It goes without saying that the world of The Wheel of Time is exquisitely layered, and replete with mythology and history. The recently-aired fourth episode of season three attested to this fact, when it exhibited the textured and rich ancestral history of Rand al'Thor, played by Josha Stradowski.
The latest episode of The Wheel of Time put Rand to the test, in the trial of Rhuidean. The trial necessitated that Rand take steps through the glass columns in the city of clouds, and each step takes him back in time.
In each of the five eras he travels, Rand finds himself in the shoes of a different ancestor. All of the five eras are equally insighful in tracing his ancestry and lineage. Let us now discuss the five different characters that actor Josha Stradowski resultantly gets to play.
The Wheel of Time: The era of Janduin
Rand's immediate father Janduin is the first character from back in time that Rand comes across. Janduin is seen in a bloody state, and in rags, at the culmination of the Battle on Dragonmount. King Laman seems to have already been murdered in this ultimate battle of the Aiel war. This was also the exact moment of the birth of Dragon Reborn in The Wheel of Time.
The era of Mandein
The next flashback sees Josha Stradowskin in the shoes of another of his ancestors — Mandein, who was an Aiel chief. The segment has Mandein alongside the Aiel chief, being summoned to meet the Aes Sedai Latra Posae Decume. Mandein would also go on to become the first chief to subject himself to the trial of Rhuidean, embracing his ancestry.
The era of Lewin
Stradowski once again jumps the timelines and appears in the next segment as the young Lewin. He is said to be the first in the line of the "oathbreakers." He lived during the period also known as the Breaking, as well as the time period when the clan of the Aiel were relocating the Avendesora to the Waste. Lewin partook in an abortive rescue attempt after knowing that his sister had been abducted by bandits. After killing one of the bandits, Lewin and his mate Alijha were denounced as "oathbreakers."
The era of Jonai
The test of Rhuidean continued in the latest episode of The Wheel of Time, and saw Stradowski go back in time to the period of Jonai, who lived true to the principle of the Way of the Leaf, having only his grandson Adan to accompany him. When the others gave up the initiative, Jonai was the only one who kept dragging the wagon containing Avendesora.
The era of Charn
The final segment of the test takes Stradowski back in time to the era of Charn, who was the first one to witness the Dark One as it broke out of prison. It is also revealed that Charn served a scientist by the name of Aes Sedai Mierin Eronaile or Lanfear. By virtue of witnessing the Dark One's prison break, Charn's fate was inextricably tied to Dragon Reborn.
The Wheel of Time is exclusively available on Prime Video.

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