Sylvie Grateau was the chief marketing officer for Savoir's Paris site in Emily in Paris. She oversaw the team of executives and staff.
MTV Studios and Lily Collins are the producers of the Netflix series, Emily, in Paris. Along with Tony Hernandez, Lilly Burns, and Andrew Fleming, Darren Star is an executive producer and the creator and writer of the romantic comedy. Emily, the titular character of the series, works for Gilbert Group, a Chicago-based business that just acquired the Paris-based French marketing firm Savior. In order to fill a social media marketing position that her boss can no longer fill, Emily is sent to Paris.
Sylvie’s Background in Emily in Paris

The daughter of Héloïse, Sylvie married Laurent Grateau at an early age and had stock in his startup companies. She joined the French marketing company Savoir because she had aspirations of becoming a marketing executive. Despite their separation, Sylvie and Laurent remained legally wed.
In her youth, she also experimented with photography. She spent more than ten years working for Savoir and got along well with Paul Brossard, her now-former boss. Sylvie started a long-lasting relationship with Antoine Lambert, the CEO of Maison Lavaux and Savoir's newest client, twelve years ago.
Sylvie even made friends with Catherine, Antoine's wife, and they had an interesting relationship. She rose through the ranks at Savoir to become the head of marketing at the Paris site, where she oversees a number of staff members. Paul's choice to sell Savoir to the Gilbert Group, an American marketing firm, did not sit well with her.
Sylvie’s Personality in Emily in Paris
Sylvie is a dedicated employer who knows what she needs and won't accept anything less. She believes that her coworkers should be as intelligent as she is. She is often seen as harsh or impolite due to her honesty. She has romantic feelings for Antoine and has come to desire more from their connection than just sex. She was disappointed when Antoine decided to go with Catherine instead of her. Her work at Savoir served as a conduit for her wrath, which usually came from sadness.
Sylvie’s Relationships with other Characters in Emily in Paris
Emily Cooper

Sylvie is a tough woman who doesn't have much tolerance for Emily, the American girl who works for her. Sylvie, like some of her coworkers, didn't like Emily at first because she didn't speak French and tried to change things at Savoir. As time went on, they came to understand each other.
Antoine Lambert

When Sylvie and Antoine first met more than ten years ago, they were both ambitious young businesspeople. Sylvie is handling Antoine's account; he was just signed as a client of Savoir. Despite being married, he followed her vigorously, and they began a long-lasting affair. She was his mistress until she felt unappreciated and got tired of the broken promises and the secrecy.
Pierre Cadault

Sylvie passionately wants to represent Pierre because she admires him. The fact that he called Emily "Ringarde" offended her.
FAQs about Sylvie from Emily in Paris
Sylvie Grateau was the chief marketing officer for Savoir's Paris site in Emily in Paris. She oversaw the team of executives and staff.
Yes, Sylvie in Emily in Paris is actually French. She is portrayed by Philippine Leroy-Beaulieu, a French actress.
Sylvie separated from Laurent but they stayed married on papers.
Sylvie is estimated to be in her late 40s or early 50s, in Emily in Paris.