Survivor announced Rachel LaMont as the winner of season 47 on Dec 18 on CBS. After an intense season, the show finally came to an end after throwing numerous challenges at the contestants.
The show that began with 18 contenders found its way to the grand finale with only 4 remaining to fight for the title. Rachel LaMont got through all the hurdles and finally reached the winning line before anybody else.
Survivor Season 47 winner Rachel LaMont recalls the finale
After winning the Survivor, Rachel recalled her unexpected journey on the show to victory and talked about the ups and downs of the gameplay.
During an interview, Rachel was asked if she felt like she had already won entering the Final Tribal Council similar to Genevieve, and how that changed after Survivor Sam's strong performance.
She talked about how she felt confident especially after Geneviene got eliminated,
"When I won that Final Five immunity, I was like, "I think I just won the game." I truly believe in that moment, knowing I'd get Genevieve out that night, I was like, "I think I see the path, and I really feel good about my chances."
Survivor season 47 winner continued as she talked about Sam's dramatic fire-making win and how that left her unsettled,
And then coming into that firemaking, I of course knew that perhaps Sam would beat Teeny. But not in the most outrageous, dramatic way possible, where the jury's jumping off the bench and everybody's freaking out. I was like, "You couldn't just win in a normal way?!" And so that was very scary, because I could tell the energy from the jury was so intense. And it was just the most dramatic thing that happened at Tribal the whole season."
She further talked about the dynamics Sam and the Survivor Season 47 winner shared and how that changed during the game,
"And then going into final Tribal and knowing Sam, our relationship was always like sibling rivalry. Like he would pick me up and give me a noogie, that is our dynamic. And so I knew we would go in and bicker like a little brother and big sister would. And so I was so prepared for that back and forth."
She further talked about how she felt intimated by Sam when he presented facts and numbers about his game,
"When he pulled out all those facts, the numbers about his game, I was like, "Oh my God. I didn't think about that." And it was just so intense. And there was multiple moments where I was like, "I think I just lost the game at Final Tribal." It was so intimidating. He did so well.
"When Jeff went to count the votes was the the most anxiety I'd had in days. I really felt like it was locked up, and then all of a sudden I was like, "Did I underestimate him? And is this not going to go my way?" So very fun and very intense."
The Survivor winner recalled how she felt anxious as Jeff counted the votes and questioned herself if she had underestimated Sam.
Rachel LaMont won the Survivor Season 47. You can watch all the episodes on CBS.

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