Sonic The Hedgehog 3, released on 20th December, showcases Shadow, the primary antagonist in the previous two Sonic films, escaping from confinement. This leads Sonic and the team to make an unlikely alliance, even with their enemy, Dr. Robotnik (played by Jim Carrey), to save the world.
The film features returning cast members Ben Schwartz as Sonic, Idris Elba as Knuckles, Colleen O'Shaughnessey as Tails, and Keanu Reeves as the voice of Shadow.
Jeff Fowler directed all three Sonic films. In an interview with Variety, he opened up about recasting Jim Carrey in Sonic The Hedgehog 3. Read further to know in detail.
Sonic The Hedgehog 3 brings back Jim Carrey as Dr. Robotnik but there's more to it
Jim Carrey returns with his iconic role as Dr. Ivo Robotnik, a mad scientist and primary antagonist in Sonic The Hedgehog 3. The catch this time is that Jim is not just playing demented Dr. Robotnik but also his grandfather, Professor Gerald Robotnik.
Jim Carrey recently announced his retirement from acting, but even after that, Fowler managed to get his consent for the role. Recasting was not an option for Fowler as Carrey's comic styling is irreplaceable.
“In my heart of hearts, I felt like if we offered Jim a fun concept and if we dangled just the right carrot, he’d come back,” Fowler says. “He loves entertaining young audiences.”
The director also said that the fact that he was offered not one but two amazing characters was the reason why it was a steal deal for him. In another interview, talking about his return Jim said that the role excites him and the Sonic team is like a family to him.
What else did Fowler mention about Sonic The Hedgehog 3?
Fowler also mentioned that Sonic The Hedgehog 3 will also serve as the introduction of Shadow in the Sonic Cinematic Universe. He admits that no other than Keanu Reeves would have given justice to such kind of a character.
“There are obvious parallels between John Wick and Shadow,” Fowler admits. “But Keanu has always played complex, brooding characters with a real edge to them. He was the perfect fit.”
The director said that the Sonic franchise is challenging and exciting. The reviews by fans on social media on the CGI creation of characters were disappointing. The fans commented on the character's faulty eyes and teeth, comparing them wrongly to "Cats." Fowler sent the team back to redesign it all again.
“The fans are passionate about these characters and you have to respect that,” he says. “It comes from a place of love.”
He concluded by admitting that he is determined to grow the family of Sonic characters, and they are currently just "hitting their stride."