Outlander Season 7 Part 2: A complete recap of Season 7 Part 1 before the upcoming episodes drop

Outlander Season 7 Part 2 will arrive in November (Image Source: Starz)

In Outlander Season 7 Part 1, Sam Heughan's Jamie and his wife Claire (played by Caitriona Balfe) had an incredibly tough journey together. The season begins with Claire locked up for a crime she didn't commit, followed by Jamie dreaming about her being hung for killing Malva. Despite being in prison, Claire highlighted her resilience and skills in medicine.

She was also taken to a ship to help Governor Martin's pregnant wife, and as expected, Claire was able to help her with her expertise in medicine. The titular character met one of her cell members Sadie Ferguson who had been held there for almost a month.

Claire asked the governor for medical supplies after she helped his wife. The governor asked Claire to make a list of the medicines, in which she also demanded her husband.

Jamie then finds his wife on the docks, and the two reunite after a long wait. Now that Claire is out with her husband, the couple has to face the challenges together.

Jamie's struggles in freeing his wife Claire in Outlander Season 7 Part 1

Claire and Jamie (Image Source: Starz)
Claire and Jamie (Image Source: Starz)

Jamie did succeed in freeing his wife in Outlander Season 7, but it was only possible after making tough choices. As seen in the TV series, Jamie was given the option to provide military support if he wanted Claire out of the cell when she was locked.

Not only this, but later during a battle, Jamie was even asked to eliminate his uncle Simon Fraser, whom he respected. However, Jamie didn't shoot his uncle, but unintendedly, the bullet hit his son William's hat. Thankfully, William didn't get hurt and after the battle, he had a thoughtful but brie conversation with Jamie. At this point in Outlander, William didn't know Jamie was his biological father.

Allan Christie confessed to killing his half-sister Malva and mistreating her

Allan turns out to be the killer of Malva (Image Source: Starz)
Allan turns out to be the killer of Malva (Image Source: Starz)

Since Claire was wrongly accused of Malva's murder, there has to be someone who killed her. As the season progresses, Calire's speculation about Malv being killed by her half-brother turns out to be true. Outlander season 7 made a time jump, after which Claire confronted Allan at Malva's grave.

She's devastated to learn that Allan s*xually as*aulted Malva, and when she was about to expose her half-brother, Allan murdered her. Following his sin, Allan attempted to shoot himself, but Claire stopped him. However, fate had already decided his end, and a quick arrow from Ian marked Allan's death.

Ian and Claire were burying Allan's dead body and Mrs. Bug showed up. However, she didn't question the two and believed that Allan deserved it. She then joined Ian and Claire in setting Allan's body in the forest.

Roger and Brianna MacKenzie's Journey in Outlander Season 7 Pat 1

Roger and Brianna (Image Source: Starz)
Roger and Brianna (Image Source: Starz)

Richard Rankin's Roger and Sophie Skelton's Brianna faced their challenges in the series. While Roger found it hard to settle in the 18th century to find his son, Brianna tried balancing her career and life in a center where women didn't get many opportunities and exposure to work.

Roger was determined to find Jemmy during his journey. He's able to reflect on being a good father and husband. This quest allowed him to think about his actions and helped him grow.

Brianna, on the other hand, is also facing the challenges of time travel, but this didn't stop her from pursuing her ambition. She aimed at becoming an ambitious woman and a caring mother and wife.

Outlander Season 7 had a new couple: Ian and Rachel

Rachel and Ian (Image Source: Starz)
Rachel and Ian (Image Source: Starz)

While Claire and Jamie are the central figures in the TV series, fans finally get to see the budding romance between Ian and Rachel. Ian finally confessed his feelings for Rachel, but their distinct backgrounds might ignite tensions.

Rachel belongs to the Quakers, whose mindsets are completely different than Ian's community. But, the difference couldn't keep the two apart and they continue sharing similar feelings.

Outlander fans might agree that whenever there's a new couple, a major event disrupts the connection. As seen in the series, Ian's old enemy Arch Bug showed up because his wife was accidentally killed by Ian.

When Arch Bug lost his wife, he told Ian "When you have something valuable, I'll come for you.", and now that Ian has Rachel and their beloved dog, it's the best time for Bug to settle the score.

Notable character developments in Outlander Season 7 Part 1

A still from the historical drama (Image Source: Starz)
A still from the historical drama (Image Source: Starz)

The seventh part of the historical drama featured significant character development among the key characters including:

Jamie Fraser: Being a husband and a resilient warrior, Jamie navigated through the challenges of rescuing his wife and managing the war at the same time.

Claire Fraser: As mentioned above, Claire continued helping people with her knowledge of medicine, while also enduring injustice in the beginning.

Roger Wakefield MacKenzie: Roger's journey of self-discovery was featured in season seven, as he realized the responsibilities of leading a family.

Brianna Fraser: Brianna was struggling to balance her career goals and family. However, she didn't give up on either of them, showcasing her resilience during hard times.

Outlander can be streamed on Netflix.

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Edited by Mudeet Arora