelorette."
One more fan commented on X,
"Guy is breaking down. I cant watch this omg. Such a sweet guy. He needs love and will find it #goldenbachelorette."
After witnessing Joan choosing Chock, some fans even commented that Guy needs to be the next "Golden Bachelor". Referring to the same, a fan shared,
"Guy needs to be golden bachelor !!!! Tell me he is #goldenbachelorette."
Another fan shared a similar comment on X,
"We ride at dawn for guy to be the next Golden Bachelor #goldenbachelorette."
A fan referred to Joan's decision as "worse" and commented,
"Joan chose Chock over Guy the only worse decision she could make would be a reverse mortgage #wyatr #goldenbachelorette."
One of the show fans shared,
"Why wouldn't she pick Guy....he is real...Chock is scary......#GoldenBachelorette."
One more fan commented on X,
"Joan had her pick between Creepy McCreeperson and Prince Guy from Lake Tahoe, and she chose the Creep. Her son said there are large shoes to fill when it came to his dad, and she chose Little Foot! He gives the ick! #goldenbachelorette #thebachelorette."
The Golden Bachelorette: Fans react to Joan choosing Chock after breaking up with Guy
The much-awaited Golden Bachelorette finale aired on November 13, 2024. The question that all the fans had been wondering was finally answered, as the leading lady, Joan, made her choice and chose Chock as her better half.
It happened after The Golden Bachelorette star broke things off with another finalist participant, Guy. Since fans have witnessed everything on the show, many viewers didn't go with Joan's choice. Some fans felt that she should have chosen Guy and not Chock.
Referring to the same, some The Golden Bachelorette fans took to social media platform X and reacted to Joan picking Chock over Guy in the show finale.
Fans can stream The Golden Bachelorette finale episode on Hulu.
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