Run Jin – Squid Jin Game Part 2 review: The conclusion of the chaos special from Jin of BTS

Collage by Beatrix Kondo of screenshots from Run Jin - Squid Jin Game Pt. 2 and Canva elements | Source: Bagtan Tv/Canva
Collage from Squid Jin Game - pt. 2 by Beatrix Kondo | Source: BangtanTV on YouTube/Canva

Disclaimer: No major spoilers of Run Jin - Squid Jin Game Part 2 (final) ahead! We’re talking about the madness, but if you want to know who actually wins, you’ll have to watch for yourself. Plus, no squids were hurt in the process of this review-making.

The second half of Run Jin’s Squid Game is here, and if you thought things would calm down… you clearly don’t know Jin of BTS. After a first-round filled with questionable strategies, shameless rule-breaking, and several people getting hit in the head with kitchenware, the chaos only escalates.

From unexpected betrayals to Jin getting a taste of his own medicine, this episode proves one thing: There is no such thing as playing fair in Jin’s world. (But there is kindness. And fun.)

Rock, paper, revenge

The first game of the episode seems simple enough. Rock, paper, scissors. But Run Jin is allergic to simplicity. Instead of a quiet match of wits, this turns into a full-contact sport featuring metal trays, plastic basins, and a concerning amount of head trauma.

Jin, of course, watches from the sidelines, laughing nonstop while everyone else gets smacked. But the universe is fairer than Jin of BTS ever will be because when he finally steps in… he gets hit. Hard. Multiple times.

The man who spent the whole game mocking other people’s pain? Yeah. Karma came for him, and it came swinging. And yet, despite getting battered more than once, Jin still refuses to take anything seriously. Every hit just makes him laugh harder, proving that, win or lose, his true goal is chaos.

And then, just when you think he’s learned his lesson, he’s back to his old tricks—because Jin may fall, but he never stays down for long.

Red Light, Green Light, and Jin pretending to be innocent

Next up is Red Light, Green Light, and suddenly, Jin of BTS is a man of principle. He tells everyone to play fair, to respect the rules, to embrace the spirit of competition.

But does Jin actually play fair?

If you think the answer is yes, you haven’t been paying attention. We won’t spoil what happens, but let’s just say that trusting the worldwide handsome Jin of BTS in a survival game is a rookie mistake.

And even though he starts off looking suspiciously well-behaved, his true nature can’t stay hidden for long. One minute, he’s all wide-eyed innocent (our sweet newborn giraffe), the next he’s somehow at the center of absolute mayhem.

At some point, you have to wonder—is he actually trying to win, or is he just here to cause problems?

Mission relay, or how to win by doing absolutely nothing

By the time the mission relay starts, dignity is long gone. The mini-games fly by in a blur of last-minute betrayals, ridiculous challenges, and Jin somehow avoiding any real work while others suffer.

At this point, it’s clear that strategy doesn’t matter because Jin’s team is destined to win. They don’t play better. They don’t play smarter. They just exist in Jin’s gravitational pull, and that alone is enough to guarantee victory.

And while his teammates sweat through the challenges, Jin of BTS spends half the time either pretending to contribute or causing more problems. He’s perfected the art of doing the absolute minimum while still acting like he carried the team on his back.

It’s almost inspiring—a masterclass in chaos management.

Also funny was hearing Jin say he would have died if he were in the real Squid Game. (Even though Jimin might have won it with honors, but let's not delve into this here. It's Jin's spotlight.)

GUCCI brand global ambassador Jin of boy band BTS - Image via Getty
GUCCI brand global ambassador Jin of boy band BTS - Image via Getty

The grand finale: food, forced enthusiasm, and a surprise twist

After all the betrayals, screaming, and general disaster, the episode somehow ends on a wholesome note. Jin, being Jin, manages to be ridiculously cute at the finish line.

Then comes the final act: the mandatory Jin-brand advertisement. This time, it’s food, which means it’s slightly less awkward than usual. (And Jin loves food. Who doesn't, anyway?)

Sure, there are moments where he reads the script with the energy of a man being held hostage, but at least the food looks good.

And just when it seems like Jin of BTS has once again cheated his way to victory… there’s a twist. He may have won, but he is not the winner.

Yes, Jin technically wins, but that doesn’t mean he actually won. Something shifts at the very last moment, pulling the rug out from under him in a way that not even Jin’s usual tricks can undo—or does it not?

The final result? You’ll have to watch to find out.

The verdict? Jin cheats, Jin wins, and then… maybe he doesn’t?

Ki Seokjin, aka Jin of BTS, speaks at a White House press briefing. (Image via Getty)
Ki Seokjin, aka Jin of BTS, speaks at a White House press briefing. (Image via Getty)

From start to finish, Run Jin’s Squid Jin Game part two is a masterpiece of controlled chaos. There’s strategy, but barely. There’s fairness, but only if you squint. There’s Jin, and that’s all that matters. And he has a heart of gold.

At the end of the day, Jin of BTS is not just playing the game—he’s rewriting the rules as he goes.

But the real question is, did he actually play fair?

Well… you’ll have to watch and see.

Rating? 5 out of 5 stars.

Rating with a touch of flair: 5 out of 5 yummy Honest Yogurts.


Fun fact: When Jimmy Fallon recently asked Jin of BTS who had given his trademark nickname (Worldwide Handsome), guess what his response was:

"I did."

PS. While I will not be reviewing all of the episodes of the Run Jin series (the man has too much energy, there are other awesome series to review, and time is scarce), I highly recommend the entire series. It's ongoing. It's fun—whether you're ARMY or not. You're welcome.

PPS. If Run Jin’s Squid Game wasn’t enough chaotic energy for you, don’t worry because Jin of BTS isn’t done causing mayhem just yet, and now he's going to debut on the major streaming platform we all know, yeah, Netflix!

On April 8, he’s making his grand return to Netflix in Kian84’s B&B (대환장 기안장), where he joins Ji Ye-eun on a remote island to… well, let’s just say “hospitality” might not be the right word for what they’ll be putting their guests through.

Expect beautiful scenery, questionable decision-making, and Jin thriving in yet another setting of pure, unfiltered chaos.

Edited by Anshika Jain
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