Shark Tank investor Robert Herjavec recently joined the famous YouTuber Davie Fogarty for a brief interview and revealed some tips on how to venture into a cybersecurity startup. During the shoot of one of the episodes of Shark Tank, Robert Herjavec let Fogarty into his vanity and talked about how the changing nature of the cybersecurity industry demands constant growth and improvement.
Fogarty mentioned that he met one guy who wanted to venture into the same industry and was integrating AI and getting the client on board. He wanted to know whether there was any scope to make it big as the industry was "boring". Robert Herjavec explained the workings of the cybersecurity industry and imparted what one must understand before putting a startup related to it.
He told Davie Fogarty:
"The great thing about cyber is that it goes in cycles of about 3 years and every 3 years it eats its own Young. And so there's constant room and Improvement and what's hot today will change in 3 years. You know why? cuz hackers are moving at a pace faster than the industry and being big means nothing in cyber."
Shark Tank's Robert Herjavec reveals "what makes him most unhappy"
The Croatian Canadian investor and Shark Tank judge Robert Herjavec hates "wasting time" and it gets under his skin when things are not organized or people are not efficient. Robert Herjavec revealed to Davie Fogarty during an interview that 98 percent of the time he is happy and enjoys his day but he loses his calm when "somebody messes up his reservations".
The context was that Herjavec was trying to explain to Fogarty that:
"I’m all about being efficient and organized. Whether it’s a messed-up reservation or something that could’ve been done faster, time is precious, and I hate seeing it slip away. It’s something I’m always working on, even when Kym reminds me to slow down and enjoy the little moments."
He also mentioned that he has this "overarching fear" that he would run out of time and therefore want to utilize every second preciously. Shark Tank investor shared that the thing about retirement that he does not like. He gave the example of his wife, Kym, who proposes doing things together, like, picking up kids together from school to spend some quality time.
However, he mentioned that he often suggests she divide the work to save time and be more efficient.
Shark Tank Season 16 premiered on October 16, 2024, on ABC.

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