Survivor 47 episode 4 recap: Who was voted out, immunity challenge results and more

Survivor 47
Lavo Tribe at Survivor 47 | Image source: Instagram/@Kishaaaan

Kishan Patel left the game in a surprise elimination during Survivor 47 episode 4, which aired on October 9, 2024. The episode, titled Is That Blood in Your Hair, featured Genevieve Mushaluk leading a strategic move against Kishan, while Rome Cooney used his Steal-a-Vote advantage to remove Kishan's voting power.

The hour included an immunity challenge where Gata and Tuku tribes won safety and rewards, leaving Lavo to attend Tribal Council in Survivor 47. Sue Smey of Tuku found a hidden immunity idol, and a journey involving three castaways introduced a new advantage called the Amulet Idol.

Rome's steal-a-vote shakes up Survivor 47 Lavo Tribe

Tribal Council blindside at Lavo

In this decisive Survivor 47 tribal council, the Lavo tribe experienced a major shift in power dynamics. Rome Cooney played his Steal-a-Vote advantage and targeted Kishan Patel.

This move effectively silenced Kishan's voice in the tribal decision. When Jeff Probst read the votes, the result was unanimous: Kishan, Kishan, Kishan.

The unanimity was partly due to Teeny Chirichillo's lost vote from an earlier journey and Solomon "Sol" Yi's decision not to play his Shot in the Dark advantage.

As Kishan prepared to leave, he whispered to Genevieve Mushaluk, "I trusted us three," revealing his surprise at the outcome. Genevieve, who had orchestrated the blindside, told Teeny that she would explain her decision later, hinting at the complex strategy behind the vote in Survivor 47.

The tribal council's events were the culmination of earlier tensions within the Lavo tribe. Rome had previously issued an ultimatum to Sol regarding the Steal-a-Vote, creating a rift between the two players. This aggressive gameplay style contributed to the volatile atmosphere leading up to the vote.

Immunity challenge results and rewards

The Survivor 47 immunity challenge tested tribes in five stages: rolling a heavy metal cube, tossing bean bags through a stacked frame, completing a sandbag shuffle, digging for a key, and solving a fire puzzle. The results were:

  • Gata tribe came first (won immunity and three egg-laying hens)
  • Tuku tribe came second (won immunity and six eggs)
  • Lavo tribe came last (sent to the Tribal Council)

Lavo's performance was notably poor, with Rome and Genevieve failing to place a single piece in the puzzle. Jeff Probst remarked on their inability to change strategy or switch players during this Survivor 47 challenge.

Hidden immunity idol and advantage developments

At the Tuku camp, Sue Smey discovered a Beware Advantage leading to a hidden immunity idol. The retrieval process involved cutting a rope, which caused a coconut to fall and break, splashing red paint in the surrounding area.

Sue attempted to conceal her find by washing away the paint and covering the area with sand. However, her tribemates Tiyana and Caroline noticed what appeared to be "blood" on Sue's hands, face, and hair, raising suspicions about her activities.

Pre-Tribal strategy and alliance shifts

In the lead-up to the tribal council, the Lavo tribe experienced significant strategic maneuvering. Rome's aggressive gameplay style manifested in his refusal to leave Sol alone, following him around camp. This behavior created tension within the tribe and influenced the strategic discussions that followed.

Kishan attempted to manipulate the situation by exacerbating the conflict between Rome and Sol, believing it would benefit his position in the game. However, this plan backfired when Genevieve learned that Kishan had suggested using her name as a decoy vote.

Upon discovering Kishan's actions, Genevieve pivoted her strategy. She approached Rome, informing him that he was the target of the upcoming vote. This move allowed her to gauge Rome's reaction and assess her options moving forward.

Genevieve then attempted to convince Sol to work with her against Kishan, demonstrating her ability to navigate complex tribal dynamics. Despite her efforts, Sol remained resistant to any alliance involving Rome. At the tribal council, Rome made a public apology to Sol for his earlier aggressive approach.

The preview for the next episode teases the introduction of a brand new Survivor twist, suggesting further surprises await the contestants. Additionally, hints of potential conflict between Gabe and Tiyana at the Tuku tribe indicate that inter-tribal dynamics may soon come into play.

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Edited by Abhimanyu Sharma